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Chapter 2

The End of Bipolarity

The Berlin Wall, which had been
built at the height of the Cold War
and was its greatest symbol, was
toppled by the people in 1989.
This dramatic event was followed
by an equally dramatic and
historic chain of events that led
to the collapse of the ‘second
world’ and the end of the Cold War.
Germany, divided after the Second
World War, was unified. One after
another, the eight East European
countries that were part of the
Soviet bloc replaced their
communist gover nments in
response to mass demonstrations.
The Soviet Union stood by as the
Cold War began to end, not by The Berlin Wall
military means but as a result of symbolised the division
mass actions by ordinary men and between the capitalist
and the communist
women. Eventually the Soviet world. Built in 1961 to
Union itself disintegrated. In this separate East Berlin from West Berlin, this more than 150
chapter, we discuss the meaning, kilometre long wall stood for 28 years and was finally broken
the causes and the consequences by the people on 9 November 1989. This marked the
unification of the two parts of Germany and the beginning
of the disintegration of the ‘second
of the end of the communist bloc. The pictures here depict:
world’. We also discuss what 1. People making a tiny hole in the wall
happened to that part of the world 2. A section of the wall opened to allow free movement
after the collapse of communist 3. The Berlin Wall as it stood before 1989
Credit: 1. and 2. Frederik Ramm,
regimes and how India relates to
these countries now. 3.
18 Contemporary World Politics

WHAT WAS THE SOVIET machinery production, and a

transport sector that connected its
SYSTEM? remotest areas with efficiency. It
had a domestic consumer
LEADERS OF THE The Union of Soviet Socialist industry that produced everything
SOVIET UNION Republics (USSR) came into being from pins to cars, though their
after the socialist revolution in quality did not match that of the
Russia in 1917. The revolution was Western capitalist countries. The
inspired by the ideals of socialism, Soviet state ensured a minimum
as opposed to capitalism, and the standard of living for all citizens,
need for an egalitarian society. This and the government subsidised
was perhaps the biggest attempt basic necessities including health,
in human history to abolish the education, childcare and other
institution of private property and welfare schemes. There was no
Vladimir Lenin
consciously design a society based unemployment. State ownership
Founder of the
on principles of equality. In doing was the dominant for m of
Bolshevik so, the makers of the Soviet system ownership: land and productive
Communist party; gave primacy to the state and the assets were owned and controlled
leader of the institution of the party. The Soviet by the Soviet state.
Russian Revolution political system centred around
of 1917 and the the communist party, and no other The Soviet system, however,
founder-head of became very bureaucratic and
political party or opposition was
the USSR during
allowed. The economy was planned authoritarian, making life very
the most difficult
period following and controlled by the state. difficult for its citizens. Lack of
the revolution democracy and the absence of
After the Second World War,
(1917-1924); an freedom of speech stifled people who
outstanding the east European countries that often expressed their dissent in
theoretician and the Soviet army had liberated from
jokes and cartoons. Most of the
practitioner of the fascist forces came under the
institutions of the Soviet state
Marxism and a control of the USSR. The political
source of needed reform: the one-party
and the economic systems of all
inspiration for system represented by the
these countries were modelled
communists all Communist Party of the Soviet
after the USSR. This group of
over the world. Union had tight control over all
countries was called the Second
institutions and was unaccountable
World or the ‘socialist bloc’. The
to the people. The party refused to
Warsaw Pact, a military alliance,
recognise the urge of people in the
held them together. The USSR was
fifteen different republics that formed
the leader of the bloc.
the Soviet Union to manage their
The Soviet Union became a own affairs including their cultural
great power after the Second affairs. Although, on paper, Russia
World War. The Soviet economy was only one of the fifteen republics
was then more developed than the that together constituted the USSR,
rest of the world except for the US. in reality Russia dominated
It had a complex communications everything, and people from other
network, vast energy resources regions felt neglected and often
including oil, iron and steel, suppressed.
The End of Bipolarity 19

