Calendars From Around The World Intercalary Corrections Were Attempted To Maintain Synchrony With The Tropical Year

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When we write about meaning astronomy aspects of the PURANas. We always looks all aspects of astronomy,
mathematical and scientific aspects and we can not neglect any part of it.

Many Vedic studies have revealed about Vedic timings and explained in details that all explanations are minutely
described in Vedas and Puranas. And all that are perfect and still we never been perfectly understood. But I never come
across the any angles of any planetary aspects are given in any purans or Vedas. Eg Krishna Janma is explained that
Moon was rising on the horizon with Lagnam rising in the EAST explains that clearly but never said of angle of the Moon
in the That RASHI. So present day JANMASTHAMI is celebrated as IST- VARANASI time 82.5 E. BUT that’s never
been correct as KRISHNA JAMNMA WAS at the MID NIGHT of MATHURA wish is 18 minutes later than the present
Varanasi Midnight Times.

SIMILARLY RAMA JANMA and all four brothers JANMA horoscope is well explained in VALMIC RAMAYAN but
BHARAT, SHTRUGNA AND LAXMANs birth charts always decoded with mistakes as EKADSHI and actually it was next
day of RAMNAVMI. So naturally it has to be DASHMi and not EKADASHI, unless it has been explained as lapse of
DASHMi which not said so in RAMAYAN.

SIMILARLY when we say about minute correct ness of ved and Purans we can not contradict the VED PURANS
statements of timings of YUGAs and MAHAYUGAs. And If we do so we should realise our mistakes and not the

A) Here some examples are explained of origin of Life on the Earth by Purans and by science and geological
Acoording to Vedic calculations
TIL PRESENT SATYAUGA 1.95E+09 1953720000
PASSED TRETAUGA 1296000 1296000
PASSED DWAPARUGA 864000 864000
TOTALYEARS of origin Of LIFE is about 2bn years 1.97E+09 1972949100

SIMILARLY science do agree with this timings as well TOTALYEARS of origin Of LIFE is about 2bn years.
Geological proofs are available from STROMATOLITE GEOLOGICAL studies from Perth ASTRALLIA and
KUTCH. Though geologist all over the world do visit to research in Kutch
but Geological study has not been given such a priority in KUTCH. Kutch do have fossilised strombolites in
Gangeshwar dome area. when it was under shallow sea water it has LIVING fossils at that time but later with
the uplift of the area from the sea bed. those fossils are plenty on the Gangeshwar hill area.

Though Australians and Americans geologist has dome more to study similar fossils in PERTH of
AUSTRALIA. none of geologist has given the time to the strombolites fossils of Gangeshwar dome of
KUTCH. Similarly Bay of Kutch is full of mysteries. Diving in bay of kutch reveals a beautiful coral seabed
and planty of Living STROMATOLITES which are original organisms of the time of the evolution of life
on the Earth. picture of the BAY of kutch and Perth Australlia are attached along with gangeshwar
dome strombolites fossils in KUTCH

Similarly When Sun will be destroyed is explained in Purans as remaining 2.64 Bn years with distruction of
the Life on the Earth. But many just says as science says the SUN life is left for 4-5 Bn years more so don’t

But after 2.64 Bn years Colliding Galaxies of Andromeda (DEVIYANI) and our Galaxy MILKYWAY
(MANDAKINI) will destroy all life forms and will create billions of degree temperature just to evaporate
very life form from the both of galaxies and new creation will start (after another 4.32 bn years according to
Vedas) and life will evolve there after. But many statement of comments come from those who do not
understand these as sun will survive and will not affect the life on the Earth (even though bn degree
temperature will evaporate everything!!!!)
Comparing Difference of understanding life cycle of sun and life on the Earth by Scientific and Vedic

Remained science
life of the sun 1999
= 4.49b years
LIFE =23%
1.99E+09 Passed science
life of the sun 1999
= 4.15b years

OUR SUN'S LIFE = 1 KALP DAY (4320000000 YEARS) + 1 KALP NIGHT (4320000000 YEARS) =8640000000 years
=8.64 bn years.

