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Learning Task # 2 (Formative Assessment)


Theory of what is Goal of teaching-

Methodology to arrive at the Truth
Philosophy  Theory of Truth valuable/good learning

Values differ from place

We must relate to the universe and
to place, from time to To help develop
interact with others intelligently,
The universe is real time, from person to students who can
scientifically and experientially.  The
and is in constant person; what is adjust to a changing
Progressivism curriculum stresses on science and
change considered good for one world and live with
experiential learning such as “hands on-
may not be good for others in harmony.
minds on” learning.

Traditional moral values

and virtues such as
Curriculum is based on traditional respect for authority,
Specific knowledge disciplines such as math, natural perseverance, fidelity to To teach the young
and skills exist that science, history, foreign language, and duty, consideration for the essentials they
all people should literature. The teacher should serve as others, and practicality need to live well in
possess. an intellectual and moral role model for and intellectual the modern world.
the students. knowledge are the needs
of the students to become
model citizens.

The individuality of Students are given a wide variety of

man options from which to choose.
Our lives have no
is supreme and this Curriculum would include a diverse
inherent meaning or
“individuality‟ is content as well as an array of varied To help students
purpose, but rather it is
Existentialism  greater and more pedagogical methods, become fully their
the purpose we create for
important than the which would, importantly, include authentic self.
our lives that gives them
existence of man, ample opportunities for peer initiated
a sense of meaning.
nation and the and peer-directed learning.

The core of the curriculum is essential

knowledge and skills and academic To teach ideas that
Just as man tends towards
rigor. Schooling should be practical, are everlasting, to
knowledge, so he tends
preparing students to become valuable seek enduring truths
Faith and reason towards the moral life.
members of society. Education should which are constant,
are two different And, just as knowledge is
Perennialism  introduce the student to the universal not changing, as the
and separate attained through reason,
concerns of mankind thorough the natural and human
realms. so the moral life is the
study of the great works of literature, worlds at their most
life consonant with
philosophy, history, and science. Such essential level, do
works represent man’s finest insights not change.
into his own nature.

Behaviorism  Our responses to Learning is an aspect of conditioning When there is a change or To promote and
environmental and will advocate a system of rewards interruption in their modify observable
stimuli shape our and targets in education. By carefully environment, then there behavior. It
actions shaping desirable behavior, morality will be a change in the considers learning
and information is learned. Learners students’ behavior. to be a behavior that
will acquire and remember responses shows acquisition of
that lead to satisfying aftereffects.
Repetition of a meaningful connection
results in learning.
knowledge or skills.
By giving students a reward for doing
well will keep the students interested in

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