The Stanford Daily - Intermission, Jan. 28, 2011

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stanford’s weekly guide to campus culture

VO LU M E 238 . ISSUE 13
a publication of the stanford daily FRIDAY



Review, page 2
page 7
Satire stutters and fails in TV’s
page 5
Get your indie fix with The Decemberists
winter premieres and Amos Lee Anastasia Yee/The Stanford Daily
Intermission reviews Grab an exotic bite at
“No Strings Attached” and “True Grit” Anatolian Kitchen

page 4 FOOD
page 6

ENTER ‘DEAD SPACE 2’ technology

he airlock bursts open. As dreams ever since. The sequel
all matter, sound and doesn’t do anything revolutionary,
humanity is dragged from but it doesn’t need to: By changing
the observation platform and into up the setting, fleshing out the cast
the gaping blackness, you feel your and packing in plenty of jaw-drop-
artificial oxygen supply kick in and ping moments, “Dead Space 2”
your armored boots begin to lift raises the bar for horror games and
from the floor. There’s a certain sets 2011 off with a bang.
poetry to your struggle — as you It’s been a few years since our
tumble toward the vacuum, claw- first adventure with space engineer
ing out for anything to hold onto, Isaac Clarke, and the iconic man in
the silent and ubiquitous expulsion armor isn’t doing much better
seems somehow right. Gazing the since his traumatizing experience
other way now, at the golden sur- aboard the USG Ishimura (an
face of Saturn and the speckling of adventure that isn’t required to
stars behind it, everything slows enjoy “Dead Space 2” but that I’d
down as you imagine just letting recommend anyway). He’s racked
go — just letting your torment, with guilt over encouraging his
your visions and your burden all girlfriend Nicole to work on a
end. deep-space mining vessel that
A corpse floats past recovered a mysterious, Courtesy Visceral Games
you, this one still human. monolithic object. This than the plot. Eventually, though, sound design is really king here: could take a sudden turn as an
Overtaken again with a “Marker” controls people’s the game focuses more on Isaac’s Deep, hollow clangs resonate as enormous, tentacled mutant
sense of duty, you thoughts and internal struggles and visions, shadowy figures slither into service pierces through the floor, grabs
raise your AL unleashes a which become downright com- pipes; frantic screams and power- you around the leg and drags you


1 T

plasma cutter scourge of pelling. ful gun blasts are muffled and cut out into the vacuum of space. You
O 1

and take aim infectious Like any horror game, “Dead short in the vacuum of space; an might feel bogged down once in a

