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White paper DevOps for IBM i

DevOps Transformation:
Engage your IBM i

White paper DevOps for IBM i


Most enterprises accept the imperative to tran- The IBM i platform (previously known as
sition away from legacy waterfall-based de- System i, eServer iSeries, AS/400) was the
velopment models and to DevOps in order to first minicomputer platform to integrate the
maintain their business competitiveness. There database, security and operating system into
exists however, a widening performance gap one. It remains the only commercial computer
between those stuck in the middle stages of platform ever to use a machine interface
DevOps maturity and those who have been architecture to isolate applications and most
able to achieve scale. of the operating system from the hardware. It
is also the first general business platform ever to
The IBM i has a unique architecture which is achieve an NSA C2(¹) security rating. Originally,
ideal for mission critical business applications users would access the platform via a bloc-
and it has become a modern platform howe- oriented terminal named 5250. The original
ver some barriers exist to DevOps maturity. model had green characters on a black screen
hence the term green screen 5250. Many IBM
Barriers include: The difficulty to modernize i power users still prefer this interface because
complex applications; breaking away from despite its apparent old appearance it is fast,
silos and bimodal practices; onboarding new flexible and familiar.
talent; retaining mature IBM i talent; eliminating
the business risk of loosely coupled, non-inte- This unique architecture has provided an
grated DevOps tools; eliminating lengthy, late unprecedented protection of investment in
or truncated test cycles and finding ways to business applications because users are not
take advantage of new opportunities in cloud forced to change code to take advantage
computing. of faster newer hardware. The power of IBM
hardware has grown exponentially and is
This paper is intended for those who influence now able to support near mainframe class
IBM i DevOps maturity and success in the en- workloads. For more than 30 years, IBM i has
terprise. It gives an update on the key factors been used by organizations in every industry
affecting DevOps maturity from an IBM i pers- from entertainment to retail, manufacturing
pective. It describes the barriers to DevOps to financial services, nonprofits to worldwide
maturity and how ARCAD tools can be used to distribution. Today, these enterprises continue
help you eliminate them. to trust IBM i to run their most critical business
applications and provide security for their most
'By 2020 50% of CIOs who have not sensitive data.
transformed their capabilities to The IBM i platform also has an unsurpassed
DevOps will be replaced from the reputation for longevity, reliability, availability
digital leadership team’ and security at a TCO lower than Windows or
- Gartner Research 2019

‘92% of respondents believe that

their IBM i server gives them a better
ROI than other servers’
- IBM i Marketplace Survey, Help Systems, 2019

(1) The C2 security rating was established by the U.S. National

Computer Security Center (NCSC) and means that the
computer’s security framework is suitable for use in government
and military organizations and institutes to process confidential
government and military information.
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White paper DevOps for IBM i

change. Most run faster, are more robust,

secure, scalable and available than ever.
Mission critical functions of a business tend
A FULLY MODERN PLATFORM to remain stable so there has so far been less
business justification for major change.
A modern IBM i can take full advantage of
IBM’s Power Systems server family hardware ‘43% of core business applications
which is highly scalable, reliable and available run on IBM i’
and which runs different operating systems - IBM i Marketplace Survey, Help Systems, 2019
(IBM i, AIX, Linux) simultaneously in different
partitions on the same server. IBM has never Many mission critical applications have
stopped innovating and is predicting a tenfold been modernized(¹). To keep mission critical
increase in performance of POWER processors IBM i software applications relevant many
in the next five years. have been modernized and integrated with
applications on other platforms. Banks for
The IBM i has many ways to communicate example often use IBM i for secure and robust
and exchange data with other platforms and back office processing while opting for more
in addition to the more traditional languages contemporary Linux or Windows based front
such as COBOL, RPG and PL/I, the IBM i also end to interface with staff and on-line or mobile
supports numerous modern development lan- users.
guages such as C, C++ , Java, PHP, SQL, Ruby,
JS, Node.js, GNU C, … and Free-Form RPG, a
highly efficient business oriented language
‘65% of respondents have moved
with a syntax resembling Java. A modern IBM i their IBM i interface toward a more
supports open source development tools such modern option, 35% report using the
as Apache and Python, GNU libraries and mo- 5250 green screen interface only’
dern DevOps tools such as Git, Jenkins and Jira.
- IBM i Marketplace Survey, Help Systems, 2019
It has become a fully modern platform.
(1) Modernization refers to the conversion, rewriting or porting
'IBM has never stopped innovating, of legacy applications to a modern computer programming
language (e.g from fixed format RPG to free form RPG) and
today the IBM i is a fully modern all associated objects and protocols. Also to modernize the
platform’ development methods associated with maintaining the
application (e.g. from a waterfall model to a DevOps model).
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020 Legacy transformation aims to retain and extend the value of
the legacy investment.


