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FAQ on PO acceptance:

1) Which are the standard PO ?

- The PO received against the standard offer which given by sales using Manthan and SAP.

2) What should I check in PO ?

- PO should be check as per attached guide line. And duly signed.
- Rates should be checked with standard offer and discount which pass on to customer.

3) What are the acceptable criteria in each PO whether it is delivery, specifications etc.
- Delivery terms as per offer. Already given the mail by project engineer the material lead
time from the date of PO to SHV vendor.
4) Any other things which I need to check in std. PO ?
- Delivery
- Rate & taxation
- Payment terms as per offer. If not proper offer.
- Discount structure (up to 10% no approval required, 11% to 15% BH approval required &
16% and above CEO approval required and BH will arrange.) This is not written anywhere
but understanding.
- Penalty clause should not accept without RTM/ BH/FH approval.

5) Which PO I should sent RTM?

- No PO should be sent to RTM without accpetance. As Non-standard offer also pre-approved
from technical and corporate technical before submitting to prospect.

6) What is non-standard offer & PO?

- Material is non-standard for which SAP billing material not available, cost need to take
- Extra material we need to add like 100 NB pipe line size is non-standard or selling LOT
manifold of 2x60 is non-standard.

7) When Project engineer will come to know about project?

- Sales will give accepted PO with advance or approval
- In case of primary installation – Key plan layout approved, Project schedule, fuel plan etc.

8) Whose decision is final in case of dispute?

- Commercial matter BH
- Process and technical matter Technical function Head.

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