In the arms race, the Soviet Gorbachev, did not intervene

Union managed to match the US when the disturbances occurred,
from time to time, but at great and the communist regimes
cost. The Soviet Union lagged collapsed one after another.
behind the West in technology, LEADERS OF THE
These developments were SOVIET UNION
infrastructure (e.g. transport,
accompanied by a rapidly
power), and most importantly, in
escalating crisis within the USSR
fulfilling the political or economic
that hastened its disintegration.
aspirations of citizens. The Soviet
Gorbachev initiated the policies of
invasion of Afghanistan in 1979
economic and political reform and
weakened the system even
democratisation within the
further. Though wages continued
country. The refor ms were
to grow, productivity and
opposed by leaders within the
technology fell considerably Joseph Stalin
Communist Party.
behind that of the West. This led (1879-1953)
to shortages in all consumer A coup took place in 1991 that Successor to Lenin
goods. Food imports increased was encouraged by Communist and led the Soviet
every year. The Soviet economy Party hardliners. The people had Union during its
tasted freedom by then and did not consolidation
was faltering in the late 1970s and
(1924-53); began
became stagnant. want the old-style rule of the
Communist Party. Boris Yeltsin industrialisation

GORBACHEV AND THE emerged as a national hero in

opposing this coup. The Russian
and forcible
collectivisation of
DISINTEGRATION Republic, where Yeltsin won a agriculture;
credited with
popular election, began to shake
Mikhail Gorbachev, who had Soviet victory in
off centralised control. Power the Second World
become General Secretary of the
began to shift from the Soviet War; held
Communist Party of the Soviet
centre to the republics, especially responsible for the
Union in 1985, sought to reform
in the more Europeanised part of Great Terror of the
this system. Refor ms were 1930s,
the Soviet Union, which saw
necessary to keep the USSR authoritarian
themselves as sovereign states.
abreast of the information and functioning and
The Central Asian republics did elimination of
technological revolutions taking
not ask for independence and rivals within the
place in the West. However,
wanted to remain with the Soviet party.
Gorbachev’s decision to normalise
Federation. In December 1991,
relations with the West and
under the leadership of Yeltsin,
democratise and reform the Soviet
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus,
Union had some other effects that
three major republics of the
neither he nor anyone else
USSR, declared that the Soviet
intended or anticipated. The
Union was disbanded. The
people in the East European
Communist Party of the Soviet
countries which were part of the
Union was banned. Capitalism
Soviet bloc started to protest
and democracy were adopted as
against their own governments
the bases for the post-Soviet
and Soviet control. Unlike in the
past, the Soviet Union, under
20 Contemporary World Politics

A Communist Party bureaucrat drives down from Moscow to a collective farm

to register a potato harvest.
“Comrade farmer, how has the harvest been this year?” the official asks.
LEADERS OF THE “Oh, by the grace of God, we had mountains of potatoes,” answers the
“But there is no God,” counters the official.
“Huh”, says the farmer, “And there are no mountains of potatoes either.”

The declaration on the there may be more general lessons

disintegration of the USSR and the to be drawn from this very
formation of the Commonwealth important case.
of Independent States (CIS) came
There is no doubt that the
as a surprise to the other
Nikita Khrushchev internal weaknesses of Soviet
(1894-1971) republics, especially to the Central political and economic institutions,
Leader of the Asian ones. The exclusion of these which failed to meet the
Soviet Union republics was an issue that was aspirations of the people, were
(1953-64); quickly solved by making them
responsible for the collapse of the
founding members of the CIS. system. Economic stagnation for
Stalin’s leadership
Russia was now accepted as the many years led to severe
style and
introduced some successor state of the Soviet consumer shortages and a large
reforms in 1956; Union. It inherited the Soviet seat section of Soviet society began to
suggested in the UN Security Council. Russia doubt and question the system
“peaceful accepted all the international and to do so openly.
coexistence” with treaties and commitments of the
the West; Why did the system become so
Soviet Union. It took over as the
involved in weak and why did the economy
suppressing only nuclear state of the post-
stagnate? The answer is partially
popular rebellion Soviet space and carried out some
in Hungary and in clear. The Soviet economy used
nuclear disarmament measures
the Cuban missile much of its resources in
with the US. The old Soviet Union
crisis. maintaining a nuclear and
was thus dead and buried.
military arsenal and the
development of its satellite states
WHY DID THE SOVIET UNION in Eastern Europe and within the
DISINTEGRATE? Soviet system (the five Central
Asian Republics in particular).
How did the second most powerful This led to a huge economic
country in the world suddenly burden that the system could not
disintegrate? This is a question cope with. At the same time,
worth asking not just to ordinary citizens became more
I am amazed! How
understand the Soviet Union and knowledgeable about the
could so many the end of communism but also economic advance of the West.
sensitive people all because it is not the first and may They could see the disparities
over the world not be the last political system to between their system and the
admire a system like collapse. While there are unique systems of the West. After years
this? features of the Soviet collapse, of being told that the Soviet
The End of Bipolarity 21