When Milky Way and Andromeda Collide, Earth Could Find Itself Far ...
Andromeda is currently 2.3 million light-years from our galaxy. ... Based on this assumption,
Andromeda would first graze the Milky Way two billion years from now, ... NASA's

When Galaxies Collide, our Solar System Will Go for a Ride


A Simulation of the Milky Way/Andromeda Collision

It is fun and instructive to see how the collision of the Milky Way with Andromeda might play itself out. Here
is the sequence of images from a numerical simulation of the collision computed using Blue Horizon a 1152
processor IBM SP3 at the San Diego Supercomputing Centre. Each spiral galaxy is represented by about 40M
stars and is surrounded by a 10M particle dark matter halo for a total of more than 100M particles for the
galaxy pair.

These simulations reveal a tremendous amount of detail in the destruction and unravelling of the galaxies as
they collide and merge to form an elliptical galaxy. The Milky Way is shown face-on and moves from the
bottom up to the left of Andromeda and the to the upper right. Andromeda is tilted from this perspective. The
images are 1 million light years across. After the initial collision, a open spiral pattern is excited in the both
the Milky Way and Andromeda and long tidal tails and a connecting bridge of stars form are apparent. The
galaxies move apart and then fall back together for a second collision and then after a few convulsions which
throw off more stars in complex ripple patterns they settle into something looking like an elliptical galaxy.

UNDERSTANDING timings of planetary cycles and its mixing with repetitions of astrological aspects.

1) Planetary timings and its use in astronomy and Horoscope numeric.

Rahu and Ketu timings 18 years = 2x3x3 means in 180 years Rahu Ketu has 10 Cycles.
Sani - Saturn has timing 30 years= 2x3x5 means in 180 years SATURN has 6 Cycles.
Guru - Jupiter has timing 12 years= 2x3x2x means in 180 years SATURN has 15 Cycles
Mangal - MARS has timing of 1.88years means in 180 years SATURN has 96 Cycles
Sukra - Venus has timing of 224 days means in 180 years VENUS has 293 Cycles

Calculating the L SA = Smallest Common Multiple of those numbers 2x2x3 x3 x5 =180 years.
Means at this interval all those planets are in same position as before 180 years.
So Horoscope do not see the difference of those of horoscopes of 180 years apart and human do not survive
beyond this time. Though data are available up to 100 years of PANCHANGs but not recorded before 180
years ago. But oldest observatory does have those records recorded at that time eg. JAIPUR Observatory.

We mostly rely on NASA figures. NASA did not have that before so they just put calculated figures and not
the real DATA fact sheet. Those figures are just calculated later. Not only that program have some errors and
not put correctly with changing mean AU and changing Mean Moon distances. Not only that but if we have
records of 150 years ago – say from the Jaipur observatory’s observation record the difference will tell the
facts that there are errors on these programmes.

We do have some letters dated from Shyamji Krishna vermas and letters showing dates as Kartik SUD
Purnima fall on 11th October (Tulshi Vivah) means DIWALI was early in LATE SEPTEMBER which it never
comes now. So comparing calendars needs recorded proofs as well and not just producing the calculating

2) Now according to PURANas let us check those with this astronomical data

MahaYUGA is said timing of 4 320000 years means it has 24000 cycles of 180 years
KALIYUGA is said timing of 4 32000 years means it has 2400 cycles of 180 years
A) Present Time of Kaliyuga has passed 5116 years means at least 28 cycles of 180 years has passed.
B) DWAPARYUGA is said timing of 8 64000 years means it has 4800 cycles of 180 years
C) Rama Rajya said to be of 10 000 years before DWAPARYUGA means at least 55 cycle of 180 years has
passed during RAM RAJYA.

RAMA timings can be calculated as A) + B) + C) = DWAPARYUGA is said timing of 8 64000 years +

Kaliyuga has passed 5116 + 10 000 Rama. = 8 79116 years is about 4883 cycles of 180 years (4800 cycles +
55 cycle + 28 cycles)
So we see those planetary events before 879116 years as it has happened some where in series of 180X
time line. eg 180 x 40 = 7200 years ago. But that is not the fact but the cyclic series phenomenon of time.

3) ALSO an astronomical observations SUN and MOON during near time of Equinox and
RAMNAVMI. Are as follows

A) MOON: Moon near Earth 20 March 2007 and as higher gravitation and Kepler's Laws Object has higher
speed when close to centre – MOON has moved 15.1 degree in 24 hours.