Important parts of the business run on IBM i.
IBM i software applications were developed
mostly in an innovative and efficient way for
their day and they have had unprecedented
longevity, running well, without modification
for decades. IBM i software applications have
inherited hardware and OS improvements over
the years without the need for major code
Arcad Software, January 2020- • page 3
White paper DevOps for IBM i

'Most enterprises already know the

limitations of traditional waterfall
TRADITIONAL DEVELOPMENT based development models but the
METHODS REQUIRE challenge now is to move all IBM i
development to DevOps in a safe,
ADAPTATION non disruptive way’
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020
It is widely accepted that the traditional wa-
terfall development model used for decades
with the premise that one should move to the
next phase only when the preceding phase
is reviewed and verified is ill-adapted for the
demands of the modern digital era. There is
a major potential to optimize existing develop- DEVOPS IS BECOMING A KEY
ment models to improve speed, time to mar-
ket and quality levels while eliminating the fol- PART OF DIGITAL
lowing risks: TRANSFORMATION
Costly There is a significant time lag for new
The modern digital era Most businesses must
ideas to be deployed to production which of-
offer better on-line services and goods at lower
ten means development budgets get consu-
costs and greater velocity than competitors to
med delivering features which are no longer
remain viable. Virtually every successful bu-
siness now looks to software to drive revenue
and reduce costs.
Time-consuming Developers tend to put in
place the structure of software first and only se-
Every company is a software company En-
cond consider implementing customer ideas.
terprises of all industry sectors are continuously
This can create significant unproductive delays
improving their software to gain competitive
and compromises.
advantage. In addition to application functio-
nality, one of the major criteria when selecting
Inflexible Traditional development methods
software today is the speed at which a new
can be rigid to change. Customers change
feature or function is made available. It is the-
their requirements often because the business
refore now vital to pay attention to both func-
changes often. This can mean resistance to
tion and process to avoid falling behind.
change from development followed by much
extra effort and delay.
Risk mitigation Downtime is now one of the
biggest threats to the bottom line and much of
Inefficient At each step of the traditional pro-
it is caused by faulty software releases. Large
cess rigorous approvals are needed, leading to
traditional releases are more likely to introduce
bottlenecks in the delivery process. Indeed this
faults which increase downtime. Downtime
kind of “synchronous” approach is at odds with
costs businesses real money through SLA pe-
the asynchronous needs of today (an analogy
nalties, loss of business and reputation.
would be our reliance on text messages as op-
posed to phone calls). Having a fixed series of
DevOps helps enterprises stay ahead A De-
approval gateways can lead to project delays
vOps strategy results in faster incremental im-
on top of management delays, compromising
provements which bolster the bottom line fas-
delivery speed.
ter and better than a traditional all at once
approach. By always staying those few steps
Lacking transparency Managers of traditional
ahead of competitors we can deliver a real
development projects get inundated with sta-
differentiator and ensure competitive advan-
tus reports about improvements but nothing to
track business productivity. This means they be-
come ineffective at keeping score.

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White paper DevOps for IBM i

‘It’s no longer about if organizations

should adopt DevOps, it’s now about .
getting DevOps right and scaling it
across the enterprise’ DEVOPS MATURITY IS
IDC identifies a prime software industry
challenge for 2020 as “getting DevOps right
and scaling it across the enterprise”. Indeed, All information technology goes through stages
many organizations are looking for world class of maturity so it’s important to recognize which
tooling to ensure they both deliver DevOps ef- stage you are at now in order to understand
ficiently across ALL areas of the organization and plan for what’s next. The levels of IT
and at the same time scaling their work across maturity have an impact on how mature
the enterprise without impacting the business. DevOps can get in your organization. Though
World class DevOps tools offer a framework to DevOps adoption does in no way depend
deliver the most “rapid wins” while eliminating on cloud technology, physical servers and in-
the risk of poorly scaled and loosely coupled house data centers can slow DevOps progress.
alternatives. However, a reliance on monolithic programs is
a significant hindrance.

