Module 1 Lesson 1 Activity and Analysis: Special Needs Education

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Sitti Shalyn B.

Arimao September 9, 2020

EEd2B SNed 1

Module 1 Lesson 1

Activity and Analysis


Using the chart below, write the first four words/phrases that you remember when you
encounter the term "Special Needs Education".

Children with disabilities Special needs


Unique potential


Answer the following questions:

1. Can you share some experiences where you felt that you do not belong? How did you deal
with it?

For once in our life, we experience the feeling of estrangement or feeling like we do
not belong anywhere. It is a chapter of our story where we go on some hard times and can't
just relate to anyone. Overcoming loneliness and finding true belonging is terrifying
especially for a twelve year old me way back in 2013.

I was in 7th Grade when I felt that I didn't fit in the whole universe. The idea of
entering high school made me happy for I thought it would be exciting because I am with my
best friend in one section. Thinking of facing challenges or school stuffs with a companion
was like the happiest feeling I could ever have back then but I was wrong. At first it was okay
but when the person you cherished the most just left you for she found new friends that was
better of you, then it’s a different case. Being in a classroom full intelligent students and
making me feel like I don't exist made me felt rejected. I was surrounded with lots of people
yet I was left alone. That time, I was depressed and I isolated myself from everyone. My
parents thought that I was doing well in school where in fact I had lots of absences and that
made my grades went low.

Realizing my mistake made me thought of my parents who were working hard day
and night for me to finish my studies, I stand up. Slowly, I tried to bring back myself by
saying sorry to myself and telling my family what I was going through. I remembered that
time I cried really hard. After sharing my burdens, I felt free. There was still pain but I
learned to accept it. I returned going to school and continued becoming a better person.
Reminiscing those days made me felt embarrassed but somehow I was proud to myself for I
overcome it and that made me who I am today, a person who is trying to become someone's
shoulder when they are down because for once I was there and knew the feeling of being
alone in the dark.

2. How will you summarize your answer in the chart?

Special Needs Education provides children with disabilities a free appropriate

education which is designed to fit their unique and special needs and enables them to grow to
their fullest potential.

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