B) And when Moon was FARTHEST from the Earth on 3 APRIL 2007 LOWER gravitation and Kepler's Laws
Object has SLOWER speed when further away from the centre – MOON has moved 12 degree in 24 hours

AVERAGE speed of the MOON remains about 13 Degree and when the moon remains at MEAN distance
from the Earth in the middle timings of A (20 March 2007) and B (3 APRIL 2007).

ALSO MOON Month is about 28 and a half day but as LUNAR distance is variable the duration of the
LUNAR month is also variable. In past time LUNAR month was 30 days as said in PURANs. So can you
calculate the LUNAR distance for the 30 days Lunar MONTH ! also when it was possible and when again as
moon is slowly going away from the Earth.

C) EARTH near SUN on 4 Jan 2007 and as higher gravitation and Kepler's Laws EARTH has higher speed
when close to SUN and so Earth moved 1.01’11” > 1 degree in 24 hours.

D) And when EARTH was FARTHEST from the SUN on 8 JULY 2007 LOWER gravitation and Kepler's Laws
EARTH has SLOWER speed when further away from the SUN – EARTH has moved 0.57’ 11” < 1 degree in
24 hours.
AVERAGE speed of the EARTH remains about <1 Degree and when the Earth remains at MEAN AU
distance from the SUN at present time in the timings of EQUNOX days. 20/21 MARCH and 22/23

ALSO EARTH YEAR is about 365.25 days but as AU distance is variable the duration of the EARTH’s
Year is also variable. In past time EARTH’s Year was 360 days as said in PURANs. So can you calculate the
AU – SUN EARTH distance for the 360 days EARTH’s Year! also when it was possible and when again the
EARTH is closing to the SUN to make Year of 360 days?
Hints What should be MEAN AU distance to make the Earth speed of 1 degree around the sun? use Capler’s
calculations. And reduce the AU by some 1% and calculate and try again to find out accurate AU distance for
EARTH year of 360 days. (Now we just say that 30 day month and 360 day year is incorrect. But tht was
not incorrect but our understand is incorrect. Actually we are not able to understand to calculate these,
BUT if wish we could do that.)

4) also when we compare different calendars before those evolve. We should know the history of
calendar evolved. Gregorian has errors of 10 days which was corrected 4 centuries ago. But never there
after. So present new year 1Jan falls on 4 th day of new year but will not be corrected but may be after 3
centuries when the difference will come to 7 days so DAY will remain the same with the change. (Full
details of government of India’s PANCHANG RESEARCH committee 250 pages are available in

Gregorian calendar

The Gregorian calendar/Calendars in history is the calendar used throughout the Christian world. It is also
adopted as the calendar for commercial and administrative purposes in many other parts of the world where
it runs alongside other calendars used for religious purposes. It is a solar calendar.

In the Gregorian calendar, years are counted from the birth of Christ which was determined to be in 1 AD
(Anno Domini; in the year of our Lord) by the 6th-century scholar Dionysius Exiguus. Unfortunately the
English historian Bede introduced a system of counting years backwards from 1 AD in which the preceding
year was 1 BC (Before Christ) rather than zero. This is awkward when trying to compare dates across the
divide. In the 18th century astronomers introduced the year zero so that 1 AD is +1, 1 BC is 0, 2 BC is -1
and so on. Because the Gregorian calendar is often used in non-Christian countries it is now commonplace
to replace AD with CE (Common Era) and BC with BCE (Before the Common Era). Ironically, Jesus of
Nazareth was actually probably born about 4 BCE.

There are two types of year in the Gregorian calendar, common years of 365 civil days and leap years of 366
days. Every year that is exactly divisible by 4 is a leap year except if it is exactly divisible by 100. These
century years are leap years only if they are exactly divisible by 400.

Hence the Gregorian calendar is based on a cycle of 400 years, or 146097 days. Since 146097 is exactly
divisible by 7 – the number of days in a week – the Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years. Dividing
146097 by 400 gives an average of 365.2425 days per calendar year. This is very close to the length of the
mean tropical year of 365.24219 civil days.

Find out more about the mean tropical year in appendix 5.

