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Name: ______________________________________________ Period: ______ 

“Sleep Facts”  
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions below.  
Sleep is essential for good health, mental and emotional functioning, and safety. Research shows that people 
suffering from chronic insomnia (not being able to sleep) are more likely to develop several kinds of psychiatric 
problems. In addition, people with sleep disorders have difficulty staying awake during the day and are more 
likely to have high blood pressure and feel stressed and less productive.  
Insufficient sleep leads to lack of concentration and may contribute to accidents at school or on the job. Lack of 
sleep can impair judgment and even damage your relationships with others because it can cause emotional 
instability and difficulty processing and communicating information. Studies show that adequate sleep enhances 
attentiveness, concentration, mood, and motivation.  
In general, most teens need between 8½ and 10 hours of sleep a night. Before the light bulb was invented about 
100 years ago, people tended to sleep about nine hours a night. Because of round-the-clock entertainment such 
as radio, TV, and computers, people are sleeping less and less.  
1. What is chronic insomnia? 
2. People suffering from chronic insomnia are more likely to develop several kinds of what? 
3. List five negative effects that can result from not getting enough sleep. 
4. How much sleep do most teens need?  
5. What is one reason they believe people are sleeping less and less?  

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