system was better than Western impossible to control. There were

capitalism, the reality of its sections of Soviet society which felt
backwardness came as a political that Gorbachev should have
and psychological shock. moved much faster and were
disappointed and impatient with LEADERS OF THE
The Soviet Union had become SOVIET UNION
stagnant in an administrative and his methods. They did not benefit
political sense as well. The in the way they had hoped, or they
Communist Party that had ruled benefited too slowly. Others,
the Soviet Union for over 70 years especially members of the
was not accountable to the people. Communist Party and those who
Ordinary people were alienated by were served by the system, took
slow and stifling administration, exactly the opposite view. They felt
rampant corruption, the inability that their power and privileges
of the system to correct mistakes were eroding and Gorbachev was Leonid Brezhnev
it had made, the unwillingness to moving too quickly. In this ‘tug of (1906-82)
war’, Gorbachev lost support on all Leader of the
allow more openness in
sides and divided public opinion. Soviet Union (1964-
government, and the centralisation 82); proposed
of authority in a vast land. Worse Even those who were with him
Asian Collective
still, the party bureaucrats gained became disillusioned as they felt Security system;
more privileges than ordinary that he did not adequately defend associated with
citizens. People did not identify his own policies. the détente phase
in relations with
with the system and with the All this might not have led to the US; involved in
rulers, and the government the collapse of the Soviet Union but suppressing a
increasingly lost popular backing. for another development that popular rebellion
surprised most observers and in Czechoslovakia
Gorbachev’s reforms promised
and in invading
to deal with theseproblems. indeed many insiders. The rise of
Gorbachev promised to reform the nationalism and the desire for
economy, catch up with the West, sovereignty within various
and loosen the administrative republics including Russia and the
system. You may wonder why the Baltic Republics (Estonia, Latvia
Soviet Union collapsed in spite of and Lithuania), Ukraine, Georgia,
Gorbachev’s accurate diagnosis of and others proved to be the final
the problem and his attempt to and most immediate cause for the
implement reforms. Here is where disintegration of the USSR. Here
the answers become more again there are differing views.
controversial, and we have to One view is that nationalist
depend on future historians to urges and feelings were very much
guide us better. at work throughout the history of
The most basic answer seems the Soviet Union and that whether
to be that when Gorbachev carried or not the reforms had occurred
out his reforms and loosened the there would have been an internal
system, he set in motion forces and struggle within the Soviet Union.
expectations that few could have This is a ‘what-if’ of history, but
predicted and became virtually surely it is not an unreasonable
22 Contemporary World Politics

view given the size and diversity of Ironically, during the Cold War
the Soviet Union and its growing many thought that nationalist
internal problems. Others think unrest would be strongest in the
that Gorbachev’s reforms speeded Central Asian republics given their
LEADERS OF THE up and increased nationalist ethnic and religious differences with
SOVIET UNION dissatisfaction to the point that the rest of the Soviet Union and their
the government and rulers could economic backwardness. However,
not control it. as things turned out, nationalist