The order of the months and number of days in each month are inherited from the Julian calendar (Table 03)
and the days of the week were originally derived from the Babylonians
*In a common year; February has 29 days in a leap year.
Cultural notes
(i) Easter day, the most important day in the Christian religious calendar which celebrates the resurrection of
Christ, is a moveable feast which, to a first approximation, falls on the Sunday after the first full Moon on or
after the vernal equinox. Thus the calendar year has to be synchronized with the tropical year as measured
by the interval between vernal equinoxes.

Actually, dating Easter is rather more complex than implied above. Firstly, the church assumes that the
vernal equinox occurs on March 21, which is not always the case. Secondly, the church uses tables based
on the Metonic cycle to determine the time of the full Moon and this ecclesiastical full Moon need not
correspond to astronomical full Moon. Moreover the Metonic cycle is not a perfect match between synodic
months and Gregorian calendar years; 235 synodic months is 6939.688 days rather than 6939.6075 days
(19 Gregorian calendar years). Hence 19 calendar years slip 0.08 days with respect to lunar phases.
Ecclesiastical tables incorporate adjustments to prevent this error accumulating in the long term.
(ii) All the other moveable feasts in the Christian calendar (except Advent and Epiphany) are determined
with respect to Easter.
(iii) Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ. It is fixed on December 25, a date borrowed by the early
Christian church from the Roman festival ‘Natali Invictus Solis’(Birth of the New Sun) in the Julian
calendar. It commemorated the winter solstice but was four day late because of the incorrect timing of the
vernal equinox in the Julian calendar.
Subject: - Importance of the prime numbers and the survival rules with rhythmicity of planets and the space and the
universe (multiverse)

Every thing is very regular and rhythmic on the Earth and universe – Multiverse in the Space and so the earth and the
life on the Earth has survived so long and will survive so long till the Earth and the Sun will survive in the Space.

Nothing dangerous is happening so quickly (every alternate years or so) on the Earth eg – weather destruction ,
volcanic , tectonic or Tsunami which can create such a destruction to destroy the life on the Earth so need not to be
worried of every alternate years and so nothing to bother of years in series of 2, 4, 6, 8, ….2N.XN and so on But still is
happening very rhythmic and regularly

Let us take an example – say if the weather destruction patterns is destroying every few years than it may happen in
series of 1w, 2w, 3w, …. Xw and so on. Though we need to keep long records of the weather pattern . eg CO2 records,
temperature highs, freezing earth , etc

Similarly earth quake patterns may be in series of multiples f some numbers according to study and predictions that the
earthquake id overdue and can happen any time in Tibetan plate. But do not know when. The Earth quake in Anjar
happened in 1956 and followed in the region in 2001 with a rhythmicity of multiples of the 45 years which is again a
multiples of 5x9 series . But we do not have complete record of such in the region but 1819 earthquake was
approximately about 3X45=135 years back (1956-1819=137)

So the series may be in the patterns of like this - 1Eq , 2Eq 3Eq ….XEq and so on .
Similarly Volcanic patterns may be like this pattern – 1Vo , 2Vo 3Vo ….XVo and so on .
Similarly Tsunami patterns may be like this pattern – 1St , 2St 3St ….XSt and so on

Those mathematical series patterns gives us figures of multiples of the some digit numbers means NONE of
those patterns have the Prime numbers in those series patterns.

Similar way the Space patterns are also happening very regularly in the series patterns eg meteor showers, So the
series may be in the patterns of like this - 1Me , 2Me 3Me ….XMe and so on.
Asteroid impact is also regular eg destructions of the Dino. In KT period at about 65 mn years interval and so geological
period are also showing this pattern of the 65mn , 130mn and 195mn years pattern, let us say in the form of KT period
follows in the series of So the series may be in the patterns of like this - 1KT , 2KT 3KT ….XKT and so on and or is
due any time ?

So what is the importance of the series of multiplications of the different time patterns? Series do not have the PRIME
NUMBERS but itself can form the series of its own. So prime numbers time interval is the survival time from any such
natural disastrous and space destruction time patterns. So as to survive the life on the Earth and the Earth in the Space.

