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Test your Understanding: Answer the following and support your answers.
1. Do we have such a thing as unchanging values in these changing times? 

2. What do we mean when we say transcendent values are independent of time, space, and
Transcendent values do not depend on the period in history and place when and
where people lived. They do not depend on the race, nationality and culture of
people. They are values true to all times in all places and for all people. The
values of love, care and concern for our fellowmen are values for all people
regardless of time and space.

3. Should values be taught? Why? 

Yes. Because they have a cognitive domain that concerns with the understanding
of values. Teaching values at home, school and society is very important. Values
is not only for students but for everyone. The decisions we make are reflection of
our values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose.
It is important for everyone to learn and to have values because it is important
to develop an individual and help for many ways in life. Every one of us must
work together in creating a caring relationship between us and make a peaceful
society to live in.

4. What are the three dimensions of value and value formation? Explain each.
The three dimensions of value and Value formation are Cognitive, affective and
behavioral dimensions

 Cognitive (mental understanding and readiness) – the cognitive aspect of

value formation is concerned with the rational understanding of the
value, how it should be lived and why it should be taught.
 Affective (experience toward something) – The affective aspect has
something to do with the development of feeling for the value.
 Behavioral (living the value) – the behavioral aspect is the outward
manifestation of the value.
5. Value formation is training of the intellect and the will. What does this training consist
Training of the intellect consist of training in conception, judging and
reasoning. Training of the will is strengthening the will to desire and act
upon that which is valued.

6. What is the effect of good habit (virtue) and bad habit (vice) on the will? 
Virtue strengthens the will while vice weakens it.

7. Which is the lowest value in Scheler's value hierarchy? highest? 

The lowest value in Scheler’s value hierarchy is pleasure values whhile the
highest are the values of the Holy.

8. Based on Scheler's hierarchy of values, what is a life well lived?

A life well lived is one that observes subordination of values in accordance
with Scheler’s hierarchy of values.

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