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Creative ad design assignment

Anvesha Khillar


1.Who is the target audience each speaks to?

• Communication-1
The target audience here is the public of UK. And how the
public can help their closed one’s neighbours or strangers
from domestic violence by letting the police know about
• Communication-2
The TG here is the children of the earth.i. e humans and
all the living beings existing.
• Communication-3
This ad is a public awareness ad henceforth the target
audience is the public out
2.What is the single-minded task of each communication?
• Communication-1
The main goal of this communication is prevention and
reduction in the rates of domestic violence after a huge
spike in domestic violence during the COVID-19 health
• Communication-2
The main goal of this communication is to showcase the
beauty of nature and earth. And to remind us how just
caring for nature is not enough anymore and how its high
time that we go and take our full responsibility as a
habitant towards nature and mother earth.
• Communication-3
The main goal of this communication is to project a public
service announcement in a comical manner by
showcasing how to maintain a 6 ft distance so as not to
get infected by covid-19 by touching.

3.What is the insight each communication is built upon?

• Communication-1
This communication is built upon a man and a woman and how
the neighbour can see the man washing his hands (because
he’s trying to be extra careful about the covid-19) then on
further moving in closer we can see the female lying down and
the man is washing hands because he just beat or used his
hands to abuse /beat the female. It showcases a PSA on the
increasing rates of domestic violence since the lockdown.
• Communication-2
This communication shows how the earth has so much to give
to its people, how beautiful and regal it is, how loving and
colourful it also showcases how earth must be wondering
where are all the humans since we are all under lockdown. And
since we are in lockdown we have realised how much we have
missed our old friend earth, and how we miss going out and
live side by side with the also shows how the little girl
is asking earth to bloom and grow and take care of its self in
our absence.(I would like to think of it as if the little girl is
saying we know we hurt you by pollution and other things, so
since we are not there for now take this time to heal and cure
yourself).It also showcases how we miss the nature more than
it misses the end it says how its high time that caring isn’t
enough and we need to become heroes for the mother earth
and save and take care of her.
• Communication-3
This communication portrays a comical way of saying how to
maintain a 6ft distance among people by using a 6ft Ryan
gosling cutout.they are 2 scientists who go out on a venture to
show people how a 6ft distance is maintained and they shove
their 6ft Ryan gosling cut out in a comical manner to show
people how to maintain distance.

4. What could have been the other possible ideas that could have
been generated for the same?
• Communication-1
The video could have shown the new trend going around on
how to let your friends/family or closed ones know that you are
a victim of domestic violence and you are asking for help
without letting your partner know. It is a hand sign of you
closing your hand to ask for help for domestic abuse. And how
UK wants all its citizens to know their rights and to not hesitate
to inform it to someone so that they can be safe.
• Communication-2
Showcasing how the earth has suffered in the past and how
now because or covid-19 it is taking time to heal itself from all
the wounds that has scarred her. And how the people are
missing going out and enjoying the benefits of nature like
wandering around, going to the lake, watching sunsets with
their loved ones, hiking, trekking etc. And how humans are
missing it so dearly that they start gardening and start planting
more trees to feel the love of the nature and how finally they
are growing into sensible humans and taking actions and
fulfilling their responsibilities by making a greener earth.
• Communication-3
PSA on the 6ft difference by showing a person in a virus
costume walking around and where ever it sees people not
maintaining a 6ft goes and holds their hands and
doesn’t let go and says “welcome to the club”. Then when the
man hesitates to free his hand he takes out a measuring tape
and shows how much 6ft distance looks like and how he should
be 6ft away from any human unless he wants to walk hand in
hand with the virus.

5. Choose one of the above and write a seven-word headline for a

poster that can take the message of the video forward. Headline will
be judged on Simplicity, Relevance, Creativity. (6 marks) about 6ft
social distancing during this coronavirus crisis.
• Communication-2
Let’s make earth proud by celebrating earth day

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