on the con- O
“necromorphs” Space 2” has its share of cheap unseen presence whispers “Isaac . . while by repetitive (though merci-
trols of an emer- that re-animate thrills. Enemies burst out of vents . “ behind dissonant harmonies. fully short) puzzles and the occa-
gency air seal. The shot corpses. It’s also giving Isaac and pipes, floors give way and bad The sense of isolation and hope- sional trek through a not-so-scary
connects, and you crash to vivid hallucinations and a guys sneak up and get you from lessness is palpable if not oppres- air vent, but on the whole, the
the floor. Air comes sweep- wicked headache, and he’s out behind. But while it does jump- sive, and the game is great for it. game does a great job of taking the
ing back into the room, and you for answers. Oh, and to shoot scares as well as anyone, the game’s In a break from the deliberate, action up a notch without losing
can hear your own heartbeat, muf- monsters. real draw is the ambience. As you explorative pace of the original its identity as an atmospheric hor-
fled and whimpering beneath a At first, the story of “Dead explore Saturn’s derelict space sta- game, “Dead Space 2” has one boot ror show.
steel shell. Still alive. Space 2” didn’t keep me on tenter- tion, “The Sprawl,” you’ll be planted in the slow-burn realm of Like the pace of his adventure,
Such is the world of “Dead hooks — you’re out to destroy the awestruck by how flickering service intellectual horror and another in Isaac’s abilities have been ramped
Space 2,” the monstrous follow-up Marker, bad people want to stop lights and long shadows can keep the in-your-face world of action up a bit. He moves a bit faster and
to Visceral Games’ sci-fi thriller you and there are nasty aliens. It you on edge, wondering just what movies. Like our dear friend Isaac, hits a bit harder, and I felt a little
that came out of nowhere back in was enough to keep me going, but happened before you passed that might sound a little schizo- more empowered when I was run-
2008 and has haunted players’ I was invested in the action more through. Objects dance and twirl phrenic at first. But for the most ning low on ammo. His stasis and
in a zero-G ballet, and you might part, this works to the game’s kinesis abilities are more useful as
see a hand or leg float by with advantage: It’s hard to lose interest well, letting you freeze enemies in
2 blood freely oozing out. when you’re not sure if a quiet,
intermission And like the original, the solemn trek through a corridor | continued on page 3 |
Supernatural thrills in old Venice
cience fiction heavyweight Jon in murder or war. prison cell), and has left an indeli-
Courtenay Grimwood intro- The story opens with a con- ble impression on both.
duces a new series with “The spiracy: Duke Alonzo, Venice’s The sheer number of stories
Fallen Blade,” the first installment regent, hatches a plan to marry happening at once, and the way
of an urban fantasy set in 15th-cen- Giuletta to the king of Cyprus — Grimwood effortlessly juggles
tury Venice. It has werewolves, and with a di Millioni child already in them, is eminently impressive.
it has vampires, but if it sounds like her womb. She is to discreetly dis- Never once does the reader doubt
“Twilight” in a time machine, think pose of her husband and rule that he will resolve the disparate
again. “The Fallen Blade” is burst- Cyprus in the name of her infant threads by the end of the book,
ing with political intrigue, epic son, taking direction from Venice. If though he could have stood to
naval battles, arranged marriages all goes according to plan, Venice tighten the narrative by cutting
and assassins — and it doesn’t pull will gain control of valuable trade some of the less-important view-
its punches. That last, if nothing routes in the Mediterranean and point characters. Grimwood also
else, is the mark of an author with beyond — but Giuletta refuses to uses his setting to great effect; it
worlds of experience at his disposal. cooperate. She runs away from sometimes seems as though Venice
The cast consists of the charac- home and into the arms of Prince itself is a character of its own. The
ters one might expect — Lady Leopold, the German ambassador, city’s presence in every element of
Giuletta di Millioni, the runaway who has suspicious connections to the story can, at times, seem over-
princess, and Atilo Il Mauros, the the krieghund (werewolves) that powering, especially in the
head of the Assassini, come to mind have been terrorizing the city. instances where setting and circum-
— but also characters who are Their story dovetails seamlessly stance supersede characterization.
intrinsically intriguing, such as the with that of Tycho and Atilo; Atilo’s Fortunately, as with many
Mongolian-born mother of the famed and feared Assassini, in the Byzantine novels, “The Fallen
half-wit Duke of Venice, the beginning of the novel, is left in tat- Blade” is a plot-driven book.
Duchess Alexa and the not-quite- ters after an encounter with the Grimwood’s latest work is a
human, semi-feral Tycho, who is krieghund, during which he sacri- refreshing take on vampires and
discovered by a customs officer in a fices the lives of the majority of his werewolves, where the supernatural
secret compartment of a Mamluk men to save the errant princess. takes a backseat to the story itself.
ship. The development of the char- Atilo needs an heir to his leadership “The Fallen Blade” is proof that
acters is uneven (Giuletta, for one, of the Assassini, as all of the suit- such well-worn tropes are still
seems incurably bratty, to the exclu- able candidates perished that fateful viable — it merely requires a whole
sion of other character traits), but night, and Tycho, with his preter- lot of talent.
even the less appealing characters natural strength and speed, seems
demand the reader’s attention, as the perfect choice — Tycho, who —sarah GUAN
their stories are intricately woven has already encountered both contact sarah: sguan@stan-
together in a high-stakes Byzantine Giuletta (in a church) and Atilo’s Courtesy Orbit Books
plot where one misstep might result betrothed, the heiress Desdaio (in a


