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Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter

U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS The authors and publisher would like to thank all the directors, staff, and pupils of the
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All the written activities in this book should be completed In your

own notebook, and not in this book.
Contents IN \1

Unit Topics Main language

People and places At home There's a train set (in) ...
There are some books (in front of) ...
My place Do you (lil(e) ...? Yes, I do. / No, I d o n 't.
H e /S h e (liltes) ... H e / She d o e s n 't (lil<e) .
p p 4 -1 1

Computer zone v Cyber world

can / can't + feel / hear /s e e / sm ell / taste
We have (English) on (Tuesday) a t (10 o'clock).
^ In class
pp 12-19 iJ ja

pp 20-21 Do you rem em ber? 1

Has h e /s h e go t (dark hair)?
Yes, he / she hps. / No, he / she hasn't.
Monster corner At the movies W h a t/W h e n / W h e re /W h o does he / she ...?

^ Mystery monsters 5 Was it (hairy)? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.

Were they (ugly)? Yes, they w e re ./ N o , they weren't.
pp 22-29
>S i power 5 Dinosaurs lived a long time ago.
Some dinosaurs ate plants.

World of sport Sports Centre ^ He's p la y in g (football). She is n 't d o in g (gymnastics).

Is he / she playing (tennis)? Ves, he / she is. / No, he / she isn't.
^ Star spot ^ Venus is older than Serena.

pp 30-37 ií-iúÜ uJJ i i b o i i i j o o Ib iú U Ij

pp 38-39 ^ Do you rem em ber? 2

Animal action H i On the move! • ^ The cats came quietly. The flam ingos flew fast.
Revision: The dolphins chased the sharl(.
^ Help! (5 It's th e strongest anim al in the world.
p p 4 0 -4 7
^ Animal records

Natural Earth Earth Savers j M/e m ust stop them. They m ustn't hear us.
0 1 always / usually / often / sometimes / never (go camping)
^ Four seasons in (summer).

p p 4 8 -5 5

p p 5 6 -5 7 ^ Do you rem em ber? 3

Fun zone Water parks 5 Revision: The Zipper is h ig h e r than the Curver.
Are you going to g o ... 7
I'm going to go ...I'm no t going to go ...
At play
5 My Grandma d id n 't p la y (computer games) / d id n 't have (CDs).
p p 5 8 -6 5
Music time D id they give / g o / m ake ...? Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.

Revision: Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world.

World adventure Round the world Where / H o w / W hat d i d ... g o / t r a v e l/ see?
Q H e/S h e 's going to (find the castle). H e/S h e isn't going to (escape).
^ Alabama Smith They're going to (fall). They a re n 't going to (crash).
p p 6 6 -7 3
^ IJi'j'Jti jJJ u-ljbiji ú h to'J'iñú ii

pp 74-75 Do you rem em ber? 4

p 7 6 -7 7 Play 1 - The Three W ishes
Play 2 - The Christm as Present

,?ni. Rlaf“
Read the note. Match the little people with the sentences.


V/&‘ i^ ! .....
. K < r t !u & e ^ .. .icHAi.. o tA ...

.,< 3 u ^ .. .i f u . ^

• “T Kare' 5 ^,oTMi...m ^.th«,.., .sto ks,..................

, . * f f u £ r e ’ s. ...............
.SW ^ s.,!xn,¿aг'...t^
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tJ\(i...be4i№ rTO,...SKji’ s.
• . .T k jj^ f> e ’ s . . o ^ t k f i - ...........................

b.oth/tTTm , ................................................
• I ’m. ca aur sLttlrig r-omn. I t 5^^UA<lar..
th c . k L tc K m . .iW . vsrtxti«^, ..........
WORD ■ k e y w o r d s H
t h j^ v n W .< r w .
behind ~ next to
betw een on
_ under
• -------------------
in fro n t of ^
W ork with a partner. Ask and answer.

ball bookcase c at doll lam p ru ler shoe

c Where's the ball?

It's under a bed
in the bedroom.

Listen and match the pictures with the gaps.

W here are Bulldog and his friends from? Listen and match.

1 L1.2 Bulldog
B ritain

A f r ic a y ^

th e U nited States

f 'l j .

A ustralia New Zealand

Listen and read.


U nitl Stage 2
@ Read and tick / the sentences for Amy.

3 ((. Bi-rch Roetd

P a ^ e 2

I'u e g o t tujo houses! ¿Ohen

I ’m unth rny OacL, I ¿¿ve
in th e . coujntry. There, a re n 't
maruj coucs I rid£. my
hoke to the. shops. U)e go f a r
Lar\g u m lks u n ih ou/~ eiags. J
Luke, cou/iC rtj herme..
Ujhen I'm (Ájxih mg fDum^ I
LUft. in a tkud ^Ufvr fla t in
Lu ^pa u i. It 's a big ctttj and
I shopping aund to the
cinema, unth mg íy)utn. The>re
ore C&Cz of Cars So I don't ride,
mg bike in the city.

P U a t/ ^ e U / T (te . SaoTL,
a I live w ith m y Dad.
L o v ^ ,
b I live in a fla t, â m g

c I go fo r walks, X X X .

d I d o n 't ride m y bike,

e I go to the cinema.

4^ W ork with a partner. Ask and answer

Do you live in a flat?

Yes, I do. Do you

live in a house?

No, I don't.
W hat are the Borrowers’ names? Listen and match.

Alan Bert Colin Jill Lisa M eg Paul Tanya

Talk about your family.

go - goes like - likes love - loves m ake - makes play - plays read - reads

My mum's name is Jill.

She loves flowers.
She doesn't like housework..

He likes chocolate.
She doesn't like housework.
■3^ Read the article. Circle the correct words.

• Living on
a boat isn't
always easy.
Their yacht is
very small.
There is one
big cabin
inside. It is the kitchen, the bedroom, an d
the sitting room. At night the shelf under
the window turns into Andrew's bed.

• On the boat all the family

work. They take it in turns
to be the 'lookout' a t night.
The 'lookobt' looks after
the b o at an d doesn't
sleep! During the day they
take it in turns to clean, to cook, to sail the
yacht, an d to use the computer.

• When they reach a nice port, they stop.

9 Andrew Sayre is from Australia, but he Sometimes they stay for a week an d
doesn't live there. His hom e is a 15-metre sometimes for six months. When they stay
yacht, a n d he lives in m any different for a long time, Andrew goes to school.
countries in one year. After some time they sail aw ay again.

• His m um an d d a d are writers. Their

books are about the sea, their adventures,
an d the places that ^
they visit. They
send the books
back to
by email.

a Andrew lives in Australia. on a boat,

b Andrew's parents w o rk in Australia. w rite books,

c Andrew sleeps under the w indow . on the table,

d The ‘lo o ko u t' looks a fte r the boat during the day. at night,

e Andrew goes to school when th e y are in a port. in Australia.


You need:

2 sheets a ruler a pencil a rubber crayons scissors ^ glue

o f paper

Draw a castle.

Cut three sides o f the

windows and the door. Put your picture on
Open them. top o f the blank sheet
o f paper. Draw the
windows and the door.

5 '! Draw the inside
o f the castle rooms.

Glue the two sheets together.

7 ) Tell your class about your castle.

I'm Prince Peter. I live in this castle.

I live with my Mum, my Dad, and
my pet dragon. There are eight
rooms in my castle. This is the ...

Unit 1 Stage 4
B 'í, ! 1
3 Listen and number the pictures.

When school is over at the end of the day,
I switch on my computer and I start to play.
Cyber world! Cyber world!
You can feel it, you can feel it in Cyber world!

I’m a young girl - but in my cybei? world

I can be anywhere,I ¿want,to , be j

My hungry tummy’s rumbling! I don’t know what to do!

^But in the cyber cafe I can taste the cyber food.
, black spider,
a roaring tiger.

It’s raining outside and I can’t have fun."^ &

But on the cyber beach I can feel the hot sun.
Bored? Lonely? If you don’t know what to do -
Come along and taste our cyber world too!

^4^ Imagine you are in one o f the pictures. Make sentences.

W ho is who? Listen and point.