1985 March: Mikhail Gorbachev elected as the General Secretary of the
Mikhail Communist Party of the Soviet Union; appoints Boris Yeltsin as the head of the
Gorbachev Communist Party in Moscow; initiates a series of reforms in the Soviet Union
(Born 1931)
Last leader of the 1988: Independence movement begins in Lithuania; later spreads to Estonia
Soviet Union and Latvia
introduced 1989 October: Soviet Union declares that the Warsaw Pact members are free
economic and to decide their own futures; Berlin Wall falls in November
political reform
policies of 1990 February: Gorbachev strips the Soviet Communist Party of its 72-year-long
perestroika monopoly on power by calling on the Soviet parliament (Duma) to permit multi-
(restructuring) party politics
and glasnost
(openness); 1990 March: Lithuania becomes the first of the 15 Soviet republics to declare its
stopped the arms independence
race with the US;
withdrew Soviet 1990 June: Russian parliament declares its independence from the Soviet Union
troops from
Afghanistan and 1991 June: Yeltsin, no longer in the Communist Party, becomes the President of
eastern Europe; Russia
helped in the
unification of 1991 August: The Communist Party hardliners stage an abortive coup against
Germany; ended Gorbachev
the Cold War;
blamed for the 1991 September: Three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania become
disintegration of UN members (later join NATO in March 2004)
the Soviet Union.
1991 December: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine decide to annul the 1922 Treaty
on the Creation of the USSR and establish the Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS); Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan join the CIS (Georgia joins later in 1993); Russia
takes over the USSR seat in the United Nations

1991 December 25: Gorbachev resigns as the President of the Soviet Union; the
end of the Soviet Union
The End of Bipolarity 23

dissatisfaction with the Soviet Union changed. The end of the Cold War
was strongest in the more left open only two possibilities:
“European” and prosperous part – either the remaining superpower
in Russia and the Baltic areas as would dominate and create a
well as Ukraine and Georgia. unipolar system, or different LEADERS OF THE
Ordinary people here felt alienated countries or groups of countries SOVIET UNION
from the Central Asians and from could become important players in
each other and concluded also that the international system, thereby
they were paying too high an bringing in a multipolar system
economic price to keep the more where no one power could
backward areas within the Soviet dominate. As it turned out, the US
Union. became the sole superpower.
Backed by the power and prestige

of the US, the capitalist economy
OF was now the dominant economic Boris Yeltsin (Born
DISINTEGRATION system internationally. Institutions 1931)
like the World Bank and The first elected
The collapse of the second world International Monetary Fund President of
of the Soviet Union and the became powerful advisors to all Russia (1991-
1999); rose to
socialist systems in eastern Europe these countries since they gave
power in the
had profound consequences for them loans for their transitions to Communist Party
world politics. Let us note here capitalism. Politically, the notion of and was made
three broad kinds of enduring liberal democracy emerged as the the Mayor of
changes that resulted from it. best way to organise political life. Moscow by
Each of these had a number of Gorbachev; later
Third, the end of the Soviet bloc joined the critics
effects that we cannot list here. meant the emergence of many new of Gorbachev
First of all, it meant the end of countries. All these countries had and left the
their own independent aspirations Communist Party;
Cold War confrontations. The
led the protests
ideological dispute over whether and choices. Some of them,
against the Soviet
the socialist system would beat the especially the Baltic and east regime in 1991;
capitalist system was not an issue European states, wanted to join the played a key role
any more. Since this dispute had European Union and become part in dissolving the
of the North Atlantic Treaty Soviet Union;
engaged the military of the two
Organisation (NATO). The Central blamed for
blocs, had triggered a massive hardships
arms race and accumulation of Asian countries wanted to take
suffered by
nuclear weapons, and had led to advantage of their geographical Russians in their
the existence of military blocs, the location and continue their close ties transition from
end of the confrontation demanded with Russia and also to establish ties communism to
with the West, the US, China and capitalism.
an end to this arms race and a
possible new peace. others. Thus, the international
system saw many new players
Second, power relations in emerge, each with its own identity,
world politics changed and, interests, and economic and political
therefore, the relative influence of difficulties. It is to these issues that
ideas and institutions also we now turn.
24 Contemporary World Politics

SHOCK THERAPY IN Each of these countries was

required to make a total shift to
POST-COMMUNIST REGIMES a capitalist economy, which
meant rooting out completely
The collapse of communism was any structures evolved during
followed in most of these the Soviet period. Above all, it
countries by a painful process of meant that private ownership
transition from an authoritarian was to be the dominant pattern
socialist system to a democratic of ownership of property.
I heard someone say
capitalist system. The model of Privatisation of state assets and
“The end of the
transition in Russia, Central Asia corporate ownership patterns
Soviet Union does
not mean the end of
and east Eur ope that was were to be immediately brought
socialism.” Is that influenced by the World Bank in. Collective farms were to be
possible? and the IMF came to be known replaced by private farming and
as ‘shock therapy’. Shock therapy capitalism in agriculture. This
varied in intensity and speed transition ruled out any
amongst the former second world alternate or ‘third way’, other
countries, but its direction and than state-controlled socialism
features were quite similar. or capitalism.