IT Maturity Map (source: IBM Corporation)

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White paper DevOps for IBM i

Stage 5 - DevTestOps is a role which promotes

testing and ensures it start earlier in the pro-
ject lifecycle, is continuous and is embedded
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS in every phase of the life cycle. The term “shift
EVOLUTION FOR THE IBM I left” is sometimes used to highlight that testing
must be prioritized as early as possible in the
(“A HISTORY LESSON”) development cycle to be more effective in
detecting defects as they arise.
Stage 1 - Waterfall is a very structured and ri-
gid development approach which much le-
gacy development still follows. This approach
generally results in large releases every few
years. Business change has accelerated in
the modern digital era and therefore some of
the delivered features arrive too late or are not
aligned with customer needs.

Stage 2 - Agile - is an iterative development

approach which emphasizes rapid delivery
and includes customers in the development
ARCAD solutions for end-to-end DevTestOps automation share
Stage 3 - CI/CD is continuous integration and a central metadata repository core, to optimize Continuous
continuous delivery which is the practice of Integration (CI), Continuous Test (CT) and Continuous Delivery
(CD) on IBM i
merging all developers working source code
copies to a shared mainline several times a
day and delivering software in short cycles. Stage 6 - DevSecOps is a role which aims to
CI/CD helps reduce the cost, time, and risk of embed security in every part of the develop-
delivering changes because it allows small but ment process rather than stitching it on at the
frequent updates to production applications. end. The DevSecOps promotes a team culture
where everyone feels responsible for security.
Stage 4 - DevOps builds on agile and brings They work continuously to improve security au-
developers and operators and customers tomation at every stage of development.
together through automated tools and pro-
cesses. The increased automation and col-
laboration improves productivity and there is
less team friction resulting in faster and higher
quality software delivery.

From Agile to DevOps: Business and IT agility drive innovation and maturity

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White paper DevOps for IBM i

Stage 3 – Containers are a form of operating

system virtualization but unlike virtual servers,
several containers can share the same opera-
ting system instance. Containers allow appli-
APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE cations to be more rapidly tested, deployed,
patched and scaled. It is known that applica-
Stage 1 - Monolithic or single-tier are programs tions in containers will run in a similar environ-
where multiple business functions were built ment regardless of where they are deployed.
into a large single program. Historically this
approach was used because it was simpler to
develop, test and deploy at the beginning of
a project. Eventually as many changes were
made the programs became so large and
complex that they were too expensive, time APPLICATION
consuming and risky to change further. INFRASTRUCTURE
Stage 2 - Multitier breaks up monolithic pro-
Stage 1 – Data centers are spaces to house
grams into multiple smaller programs called
physical computer systems and components,
components. The components are grouped
generally in-house. A disadvantage to the en-
into tiers or layers. Layers include: presenta-
terprise of having its own data centres is that all
tion layer, application layer, business layer and
aspects of infrastructure provisioning and data
data access layer. Components are reusable
center management fall to in-house staff as do
in that they can be used many times by diffe-
construction and running costs.
rent components generally in the layer above.
Stage 2 – Hosted data centres are physically
Stage 3 - Microservices break application
located on an external service provider’s in-
components into even smaller single functio-
frastructure. The enterprise requires fewer staff
nal units called services. Applications are now
and less physical infrastructure. There is more
becoming suites of independently deployable
flexibility because the external service provider
single purpose services. Applications built with
can increase or reduce capacity as business
microservices are generally faster to build and
needs change and has the technical staff to
change, more scalable, portable and resilient
ensure the systems run well.
to changes and faults than multitier.
Stage 3 – Cloud computing services are a sub-
set and an extension of hosted services in that
instead of being based on a physical hosted
server, they are based in a shared virtual en-
DEPLOYMENT & PACKAGING vironment managed by a cloud-hosting provi-
der. Cloud servers are a good fit for enterprises
with variable demands and workloads and of-
Stage 1 – Physical servers are also called fer on-demand utilities, multi-tenancy features
single-tenant or bare metal servers. These are and uninterrupted scaling.
computer servers which include memory, pro-
cessor, network connection, hard drive and
operating system for running applications.

Stage 2 – Virtual servers are also called mul-

ti-tenant servers and are software-based envi-
ronments which emulate the process of multi-
ple physical servers on a single physical server.
Each virtual server has its own operating system,
processor, memory and storage resources. Vir-
tual servers are easier to manage and more
cost effective than physical servers.