place or create local zero-G fields around There are a few new toys like an electrified ing and it feels odd to take control of a ure always exceeds the pain. If you can
objects and hurl them across the environ- spear gun and proximity mines that mix up spindly alien, if you’re on team necromorph. stomach it, “Dead Space 2” is simply not to
ment. You can even rip the scythe-like limbs the combat, but most players will find a few It’s common for big publishers like be missed.
straight off enemies, then fire them back favorites early on and save their resources Electronic Arts to shoehorn multiplayer into
and impale them on the wall. Badass, to say for ammo and upgrades. And, despite the games these days, but it really doesn’t fit in —nate ADAMS
the least. expanded arsenal, the game suffers from a the “Dead Space” mythos. contact nate:
But the meat of combat is still centered few balancing issues. If I had chosen to, I “Dead Space 2” isn’t always an easy
on dismembering foes with big, fancy guns. could have hacked my way through most of game to play. At times it overloads the sens-
“Dead Space 2” thankfully ups the ante in the game using only the chainsaw-like “rip- es, and at others it’s exhausting on an emo-
“Dead Space 2” is available for Xbox 360, PS3
the weapons department, but that comes per,” which tears most enemies to pieces as tional level. But that’s exactly what makes it
and PC.
with its share of minor problems. Most they charge towards you. great — you never know what’s coming,
weapons from the original game are back I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the and, like a masochistic addiction, the pleas-
with welcome improvements — the plasma game’s multiplayer component, but frankly,
cutter can set enemies on fire if you upgrade
it, and the pulse rifle can fire grenades.
it’s barely worth bringing up. The matches
are repetitive, the maps aren’t very interest-
friday january 28 2011
movies the vital stats
No Strings
“No Strings Attached,” Natalie Portman’s
follow-up to critical success “Black Swan,” is A
Hollywood’s most recent effort to make the



F 1 TO
romantic comedy original and interesting
again. Although the film, the latest from 10

director Ivan Reitman, stumbles with some

clichés and a few cases of terrible dialogue, its Although star Natalie Portman’s role as a
clever one-liners and unique, hilarious sup- romantic lead is startlingly different from her
porting cast make it a strong effort and cer- recent dramatic turn in thriller “Black Swan,”
tainly a welcome break from the January she proves she can hold her own in a roman-
movie doldrums. tic comedy as well. She lends wit and human-
The film revolves around Emma ity to a character that in other similar films
Kurtzman (Natalie Portman), a relationship- would be played straight as a career-focused,
phobic doctor, and Adam Franklin (Ashton ice-cold stereotype. Ashton Kutcher follows
Kutcher), a carefree production assistant who her lead well as a hapless, down-on-his-luck
dreams of becoming a screenwriter. After romantic. Although the role is certainly not a
brief flashbacks to their run-ins at summer stretch for Kutcher, his acting is still funny,
camp and college frat parties, the movie charming and a perfect fit for the film.
jumps to their mid-20s, when they meet The supporting cast steals the show with
again and attempt to form a casual, commit- Courtesy Paramount the movie’s funniest lines and most awkward
ment-free relationship. Despite the movie’s As far as romantic comedies go, “No any boundaries. Still, the movie breaks free of moments. Kevin Kline shines as Adam’s
title, it is clear from the beginning of the film Strings Attached” is a breath of fresh air after typical romantic comedy barriers with a father Alvin Franklin, a wealthy, spoiled actor
that there is more to the pair’s relationship a year of clichéd duds like “Killers” and script that’s actually funny, open discussion of who struggles to fit in with the younger gen-
than sex, and that the “no strings attached” “Valentine’s Day.” True, the movie does con- topics that used to be taboo territory in eration. Lake Bell is hilarious as Lucy, a glori-
relationship could never actually last with tain the classic, tired “run to tell that special movies (Adam making Emma a “period ously awkward co-worker of Adam’s who
them. Instead, the movie charts how their someone you love them before it’s too late!” playlist” that contains songs like “Bleeding finds increasingly strange ways to communi-
connection eventually turns into a real rela- scene, and, despite its title, is a movie about Love” by Leona Lewis and “Sunday Bloody
tionship, albeit with several bumps along the an actual romantic relationship, not a strictly Sunday” by U2 comes to mind) and strong | continued on page 7 |
way. sexual one. Its set-up certainly does not break acting, mainly by the supporting cast.