Locate the
Central Asian
Republics on
the map.

“Courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin”

The End of Bipolarity 25

Shock therapy also involved a about 90 per cent of its industries

drastic change in the external were put up for sale to private
orientation of these economies. individuals and companies. Since
Development was now envisaged the restructuring was carried out
through more trade, and thus a through market forces and not by
sudden and complete switch to government-directed industrial
free trade was considered policies, it led to the virtual
essential. The free trade regime disappearance of entire industries.
and foreign direct investment This was called ‘the largest garage
(FDI) were to be the main engines sale in history’, as valuable
of change. This also involved industries were undervalued and
openness to foreign investment, sold at throwaway prices. Though
financial opening up or all citizens were given vouchers to
deregulation, and currency participate in the sales, most
convertibility. citizens sold their vouchers in the
black market because they needed
Finally, the transition also the money.
involved a break up of the existing
trade alliances among the The value of the ruble, the
countries of the Soviet bloc. Each Russian currency, declined
state from this bloc was now dramatically. The rate of inflation
linked directly to the West and not was so high that people lost all
to each other in the region. These their savings. The collective farm
states were thus to be gradually system disintegrated leaving
absorbed into the Wester n people without food security, and
economic system. The Western Russia started to import food. The
capitalist states now became the real GDP of Russia in 1999 was
leaders and thus guided and below what it was in 1989. The old
controled the development of the trading structure broke down with
region through various agencies no alternative in its place.
and organisations. The old system of social welfare
was systematically destroyed. The
CONSEQUENCES OF SHOCK withdrawal of gover nment
subsidies pushed large sections of
THERAPY the people into poverty. The middle
classes were pushed to the
The shock therapy administered in periphery of society, and the
the 1990s did not lead the people academic and intellectual
into the promised utopia of mass manpower disintegrated or
consumption. Generally, it migrated. A mafia emerged in most
brought ruin to the economies and of these countries and started I can see the shock.
disaster upon the people of the controlling many economic But where is the
entire region. In Russia, the large activities. Privatisation led to new therapy? Why do we
state-controlled industrial disparities. Post-Soviet states, talk in such
complex almost collapsed, as especially Russia, were divided euphemisms?
26 Contemporary World Politics

between rich and poor regions. TENSIONS AND CONFLICTS

Unlike the earlier system, there Most of the former Soviet
was now great economic inequality Republics are prone to conflicts,
between people. and many have had civil wars and
The construction of democratic insurgencies. Complicating the
As a result of institutions was not given the picture is the growing involvement
‘shock therapy’ of outside powers.
same attention and priority as
about half of
the demands of economic In Russia, two republics,
Russia’s 1,500
banks and other transformation. The constitutions Chechnya and Dagestan, have
finacial institutions of all these countries were drafted had violent secessionist
went bankrupt. in a hurry and most, including movements. Moscow’s method of
This image is that Russia, had a strong executive dealing with the Chechen rebels
of Inkombank, and indiscriminate military
president with the widest possible
Russia’s second
powers that rendered elected bombings have led to many
largest bank, that
parliaments relatively weak. In human rights violations but failed
went bankrupt in
1998. As a result, Central Asia, the presidents had to deter the aspirations for
the money of great powers, and several of them independence.
10,000 corporate became very authoritarian. For In Central Asia, Tajikistan
and private
example, the presidents of witnessed a civil war that went on
shareholders was
lost, along with the Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan for ten years till 2001. The region
money kept in the appointed themselves to power as a whole has many sectarian
bank by first for ten years and then conflicts. In Azerbaijan’s province
customers. extended it for another ten years. of Nagorno-Karabakh, some local
They allowed no dissent or Armenians want to secede and
opposition. A judicial culture and join Armenia. In Georgia, the
independence of the judiciary was demand for independence has
yet to be established in most of come from two provinces,
these countries. resulting in a civil war. There are
movements against the existing
Most of these economies,
regimes in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan
especially Russia, started
and Georgia. Countries and
reviving in 2000, ten years after
provinces are fighting over river
their independence. The reason
waters. All this has led to
for the revival for most of their
instability, making life difficult for
economies was the export of
the ordinary citizen.
natural resources like oil, natural
gas and minerals. Azerbaijan, The Central Asian Republics are
What is the difference areas with vast hydrocarbon
Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan
between nationalism
and Uzbekistan are major oil and gas resources, which have brought
and secessionism? If
you succeed, you are producers. Other countries have them economic benefit. Central
celebrated as a gained because of the oil Asia has also become a zone of
nationalist hero, and if pipelines that cr oss their competition between outside
you fail you are territories for which they get rent. powers and oil companies. The
condemned for crimes Some amount of manufacturing region is next to Russia, China,
of secessionism. Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and
has restarted.
The End of Bipolarity 27