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White paper DevOps for IBM i

DevOps performers, up from 7% a

year ago’
- 2019 State of DevOps Report , DORA
MIDDLE ‘79% of firms surveyed were
characterized as medium on the
Any new technology, methodology, process or DevOps evolutionary scale, the
paradigm shift including DevOps goes through same as last year’
stages of maturity. Some well publicized ear-
- 2019 State of DevOps Report, Puppet, CircleCI &
ly DevOps adopters like Amazon, Netflix, Tar-
get, Walmart, Nordstrom and Facebook have Splunk
reached optimized maturity levels but most or-
ganizations are still in the early or middle stage
and looking for a way forward. The stages of ‘60% of European organizations now
DevOps maturity are:
utilize DevOps, however there is a
1.Initial Processes are usually ad-hoc and di- widening performance gap between
sordered. Outcomes are unpredictable, often those “stuck” in the experimentation
exceeding allocated budget and timelines. stage and those who have been
During times of crisis, there is a tendency to
abandon process and it’s impossible to repeat able to achieve scale’
success. - IDC, 2019

2. Defined Processes are defined but not stan-

dardized across projects or even across diffe-
rent lifecycle stages of the same project. The
standards, process descriptions and proce- BARRIERS TO DEVOPS
dures can vary considerably from team to MATURITY ON IBM i
The barrier of non-modernized applications
3. Managed Processes are well characterized
Non modernized applications cannot easily
and standardized across all projects. Standard
take advantage of new IBM i features or mo-
processes are used to establish consistency
dern development methods. Modernization is
throughout the organization. Projects esta-
typically a prerequisite for applications transi-
blish their specialized processes by modifying
tioning to DevOps. Modernization also impro-
the standard processes to fit needs and re-
ves ROI, mitigates risks, improves security, im-
quirements, while still keeping to the standard
proves the user experience and enables the
frameworks defined by the organization.
adoption of cloud computing.
4. Measured Process quality and performance
Many non-modernized IBM i applications re-
are measured to achieve visibility and pre-
main so because they suffer from a high level
dictability. Process performance is controlled
of technical debt(¹) which has been difficult to
using statistical and other measurable tech-
analyze and quantify. The worst scenarios are
niques, and predictions are based on reliable
un-managed applications with missing or miss-
data analytics.
matched source code and these pose the hi-
ghest risks when attempting a change.
5. Optimized Continuous assessments of the
overall process leads to achieving business ob-
Some IBM i developers have worked with the
jectives with minimal risk and cost.
platform for decades and have built up va-
luable knowledge which is difficult to share be-
'Only 20% of respondents consider cause it is not documented. In the past deve-
their organizations to be ‘Elite’ lopers were forced to come up with complex
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White paper DevOps for IBM i

or unorthodox solutions to the most pressing seeing themselves as defenders of ‘what works’
problems “on the fly” and the production of ; ‘what runs the business’ and group 2 seeing
technical documentation would have limited themselves as ‘champions of new and superior
the speed of development and innovation. methods’ ; ‘building systems which enable the
business to compete, grow and prosper’.
‘We rarely find complete
To alleviate this problem, a cross-platform stan-
documentation for a legacy dardization on enterprise tooling such as Git,
application making it nearly Jenkins and Jira coupled with ARCAD’s layer of
impossible to modernize or restructure IBM i specific technology helps to progressively
without automating the application migrate IBM i staff to DevOps methods while
maintaining productivity and compliance re-
analysis process’ quirements.
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2019
‘Industry standard open source
(1) Technical debt reflects the extra development work that DevOps tools were not designed with
arises when code that is easy to implement in the short term is
used instead of applying the best overall solution.
the unique IBM i architecture in mind
ARCAD provides the missing IBM i
The barrier of silos(¹) and bimodal(²) practices technology layer that makes them
Industry standard open source DevOps tools usable’
such as Git(³), Jenkins(⁴) and Jira(⁵) were not
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020
designed with the unique IBM i architecture in
mind. As such there is an IBM i technology layer
missing without which these tools become inef- ‘The problem with silos and bimodal
fective in practice when applied to IBM i. Typi- practices is that eventually they
cal questions asked by modern development
create friction, even conflict’
leaders as they modernize their processes for
DevOps include: - Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020

1. why use Jira to track IBM i development

issues if there is no synchronization between (1) An IBM i silo is a circumstance where IBM i teams are closed
off from other technical teams within an organization, follow
Jira issues and IBM i application development their own processes which are different from those of the rest of
documents. the organization.