C -2 3

'2.^ Interview a partner.

_ W f f á t M ír f Ü t iír í Where do pal&se a comput
jn E n n fis r
# at home #
Name: singing songs # 9 at school #
# reading • # at my friend’s house #
9 making things # # in the library #
9 speaking •
Class: <1 writing # ii/hat doyou do wítfí a compoldP?
^ playing games #
# do my homework %
9 listening %
^ play games #
UVhafs your favourite subject? # send emails #
# go on the Internet #
Read Emma’s puzzle and look at her timetable.
W rite the subjects. Find the secret word. . In'class

I have it at q u a rte r past eleven on Friday.

I have it at nine o'clock on Tuesday.

I have it a t nine o'clock tw o days a week.

I have it at h a lf past tw o on Monday.

I have it on Thursday m orning.

I have it on Tuesday afte rno on.

I have it at q u a rte r to ten on Tuesday and Wednesday

I have it on Friday m orning a t nine o'clock.

Class 4 Summer 2099

Week 27th April-1 St May

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9.00-9.45 Maths History Maths Music Geography
9.45-10.30 Science English English Music Maths
1 1 .1 5 -1 2 li IngiisiT Geography Science History Science
1 .0 0 -2 5 o ^ French Art French Maths
2.30-3.30 pf English

© W ork with a partner. Talk about your timetable.

What do we have on

~ v —
Tuesday at 10 o'clock? English.

\ r

We have English on Tuesday at 10 o'clock.

ü -

i í
Read а1Г 1
г _r f
about it!
1 ( 1
>— J J J


You can see, hear, and do lots of interesting

things on th e W o rld W ide W e b (th e ‘W e b ’}. Three million new computers
To use th e W e b you need a m ultim edia com puter join every month.

and a modem. The modem links your com puter

to th e In te rn e t (the ‘N e t’) via a phone line.

A n y o n a W tb W b a n S t
h s P e a к e г к H ow much do you know
с a 1 I g У i q е about the W eb?
u m p I 0 a V e У Which o f these things can’t
0 m 0 d e m P u Ь people do on the W eb?
h 0 h n d a e к 0
n u i m .i r b с а • talk to an aunt in A ustralia \
e d n d u t i e г
• w atch p a rts of the new i
I b e e s z 0 и d
Steven Spielberg movie
r w m 0 u s e г е
• buy the book ‘The B o rrow ers’ '

a □c 5 b - • listen to music by their

favourite pop group
% write to their favourite film s tar\
• find out how to make
chocolate cake
• make new friends
• g e t hom ework help '
1У I I I I I 1 1I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 » 1 Í 1 I ' \ ^

• play the flute

• join a pop s ta r ’s fan club ;

• find out about the w eather

in N e w York
• play VR gam es with kids f€
on the o th er side o f the world
• visit the pyramids
• send a postcard to a friend
• read a magazine
D U i i l o e : u i e ' \about it!

□ -

^V.111 A .
'v f

Address I ‘ www.bulldog&
( о W t y Д Р c o m p u t e r g a m e Ц

1^ You need:

thinking a shoe 2 strips a sheet a pencil crayons scissors glue

time box o f card o f paper

Make a hole in one end o f the

box. Cut two slits in each side.
f 3 I Draw round the end o f the box.
Cut out the square. Colour a
computer game scene on the paper.

Glue the scene to

the back o f the box.

Draw your game characters on the end o f the strips

o f card. Cut the card out around the drawings.

baddie f - goodie

Ж т 1
Щ computer game
Explain your game is called Jungle
Put your characters in the
World. This is Jenny,
slits. Look through the hole to your class.
she's the goodie.
in the end o f the box. She can climb trees
and she can swim.
This is the baddie.
His name's Kong.
He wants to kill the
trees. Can Jenny
stop him?

Unit 2 Stage 4
W h ® r
Do you
Make sentences about the differences.
remember? A n A the window is behind the computer,
n B it's next to the computer.

2 Look at the picture for one minute. ■0LU3Up 3 L jl o ;

Cover it and turn your book upside down.

'l i e q i o o i

S B U B u eq p u e S3|dde


■ 3 !s n u j


•p aq B u\


■pUB|B3Z M3[\| UJ0 4


9 M )| 0 6 s q

* 3 s o o i/ \ [ ; n o q B S 3 3 U 3 :^ U 3 S 3 5 [B ]/ \ [

Do you remember? 1"'

Play ‘Four in a row ’ ^ ^ ^ ^ .
You need a dice Roll it twice to find your square:

One ... f o u r .^ Where's Eagle from?

I# Do you
The United States. ‘ remember?
Three ... one.

It's under the table in the kitchen.

Do you remember? 1 (2 1

Monster corner
1 Listen and number the m ovie monsters.

The Phantom
o f the Opera

Choose a monster. W ork with a partner. Ask and answer.

Has he got Has he got Has he got

sharp claws? sharp teeth? dark hair?

No, he hasn't. Yes, he has. Yes, he has. Yes, he is. ^


dark scary 1 strong 1
hairy sharp thin 1
long small ugly 1
‘ 3 Read the article. Answer the questions.
At the!

© iiu ic g (li® ® (lE s t? pm i

racula sleeps all day and

D wakes up when the sun goes
down. At night he changes into
'y a bat and drinks blood. He

lives in Transylvania in a
big, old castle. Then he
buys a house in England
and the problems start.
What does Dracula do to
the people there? Watch
the film and find out.

ing Kong is a
^huge, hairy gorilla.
^One day he arrives in
New York. He is very
scary and people run
Amazon jungle. He is quiet away from him. The
and he isn't dangerous. He is police put him in a
half man, half fish, and he can zoo. He escapes and
swim very well. One day he climbs the Empire
sees some scientists in the State Building. How
jungle. The Gill Man's problems do they catch him?
start. What does the Gill Man do Watch the film and
to the scientists? Watch the film find out.
and find out.

a When does Dracula sleep? d Where does the Gill Man live?

b W hat does he change into? e W ho does he see in the jungle?

c Where does he live? f W hat does King Kong climb?

W hat does he do?

When does he sleep?
W here does he go?
Who does he see?
Help! Police! There's
monster outside our tent!
’ ,

© Tell the story round the class.

One a fte rno on the Harris fa m ily drive in to a . M um and Dad p u t up the ■<
f ,

^ a n d play In a M um puts the ina_, because o f animals.

At they are . They go to bed in the . wakes up at ^

He can "^ s o m e th in g outside. He looks out. He can a B ig fo o t next to the

It is hungry. gets up. He gives the B ig fo o t a

wakes up. She sees the B ig fo o t and rings the .

A police officer is interviewing Mike. Listen and read. 'M y s t e n ^

Police O fficer Can you describe Im o r

^ ^ Iv io n s t e r s i
Police O fficer W here were you last night?
the monster?
M ike I was outside our tent.
M ik e It was big and hairy.
Police O fficer And where was the m onster?
Police O fficer Was it scary?
M ike It was under our food tree.
M ike No, it wasn't. It was hungry!
Police O fficer Were your parents and your
sister w ith you?

Choose a holiday photo. W ork with a partner. Ask and answer.

Q Where were you? ^ ^ What time was it? ^

In th e Y ellow J u n g le |

Key wo
0 6 .0 0 -1 2 .0 0 in the morning
1 2 .0 0 - 1 8 . 0 0 in the afternoon |
18 .00 - 22.00 in the evening f-i
2 2 .0 0 -0 6 .0 0 a t night

Was it big? Yes, it was.

Were they with you? No, they weren't. Unit3 Stage 2 ( 2 5
Label the dinosaur. 2^ Listen and complete the chart.

^3^ Say the rap.

They lived on Ear+h a" long time ago.
Some were fast and some were slow.
Some had flippers. Some had fee+.
Some a+e plan+s and some ate meat.
Dlno, dino, dinosaur!
Big dino rap! Let’s rap some more. Tyrannosaurus was king of them all.
He had big back legs and was very, very +all.
His tee+h were long and sharp and whi+e.
He had a loud roar and a very big bi+e. ■
a < jr a i# v ,

Brachiosaurus was slow and strong. ^ ^

Her head was small and her neck was long. ’
She walked around on all four legs.
She ate green leaves and she cared for her eggs
Dino, dino, dinosaur.
Big dino rap! Let’s hear you ROAR!