close to West Asia. After 11 embedded in a history of trust and

Make a list of
September 2001, the US wanted common interests and are
the similarities
military bases in the region and matched by popular perceptions.
paid the governments of all Central Indian heroes from Raj Kapoor to
India and the
Asian states to hire bases and to Amitabh Bachhan are household
USSR in their
allow airplanes to fly over their names in Russia and many post-
political and
territory during the wars in Soviet countries. One can hear
Afghanistan and Iraq. However, Hindi film songs all over the
Russia perceives these states as its region, and India is part of the
‘Near Abroad’ and believes that they popular memory.
should be under Russian influence.
Russia and India share a vision
China has interests here because of a multipolar world order. What
of the oil resources, and the Chinese they mean by a multipolar world
have begun to settle around the
borders and conduct trade.
In easter n Europe,
Czechoslovakia split peacefully
into two, with the Czechs and the Seven years after the Soviet Union collapsed, the Uzbek
Slovaks forming independent passion for Indian films continues. Within months of the
countries. But the most severe release of the latest film in India, pirate copies were already
conflict took place in the Balkan on sale in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent.
republics of Yugoslavia. After Mohammed Sharif Pat runs a shop selling Indian films near
1991, it broke apart with several one of Tashkent’s biggest markets. He is an Afghan who
provinces like Croatia, Slovenia brings videos from the Pakistani frontier town Peshawar.
and Bosnia and Herzegovina “There are many people who love Indian films here. I’d say
declaring independence. Ethnic at least 70% of the people in Tashkent buy them. We sell
Serbs opposed this, and a about 100 videos a day. I’ve just had to put in an order for a
thousand more,” he says. “The Uzbeks are Central Asians,
massacre of non-Serb Bosnians
they are part of Asia. They have a common culture. That’s
followed. The NATO intervention why they like Indian films.”
and the bombing of Yugoslavia
followed the inter-ethnic civil war. Despite the shared history, for many Indians living in
Uzbekistan, the passion the Uzbeks have for their films and
film stars has come as a bit of a surprise. “Wherever we go
INDIA AND POST-COMMUNIST and meet local dignitaries - even ministers or cabinet
ministers - during our conversation it is always mentioned,”
COUNTRIES says Ashok Shamer from the Indian embassy in Tashkent. “This
shows that Indian films, culture, songs and especially Raj
India has maintained good Kapoor have been household names here. Most of them
relations with all the post- can sing some Hindi songs, they may not know the meaning
communist countries. But the but their pronunciation is correct and they know the music,”
strongest relations are still those he says. “I have found out that almost all my neighbours
can sing and play Hindi songs. This was really a big surprise
between Russia and India. India’s
to me when I came to Uzbekistan.”
relations with Russia are an
important aspect of India’s foreign A report by the BBC’s Central Asia Correspondent Louise Hidalgo
policy. Indo-Russian relations are
28 Contemporary World Politics

order is the co-existence of several powers in the

FLASHBACK: INDIA international system, collective security (in which an
AND THE USSR attack on any country is regarded as a threat to all
countries and requires a collective response), greater
regionalism, negotiated settlements of international
During the Cold War era, India and
the USSR enjoyed a special
conflicts, an independent foreign policy for all countries,
relationship which led critics to say and decision making through bodies like the UN that
that India was part of the Soviet should be strengthened, democratised, and empowered.
camp. It was a multi-dimensional More than 80 bilateral agreements have been signed
relationship: between India and Russia as part of the Indo-Russian
Strategic Agreement of 2001.
Economic: The Soviet Union assisted
India’s public sector companies at a
India stands to benefit from its relationship with
time when such assistance was Russia on issues like Kashmir, energy supplies,
difficult to get. It gave aid and sharing information on international terrorism,
technical assistance for steel plants
like Bhilai, Bokaro, Visakhapatnam,
and machinery plants like Bharat
Heavy Electricals Ltd., etc. The Soviet
Union accepted Indian currency for
trade when India was short of foreign