Mattie Ross, played cials to amoral tooth-deficient unique. The gang stumbles into
the vital stats
by Hailee Steinfeld, criminals. some roadblocks, such as crazy
True Grit provides the driv- She drags into her band of cabin men, gunshot wounds and at
ing force for the justice seekers U.S. Marshal one point, what appears to be a
Drama story. Her single “Rooster” Cogburn, played by Jeff bear riding a horse, but other than
goal in the film is Bridges, and Texas Ranger that, their journey is just a stream
A to avenge the death LaBoeuf, played by Matt Damon. of wintry images and expansive


F 1 TO

of her father, and Cogburn certainly has a presence, landscapes. The primary focus of
she’s the catalyst for and although muffled and at times this film seems to be Cogburn’s
the pursuit of his incomprehensible, he injects witty repartees and Ross’s moral

murderer, Tom humor into each scene through temerity, and maybe LaBoeuf ’s

he Coen brothers’ most Chaney. From her bitter remarks and an honest ridiculous facial hair. The film
recent film, a Western set in very first appearance, we can tell recognition that he really is too old does not actually give a sense for
the late 1800s and adapted she’d be a perfect lawyer — she’s a for this kind of stuff. LaBoeuf, Western life, but merely has images
from Charles Portis’ novel “True fast talker, with every single word whose enormous mustache match- or phrases of that time plastered
Grit,” ventures into the territory of serving a purpose. She’s also an es his inflated ego, is a sensitive onto a work of wry and playful
the light-hearted, whimsical officious rascal, a quality that at creature, and he argues with (or narration, easily recognizable as
adventure story, complete with a one point earns her a spanking. whines at) Cogburn to assert his the familiar and adored Coen
14-year-old female protagonist and Nonetheless, she commands status. Still, the three traverse brothers’ aesthetic.
a humorous, crotchety drunkard. respect from the men in the film, together through the Indian
The resolute young girl, who range from quasi-noble offi- Territory to find Chaney, and —armine PILIKIAN
develop an odd and almost heart- contact armine:
warming bond.
4 The journey itself does not
intermission really prove all too suspenseful or
music the vital stats the vital stats
The King is Mission Bell