Dinosaurs lived a long time ago.

Some dinosaurs ate plants.
Read the article.
11 DinO;
Mark the sentences A (allosaurus) or T (tyrannosaurus). power

Scary monsters
The allosaurus lived 156-130 million years ago in the Jurassic period.
The tyrannosaurus lived 68-65 million years ago in the Cretaceous period.
They lived at different times, but imagine a dinosaur fight!

AiosaurU^ TyrannoM
ffi Size Size
It was 1] metres long and It was 12 metres long
nearly 2 metres tall. and 3 metres tall.
Special features Special features
it had a strong neck and It had a huge head! »4U “ "
Sum huge teeth. It had a It had strong, sharp teeth
long, strong tail and very and a strong neck. It had
strong back legs. It had big back feet.
sharp claws on its
front and back feet.
It couldn't run very fast.
It was a good swimmer.
It ran fast. It couldn't
I climb or swim. Brain _
It wasn't very clever.
Big! A clever Food
dinosaur. It ate plant-eating
Food dinosaurs. i**;
It ate small Bad points
plant-eating It was slow. It had
dinosaurs. small front legs
Bad points and couldn't put
It moved slowly food in its mouth.
in water. Lifestyle
Lifestyle It didn't have many
It lived friends. It lived alone^“ c
in groups. most of the time. 1

a It lived 1 5 6 -1 3 0 m illio n years ago. d It was clever.

b It had sharp claws on its back feet. e It co u ld n 't p u t fo o d in its m outh.

c It was a good swimmer. f It lived w ith o th e r dinosaurs.

JKction ^
n i€ r ^

research a sheet paper a pencil crayons scissors

time o f card fasteners
or freezer
ties 1
Find out m a g t M ^ t n c s

■ © about a
3 \ Draw its body, tail, legs, neck, tMc 'Wntcrrwet:
and head on a sheet o f card. dinosaur. n m tM S C u m x

On the back o f each part write

a sentence about your dinosaur.

The alloSQ urus lived

156 million
y e a r s ago.

4 J Colour and cut out the parts.

\ •

C^j Put your dinosaur together. f ^J your class about

your dinosaur. ^
This is an allosaurus. It lived
156 m illion years ago. I t ...

Ш Ъ ш ш

i* World of sport
■ L is t e n a n d m a t c h t h e n a m e s w i t h t h e p e o p le .

L4.1^ Sally Jack Emily Rory Jess Tom Sam Anna

H e's fl'^ying football.

She is n 't doing gymnastics.
W ork with a partner. Take it in turns to cover the picture.
Ask and answer.

Is Tom playing tennis? i Is he swimming?

No, he isn't. Yes, he is.

Complete the Me column. W ork in groups. Ask and answer.


W hat sports are

you good at?

W hat's your
fa vourite sport?

W hen do
you do it?

Listen and read.

Read the article. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).

They first played tennis when

they were fo u r years old.
There are fo u r W illiam s sisters.

2^ Unjumble the words to make true sentences.

a Venus / is / Serena / than / older d than / shorter / is / Venus / Serena

b younger / Serena / is / Venus / than e heavier / Serena / than / is / Venus
c is / Venus / than / Serena / ta lle r f Serena / is / Venus / than / stronger

Venus is older than Serena.

3 2 ) Unit 4 stage 2 Serena is younger than Venus.
3 ) Measure your partner. Make sentences.
l i s t a r sp o t

bigger longer narrow er

shorter sm aller ta lle r w ider

c My fo o t is wider than Juan's.

Eva's foot is narrower than mine.

Listen and match the words with the gaps.

L4.3 be ju m p long run strong world

I want to be a sports star.

I want to be on TV.
I can @ fast, I can @ high.
So come on - look at me!

I want to be a sports star.

I want to be on TV.
I've got @ legs, I've got
So come on - look at me!

I want to be a sports star.

I want to be on TV.
I want to @ the best, the best that I can be.
I want the ^ to look at ^/
Jl J J J

Football in history
Football s ta rte d jn A n c ie n t Egypt T he Chinese played i t a b o u t The Greeks played i t a t th e Olympics.
5,000 years ago. 2,300 years ago. They invented
a light, round fo o tb a ll. And the gold for football
OK. Your team And your team goes to Athens Football Club!
kicks the ball kicks the ball
What can we put in it?
over there... over here...
Rice is too heavy.

T he Romans ta u g h t In th e th irte e n th century, w hole In th e fo u rte e n th century, King Edward II I

i t t o th e French. to w n s played fo o tb a ll matches. o f England banned football. 1

Hey! That's not fair. 1Oh please. Your Majesty!

You've got 101 men . Sorry, you knights T
on your team and can't play football! ^ ^ r -
I've only got 1001

V y

No, I'm the king. '

j ^ And 1say no football games 1
in England from now on. |

B u t fo o tb a ll continued, and th e fir s t internation al m atch o f The modern game travelled from Europe all over th e
m odern fo o tb a ll was be tw ee n England and S cotland in 1872. world, and in th e end football became a w orld game.
W hich football team leopie use tnese things for the first g%
has the m ost fans in the v ...e m football matches? Put them in order, w
lioodltghts tor playing ai night О
a whistle for the referee О
a w hite ball О
eople watched A
w in the W orld Cl irld Cup Finals w
О Ш. on T V ?

О 120 1,000,000 G
(one m illion)
О б
1,000,000,000 О
(one billion)
0,000,000,000 О
(ten billion)

W hich player W hat

happened to ^
the W orld Cup
in 1966?
A dog found it O
О CantQuaj a rubbish bin.
О Ronaldo T h e referee O
О Pele dropped it.

inglish captain O
lost it.

In the 1860s football arrived

O n o re people at ^

in Arge n tin a. W ho took it?
a fam ous English football team
an En g lish university professor
the 1950 W orld Cup Fin a l V
than any other football m atch - 1 9 9 ,8 5 4 .
W hich team s played in the m atch?
Argentina and England О
O English men w ho w orked on train:
B ra zil and U ru g u a y О
France and Spain О

(p x g > t> r t g » € » s ‘t e r 6 }

1 > You need:

research a large magazines scissors glue crayons
time sheet o f

Glue photos o f your

favourite sport on
a large sheet o f paper.

Cut out letters to give

your poster a title.

r 4 1 W rite about a sports star.

Find a photo i f possible.

' 5^ Draw and label pictures

o f the things you need
for your sport.

Make a list o f words

connected with your sport.

Look at other posters with

your classmates. Ask and
answer questions.

^ What does this word m e a n ? ^

La.SLQ-^ ^ 9
lanT horpe ii-the b e st swimmer irj-th« worM. T hppcrS

Ht comes fram Sydney. Av*iti-<\lia..

Hewas born on IBtli October^ H?!. L——
Hesiwrted Switnniif'3 when he wus three ^Mrsoid.
He Won iw o silver oind three g'W medals in the
2ooo OtjnopicS in Sj)<*ne<j When h t Wus owljj 17. hat
How many bikes
are there?

How many people

are there in the dragon?

Turn to page 80.

Write the two numbers
in the green box.
Do you remember?
^ 1 Look at the pictures. Make questions.
Do you

a he fo r walks when go does ? e he a t the Sports Centre does w ho see ?

b go where fo r walks does he ? f In the a fte rn o o n does he eat w hat ?

c play he w ith Eagle what does ? g do does he in th e a fte rn o o n what ?

d have does where he lunch ? h he to bed does go vvhen ?

2 W ork with a partner. Ask and answer.

When does he go for walks? In the morning.

Change one word to make each sentence true. (The dinosaur names are correct.)

How good is y o u r m em ory?

The allosaurus was bigger than the tyrannosaurus.
The tyrannosaurus had long fro n t legs. ‘
The tyrannosaurus and the allosaurus ate plants.
The allosaurus w asn't clever.
^ The tyrannosaurus was faster than the allosaurus.
The allosaurus c o u ld n 't run.