Political: The Soviet Union supported STEPS

India’s positions on the Kashmir issue ‹ Select any five Cold War allies each of the Soviet
in the UN. It also supported India
Union and the US.
during its major conflicts, especially
during the war with Pakistan in 1971. ‹ Divide the class accordingly (10 groups). Allot a
India too supported Soviet foreign country to each group. Assign the group to
policy in some crucial but indirect collect information on the political, social and
ways. economic profile of these countries during the
Cold War days.
Military: India received most of its
military hardware from the Soviet ‹ They should also prepare a profile of that
Union at a time when few other country after the collapse of communism and
countries were willing to part with say what difference, if any, the disintegration of
military technologies. The Soviet Union the second world made to that country.
entered into various agreements
allowing India to jointly produce
‹ Each group is to present its findings to the entire
military equipment. class. Ensure that students talk about how
people of these countries felt about themselves
Culture: Hindi films and Indian culture as citizens.
were popular in the Soviet Union. A Ideas for the Teacher
large number of Indian writers and You could link the students’ findings to the working of the
artists visited the USSR. democratic system and communist system and highlight
the pros and cons of both these systems.
You could encourage the students to discuss if there is an
alternative to both communism and capitalism.
The End of Bipolarity 29

access to Central Asia, and imports from Russia and the

balancing its relations with republics of Kazakhstan and
China. Russia stands to benefit Turkmenistan. Cooperation with
from this relationship because these republics includes
India is the second largest arms partnership and investment in
market for Russia. The Indian oilfields. Russia is important for
military gets most of its hardware India’s nuclear energy plans and
from Russia. Since India is an oil- assisted India’s space industry by
importing nation, Russia is giving, for example, the cryogenic
important to India and has rocket when India needed it.
repeatedly come to the assistance Russia and India have
of India during its oil crises. India collaborated on various scientific
is seeking to increase its energy projects.

E x e r c i s e s
1. Which among the following statements that describe the nature
of Soviet economy is wrong?
a. Socialism was the dominant ideology
b. State ownership/control existed over the factors of production
c. People enjoyed economic freedom
d. Every aspect of the economy was planned and controlled by
the State
2. Arrange the following in chronological order:
a. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
b. Fall of the Berlin Wall
c. Disintegration of the Soviet Union
d. Russian Revolution
3. Which among the following is NOT an outcome of the disintegration
of the USSR?
a. End of the ideological war between the US and USSR
b. Birth of CIS
c. Change in the balance of power in the world order
d. Crises in the Middle East
4. Match the following:
i. Mikhail Gorbachev a. Successor of USSR
ii. Shock Therapy b. Military pact
iii. Russia c. Introduced reforms
iv. Boris Yeltsin d. Economic model
v. Warsaw e. President of Russia
30 Contemporary World Politics

5. Fill in the blanks.

a. The Soviet political system was based on ___________________
b. _________________ was the military alliance started by the USSR.
E x e r c i s e s
c. ____________________ party dominated the Soviet Union’s
political system.
d. ______________________ initiated the reforms in the USSR in 1985.
e. The fall of the ____________________ symbolised the end of the
Cold War.
6. Mention any three features that distinguish the Soviet economy from
that of a capitalist country like the US?
7. What were the factors that forced Gorbachev to initiate the reforms
in the USSR?
8. What were the major consequences of the disintegration of the
Soviet Union for countries like India?
9. What was Shock Therapy? Was this the best way to make a transition
from communism to capitalism?
10. Write an essay for or against the following proposition: “With the
disintegration of the second world, India should change its foreign
policy and focus more on friendship with the US rather than with
traditional friends like Russia”.

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