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Hands-on English

Laura Moreno, Diego Dávila, Santi Uceda, Isa Miravet, Marina Alonso, Ana Sanchis
The musicians
Marina :
Hi! We are “the musicians” and we are going to show you how to make a maraca, but it
won’t be a common maraca...
We are already in December and... does anyone know what we are celebrating at the end
of this month? [...]
Yeah! So we are going to do a Christmas maraca. Here you have an example.
First of all, do you remember how we joined the tables last week with the hands on game?
Let’s do the same [...]
Let's check if you have the materials. If you don't, don't worry, we will lend you some:
[Cuando diga cada uno, los enseñaremos y dejaremos en el centro de la mesa]
• Raise your plastic spoons. [Levantarlo yo también. Los compañeros dejar unas
cuantas repartidas en el centro de la mesa]. Remember, we will use two per person.
• Now the rice, lentils or whatever you have.
• Flesh tone felt [Laura lo tendrá ya apuntado y explica su significado]
• Some glue. We thought that maybe it’s better to use strong glue because it is to
fix the felt.
• Black tape [dejarlo en la mesa]
• Cello tape
Perfect! This were the supplies you needed to bring but... here we have some more for
• You'll need an egg per person [dejarlos]
• Some red wool
• And finally to decorate our Christmas maraca, we will need a pair of eyes and
some cotton. Here you are
Now, let's see the vocabulary you need to know... Laura, please.


• Flesh tone- Color of human skin (Color carne)
• Felt- It is a material like a fabric which we can you for crafts or something we want.
• Red wool
• Tape (noum)- adhesive strip(cello)
• Tape (verb)- Put tape around some material for fixing.
• Slide- move easily and without interruption over a surface (deslizar)
• Bead- jewellery piece (abalorio, cuenta)
• Thread- It is a length of a very thin fibre (Hilo)
• Make a knot- A join made by triying together the ends of a piece or pieces of string, rope,
cloth, etc... (Hacer un nudo)
• Enclose- put somthing around something.
• Dry- not wet (seco)
• Wrap- Cover one object with some material.
• Handlle- Place to catch the object (mango)
• Spoon- An object consisting of a round, hollow part and a handle, used for mixing,
serving and eating food. (Cuchara)

Now my classmates Ana, Isa, Santi and Diego explain you all the steps for making your own
Christmas Maracca.

Hello everyone,
• Now I'm going to explain the first step of the craft we are going to do today.
• To do this part you only need one egg and a few legumes.
• Well, to start we will take the egg, and open it.
• You need to press to open it.
• To go on, you have to fill it up with the different legumes that we have here. Don't
fill it up a lot.
• More or less half with the different legumes well mixed.
• Then we close it and check that it has a good sound. Let me listen it.
• Everybody shake (or rooking motion) the egg.
• Ok, it sounds so good.
Well done!
Perfect, we have just finished the first step.
So, now my partner SANTI will explain the next step of the craft.

Santi : First, you need to tape the spoons together. When you have it, slide the egg in
between the spoons and secure it with the tape. Now, my partner Ana will explain the
next step, thank you!

Ana : God job (well done), guys! Now, we use the red wool , black tape and glue to do
the next step. First, we make a little knot and we roll the maracca. The same with
the black tape.
Diego: Decoration!

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