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Unhappy is the land that is in need of heroes

“Something powerfully intrinsic happens when the courage to no longer be silent awakens
within us and we are compelled to confront our problems rather than cower to them”

-Jason Versey

Nations were used to name heroes as it is part of being called as a nation itself. There is always
someone that is raised and that person is then praise after; for the noble things they did and for an
extraordinary movement they made for a great change.

It is not new that for every conflict arises there is that one person that will stand up and speak in
behalf of the people behind. Same person that could utter phrases that can be powerful enough to turn
the table and to return the favor. We are so used of this kind of scenario and expecting this same kind of
scenario every time.

Because of this, we are rest in our comfort zones and always expecting for those who want to
fight for our sake. People then remain silent as if their sighs are not heavy enough as how crowded their
minds are. Words that are kept rather to push themselves to speak up. Because they knew that there
someone that could always catch them, the one in the limelight is expected to come in the spot, he is
the one to move, there is always someone that should be a hero.

It is truly unhappy to know that everyone relies to someone to fight for them. For at ease, it
should start to ourselves. Our silence must be awakened and should not be unreasonably coward. It
should not be just the one to fight. If we hope for resiliency we must fight together, we don’t need a
hero, we just need ourselves. [

The true hero is one with the masses he dies not exist above them

Heroes are not exceptional beings. They should not be considered higher than the mass where
they belong.

The blind adoration that people do to the heroes they look up into is an eye opener to everyone.
One should not look upon someone like a being higher than them. Mostly, those who are considered
heroes are not just praised, they are worshipped. They have become an idol worthy to be knelt, but it is
not supposed to be.

A true hero must live with the masses. They must experience the hardships the peasants are
going through and had lived with the common people so they know what really they are fighting for. It is
the only way they can call their fight worthy. It is the only way people can tell that he is fighting with
them, that it is their fight.

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