(2) A Bimodal practice is where developers are divided

2. Why use Git as your universal version typically into two groups each following a different ‘mode’ of
control system if your mature developers development. Mode 1 are typically highly specialized IBM i
developers working on core system maintenance projects and
threaten to resign because you are taking following traditional, stable, slow moving development cycles.
away their familiar SEU and PDM tools. Mode 2 are typically younger developers working on projects
which help innovate or differentiate the business. Mode 2
projects require a high degree of business involvement, fast
3. Why use Jenkins to trigger an IBM i build if the turnaround and frequent updates.
build steps on IBM i are manual or require crea-
tion of a complex custom “makefile” in control (3) Git (maintained by Junio Hamano) is an industry standard
open source DevOps tool used as a distributed version-control
language programs. system for tracking changes in source code during software
development. It is designed for coordinating work among
programmers, but it can be used to track changes in any set
These and other barriers have caused some of files. Its goals include speed, data integrity, and support for
enterprises to create IBM i silos(1) or bimo- distributed, non-linear workflows.
dal(2) practices in order for DevOps to conti-
(4) Jenkins (by Jenkins) is an industry standard open source
nue around them without DevOps actually im- DevOps tool used as an automation server. Jenkins helps to
pacting traditional IBM i development. While automate the non-human part of the software development
bimodal practices have mostly succeeded in process, with continuous integration(CI) and facilitating
technical aspects of continuous delivery (CD).
enabling DevOps in some parts of the enter-
prise to progress in the early stages, as DevOps (5) Jira (by Atlassian) is an industry standard open source and
proprietary DevOps tool used for issue (bug) tracking and agile
matures these practices create friction, even project management.
conflict between the two groups. Group 1
Arcad Software, January 2020- • page 9
White paper DevOps for IBM i

The barrier of onboarding new talent while re- by combining open source “point” tools with
taining mature IBM i talent Most young deve- internally developed tools or scripts. While
lopers on IBM i use RDi(⁴) but have never seen a this may seem like a good idea at first it qui-
fixed format language(¹) and most mature IBM ckly leads to business risks. Non-integrated tool-
i developers feel they could not be effective chains pass little or no information between
without their familiar, highly specialized green each tool in the chain. Each one designed to
screen 5250 development tools such as PDM(²) address one issue with little care for what hap-
and SEU(³). Both young and mature develo- pens elsewhere in the life cycle. The business
pers are needed to ensure successful and ma- risk is that these non-integrated tool chains al-
ture IBM i DevOps environments. It’s important low defects to pass through undetected and
for all developers to collaborate and share the they cannot deliver the economies in perfor-
same version control system. Trying to address mance that an integrated solution can. Each
the needs of both groups requires some crea- new release of a point solution must be tested
tivity. for compatibility with the rest of the tool chain.
That’s an instability risk for the future. Such
‘Most young developers have never approaches typically lead to DevOps matu-
rity getting stuck either in the early or middle
seen fixed format code’ stages because as velocity increases so does
- Michel Mouchon, Arcad Software 2020 friction.

‘Some of our customers tell us that The goal of DevOps is to streamline the transfor-
mation of an idea into a production-ready fea-
their mature IBM i developers would ture that adds value to the business. To achieve
resign if they could not use SEU or this, the entire process from idea through to
PDM any more’ deployment to production must be seamless.
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020 This requires a profound change in the way we
approach software development – and it ap-
plies to “back-end” application development
as well as to front-end. For a seamless process
(1) Fixed format RPG is source code (e.g. RPG II, RPG III and
RPG IV) which requires instructions to be entered into a specific to work, security and automation must be built
column and where the position of a character or number can into the process from the start. For example,
have a different meaning and outcome. It’s efficient code in
that it is much less verbose than most modern programming
automated, continuous regression testing will
language code but to younger developers it looks alien (like safeguard against incidents in production wi-
assembler code) rather than the free form languages like C thout introducing an unnecessary bottleneck.
and Java they grew up with and therefore it’s harder for them
to learn.
To find the right balance between risk vs. ef-
(2) PDM (programming development manager) is a ficiency, DevOps encourages the rapid han-
proprietary IBM i green screen 5250 productivity tool which
allows developers to use shortcuts to perform repeated tasks. dling of very small software increments, thus
Programmers can also create their own custom shortcuts. PDM accelerating their path through the software
simplifies repetition, recall, search and filtering across large
object libraries and large source code files. In the hands of a
development lifecycle.
power user it can deliver high gains in speed of development.