Do you remember?
4 Play ‘Which monster?’.
j ’-- -
Is it hairy? Has it got Has it got Is it playing It’s A3!
sharp teeth? a short tail? tennis?

No, it isn't.
Do you
No, it hasn't. Yes, it has. Yes, it is. remember?

Do you remember?
Listen and number the verses.


Tl^e animals warcjteti info iown

To tl^e Haj»j>y EartI’ Anlwal Marel>-
Frotn tlie nortli anti from tlie SoutK
frotn th e east an^ From th& west,
They all marched into tovt^n
To tlie Bajsjsy Earth Animal March.

The cats came ijxiietly, ^¡uieily, <j,uietly,

n/ The cats came (¡^uietly to th& B ^ ffy Earth Animal March
0 0 ■

The lizards came lazily ...

The snails came slowly ...

I J The l^angarooS came ijuickly ...
o iii
f y The flamingos flew Fast ...

The fili»
ants came angrily ...
0 The hijjjjos came haj»j»ily ...

The lions came loucily, loütíly, loudly,

The lions came loucily to the Hajs^y Earth Animal March. J
To the Hajijsy Earth Animal March —
To the Haj»j>y Earth ... Animal March?

'* ^ 1 / i'

’ 2"^ Listen and say it like the animals.

The cats came quietly.
The hif)f>os came happily.
The flamingos flew fast.
Read and match the riddles with the animals.

I fly h ig h w it h m y b rig h t w in g s.
I c a ll lo u d ly fro m th e tre e s.
I eat n u ts , fr u it , an d lo ts o f seed s.
W h o am I? W h ic h o f th ese?

I d o n ’t m ove fa s t w h e n I ’m o n la n d .
M y w in g s d o n ’t h e lp m e fly .
B u t in th e w a te r, I s w im fa s t. .
So te ll m e, w h o am I?

I s it q u ie tly o n a ro c k .
I d o n ’t sin g v e ry w e ll.
I ju m p q u ic k ly w h e n I m ove.
W h o am I? C a n y o u te ll?

I ro a r lo u d ly w h e n I ’m a n g ry.
M y stro n g leg s ru n v e ry fa st!
Yo u ca n g uess m e e a s ily -
b ecau se m y rid d le ’s th e la s t!

4 Choose an animal. W ork with a partner. Make sentences and guess.

I swim very fast.

I don't run very well. You're a penguin.
I don't fly. Who am I?
Suddenly the dolphins swam faster and faster
In 1998 Oliver Crimble from Newcastle, around them. Oliver saw a fish near him.
Australia was on his surfboard in the Pacific It wasn't a dolphin, it was a shark!
Ocean. Two friends were with him. They were
near a group o f dolphins.

The shark opened its mouth Suddenly he saw the dolphins.

and bit Oliver's surfboard. ^ The shark bit Oliver's legs. They were in a big group. They
Oliver fell into the sea. He was very very scared. chased the shark and it went away.
2 j Cover ‘ Shark Attack’. Tell the story round the class.

b it chased fe ll had helped saw swam was went

a One day Oliver


3 Listen and circle the correct words.


a The boy fe ll ... three metres. five metres,

b The gorilla ... h u rt the boy. helped the boy.

c The gorilla to o k the boy ... to the door. up a tree,

d The boy ... was OK. w asn't OK.

U n its Stage2
Listen and write the numbers.
Anim al ^
-» re c o rd s ^

The laziest animals The largest eyes

in the world
Giant squids have
Koalas sleep for the largest eyes In
( ) hours a day. the world. They are
( ) centimetres across

The strongest The shortest life

animals in the world The animals that live
Ants can lift things fo r the shortest tim e
C Z ) times heavier are mayflies. They live
than they are. fo r only ( ) hours.

2 Complete the speech bubbles.

*3 Listen and check.

Read the article. Answer the questions.

Snow leopards
Snow leopards live high
in the mountains in Asia.
In winter their fur grows
thicker because it is very
cold. They can climb well
and spend a lot of time in
Big cats live all round the world, trees. Snow leopards are the
but people rarely see them. quietest big cats. They don’t
roar, they purr loudly (like
They have sharp claws and teeth. a cat). There are only about
They can be dangerous to people but 5,000 snow leopards still
people are even more dangerous to cats. living. Hunters love their
• We hunt spotted cats for their fur. winter fur. , :
• We hunt tigers for their bones.
• We hunt big cats just for sport.
• We destroy their homes and their food. Jheg ree d iest
Conservation groups want to save Tigers can eat more ->
'Our big Qdts. But is there time? .than 30 kilos o f meat \
ïS-: ^ in one night? i■K\

The lo udest
' yo u can hear a lion roar
8 kilometres away. -
Cheetahs have long legs and
thin bodies and they are the
Svanish limxes
fastest land animals in the Spanish lynxes are the smallest of the big cats.
world. They can run about They are also one of the rarest - there are only
100 kilometres an hour, but a few hundred still living. These lynxes look like
they can’t run this fast for cats but they are larger. They have long legs,
a long time. Cheetahs once large feet, and long hairs on top of their ears.
lived all over Africa, India, Their home is in Mediterranean forests, but
and the Middle East. Now there aren’t many of these forests now. Hunters .
there are fewer than 4,000. also kill lynxes for their fur.
Most o f them live in Africa.

a W hich is the quietest big cat? c W hat is the biggest danger fo r big cats?

b W hich is the sm allest big cat? d W hich Is the fastest big cat?
(© W t y v tr a c k y ta n im a ! ^ n r H ix x c r

Spin the whizzer to make a m oving picture. Invent your own

wacky animal whizzer
or use one o f these ideas:

1 ) You need: Draw two circles

on the card.
thin a compass scissors crayons glue string
card and pencil or
rubber bands

r 3 ) On one circle draw and F4 1 On the other circle draw and

colour your animal. colour your animal’s home.
* • *
* • *

• •
Cut two bits o f string.
Thread them through
the holes and tie them.
(You can use long
rubber bands too.)

c y

Cut out the two circles.

Glue them together with
the animal upside down.
© Make a hole in each
side o f the whizzer.

Vote for the

best whizzer
in the class.

U n its Stage4
4 8 ) Unit 6 stag^ 1
Match the pictures with the gaps.

a W illy Weasel sent a message to ....

b Super IVIole m e t ... a t his house,

c W illy Weasel rang ... on his mobile phone,

d Spider Kid made a web to catch ....

e ... flew over the lake w ith Spider Kid.

f ... took the Earth Raiders away.

3 Listen and match the words with the gaps.


W ere Earth Savers - a super team.

A nice clean Earth! It’s not a dream!

Do the things we do. and. hey,
We all can ^ ^ the Earth today.

We 0 4 the lights when we go out,

W e ^ ^ the lights when we go out. (

You m ust do the same as us __ all our paper ...

A n d ^ ^ electricity! And h e l p ^ lots o f trees!

Chorus Chorus

We d on’t ^ 4 rubbish in the street ... We d o n ’t ^ 4 w ater in the bath ...

And 0 4 the city clean! And h e l p ^ ^ water, too!

Chorus Chorus

-4.4 Make the Earth Savers’ signs.

fly — flew ring — rang

m ake — made send — sent
m eet — m et take — took
11 Listen and match the pictures with the correct months.

Tick / the sentences for Moose and Kiwi.

a I always go to the m ountains in July,

b I never go cycling in summer,

c It's usually quite cold in autum n,

d 1 often go cam ping a t th e weekend in spring,

e It sometimes rains in August.

3 1 Make true sentences


I always go camping in July.

I t sometimes rains in summer.
^4 Л Read the story. Number the pictures.

ttow (
IteMade hieW iinter
» A N a U ve A m erican S to ry

nee upon a time Coyote couldn’t find food.

