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Factor 1

What is my healthy plate?

My healthy plate is an educational visual tool designed specifically for Singaporeans to guide
them on planning a healthy meal when they dine in and eat out.

How much is two serving of vegetables? Examples?

Two serving of vegetables is 200g of raw on-leafy vegetables, 1½ cooked vegetables, ½
plate of cooked vegetables.

Factor 2

What are vegetables?

Vegetables are plants or parts of a plant used as food, such as a cabbage, potato, turnip or

What are the different types and examples of vegetables?

Types of vegetables are, leafy green, cruciferous, marrow, root, edible plant stem and allium.

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet is a diet that provides all the nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and fats
in the right proportion.

How do vegetables contribute to a balanced diet?

It contains important nutrients as well as dietary fibre to prevent us from getting sick easily.

Factor 3

Why do children not like vegetables?

Some children may not like vegetables as they may find it unappetizing or not appealing to
them. Therefore they may deem vegetables as not tasty and not eating them.

What happens if the children do not eat enough vegetables?

If children do not eat the required amount of vegetables needed, they would not have
enough nutrients for them to grow and fight the sicknesses that they are exposed to.

Factor 4

Effects of cooking on vegetables:

The vegetable may lose water soluble vitamins after being soaked in the water for prolonged

Not cooking the vegetable long enough would cause them to become tough and hard to bite.

Factor 5

What are the special dietary considerations for children.

Some children may have allergies to certain foods like seafood or nuts. Some children may
also be lactose intolerant and cannot take dairy products like milk or cheese. Other children
may also have religious dietary restrictions like not being able to eat pork or meat.
What is the meaning of healthy dishes?
Dishes that contain essential nutrients like calcium and use healthy cooking methods like

What is the meaning of appealing dishes?

Appealing dishes are dishes that are attractive, colourful and it makes people want to eat the

The meaning of interesting?

The word interesting mean to arouse curiosity or interest.

How do we make the dishes healthy, appealing and interesting for children.
We could make the dish more colourful by adding different vegetables of different colours to
make it look more colourful as children like colourful things. We could also incorporate
vegetables into their favourite foods like adding more cabbage to hamburgers. We could
also use healthy cooking methods like steaming or any other method that does not use that
much oil.

What are the ways to encourage children to eat more vegetables?

We could incorporate vegetables into their favourite foods like pizza or hamburgers. We
could also make the vegetable dish look more appetizing and colourful to attract children by
using a variety of vegetables like capsicum of different colours

What are some examples of healthy, appealing and interesting vegetable-based dishes that
children will like?
Mushroom and chickpea burgers, real tomato soup and peanut butter and banana on toast

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