7 4



Courtesy Rough Trade Records Courtesy Blue Note

here will be no more quirky indie releases, it does not sound particular to The mos Lee is one of those artists that particularly those near the end of the
rock operas from The Decemberists Decemberists. In a closing line, Meloy even seems like he has been around for- album, such as “Cup of Sorrow” and
— at least that’s the message implied slurs his vocals in typical Michael Stipe fash- ever; he is 33, after all, which is “Behind Me Now” — bleed together until
on “The King Is Dead,” the sixth and latest ion. The track is one example of several on equivalent to about 70 in the music indus- they morph into a mass of chords. No one
studio release from the band. If you were the album which show that, in trying to try. Oddly enough, in all this time, it seems song truly has a distinct edge.
looking for another dramatic, genre-bending reinvent themselves by emulating the greats, like his music has worsened. With his The main problem, though, is the
concept album like “The Hazards of Love,” the band has nearly lost its own identity. fourth studio album, “Mission Bell,” Lee lyrics. Lee is fond of using minimal phrases
look elsewhere. The theatrical quasi mash- Two of the gems on the album are “Rise aims to create the perfect relaxation music, to express a simple idea. This would be
ups have fallen away to reveal a much more To Me,” an acoustic, emotional Americana only to wind up with a painfully dry and fine, if at least one of the lines was unex-
sparse, country-leaning instrumentation rendition, and “Rox In the Box.” The former completely lackluster record. pected or memorable. Instead, he uses uno-
courtesy of the enlisted help of R.E.M. greats is a beautiful ballad which would sound just The sad part is, “Mission Bell” had the riginal metaphors; the fourth song,
Peter Buck (guitarist) and Tucker Martine in tune with any other song on a country potential to be so, so good. A singer-song- “Flower,” is one of the happier pieces of
(producer). radio station — the slide guitar and har- writer straight from Philadelphia, Amos “Mission Bell,” but the lyrics (“My heart is a
“The King Is Dead” is the Portland- monicas make more than a transitory Lee made a name for himself after college flower/ That blooms every hour/ I believe in
based band redefining its whole musical appearance. The second, a whirlwind tour- with his soothing sounds and daydream the power of love”) have been done before.
identity: gone are the quirky storylines and de-force with the fiddle as the central figure, lyrics. He is known for his fantastic vocals Similarly, “Stay With Me” is the same ballad
obscure lyrics, replaced by twangy slide gui- features a quick dance step with the fiddle that adjust perfectly to the mood of each fawning over a girl that floods the genre.
tar and wailing harmonicas. A combination leading the rhythm. It ages the sound of the song, from mellow to pleading. The worst song on the album is its
of rootsy Americana and unsophisticated track, making it sound quaint — a quality Furthermore, his actual musical composi- penultimate one, “Clear Blue Eyes.” A col-
folk, the music still bears enough of a pecu- suggestive of the band’s earlier releases. tion is much more complex than that of laboration with Lucinda Williams that
liar hint through Colin Meloy’s unmistak- While the album alternates between many more popular singer-songwriters. sounds like it should probably be a love
able tone to deserve its own sub-genre of slow acoustic folk or country numbers and Lee is undoubtedly an artist who syn- song, the track is yet another lamentation
indie music: “quaint pop.” Mostly acoustic, more upbeat Americana renditions, the thesizes his unique sound from a diverse of everything that goes wrong in the world.
the album proves there is no need for fancy most interesting mix of genres shows up in range of musical genres. Several inspira- Besides being yet another dreary song,
concept albums if your name is The the last track on the album, “Dear Avery.” tions are evident; for instance, Lee has cited “Clear Blue Eyes” features too much exces-
Decemberists. What starts as a down-tempo, alt-country John Prine as a musical model, evident in sive crooning and not nearly enough sub-
The R.E.M. influence Meloy has refer- rendition morphs into the riskiest track on “Cup of Sorrow,” the moody, country 10th stance to its name.
enced as inspiration for the album makes the album through its slide guitar solo. In an track on the album, and Stevie Wonder’s Lee obviously wrote this album to be
itself patent in the first couple of songs on offbeat take typical of The Decemberists, the influence shows up most in “Jesus,” a soul- honest, not profound, and his message is
the album, which feature R.E.M guitarist guitar solo is played with unconventional ful piece with vocal exercise typical of the certainly appropriate for a 30-something
Buck. “Don’t Carry It All” is as upbeat as the chords and is stretched to sound more like R&B icon. man experiencing heartbreak and the reali-
album gets, guitar-based and lumbering, swirling pedal effects, all the while layering So, then, this album should be excep- ties of life. However, what “Mission Bell”
with soulful harmonica verses competing with soft choruses and gentle drums. tional. But it isn’t. “Mission Bell” is a take- brings in honesty it lacks in appeal. There is
with Meloy’s strong vocals for the spotlight. As the final finger picking dies away, I a-glance-and-look-away album, an unin- better mellow music out there, and it won’t
Second in line, “Calamity Song” proves the can’t help but wonder why, if The spired, unmemorable musical work. It is make everyone fall asleep, either.
most difficult track to listen to, not because Decemberists have worked so hard toward typical of every singer-songwriter in the
of a lack in musicianship or songwriting, but building a reputation for themselves as con- business. —andrea HINTON
because of the striking similarity the open- cept musicians, they decided to release a no- Why? Part of the issue is that there contact andrea: anhinton@stan-
ing guitar riff has with that of an R.E.M. concept folksy alt-country album in 2011. isn’t a whole lot of variation in musical
classic, “Talk About the Passion.” Only time, and the next release, will tell if style. Yes, Lee has a unique sound, but that
Indistinguishable in rhythm and pluck- the new inclination will hold. sound stays static throughout the entire
ing style, the guitar riffs and subsequent album. Every song is a guitar-driven ballad
verses in both songs sound so eerily similar —maria DEL CARMEN BARRIOS with a desperate plea to a woman and a
that it’s impossible to listen to “Calamity” contact maria: generally depressing message. The tracks —
without running “Passion” through your
head on top of it. Although it’s an enjoyable
track, swift and reminiscent of early R.E.M. 5
friday january 28 2011
Celeste Noche/The Stanford Daily
Try the lamb shish kebab (tender cubes of marinated lamb, served
with rice and the house salad), above, at the Anatolian Kitchen, a
modern Mediterranean eatery off California Avenue. Employee
Abe Saab, right, rolls out fresh pita bread. Although Anatolian
Kitchen makes the bread fresh twice a day, owner Dino Tekdemir
said, “Some cutomers confuse the dough’s yellow-green colors
with mold. This discoloration, however, is the natural color of the
traditional Turkish recipe after baking.”