(3) SEU (source entry utility). Is a proprietary IBM i green screen ‘Non-integrated, home grown
source code editor which allows prompting of commands
to validate their syntax. It allows entry of many different
DevOps point solutions limit the level
programming languages by changing the source entry type. of DevOps maturity in the enterprise’
(4) RDi (IBM® Rational® Developer for i) is an integrated - Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020
development environment (IDE) built on the Eclipse platform.
Designed for creating and maintaining applications on IBM i
systems in a more graphical way than green screen 5250 tools,
it resides on the developer’s desktop, supporting development
in both host-connected and disconnected modes.
The barrier of lengthy, late or truncated test
cycles Under pressure to deliver new functio-
nality into the hands of users more quickly, and
still using traditional waterfall development
The barrier of loosely coupled, non-integrated
models, code quality checking is often seen as
DevOps tools Some enterprises have attemp-
a bottleneck in the process. Done manually
ted to construct home-grown DevOps solutions
this can be a tedious process which often re-
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White paper DevOps for IBM i

quires lengthy peer reviews. Unit testing is of-

ten done by developers creating their own unit
tests and then throwing that investment away.
Regression testing done manually is also a te- HOW ARCAD HELPS TO
dious process because it is time consuming to
identify the right test cases to run and then to
set them up correctly. DEVOPS MATURITY
The problem is that when testing gets cut short,
there is a higher overall cost to the business be-
cause more defects get released to produc- How to modernize applications when they are
tion and inevitably become more costly to re- difficult to modernize
pair than they would have been if the testing
detected them early in the life cycle. Arcad Software offers modernization as a ser-
vice (MaaS) and specialized ARCAD moder-
‘When delivery deadlines loom, then nization tools which enable you to tackle dif-
ficult modernization projects in-house or with
it’s typically the test phase that gets our support. Our deep expertise in legacy IBM
squeezed or even removed from the i application modernization coupled with AR-
timeline’ CAD tools enables us to help tackle the most
challenging projects. Modernization projects
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020
can include modernization of databases,
source code, user interfaces, CA 2E (Synon)
and Unicode. We can execute your whole
The barrier to start taking advantage of cloud modernization project or we can work with you
computing IBM i operations teams are star- as part of your team.
ting to feel the pressure to move away
from inflexible and costly fully in-house in- ‘Application modernization and
frastructure and stat taking advantage
DevOps go hand-in-hand’
of hybrid cloud(¹) based infrastructures to
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020
improve agility and reduce capital expen-
diture. Just as with software agility the in- How to eliminate silo and bimodal barriers
frastructure that the software runs on must
be able to adapt faster to changing bu- ARCAD for DevOps(1) provides an IBM i specific
siness needs. Struggling with higher prio- technology layer which is missing from industry
rities and not having a clear and simple standard DevOps tools such as Git, Jenkins and
path, this business need is often shelved by Jira. This technology layer makes these industry
IBM i teams. standard open source tools usable on IBM i.
Tasks initiated by Git, Jenkins and Jira are exe-
cuted on IBM i in an automated way which
‘Although cloud computing has
respects the unique IBM i architecture. This en-
become a foundation of digital ables you to integrate IBM i development more
business, many organizations still easily with the rest of the enterprise and for a
struggle to optimize this powerful single enterprise pipeline to manage all the
applications in your portfolio.
- Gartner Research 2019 The ARCAD Repository used by all ARCAD
modules(¹) contains rich real-time metadata
(1) Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment which uses about all IBM i applications under develop-
a mix of on-premises, private cloud and third-party, public
cloud services with orchestration between the platforms. ment. The ARCAD Repository enables a fric-
tionless process as developers pass through all
stages of development. Each change and ac-
tion made by a developer during testing and
deployment phases for example is tracked and
can be rolled back on error, automatically. De-

Arcad Software, January 2020- • page 11

White paper DevOps for IBM i

ployments can happen to any platform using ‘ARCAD for DevOps helps developers
pre-defined processes. By eliminating manual
break out of their silos and bimodal
deployments you guarantee the integrity of
your Test, Pre-Production and Production en- practices safely’
vironments. You gain confidence in the state - Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2019
and synchronicity of your environments and in-
crease velocity of deliveries. ‘ARCAD provides the IBM i specific
With the IBM i specific technology layer in technology layer that renders
place, Git, Jenkins and Jira become usable for enterprise tools like Git, Jenkins and
the IBM i and it becomes much easier to break Jira usable in practice on IBM i’
away from silos and bimodal practices and
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2019
join in with other enterprise DevOps teams.
(1) ARCAD for Devops is made up of the following modules:
ARCAD Repository, ARCAD Observer, ARCAD Skipper, ARCAD
Code Checker, ARCAD Builder, ARCAD iUnit, ARCAD Verifier

ARCAD for DevOps provides a risk-free “bridge” between two development modes (SoE and SoR) in
bimodal operation, to ensure a seamless flow for accelerated and reliable software delivery

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White paper DevOps for IBM i