Lets have the look at the planetary aspects of the major planets and influence believed in astrology but in the form of
astronomical data. Jupiter time interval is 12 years and Rahu Ketu – crossing points in space planes of the planetary
orbits. Which is 18 years and patterns of Saturn is 30 years. All have one common number component of the 6 and we
break that is the multiple of two smallest consecutive prime numbers. eg 2x3=6. – but the series formed by the no 6 has
none of the prime number in the series.
If any one believes in that respect or not that’s not a matter but mathematical series do say the rhythmical – and prime
numbers are never encountered in those series.

There are more strange about the number of six which man believes or not does not make any difference to the
mathematics. And 6 is a special pattern of the series in planetary aspects and much more and so net prime number is 7
to form the week – 7 days of the week.
Let us study the numbers 6 and so we can take in to consideration of no 6 importance over and above the planetary
aspects and days of the week and 2x3=6 multiple of the of two smallest consecutive prime numbers

Many do not consider 6 as a happy number and if we give that number to any one may be unhappy as with number 13
though is the prime number.
6= 2x3 (six has characteristic of its component 2 as a perfect digit)

Six includes 2 so include all characteristics of divided by two. As in the series numbers are multiples of 2. and also as
the six has component 3 which is part of digit 9 as well (3x3=9) so as to give the characteristic of max digit 9 and its
series. And power of 3s gives that characteristic to six as being that’s component.

Six has 1, 2, 3, as their part 1x2x3=6 and inverse of 1/1 +1/2+1/3+1/6= 2 gives its characteristic of its component digit 2.

Power of six eg square of 6=36 and onwards , 3=6=9 max digit character because of its component 3 , 6x6x6 = 216 ,

Thus six gives characteristic of both of its component 2 and 3 so in the form of the mixture of both of its components
characteristics as 2s and 3s like as the ARDH NARISHWAR SHIVE FORM.

Also all the prime numbers follows one pattern related to six that either prime number +1/or -1 makes them multiple of
six as P+_1=N6 eg 7-1=6 , 13-1= 2x6 , 97-1=16x6, 73-1=6x12, and also 71+1 =6x12. also 1291-1= 6x215 and 1361=1

To avoid the frequency of the destructive events and the planetary aspects of six and its series and also multiple of
next prime number 7 series –The Prime number itself has the advantage of the survival and the regeneration intervals.

Let us see now the statistical part of the chances of the frequency of the meteor/asteroid impact to the Earth to destroy
the life on the Earth.
Most studies has suggests that the chances of the destruction of the life on the Earth by the impact of the
meteor/asteroid is just a 1% in 50 centuries so as a 1% in 5000 years and so approximately 500 000 years life on the
Earth will have drastic impact. But that’s a just approximate not accurately.

Now lets have a look to the Mathematical and science part of the Vedic’s. Smallest time interval for life destruction is
given in the form of KALIYUGA as a 432000 years which is more accurately figured than rounded figure of 500 000

Now MahaYuga is 10time of KALIYUGA as a 432 000 which is 432 0000 years. And if we make a mathematical series
of such Mahayugas it will be as 1MY, 2 MY 3 MY …NxMY and so on.
Hear 15MY = 15 x 432 0000 =648 00000 =64.8Mn years which is more accurately close to the KT period series of 65mn
approximate years of KT boundary period.

The Geological time interval of such approximate 65mn years of the KT periods also has the series, pattern of the 65mn
, 130mn and 195mn years. this patterns may form the series of - 1KT , 2KT 3KT ….XKT and so on but will avoid the
PRIME numbers to destroy the life totally and will allow the life to regenerate and survival of the some form of
the life on the Earth from all forms of the disasters on the Earth and from the space as well.
So the regeneration of the life should follow the period of Prime numbers interval and that has been explained in the
mathematical form of MANAVANTAR – WHICH IS IN THE FORM OF SUCH MAHAYUGAS OF 71 Mahayuga =
1MANU – Manvantar period.

Eg as per Vedas life on the earth is expected to last further 2.16 bn years as an Andromeda galaxy will collide with our
milky way to generate billions degree temperature to make destruction and regenerations of new stars and galaxy
formations. (this period will be NxKT periods of intervals as all manvantar period finish at this stage and these are
multiples of KT period intervals as stated before).

So the remaining period of 2.16Bn years are divided in 500 mahayugas and that’s divided to 7 manavantar periods of
71 mahayugas. (past period not counted) as a whole period of 4.32Bn years are divided in 1000 mahayugas and that’s
divided to 14 manavantar periods of 71 mahayugas.

