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After a short 4 hours of sleep, In spite of being tried Dilip waked up and begin
with his daily routine. His wife Shobha was already up and finished almost all
tiffins for the delivery. The Dabbawallas wear early that day to pick up the
tiffins and that made more rush for them. After there breakfast which mainly
consist of very sweet tea and plate of poha . Dilip was a full time taxi driver and
Shobha works in a papad making factory besides her tiffin making work. They
get ready for their work and before leaving the house Shobha tells Dilip to pick
her on time to meet their only chid Mukesh in hospital which was suffering
from lung cancer. After dropping Shobha, Dilip goes to his daily route for his
work hoping that today there will be more customers . after tow or three
trips, he goes to pick up Shobha to meet mukesh

As usual they were late because of the traffic but they some how manage to
get there before the patient meeting time gets over. But that day the doctor to
was waiting for them to tell them something important. “doctor what it is ,is
every thing all right” said Dilip. “I will tell you every thing , come inn my cabin
“doctor replied. Doctor said “look I don’t want to waste your and Mukesh’s
time, after the chemotherapy he has recover tremendously, the tumour has
reduced 90 %, but”. “ but what doctor “ . “ he got infection in his lungs “ said
doctoc .Dilip caringly said “what now doctor “ . “ we have to do his operation
and it will charge you 10 lakh rupees but he will be all right after that. After
the talk , Dilip told Shobha exactly what doctor said to him . Shobha said “
where will we manage the money”. Dilip “ I have to sell my taxi I guess”. After
30 mins of argument they agree to sell dilips taxi . thinking of selling the taxi
dilip thought that he should take a long trip before saying good bye to his
favourite taxi .

He take long route and drives through the dock road a long lonely road very
risky to drive .suddenly a man appears in front of taxi , Dilip somehow
manages to stop the car . A man wearing white shirt and pants and carrying a
black suitcase ,having a serious wound in legs, blood all over his pants,
looking like he got hit by a bullet. “take me where I say “ said the man with a
hard voice . dilip starts taxi and drive into the dark. He drive like 3 hours until
they reach near forest . The wounded man step out of the car and looks to
the taxis rupees meter and said ” I don’t have the many now but I give you this
suitcase and some thing more valuable than this “. Then he runs towards the
forest and stops in between and suddenly shot himself with gun . watching this
Dilip got very frighten and drives the cab like he is racing with some one . He
was so scared that he did not check the suitcase but went inside his house . he
wake up next morning realizing that he was late, so he prepare the breakfast
himself thinking Shobha left the house early . he turns on the tv and watch
some news there he get to now that the wounded man was actually a drug
mafia known as “Anna”.

After watching the news he quickly gets the black suitcase and opens it . It was
full of gold bars, Dilpi could not believe on his eyes . so to tell this he tried to
call Shobha but he could because Shobha wasn’t picking up the phone .
suddenly he gets a call from unknown number “ do not try to call your wife it
all in vain “ voice in phone “ who are you “ said Dilip . “we have kidnapped your
wife if you want her back give us the keys “ kidnappers voice . Dilip replied “
which keys “. Kidnapper “don’t act like a fool I known who was the gay last
night , if you want your wife alive come behind the fort with the keys”. The
phones cuts and the voice stops. He search her wife all over his house but he
did not find her. Again he received another call but this time it was from police.
“ they wanted him to meet them and tell about the rival gang that kidnapped
his wife . But he said he did not want the help of police because the kidnapper
could kill Shobha. He went too the fort with the black suitcase because it was
the only thing he had .after the phone call with Dilip police try to tap his phone
and track his location and went after him . The rival gang members get pissed
of when they did not see the keys . so they capture Dilip and take him inside
where they kept Shobha when they tried to kill them, the police came in time
and saved them . Dilip hand over the suitcase as the police enter it in the
records .
After 1 week , Dilip sold his cab and took all his stuff from taxi to home, In that
there was a toy of Mukesh when he was small so he took it to hospital so that
Mukesh could feel good. When he showed it to Mukesh he said “ papa what’s
the thing inside because the toy did not have any thing inside . when he
opened the toy he found the key inside . Mukesh saw this and side “papa what
is it ?” “nothing its just keys “ dilip said and put key in his front pocket and
smiled .

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