food Anatolian Kitchen does modern Mediterranean

he geographical migration of falafel is falafel, though, is a bit pale, and they are eggplant beautifully. The mousaka is cer-
remarkable. The fried balls of only saved by the accompanying sauces and tainly a highlight of the menu, as is
mashed chickpeas, believed to have Anatolian Kitchen hummus. Likewise, the stuffed eggplant flags “Alexander’s Favorite (Iskender).” This dish

originated in Egypt, have become an integral a bit in overall quality. The eggplant is ten- is particularly rich but shows that Anatolian
part of cuisine ranging from Moroccan to 2323 Birch St der but the dish ends up coming off a bit Kitchen can really deliver delicious lamb.
Saudi Arabian. The best viands find a way to “Middle of Palo Alto mushy; a less than stellar mouth feel ham- The bread cubes act to soak up the flavor of
spread, and clearly Middle Eastern- the Road” 650.853.9700 pers what could otherwise be a respectable the surrounding sauces and, despite bad
Mediterranean cuisine has taken root in dish in terms of flavor. experiences with soggy croutons elsewhere,
Palo Alto — from casual spots like ments the inviting atmosphere with a While not a total miss, the dolma is per- really enhance the texture of the dish.
Mediterranean Wraps on California Avenue respectable offering of vegetarian options haps the nadir of the vegetarian dishes in Anatolian Kitchen’s niche between for-
to nicer ones like Lavanda on University, that would allow most herbivores to be fairly that it is completely forgettable. And though mal and casual Mediterranean is not exactly
they seem to be littered everywhere. More happy. The baba ganoush in particular is the “Mediterranean Salad” could also use a sweet spot. The food is generally good, but
recently it has replaced the once-popular excellent; the roasted flavor of the eggplant stronger flavoring, it is at least a lighter the restaurant is too informal to exhibit real
Oaxacan Kitchen and sprung up in the form comes through just the right amount in a option than the dolma for those looking for culinary expertise, yet too formal to become
of Anatolian Kitchen. However, while the spread that is a wonderful balance of a brief escape from the heavier meat selec- one of the usuals. As Mediterranean and
restaurant does in general produce good creaminess and taste. The cacik is also fla- tion. Middle Eastern cuisines continue their trav-
food, it’s not clear that Palo Alto needed vorful and has a nice crunch provided by the Not all of Anatolian Kitchen’s meat els, Anatolian Kitchen is stuck somewhere in
another Mediterranean spot. chopped cucumbers and a great kick provid- dishes are heavy. The “Chicken Shish the “middle of the road.”
Anatolian Kitchen provides an inviting ed by the garlic. Kebab,” for example, actually provides a fla-
atmosphere that is not quite as formal as the The quality of the vegetarian options vorful yet lean skewer of chicken alongside a —joshua GLUCOFT
dim lighting might suggest. The restaurant is dampens slightly at the “Falafel Plate” appe- bed of underwhelming sautéed vegetables contact joshua:
probably best suited for a low-key but nicer tizer. The falafel themselves are cooked very and rice. It is, however, within the red meat
dinner with some friends or an informal well, with an appetizing outside that serves dishes that Anatolian Kitchen is able to
dinner date. as the perfectly hardened shell to a moist shine. With the mousaka, the onion-and-
The Mediterranean cuisine compli- interior of chickpeas. The spicing of the tomato sauce provides a fantastic sweetness
that, when paired with the earthy flavors of
the zucchini and potato, brings out the
6 savory notes in the ground lamb, beef and
Meh-Ta: When TV is a little too real
here are many great American premise is indicative of the plot con- meta-humor to that degree, it finds of a time period (“Boardwalk
remakes of British TV: tent of the episode and the protago- success; otherwise, the jokes feel Empire”), a profession (“Breaking
“American Idol,”“The Office,”
“What Not to Wear,”“The Weakest
nists themselves, both of which are
boring and plain. Much as I was
I admit that I myself am not
Bad”) or a narrative device
(“Damages”) to distinguish them- REMOTE
Link.” There are also many great TV enticed by the idea of satirizing partial to British comedies such as selves from reality, and in so doing,
shows about life in Hollywood: Hollywood from the writer’s point of “Coupling,” but I’m all the more sur- make their messages universal; and
“Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip,” view, the show exhibits dry, anemic prised that the creator of the most programs, most often on network
“Entourage,”“Curb Your satire instead of biting humor. David popular and most determinedly TV, that use punctuated episodes of
Enthusiasm” (sort of). The 2011 Crane, the co-creator of “Friends,” is American comedy series of all time scandal, drama or intrigue to attract
Friday at 8 p.m.: Spend your
winter television premieres, however, co-creator once again, but he loses can’t bridge the gap between viewers but keep them at a distance
Friday night with the CW hot-