Here 71 Mahayuga period is Prime number period to avoid all events of 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and all KT period intervals of 15
Mahaygas as explained before as well as series of planetary aspects of multiples of six and its series and also that of 7
next prime numbers series.

Trigonometry and Pythagoras: Prime numbers has also rules of Pythagoras formation and only prime numbers can
do that and none of the others.
Eg triangles of the sides with prime number dimension only can form new form of the rectangular triangle . see
following examples and carry on forward to find new.

4, 5 and 3 (P)
12, 13 and 5 (P)
24, 25 and 7 (P)
60, 61 and 11 (P)
84, 85 and 13 (P)
94, 95 and 17 (P)
X=?, Y=? and 19 (P)

Similarly Coding and decoding in the Deciphering process of the secrete codes and internet security and hacking
security all involves the PRIME Numbers in bigger and multiple forms. eg
1757051 = 1291 prime number key 1(prime KEY P) and x 1361(prime KEY q) Prime number key 2 and that’s locks the
key functions as security in transactions and security processes

Video demonstration of the experiments of 4 hours in five lecture series of University of Oxford - academic to
explain the mysteries of the world of numbers- are available from the oxford University departments of maths,

Forwarded by YOURS Dr.BHUDIA-Science Group Of INDIA.
President:"Kutch Science Foundation".
Founder :"Kutch Amateurs Astronomers Club - Bhuj - Kutch".
Life Member:"kutch Itihaas Parishad".,,
Do visit our ABOVE Clubs/Groups of Science Groups of India.

Re: Ancient astronomy

Astronomy in Mahabharata
Indian astronomy is 24000years' old.However due to following
it had not been possible to fix dates :
1) Moon is going away from the earth.As per Kepler's Law, lunar
is increasing. In the past, synodic month was smaller than present
2)Speed of ascending and descending nodes were also more in the past.
3)Speed of rotation of earth around it's own axis is
delta T correction is to be done for historical times.
Some western astronomical softwares are incorrect for historical
because they have not used correct synodic month in the past. I have
considered these factors in doing calculations and fixed following
Gregarian dates:
Krutyug started on 6th April 13904BC,Kartik Shukla 9,on Vernal
day at 197 deg.
Tretayug started on 28th December 9102BC,Vaishakh(Jyestha)
Shukla 3 at winter solastice 39 deg.
ShriRam was born at the end of Tretayug on Chaitra Shukla9 ,when
was in Pushya,Jupiter in Punervasu and five planets had exalted.
5802 BC to 5502 were last three hundred years of Tretayug which are
often refered to as "Sanyug" period in Valmiki Ramayana.
Dwaparyug started on 26th Sept 5502BC,Magh No Moon day,Autumn
Equinox day at 260 deg.
Kaliyug started on 25 Jan 3101BC,Chaitra Shukla 1 at 351 deg.
Mahabharata war started at the beginning of kaliyug on Kartik
Krishna 13,
No Moon day and solar eclipse day.
3101BC to 3001BC were 100 years of "Sandhi" period which is often
refered in Mahabharata by Vyas.
On 23 June 3001BC,Bhadrapada Krishna 13,summer solastice day,at
135deg, next 1000 years of Kaliyug started(which was later extended
to 4,32,000years in 1901BC)
Valmiki and Vyas were good astronomers(Sky watchers) and their
astronomical verses are 100% correct.
For more details: Pl. read my book "Mahabharatatil Khagolshastra" in
Marathi or "Astronomy in Mahabharata" in English.(Rs 90+postage).
This book proves exact dates of Ramayana and Mahabharata by
astronomical calculations .(Those who claim that
Ramayana/Mahabharata happened between
2000BC to 1500BC are incorrect.Those dates which do not fit in
Chaturyuga system are incorrect )
Contact: Prafulla Vaman Mendki B.E.,I.E.S.,D.B.M.,(F)I.E.T.E.
Retired R & D Engineer/Manager/Head of Dept/Certification Manager
House No 616/1, "Kaustubh" Bungalow,Near Mhasoba
Temple,Kalyan(W),Dist :Thane,Maharashtra State,India
Phone 91-0251-2209476

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