He followed Eagle and Eagle gave him food.
Then one day Eagle was angry with Coyote.
‘Go and catch your own food,’ Eagle said.
‘I can’t,’ said Coyote, ‘it’s dark. Your eyes are better
than mine.’
In those days, the sun wasn’t in the sky - it was in
a box. The box was in a village a long way away in the
west. Every day the people opened the box and a little
light came out.
‘L et’s go and see the people with the sun,’ said Eagle.
‘They can make more light and then you can find your
own food.’
Together they travelled west.
When they arrived, there was a festival in the village.
The dancers had a beautiful box. They opened it and
golden sunlight came out.
‘There’s the box,’ said Eagle. ‘We m ust ask for some
light from the sun.’
‘N o,’ said Coyote. ‘We must take the box.’
Eagle didn’t like the idea, but he wanted to go home.
When everyone was asleep. Eagle flew down fast and
took the box. Eagle and Coyote started to go home as
quickly as possible.
The next day Coyote stopped Eagle.
‘Hey, Eagle,’ said Coyote, ‘let me see the box!’
‘You take the box,’ Eagle said, ‘but you mustn’t
open it quickly’
‘O K ,’ said Coyote.
Eagle flew far away in front of Coyote.
‘Eagle knows something that I don’t know,’ Coyote
thought, and he opened the box quickly.
The sun flew out —it was a bright gold ball of fire.
It flew far, far, away up into the sky. The E arth became
very cold and very dark. The flowers and trees died.
The lakes and rivers turned to ice. It began to snow.
T hat was the first winter. Coyote made it.
r j r^-rl _r 1 _r 1 i 1 [i
f Jl

A volcano is a mountain of lava. When a volcano
erupts, lava, ash, and smoke come out of the crater. ash
The lava cools and makes a cone. There are more than
850 volcanoes in the world. Most of them are in a ring
around the Pacific Ocean. It is called the Ring of Fire.

In Ancient Rome people believed that

Vulcan, the god of fire, lived in a mountain.
The word 'volcano' comes from 'Vulcan'.

Mount Vesuvius in Italy erupted in AD 79,

It covered the Roman city of Pompeii with

MX v e i u v i u s eikupTS six m etre s of hot ash . A t firs t the ash fell

very slowly. People walked around under
2 5 T H A U q U i 'T X.D 7 9 the ash and didn’t try to leave. S c ie n tists
now think th at there w as a sudden eruption
of very fast and very hot wind and ash. The
wind blew people onto the ground and they
couldn't breathe because of the ash. Many
centuries later people discovered Pompeii,

Today th e volcano is still There w as a whole city under the ash with
i Yesterday M o u n t Vesuvius
started t o erupt a t midday. e rupting and th e volcanic h o u se s, sk e le to n s, and even food.
In th e afternoon th e shops ash is slowly covering th e H isto rians learnt a lot about life in Roman
j* opened and people walked in houses, shops, and temples. tim es from the city of Pompeii, Vesuvius
¡5 th e streets. By th e evening Everyone is asking th e same
la s t erupted in 1 9 4 4 ,
there was a lo t o f volcanic ash question: When is Vesuvius
J on th e streets and people going t o stop erupting?
stayed inside th e ir houses.
M ake Your Own Volcano
1 B u ild a c la y v o lc a n o on th e p ap er p late .

2 M ake a la rg e h o le in th e v o lc a n o .

3 P u t th e to ile t p ap e r tub e in to th e h o le .

4 F ill th e tub e w ith b ica rb o n a te o f sod a.

5 P u t in som e d ro p s o f red food c o lo u rin g .

You need:
• a pap er plate • red food co lo u rin g
6 A d d v in e g a r to th e b ica rb o n a te o f soda.
• b icarb o n ate • a to ilet paper tube
o f soda - cut in h a lf
7 W a tch y o u r v o lca n o e ru p t!
• cla y • vin e g a r
P n
' ^ \r O lC € W n € > p o c w n J

11 You need:

two a pencil w ax a ruler scissors thinking

sheets crayons time
o f card

On one sheet o f card draw

Cut across the top o f the crater. a volcano. Colour it.
Measure the cut.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
J ____ I_^__ I I I I I I I I I I I

Scratch a volcano poem on the

On the other sheet measure and column with your scissors.
draw a colunin and cloud o f lava.
Cut it out. Colour the column red
then black on top. Colour the cloud.

Put the column through the crater.

To make the volcano erupt, pull out the cloud.

Show your class and say the poem.

Bang! Crash!
Smol<e and ash.
The volcano erupts.
Hot lava! Hot lava!
Down the mountain
Like a river.

Unite stage4
How many dolphins
are there in the pool?

How much does

the zoo cost?

Turn to page 80. Write the

numbers in the purple boxes.

Unit 6 Stage 5
Do you remember?
1m W hat are the zoo keepers saying? Complete the speech bubbles.

2 Turn your book upside down. Answer the questions.

¿J3d93>| o o z isaiJO LjS 3L|i s \ 3J3L|/\/\ j ¿ooz 3L|; u\ iBLume isaueos a iji s\ l| 0 !L|/v\ o
¿3J3L|; 3JB sum6u3d Aueixi moh 9 ¿Bujop soddjLj 3 L|i 3JB ; b l |/v \ q
¿J3d33>| ooz 1S3||B1 3L|1 S| 3J3Lj/V\ p ¿ 3 J3 q i 3JB so6u!LU By Au b o i m oh ^

Circle one in each box. 4 W rite your story: ‘M y Anim al Dream’.

Place 1 at the zoo / at the park / at the sports centre

Animal 1 lizard / snail / ant / frog

Animal 2 a lion / an elephant / a tiger / a hippo

Uerb chase / bite / help / see / watch / hurt

Adverb quietly / lazily / slowly / quickly / happily / angrily Last night 1 had a funny dream. I was Place i.
Body part nose / hand / head / leg / foot I saw a big Animal i. It was bigger than Animal 2.

Place 2 in the kitchen / in bed / at the cinema / at school

It Verb me. I went away Adverb. I fell and hurt my
Body part. When 1 opened my eyes I was Place 2.

Do you remembi
5 Play ‘Race to the Volcano Science Station’. 6 0 UP GO DOWN
You need a dice iH H l and counters r

Do you

TJe^fou remember?

Fun zone
Talk about the differences between the water park rides.

bigger higher longer low er narrow er shorter sm aller w ider

__________________ 1

^ The Zipper is higher than the Curver" ^ The Curver is lower than the Zipper. ^

2 Listen and find these people in the water park.

L7.T ^ This is boring! ^ f This is scary! j

This is exciting! This is funny!
D -------
fteturn Ticket
Comparative adjectives
Listen and match the words with the gaps.

Are you going to, are you going to, are you going to go
On the Waterworld . O * ? Oh! Oh! Oh!
Splish splosh shewaddy. It’s . 0 * - so
I’m not going to go on the .< 3 * ~ no, no!

. . . O n th e W a te rw o rld * 0 * ? O h ! O h ! O h !
Splish splosh shewaddy. It’s . O ' - so
I ’m not going to go on the (3 * ~ no, no!

... On the W aterw orld»' Q * ? Oh! Oh! Oh!

Splish splosh shewaddy. They’re . 0 - - oh yes!
Perhaps I’m going to go on the • (3 * - I guess.

... On the Waterworld . 0 * ? Oh! Oh! Oh!

L ...
Splish splosh shewaddy. It’s « C3 * - I guess.
So I ’m sure I ’m going to go on the » 0 * - oh yes!

4 W ork with a partner. Make dialogues about the rides.

( Are you going to go on the ... ? j

-------------------- No. I'm not.

It's .... I'm going to go on the ...

Are you going to go on the ...?

Are you going to go to Waterworld?

I'm going to go on the Curver
I'm not going to go on the Zipper.
Talk about the mistakes in the picture.

They didn't have skateboards.

■ •-4’rz~ ■ • '•—

© Talk about people in your fam ily when they were younger.

d id n 't have had d id n 't play played My Grandpa didn' t have ^

a remote controlled
2 d car. J
WORD ~ i y ----------------------
SAVER CD yo-yo com puter game
My parents played with marbles.
Ü chess scooter skipping rope
comic model boat stam p collection
A ►
hoop skateboard rem ote controlled car
rollerblades m arbles
3 ) Look at the magazine page. W ho has the strangest collection?
At p la y '

C o l l e c l 'o r s
C o rn er
W rite and tell us about your collection.
£10 for the strangest collection.