have not been good to either genre, what was good about “Friends” and American and British humor. That from the material itself.
ties of old for back-to-back
between MTV’s salacious and sloppy seems to gain a complex about the may be the show’s biggest problem: The accidental nature of the
premieres of “Smallville” and
“Skins” and Showtime’s casual success that came from that good- its decision to separate the British Lincolns’ success on “Episodes” rep-
“Supernatural” (The CW).
attempt at comedy with “Episodes.” ness. and the American a la the resents the way good television is
Sunday at 9 p.m.: Enjoy the
The two, in their striking divergences In other words, the show osten- Revolutionary War (this time pitting made, in my opinion. Immersion in
rhombus of “Big Love” while
and surprising similarities, present a sibly wants to make fun of the Hollywood beautiful against the the art yields a story with a brain and
you still can — this is its last
great question about American audi- Hollywood opulence, arbitrariness overly cerebral British), when we heart that can sustain the life form of
season (HBO).
ences and their sensibilities when it and anti-intellectualism but, in doing want to see a more nuanced story a TV show for many seasons. When
Sunday at 10 p.m.: If you
comes to humor, sex, celebrity and so, allows those destructive entities to about the interaction of the two cul- the premise or plot of a show is con-
haven’t started watching
action in their television shows. pervade the make-up of the show tures. stantly reacting to what audiences
“Kourtney and Kim Take New
“Episodes” is not itself a remake itself. The result is a sluggishly paced This, too, seems to be the prob- want, it fails to anticipate what they
York,” you should (E!).
but is a show about the remake 25 minutes that rely on the same lem of MTV’s highly anticipated need.
Thursday at 8 p.m.: “The
process. In the pilot, we meet mar- punch-line pattern and audience reboot of “Skins.” A devotee of the Vampire Diaries” came back
ried television writers Beverly and expectation. With the latter, the dia- British version since last fall, I love — l i z S TA R K this week, but the follow-up
Sean Lincoln and watch them, logue can be successful when self- the original series because I can contact liz: episode will be just as impor-
metaphorically in the opening cred- aware: in the second episode, Matt appreciate the thematic issues it rais- tant (The CW).
its and literally in the body of the LeBlanc confronts the Lincolns es but still recognize that this would
episode, relocate to L.A. when a about the similarity of their show to never happen in my own life. The CONTINUED FROM “STRINGS,” PAGE 4
Hollywood network executive the play, “The History Boys,” whose nightclubs, the drugs, the religious
options their award-winning British lead actor, Richard Griffiths, is also and ethnic clashes, the class strife: all
cate her love for him. Mindy high on cough syrup.
comedy series, “Lyman’s Boys,” for the lead actor of “Lyman’s Boys.” of these are germane to the human
Kaling (best known as Kelly from However, the movie suffers
remake. This dry description of the When the show pursues the details of condition, but not to the everyday
TV’s “The Office”) is hilarious as from a few terrible, sappy lines,
existence of the majority of
Shira, one of Emma’s fellow doc- mostly on the part of Adam.
American teens watching MTV.
tor friends and roommates. Fortunately, the funnier lines in
The adaptation of the immense-
The movie’s script is, for the the rest of the movie are more
ly powerful and artistically stunning
most part, fantastic, featuring bit- than enough to make up for the
British original functions on the
ing one-liners and some priceless few bad ones.
notion that American viewers
moments. Adam’s work at a TV “No Strings Attached,”
demand both what is familiar and
studio (which is filming, inciden- though not perfect, is a refreshing
what is outrageous. In watering
tally, a “High School Musical”- break from typical romantic
down the overall tone of the show
type series, providing hilarity in comedies and the bleak January
but still milking, in terms of market-
itself) and his interactions with movie season. Although it is cer-
ing at least, the scandal of nudity and
his fellow coworkers provide tainly not the groundbreaking
withdrawn investors, the content of
some of the funniest scenes in the examination of modern relation-
the episodes is rendered frivolous.
film, only bested by Adam’s father ships it might have hoped to be,
For “Skins,” the show’s roots in a
Alvin, who begins dating Adam’s its hilarious script and supporting
profound commentary on British
ex-girlfriend, Vanessa (Ophelia cast make it well worth a watch.
culture that transcends the target age
Lovibond). The ensuing interac-
group paint the newest iteration as
tions between the old actor and — h a l l e E D WA R D S
his young girlfriend are comedic contact halle:
American television, when it
gold, culminating with Alvin
comes to shows that deviate from the
going to the hospital after getting
safe, universally palatable sitcoms,
falls into two categories: programs,
most often on cable, that use a frame 7
“Episodes,” Courtesy Showtime friday january 28 2011
Roxy Sass’ advice

