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Qtn Clue/reference

Let the amount of communication be 20 and the

amount of computation be 53, how much
granularity the system can offer computation/communication
In scalar clocks, rule 1 which states before
executing an event…, process p1 executes Lecture2 slide 19
there is --- between the set of partially ordered
events produced by dc and their vector
timestamps Lecture2 slide 37
In DC causually ordered delivery of messages
implies … message delivery Lecture2 slide 47?
which of the fololowing is reconfigurable
network topology L1 - 20
The chandy-lamport snapshot recording algo can
be initiated by any process by executing the
marker --- rule Lecture3 slide 19
in which of the following system models, the
channel acts like a set in which sender adds msg
and receiver removes in random order Lecture3 slide 13
which of the fololowing is not a motivation for
DC Lecture 1 slide 12
specialized mode of operation from flynns
taxonomy used for visualization Lecture 1 slide 13 (
which is global snaphot algo for non-fifo Lecture3 slide 22

in a system of vector clocks, if pi and pj are

processes and if vti[j]=10 that means that the
process --- knows the local time at process --- has
progressed till 10 ?
an asynchronous prgram can be emulated on a
synchronous system fairly trivially? Lecture 1 slide 50
In dc systems, it is technically infeasible to have
perfectly synchronized clocks at various sites due
to --- ?
which of the following is a property of
communication channels in DC implied
in omega network with N processing elements is
a …. Stage shuffle exchange Lecture 1 slide 28
for the butterfly and omega interconnection, the
paths from different inputs to any one output
form a Implied from L1 - 33
the large granularity of code which makes
processor synchrony attainable in dc is called L1 - 57

which of the following communication primitives

does not make sense to be defined in DC L1 - 45
according to the --- algo, when a process pi sends
sends message to pj , it piggybacks only those
entries of its VC that differ since the last send to
pj L2 - 44
the space requirement of lai yang algo is --- when
compared to singhal-kshem algo ?
in total ordering of events in dist system using
scalar clocks, the timestamp of an event is
denoted by the tuple (..,..) Implied from L2 - 18 - 22

in scalar clocks, if an event e has a timestamp of

h, then --- represents the minimum logical
duration, counted in units of events required
before producing the event L2 - 28
the equivalent of marker sending rule is
executed in coloring scheme implemented in
non-fifo, when a process turns …. L3 - 23

in dc, the aggregate measure of % time that all

processes are executing CPU instructions
productively as opposed to waiting for comm
operations is L1 - 37

consider a vc based dist system, let event e be an

event with timestamp vh, then --- denotes
number of events executed by process pj that
causally preceed e L2 - 42

in the system of vector clock if pi and pj are

processes and if vti[j]=10, it mean that the
process _________________ know local time at
process __________ has progressed till 10.




multi stage interconnected n/w




lai and Yang


clock drift



spanning tree


asynchronous receive
singhal - kshemkalyani







pi, pj

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