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Demonstrative Pronouns

demonstrate (verb): to show; to indicate; to point to

A demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things:
 near in distance or time (this, these)
 far in distance or time (that, those)
  near • ⇒

singular ☺ this that

plural ☺☺☺ these those

Here are some examples with demonstrative pronouns, followed by an illustration:
 This tastes good.  Look at that!
 Have you seen this?  Those were the days!
 These are bad times.  Can you see those?
 Do you like these?  This is heavier than that.
 That is beautiful.  These are bigger than those.

Do not confuse demonstrative pronouns with demonstrative adjectives. They are identical, but a
demonstrative pronoun stands alone, while a demonstrative adjective qualifies a noun.
 That smells. (demonstrative pronoun)
 That book is good. (demonstrative adjective + noun)
Normally we use demonstrative pronouns for things only. But we can use them for people when
the person is identified. Look at these examples:
 This is Josef speaking. Is that Mary?
 That sounds like John.

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