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Who is my Prospect?

Answer Key

Q1. Consumer Behaviour Model

a) Frederick Herzberg developed a two-factor theory that distinguishes dis-satisfiers and

satisfiers. How does Herzberg's theory affect sellers' marketing strategy?

b) Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at
particular times. Describe Maslow's hierarchy of needs. How does Maslow's theory help

c) Briefly explain Freud's theory on human motivation and explain how this might be
related to marketing with an example.

Answer Key for Q 1

Herzberg called the satisfiers as motivators and the dissatisfiers as hygiene factors

Absence of dissatisfiers is a critical minimum requirement in buying the product. The
presence of dissatisfiers is a deal breaker but mere absence of dissatisfiers may not
be adequate to buy.
Satisfiers create motivation to buy
Cleanliness, prompt and courteous service, transparent billing and on-time delivery
are examples of hygiene factors. Typical are the adjunct to the core product
Product performance such as voice clarity, data speed (in telecom services context)
fall under satisfiers/motivators.
Implication for marketer: As product and service evolve more and more elements fall
into the hygiene and the marketer has to keep raising the standards for what
constitute hygiene. Ensuring minimum standard for dissatisfiers are oftentimes more
important than aiming for superlative standards in satisfiers
Maslow Hierarchy:

Maslow’s hierarchy is a construct to stack and

prioritize consumer needs. This model and the
larger implication that customers would tend to
follow prioritise buying (high value) products
based on what needs are already met and
customer’s life stage is extremely useful to decide if a customer is a ready target for a
product or not

Freud: Sigmund Freud emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind. This resonates

in designing brand and its advertising messages to cue and direct consumer behaviour.
Mnemonics/brand visual association/Logo style/sign-off lines/brand cues are designed to
create higher registration in consumer’s mind even when the consumer himself is not
making a conscious effort to register it

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