How to onboarding new talent while retaining How to eliminate the business risk of loosely
mature IBM i talent coupled, non-integrated DevOps tools

ARCAD is unique in supporting Git based de- Each ARCAD module automatically updates
velopment on IBM i from either a green screen the ARCAD Repository in real time and shares
5250 interface with SEU or PDM or graphical- this information with all other ARCAD modules.
ly with RDi. You can have different tools in the This tight integration optimizes the entire deve-
same team so young developers can use RDi lopment life cycle. The ARCAD Repository elimi-
while more mature developers use SEU and nates trivial consistency errors, automating the
PDM. Both will use Git as the master distributed source code analysis, dependency build and
version control system. Also, when develo- forcing development guidelines and helping
pers use the RDi project view to make code to train your newer developers in real time.
changes ARCAD Skipper will track the task and
report to Jira automatically.
By comparison non-integrated DevOps tool
ARCAD Observer for application analysis gives chains stitch together individual point solutions
all developers an instant understanding of the each designed to address a specific issue but
impact of a code change. Cross reference lacking shared metadata on the state of the
down to the field and source line level gua- applications and target environments. These
rantees accuracy, guarantees completeness non-integrated tool chains can allow defects
and the integrity of each code update. ma- to pass through and they cannot match the
nagers can more precisely estimate how long performance advantages that ARCADs inte-
a development project will take and more ac- grated offering can provide.
curately report back to the business.
‘DevOps tools and practices need
The ARCAD Git hybrid environment and power-
ful application analysis enables both young
to be useful to your IBM i teams and
and mature developers to work on the same not in their way’
projects side by side using their preferred tools - Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020
while ensuring consistent centralized version

‘Using Git standalone for central

source control enables the enterprise
to bring IBM i 5250 developers and
open source developers together in
a Git hybrid environment’
- Ray Bernardi, Arcad Software 2020

ARCAD for DevOps is unique in offering repository-based process optimization via an enterprise
DevOps toolchain based on Git, Jenkins and Jira spanning all platforms Windows, Linux, IBM i and z/

Arcad Software, January 2020- • page 13

White paper DevOps for IBM i

How to eliminate lengthy, late or truncated test your application ARCAD Verifier will identify for
cycles example the exact 25 cases to run cutting your
testing effort by up to 90%. ARCAD Verifier uses
ARCAD Code Checker creates and enforces the ARCAD Repository to go under the hood of
code quality guidelines. Code Checker auto- your IBM i applications and to locate defects
mates the tedious source code quality checks deep down in the source code, spool files and
or continuous peer reviews. ARCAD Builder per- database and then notify the developer of the
forms smart dependency builds automatically. specific code lines behind a defect and what’s
Using the ARCAD Repository it finds dependent been changed in the database.
components, automatically sequences com-
pilations and ensures the integrity of every Taken together ARCAD modules contribute
change. This automation saves time and effort to fixing defects much earlier in the develop-
and improves the quality and accuracy of de- ment cycle when their cost is much lower. This
ployments. ARCAD iUnit eliminates the need is also called the Shift-Left effect. Thanks to this
for developers to create their own unit tests integrated approach you can document your
and then throwing that investment away. continuous improvement, speed up your de-
velopment cycles and pack more functionality
ARCAD iUnit automatically creates tests and into each release.
then executes them as an integral part of the
continuous integration and delivery cycle. AR- ‘ARCAD modules contribute to
CAD Verifier mines the ARCAD Repository to
fixing defects much earlier in the
identify precisely which regression test cases
are impacted by the code change. It groups development cycle when their cost
them and runs them automatically and reports is much lower. Also called the “Shift-
instantly on defects before they propagate fur- Left” effect’
ther down the cycle.
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020
Instead of your test phases taking months and
involving a hundred different journeys through

The Shift-Left effect: Most software defects are introduced in the coding phase, but only found late
in the process. The earlier the defects are detected, the less they cost the business.

