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MODULE 2: Philippine Pre-Colonial Literature

As a future teacher of English, what is the importance of knowing the old literary
works in Philippine Literature? What learning will your future students get from
this kind of literature?

As I am writing my answer to this question, I ask myself, “what did I learn from this that I
can share to my future students? And why studying literature is important for me? Then
I came up with this..

Simply because, Philippine Literature is our own. One must appreciate first his/her own
identity before others. For a teacher to teach literature must first understand and
appreciate the literature around him/her. To be a teacher is not an easy task. A teacher
must be well trained and educated enough to fulfill his/her duty. So for me this is not just
learning, i know to myself that I am now appreciating literature. And thanks to this
module I was exposed to many kinds of literature. I was able to understand and
appreciate cultures. I know that I will face more forms of literature and I am excited
about it.

So i forgot the last question, “what learning will my future students get from learning
Philippine Literature?”

Well, I can say that my students will learn the same thing I learned from this. To
understand and appreciate our own. 

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