I often go w a lkin g w ith

m y fam ily. I lik e it a lo t.
T a k in g photos is O K , but
/ colkct badges. Theif aregreat. I’vegot more
I take home b its o f the
than200. / kee\) all mybadges onanold
m ountain w ith me too.
T-shirt onmif wall.! wearadifferent one
T h a t’s rig h t, I collect stones.
everyday. /lovechoosingwhichbadge to
I have a collection o f more
wear inthemorning.
than 100 stones. M y M um John Travers, Hull
is n ’t v e ry happy because I
keep them und er m y bed!

Rebecca Palm er, Sevenoaks

I have more than 250 shark teeth. I wear my
favourite one round my neck. My grandparents
I like drawing. It's my hobby. have a house by the beach. I go there every
My collection started because summer. 1 find the shark teeth in the water and
of drawing. First of all I in the sand. I hate t j
bought rubbers because I swimming in the
needed them. Then I decided sea because
to collect them. I have more I always think
than 5 0 rubbers now. The of the sharks.^
problem is that I don't like
Jacob Bowman,
using them. My favourite one
looks like a dinosaur.
Marina H all, Glasgow

'4 ^ Answer the questions.

a W hat does Rebecca like doing? e W hat does M arina like doing?

b W hat does she collect? f Does she like using her collection?

c Where does John keep his collection? g W hat does Jacob collect?

d How m any badges does he wear every day? h Where does he fin d them ?
No, they didn't. They arrived in London
2^ Read the article. Answer the questions. on Monday evening.

a Did they arrive in M adrid on M onday evening?

b Did they go to Paris on Tuesday afte rno on?

c Did they give a concert in Paris on Wednesday m orning?

d Did they go to Vienna by train?

e Did th e y give a concert in Vienna on Tuesday evening?

f Did th e y make a pop video in Vienna?

9 Did they go home on Saturday?

Did they go home on Saturday?

Yes, they did.
No, they didn't.
^ Music
^ time
S on^ Me




4 th

5 th

6 th

^4 * W ork in groups. ^ Did you like the first one?

Complete the table. — ^ Yes, I did. No, I d id n 't

' n ^ S
' t' a r F
' iÊ e

You need:

a sheet
o f paper from
photos a pencil crayons scissors glue

; .........................................................................

Choose a star. Glue some ( 3 ^ Fold the sheet o f paper twice to make
photos onto the sheet o f paper. a booklet with the photos on the inside.
Cut out or write their name.

On the front page

write some star facts.

On the middle pages write
some song titles.

PInee of birthj

Home town-

W ork with a partner. She's a woman.

Talk about your star. She's nineteen.
Guess who it is. Her birthday is on ...
On the back page write about
your star’s looks and likes.


Fave clothes:

Fave colour:

Fave food:
W h m tm

When does the show start?

This is Ben and Liiy's row number.

What number
is Nadia Popova's room?

What number
is the Nutcraci<er's room?

Turn to page 80. Write the

numbers in the pink boxes.
the w orld'
Read the article. Match
the numbers with the gaps. |g||g||g|0
nine hundred two thousand eight thousand, eight million,
and seventy-nine four hundred, five hundred
and eighty-eight thousand

The highest m ountain in the w orld is

M o u n t Everest. It is | [ ^ metres high.
It is as ta ll as a skyscraper w ith
floors. The amazing th in g is th a t
it gets higher every year.

The Sahara desert is the

biggest desert in the world.
It is about square
kilometres - as big as the
United States and bigger
than Europe! It is in ten
d iffe re n t countries.

2 Listen and check.

Angel Falls in Venezuela is

the highest w a terfall in the
world. It is metres high.
It Is higher than the tw o
highest buildings in the world
one on top o f the other! Return Ticket
Superlative adjectives
Listen and draw pictures to complete the song.
- |hew brldi

Oh w h at a wonderful journey, travelling round the world!

W here d id we go, w hat did we see, on our journey round the world?

Chorus Chorus
1 w en t to visit Koala. I w ent to visit Bulldog. I w en t to visit M o ose.

I travelled there by I travelled there by I travelled there by

1 saw Ayers Коек, 1 saw B i^ B en and I saw the Great lak es

I climbed to the top. the River Thames, and a lot o f sn ow ,

Then I came home a^ain. A n d I ^ot w et in the rain. And a bear came fishing with us.


Chorus Chorus Chorus

1 w en t to visit Zebra. I w en t to visit Ea^le I didn’t visit Kiwi.

I travelled there by I travelled there bv it’s too far away.

W e saw hippos, lions, 1 saw IVew York, I was v e r y tired,

and elephants. and in Yellow stone Park so I stayed in bed.

it w as a fabulous trip. I w'ent for a lo n ^ hike. A n d slept all throu^^h the day.

Where did ... go?

W ork with a partner. Ask and answer. What did ... see?

How did ... travel?

Where did Moose go?

How did Eagle travel?
Unit 8 Stage 1
W hat did Kiwi see?
T I I J I I I IJ I I I I Baron Zolkoff arrives at the temple.
He takes the thirteenth crystal. The
other twelve crystals are in his lab in ,
Transylvania. He must go there quickly a
before Vicky and Alabama can stop him. |
He makes a trap for them.

Two days later Vicky Vermont and

Alabama Smith meet in Brasilia. They take
a small plane to an old temple in the jungle.
They are following Baron Zolkoff. _

When Alabama and Vicky find the temple,

the Baron isn’t there. The thirteenth crystal
isn’t there either. They open the door and
suddenly a net traps them and they are in
the air. There are hungry piranhas under
them. How can they escape? _____ __

The film starts with the baddie Baro

Zolkoff. He has eleven ancient crystals.
Then he steals the twelfth ft-om the
Natural History Museum m London^
Vicky Vermont works at the museum,
sees t o o n Zolkoff but she can’t stop him.

But Baron Zolkoff breaks their plane

before they take off. It crashes in the
jungle, but they aren’t hurt. They Start
to walk to the temple.____________
Vicky rings Alabama Smith, the famous —
archaeologist. He tells her about the
thirteen ancient crystals. People beheye
that they make a magic crystal pyramid.
The person with the pyramid can see
into the future. Alabama says that the
thirteenth crystal is in Brazil.
0 What is going to happen next?

a The m onkey is is n 't going to help them escape,

b Baron Z o lk o ff is going to arrive in Transylvania before a fte r them .

c They are going to travel

fro m the a irp o rt to the Baron's castle by horse h e lic o p te r

d They are going to meet some w olves ^ bears

e A labam a S m ith V icky V e rm o n t is going to fa ll dow n a w a te rfa ll,

f A t the b o tto m o f the w a te rfa ll th e y are going to fin d

a secret d oo r in to th e Baron's castle th e th irte e n th crystal .

"^31 Listen and check your ideas.


r r H ttD
How does the film end? %%%%%%% ra n x n
Under the
Baron's castle

Key w ords
arrive fall take
break ; find ; tra p
crash ‘ follow
escape steal

He's going to find the castle.

She isn't going to escape.
They're going to fall.
They aren't going to go in.
Read a ll' \
_r -T
about it!
f (
JJ li i U - Jl J J J

M arco Polo was the first European to travel

ARC0 P o lo was born in 1254 in Venice. When he was 17 he travelled
to Asia and tell his story. His book,
'The Travels o f M arco Polo' is the most
famous travel book in history.
1 w ith his father and uncle to China. Their trip took three years. The
Emperor Kublai Khan was surprised to hear that there were Europeans
in China. He invited them to his palace and he gave Marco a job.

Chinese food was different from Italian food. He saw people w ith small glass circles in fro n t o f
Some o f it was very strange but Marco Polo their eyes. These 'glasses’ helped people to see
really loved two foods in China. One was better. W hat a good idea! In Europe the money
ice cream and the other was spaghetti. was gold and silver coins. In China people used
paper m oney It was much easier to use.