Page 14 • Arcad Software, January 2020 -

White paper DevOps for IBM i

How to start taking advantage of cloud com- i. OpenShift provides a platform as a service
puting (PaaS). Red Hat Ansible(²) is a DevOps tool for
configuration management and deployment
IBM is fully embracing Red Hat OpenShift(¹) as of infrastructure and provides infrastructure as
their primary container environment for all IBM code (IaC). Skytap(³) provides software as a
hybrid cloud offerings. IBM is fully embracing service (SaaS) based environments for deve-
Red Hat OpenShift(¹) as their primary container loping and testing complex applications inclu-
environment for all IBM hybrid cloud offerings. ding IBM i infrastructure.
This includes IBM Cloud which supports IBM

DevOps for IBM I in the cloud - ARCAD example configuration #1: virtualization of development and
test environments

DevOps for IBM I in the cloud – ARCAD example configuration #2: wholesale lift and shift to Skytap
Arcad Software, January 2020- • page 15
White paper DevOps for IBM i

Through the Arcad Software collaboration (1) IBM Red Hat OpenShift, (owned by IBM) is a full-stack auto-
mated containerization platform which enables the manage-
with IBM and Skytap, ARCAD and DROPS have ment of hybrid and multicloud(2) deployments. It is also com-
been integrated(⁴) with OpenShift, Ansible and monly referred to as a PaaS (platform as a service).
Skytap. This makes it easier to adopt modern
(2) IBM Red Hat Ansible (owned by IBM) is a DevOps tool used for
development practices and integrate new open-source software provisioning, configuration management,
cloud architectures and processes. and application-deployment. It runs on many Unix-like systems,
and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft
Windows. It is also commonly referred to as IaC infrastructure as
A first quick win scenario into cloud computing code.
for many IBM i shops is to use these technolo-
(3) Skytap provides Software as a service (SaaS) based environ-
gies to spin up and provision test environments ments for developing and testing complex programs. Skytap
in the cloud, on any platform, including IBM i. can migrate and run AIX, IBM i and Linux on IBM POWER natively
Testing is a periodic activity which requires new in the public cloud.

environments to be set up for each project. (4) ARCAD integration with IBM RedHat OpenShift and IBM Re-
Testing is considered an important but non-bu- dHat Ansible is available in ARCAD V12.
siness critical activity hence moving testing to
the cloud is seen as a safe.

Applications are becoming increasingly dy-

namic, complex, distributed and component
based. Cloud-based testing has the potential
to offer a compelling combination of lower
costs, pay-per-use and elimination of upfront
capital expenditures (Cap-Ex). It can address
the ramping demand for sophisticated test en-

‘Businesses are starting the next

chapter of their digital reinventions,
modernizing infrastructure and
moving mission-critical workloads
across private clouds and multiple
clouds from multiple’
- Ginni Rometty, IBM, 2019

‘Cloud computing continues to

evolve from a market disruptor to the
expected approach for IT’
- Gartner Research, 2019

Page 16 • Arcad Software, January 2020 -

White paper DevOps for IBM i


Enterprises which try to implement DevOps without expanding investment in IBM i risk cost overruns
and delays because so much depends on IBM i data. The unique architecture of the IBM i has
helped it remain one of the most secure, available and scalable platforms on the planet with a TCO
lower than Windows or Linux. The IBM i, despite its longevity, has become a fully modern platform
able to take advantage of the latest development languages and open source DevOps tools. No
wonder it is trusted by enterprises across most industry sectors to run their mission critical business

IBM i practitioners recognise that traditional waterfall based development methods, prevalent for
so long on IBM i need transformation if the enterprise is to remain competitive beyond 2020. DevOps
is seen by most as an indispensable part of this digital transformation but for many enterprises IBM i
DevOps maturity levels remain stuck in the middle.

The maximum achievable level of DevOps maturity is influenced by the level of IT maturity within
the enterprise. Particularly if your IT maturity levels are lagging behind in the areas of application ar-
chitecture, deployment and packaging and application infrastructure, it’s difficult to achieve fully
mature IBM i DevOps.
On the road to DevOps maturity on IBM i, key challenges include: non-modernized applications;
silos and bimodal practices; onboarding new talent while retaining mature talent; replacing loo-
sely coupled, non-integrated DevOps tools; lengthy, late or truncated test cycles and monolithic
architectures that hold back the adoption of cloud technologies. ARCAD solutions help resolve
these IBM i challenges with an approach centered on automated application modernization, agile
workflow for software delivery and a unified «DevTestOps» process.

Arcad Software is unique in offering an end-to-end, integrated and modular suite of DevOps tools
which remove modernization barriers and help you achieve mature DevOps on IBM i. Arcad solu-
tions integrate tightly with Git, Jenkins, Jira and Azure DevOps, spanning IBM i, Linux, Windows and
z/OS. These deep integrations enable a shared DevOps toolchain and common source repository
across all technology platforms.

‘Enterprises which try to implement DevOps without expanding investment in

IBM i risk cost overruns and delays because so much depends on IBM i data’
- Philippe Magne, Arcad Software 2020

Arcad Software, January 2020- • page 17

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