favorite holiday:
Groundhog Day
oxy’s always been a fan of skies, then winter’s at an end, and
the underdog. Not only do spring quarter will last five glorious
they usually work harder to months. If Wilbur Field last week-
prove themselves, but Roxy’s a utili- end was any indication, Roxy knows
tarian and feels that her attention is how she’ll be spending her time:
worth more when given to those minimally clothed, and in the com-
who don’t get much from others. pany of minimally clothed pretty
That means that in the midst of people. Hopefully on grass.
the recently passed holiday season The decisive nature of
and the three-day weekends of win- Groundhog Day can also dictate the
ter quarter, Roxy would like to focus future of relationships. Spring quar-
on a holiday that is oft overlooked, ter is approaching, and, especially if
and undeservingly so: Groundhog you’re about to graduate, Roxy
Day. knows this is not the time to tiptoe
A time when a debatably cute around relationship decisions.
animal emerges from the ground Rather, forge ahead, since time is
and exhibits remarkable prescience limited. Unsure if your winter fling
about the weather: What could be is still worth sticking around with
better? It’s an air of mystery, of sus- (or rolling around with)? Place a bet
pense, of the delicate balance on Phil’s choice and proceed
between winter and spring. Roxy accordingly. Keep what you have if
wants you to Punx her tawny Phil. he sees his shadow; if not, seduce
Puns aside, Groundhog Day’s the future.
prediction has practical applications
to everyday life at Stanford. While —roxy SASS
the weather has been decidedly un-
January-like in past weeks (The hot FRIDAY

prowler’s effects linger much longer
than they should, it seems.),
February is fickle and could take a
turn either for the better or the
worse — but the little rodent BONE TO PICK?
underground can point the way.
For indecisive students: If the
groundhog sees his shadow next
Wednesday, that means winter
weather for the rest of the quarter,
which means using cold weather as well then, e-mail us!
an excuse to get closer. Yes, Roxy
knows there’s heating in dorm
rooms, but let’s all be sustainable MANAGING EDITOR
and use body heat instead — and Marisa Landicho
then Roxy would like you to do a
little burrowing.
If, however, Phil sees cloudy Lauren Wilson
Stephanie Weber
intermission Anastasia Yee

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