Marco worked for the Emperor for

many years. He travelled all over
China and he made many
amazing discoveries. In Europe
people didn’t have many things
that he saw. People put black In 1292 the Polos decided to go back to Italy Marco took
stones not wood on their fires. with him many o f his Chinese discoveries. The Polos arrived
These black stones - or ‘coal’ - back in Venice in 1295. Marco was 41 and his father and
came from under the ground. uncle were old men. Their friends didn’t recognize them.

In 1298 Marco went to prison. In

prison he told stories o f his journey
and his discoveries to a friend. The
Marco told fantastic stories about China Polos were wearing th e ir old travelling friend wrote them down. One day a
and his discoveries. No one believed him. clothes. Marco took a knife. He cut his man called Christopher Columbus
They called him ‘the man o f a m illion lies.’ clothes. Gold and jewels from China fell read Marco Polo’s book. He decided
Marco decided to give a big party. The onto the floor. After this, people in Venice to sail west to China. He didn’t find
guests ate spaghetti and ice cream. The believed Marco’s stories. China ... but that’s another story!
about it!

The cocoa beans that make chocolate come of the I6th century. They mixed them with
from South A m erica. The A zte cs used them sugar and made a drink. King Ferdinand
as money and they made them into a drink loved it and kept the secret of chocolate in
called 'xocoati'. T his drink wasn't sw eet like Spain for a hundred years. It was only a
our chocolate - it was b itter. Colum bus took drink until the first chocolate bar appeared
some cocoa beans to Spain at the beginning in England in 1847.

o c o

I POPCORI The Incas grew potatoes in South America, but there
weren't anyinpotatoes in Europe until the Spanish took
them there about 1560.

A chef in a New York restaurant made the first

potato crisps by accident in 1853. An unhappy
Popcorn is not a modern food like customer at a restaurant in New Vork wanted thinner
potato crisps. It is more than
chips. The chef was angry and made them very very
5,000 years old. Popcorn was an
thin. He was surprised when the customer loved
American Indian food. Columbiis them. Crisps are now the world's favourite snack.
bought popcorn necklaces in the
West Indies. There was also popcorn |
at the first Thanksgiving meal in
North America in I62t. In the
1940s, cinemas in the USA started
to sell popcorn. It is s till the most
popular cinema snack. ^
neighbours soon started cheviing

t W
v v II INV G^ G^ U M In 1871 a small shop started selling bails of gum.
The first chetving
chewing gum came from rubber trees in the Sout'
South Then In 1875 someone started to make chev/ing gum
’•L- chewed it and called it that tasted nice. The first peppermint chewing gum
American rain forests. The Aztecs chewed it and called it
'chictli'. It was harder than modern chewing gum and didn't - the most popular flavour - appeared 5 years later.
taste of anything.

Units stages
^ y f j r t r e a s u r e n m a g » ^

11 You need:

a sheet a pencil a black crayons thinking

o f paper pen time

Draw a map o f an im aginary island.

■ ©
3 1 Draw and invent names for
these things on your map:

4 ) Draw some dangers on the map:

© You are Alabama Smith or Vicky Vermont.
How did you find the treasure? Draw your
route on the map in black pen.


dangerous animals

W rite your story.

Show your map to the class

/ went to Snake Island by

© Tell your adventure story.

helicopter. The helicopter

stopped here. It was terrible.
There were three giant snakes •

on the beach. 1 ran quickly

into the jungle and climbed
a tree. The tree was very tall.
1 climbed and climbed. At the
top of the tree there was
another big snake. 1jumped
to the next tree ...
D ear Lily and Ben,
So you’re back! B u t w here am I? H ere's my secret -
I'm in th e city and country in T H IS em ail address.
W hich o bje ct in my photo Where is Aunt Rose?
d idn’t you fin d? Use it as You need her email address to find out.
th e password and you can j o reply,
Complete the puzzle on page 80,
find me.
then turn to page 83 of your Activity Book.
A u n t Rose
Do you remember?
Do you .
W hat do you think is or isn’t going to happen? Make sentences.

a rrive crash
fa ll fin d go
go to sleep

a Bulldog his ticke t. d Moose down.

b Z e b m '^ ^ t o the cafe. e Eagle's G randm al

с Kiwi in to the bus. f Koala

2 Turn your book upside down.

■J3>|3!i S!L| pu|j

l,up!p борппд

•S33U3;U3S Э5[В]Д[

¿щВи noÁ элэд\


3 W ork with a partner. Do the Happy Earth Quiz. Ask and answer.

Happy Earth Quiz

a D id the allosaurus have strong front legs? f When did Serena and Venus start playing tennis?
b D id the brachiosaurus eat meat? g D id football start in China?
с D id the tyrannosaurus run fast? h W h a t did the Chinese p u t in their footballs?
d W h a t did King Kong climb? i Where did a dog find the W orld Cup in 1966?
e Where did Dracula live? j When did M o u n t Vesuvius cover Pompeii?

Do you remember? 4
Play ‘W orld Trip’.
You need a dice and counters О

Your teacher has Question cards Ticl<et

and World Trip cards.
I went to Australia,
I saw Sydney Opera
House, and I bought
Q )


Do you remember? 4 ( 7 5
^7f/" f Characters
i n z N ick N aughty
■ S 'rt r-J- Gloria G o o d
J J 1 ^ . i G raham G o o d

Willy W orkhard I
Y e a r 5 children

C halk Fairy
N IC K N A U G H T Y comes in, M r^ Shoutloudly - the M a t h s teacher
throws pens and pencils on thefloor, M r Grum p — the H e a d t e a c h e r ^
and writes all over the blackboard.
Nick W hat a m ess! H a , ha.
N IC K goes off as G L O R IA G O O D
and G R A H A M G O O D come in.
Gloria Oh no! T h e re are pens and p encils a ll over
the flo or and there’s w ritin g on the blackboard.
Graham Oh dear! T h a t N ic k N aughty is v e ry bad!
Gloria L e t’s tid y up.
Graham Good idea. I ’ll p ick up the pens and p en cils.
Gloria A n d I ’ll clean the board.
The C H A L K F A IR Y arrives, holding a wand made o f chalk.
Chalk Fairy H ello!
Gloria W ho are you?
Chalk Fairy I ’m the C h a lk F a iry . I liv e behind the blackboard.
T h a n k you fo r tid ying up. I ’m going to give you three w ish es.
N IC K comes in and hides behind a desk.
Gloria Th ree w ish es! W ow! H ow do they w o rk?
Chalk Fairy F irs t you say yo u r w ish . T h e n you say ‘C h a lk w h ite,
C h alk blue, M ake th is w ish come true.’ B u t be carefu l -
don’t te ll anyone the m agic w ords.
Nick (quietly, behind the desk) ‘C h a lk w h ite . C h a lk blue,
M ake th is w ish come true.’ N ow I kn o w the m agic w ords. H a, ha!
N IC K goes o ff very quietly.
Gloria T h a n k s, C h alk F a iry !
Chalk Fairy Goodbye, and use yo u r w ish es w e ll!
The C H A L K F A IR Y goes o ff
Gloria T h ree w ish es. W h at can w e w ish fo r?
Graham Lo ts o f com puter games?
Gloria N o. Com puter games are boring!
Graham O K , le t’s th in k about it then.
W IL L Y W O R K H A R D runs in, with N IC K behind him.
M rs Shoutloudly is com ing. G et yo u r hom ew ork out!
G L O R IA , G R A H A M , W IL L Y , and N IC K sit down
and get their books out.
M R S S H O U T L O U D L Y comes in.
? frs Shoutloudly (loudly) Good afternoon. Now ,
have you a ll got yo u r hom ew ork?
G lo ria?
Gloria Yes, M rs Shoutloudly.
Graham (quietly) O h dear. M rs
Shoutloudly shouts V E R Y loudly.
I w ish I couldn’t h ear her.
Nick (quietly) ‘C h a lk w h ite . C h alk
blue. M ake th is w ish come true.’
Mrs Shoutloudly (loudly) R ig h t. L e t’s correct yo u r hom ew ork. Lo o k at the board
everybody. G raham , pay attention, please. Lo ok at the board.
G raham ! A n sw e r me!
G R A H A M continues looking at his book.
G L O R IA , WILLY, and N IC K pay attention.
Gloria (quietly) O h no! G raham ’s w ish came true! H e can ’t hear her.
>Irs Shoutloudly (loudly) You rude boy! I ’m going to get the headteacher!
M R S S H O U T L O U D L Y goes o ff angrily.
Gloria I w ish G raham could hear M rs Shoutloudly again.
‘C h alk w h ite, C h a lk blue, M ake th is w ish come true.’
Graham W here’s M rs Shoutloudly?
Willy She w ent to get the headteacher. You w ere rude.
You d id n ’t answ er her.
Graham I d id n ’t h ear her!
Gloria (quietly) G raham , yo u r w ish came true! N aughty N ic k said the
m agic w ords! D o n ’t w o rry. I made another w ish . You’re O K now.
M R S S H O U T L O U D L Y and M R G R U M P come in.
Graham O h no!
M r Grump G raham Good, M rs Sho utloudly says that you w ere rude.
Graham E r ... so rry, M rs Shoutloudly.
C an w e ... er ... I w ish we could forget a ll about th is.
Gloria (quietly) ‘C h a lk w h ite . C h alk blue.
M ake th is w ish come true.’
Willy W h at’s happening?
M r Grump W hat am I doing here?
Mrs Shoutloudly I ’m v e ry angry, b ut w h y? I don’t rem em ber.
Gloria A n d I ’m happy, but I don’t kn o w w hy.
The C H A LK F A IR Y comes in. She waves her wand
and they all stop moving.
Chalk Fairy O h dear! T h e y d id n ’t m ake v e ry good w ish e s, did they?
B u t things d id n ’t end sadly. Goodbye, everyone! Goodbye!
{ r
M andy
Storyteller Scene 1: In Yarnton P rim a ry School. M ik e

M is s M o z a rt - the M u s ic teacher
M A N D Y and M IK E come in
M r s Fruitcake — the Cook
fro m different sides.
M r Picasso - the A r t teacher
^ Mandy H i, M ike. M r s Blackboard - the Headteacher

^ Mike H i, M andy. H ave you got it?

Mandy W hat?
Mike T h e present!
Mandy O h yes. W ait a m inute.
It ’s in m y school bag ... er ... here it is!
Mike Good. L e t’s give it to M rs Blackboard now.
Maybe she’s in the M usic room . L e t’s go and see.
M A N D Y and M IK E go o ff
Storyteller Scene 2: In the M usic room.
M IK E knocks on the door while M ISS M O Z A R T is singing,
Miss Mozart (singing) We w ish you a M erry C hristm as,
We w ish you a M e rry C h ristm as, We w ish you a M e rry C h ristm as,
A n d a H appy N ew Year!
M IK E knocks again more loudly. M ISS M O Z A R T opens the door.
Miss Mozart (singing) O h, h ello , M andy. H ello , M ike. W hat do you w ant?
Mike W e’re looking fo r M rs Blackboard. Is she in here?
Miss Mozart (singing) N o, she is n ’t! I th in k she’s in the kitch en .
Mandy T h a n k you. R ig h t, le t’s go to the kitch e n , then.
M ISS M O Z A R T closes the door as M A N D Y and M IK E go out.
M ISS M O Z A R T goes o ff
Storyteller Scene 3: In the kitch en .
M R S F R U IT C A K E is cooking. M A N D Y knocks at the door.
M R S F R U IT C A K E opens it.
Mrs Fruitcake H ello , M ike. H ello , M andy. I ’m m aking C hristm as lu n ch .
Do you w an t to help me?
Mandy So rry, M rs Fru itcak e . W e’re looking fo r M rs Blackboard.
Is she in here?
Mrs Fruitcake N o, she is n ’t! I th in k she’s in the A rt room .
Mandy Oh O K . T h a n k s, M rs Fru itcake .
Mrs Fruitcake You’re welcom e, m y dears.
M R S F R U IT C A K E closes the door as M A N D Y and M IK E go out.
M R S F R U IT C A K E goes o ff
Storyteller Scene 4. In the A rt room .
M R PICASSO is making
a Christmas card. M IK E knocks
at the door. M R PICASSO opens it.
Mr Picasso H ello , you tw o. W e’re m aking
C hristm as cards. Do you w an t
to jo in in ?
Mandy N o, th an k you. We can’t.
W e’re looking fo r M rs Blackboard.
Is she here?
Mr Picasso N o, she is n ’t. Sorry.
Mandy She is n ’t in the M usic room , she is n ’t in the kitch e n ,
and she is n ’t here. W here can she be?
Mr Picasso T r y the school h a ll.
Mike O h yes, th an ks, M r Picasso. Bye. - J'
Mr Picasso Goodbye.
M R PICASSO closes the door as M IK E and M A N D Y
go out. M R PICASSO goes off.
Storyteller Scene 5: In the school h a ll.
M R S B L A C K B O A R D is decorating a Christmas Tree.
M A N D Y and M IK E come in.
Mrs Blackboard H ello , M andy. H ello , M ike. I ’m decorating the C hristm as tree.
Can you help me?
Mandy Yes, o f course. B u t firs t we w a n t to give you th is.
Mrs Blackboard A present! H ow lo vely!
Mike It ’s a p ain tin g .
Mrs Blackboard A p ainting ? Fo r m e? D id you p ain t it?
Mike Yes, w e did. W e’re not v e ry good at p ainting .
B u t w e w orked v e ry hard on th is picture.
Mandy It ’s called ‘Fath er C hristm as and the C hristm as pudding’.
Mike I painted the C hristm as pudding.
Mandy A n d I painted Fath er C h ristm as. Open it and have a loo k.
M R S B L A C K B O A R D opens the present.
Mrs Blackboard W ell, th an k you! ... O h ... w h ere’s the C hristm as pudding?
Mike W ell, Fath er C hristm as w as v e ry h un g ry and he ate it,
so I d id n ’t p ain t a C hristm as pudding.
Mrs Blackboard I see ... and w h ere’s Fath er C hristm as?
Mandy W ell, M ike d id n’t p ain t a C hristm as pudding ...
so Fath er C hristm as couldn’t eat i t ...
so I d id n ’t p ain t Fath er C hristm as!
Mike and Mandy H a, ha! H appy C h ristm as, M rs Blackboard!

bag 0
b e \t 0
ca p 0
scarf 0
T 'S h 'rt 0

\i1' 1' # !• (% 1'

) 1- ■Vrouscre. 0

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uappy Partit
Happy Earth is a tw o -leve l topic-based course fo r ch ild ren who are ready
to b uild on e a rly reading and w ritin g . It is suitab le fo r use after Happy Street,
and extends the vo ca b u la ry and structures from the first years o f En g lish .
Through a w ide range o f fa ctu al in fo rm atio n , it develops the ch ild re n ’s
language s k ills and aw areness o f the w orld .

aass Book
• Topic-based u n its w ith w o rld in fo rm atio n , anim al fu n , and fan tasy
• Reading te xts w ith an authentic feel
• Songs, chants, and ‘m ake-and-do’ a ctivitie s w ith a language focus
• A puzzle adventure sto iy, ‘W here on E a rth ?’, g ivin g a fla vo u r o f culture
in d ifferent countries
• 4 ‘Do yo u rem em ber?’ revisio n sections
• 4 optional ‘Read a ll about it !’ extended reading sections
• 2 p lays fo r acting in sm all groups
Activity Book
• V o cab u lary and gram m ar practice
• A w ritin g syllab u s w ith re a l-life tasks and guided p icture com position
• P ro n u n ciatio n puzzles and rhym es

Teaciier's Book
• D etailed notes on factu al topics and cu ltu ra l background
• E x tra gam es, teaching ideas, and photocopiable p airw o rk
• 8 U n it tests and 4 R evisio n tests

Cassettes / Audio CDs

• Songs, chants, and p ronunciation rhym es
• Sto ries, dialogues, and liste n in g m aterial fo r the tests
• w w w /elt/happyearth
Includes on-line practice for Cambridge Young Learners ‘M overs’ and ‘Flye rs’


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