DG Aerospace Equipment Program MGT Update - Col Mark Rogers - ENG - April 4 2019

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2019 Outlook

AICDS, Perspective de l’ARC
Aerospace Engineering and Support Overview
Vue globale du génie et support aérospatiale

Colonel Marc Rodgers

Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management (DGAEPM)
Directeur général – Gestion du programme d’équipment aérospatial (DGGPEA)

4 April 2019 / le 4 avril 2019

Agenda / Ordre du jour

• Policy Environment / Politiques

• Defence Procurement Strategy Overview / Stratégie
d'approvisionnement en matière de défense
• Sustainment Initiative / Initiative de soutien
• Successes & Contract Renewal Plans, Projects / Succès
et renouvèlement de contrats, projets
• Final thoughts / Mots de la fin

Policy Environment / Politiques
Canada’s Defence Policy / Politique de défense du Canada
Our priorities are aligned with Canada’s
2017 Defence Policy of Strong at
home, Secure in North America, and
Engaged (SSE) in the world to
“Streamline defence procurement
processes…align innovation in the
Canadian defence industry to defence
procurement needs, increase
transparency with industry and the
Canadian public, and strengthen the
procurement workforce.”
Investing in Rebuild core capabilities: 88 fighter Increase emerging capabilities in Capability enhancements,
Invest additional $62B for aircraft, 15 surface combatants, 2 cyber, space, and remotely piloted including intelligence, satellite
the Future capital expenses to $104B joint support ships, 6 Arctic offshore vehicles to maintain effectiveness communications, surveillance
Force patrol ships and interoperability with allies and logistics vehicles

Modernizing A transformative More accountable, Reduced carbon footprint Modernized infrastructure

innovation agenda with transparent, and through green infrastructure management through
the Business defence research clusters streamlined defence and focus on energy expanded partnership with
of Defence linked to procurement procurement process efficiency the private sector

Photo Credit: Canadian Defence Review 3

Policy Environment / Politiques
Defence Capabilities Blueprint
- Provides industry access to planning information such as funding ranges
and project timelines;
- Information on approximately 250 projects funded under Strong,
Secure, Engaged (SSE) for industry to plan for and compete in defence
procurement opportunities;
- With this information, industry will be able to make informed research
and development (R&D) and strategic partnering decisions;
- Within this Blueprint, the following are found:
•Projects: Capital equipment or infrastructure projects with a value of
over $5 million that are planned and funded under SSE, such as
Cormorant Mid-Life Upgrade, Griffon Limited Life Extension, Interim
Fighter Capability Project, Tactical Control Radar Modernization
Project, etc.
•Support Contracts: In-service support contracts and professional
services contracts with an expected value of greater than $20 million
that will be awarded in the coming years to support the capabilities
being delivered under SSE


“Strong, Secured, Engaged” = 333 projects
“Protection, Sécurité, Engagement = 333projets
10% 256
Complete, 90
Options 83
Analysis, 23%
13% 80 77 173

70 65
Definition, 108
9% 60
Implement, 77
Early 25% 50 45
31 32

 225 (68%) in implementation or complete 20

 125 (38%) projects have passed through

significant approval gate and a new phase
 108 (32%) projects are in ID/OA/Def 0

 52 (15%) projects will have delay

 Nous continuons à développer des procès
pour accélérer ces projets
Streamlining Simple Equipment Acquisitions
Rationaliser les achats simples pour l’équipement
• Streamlined approach to low-risk capital equipment projects
• Some betterments that are currently planned as part of larger capital projects can be
executed using a streamlined process, e.g.:
– Link 16 (CF 18 Project, Secure Radio Project, etc.) (~$81M)
– Mode 5/IFF Transponder (CF 18 Project) (~$43M)
• New approval stream: Betterments and other simple equipment acquisitions could
receive internal governance approval and proceed to contracting in a matter of months
vice years for a traditional Capital Project.
– Would significantly enhance speed of execution

Sustainment Initiative and Defence Procurement Strategy
Initiative de soutien et stratégie d’approvisionnement

Industry engagement: a key enabler in

strategy development & solution support
Aerospace Equipment Sustainment
Aerospace Equipment Program Management
Soutien de l’équipement aérospatiale
Gestion du programme d’équipment aérospatiale

Successes / Succès
Area Surveillance Radar/Secondary AIMP/ASLEP
Surveillance Radar (ASR/SSR) • Blk 3 – nearing completion (~May 2019)
• Replaced at six RCAF Wings • Blk 4 – prototype integration testing underway,
• Provided one system for tech testing ground test / flight test to commence in coming
• Replaced four/refurbished three towers months
• Provides the RCAF greater accuracy and
• ASLEP – last aircraft will be delivered late this
reliability than legacy Terminal Radar and
Control System

• 15 Chinook helicopter acquisition project • Interim Fighter Capability Project (IFCP) - Feb
• Full Operational Capability declared Jun 2018 2019, Canada received first two of 18 flyable
• 3 Chinooks deployed in 2018 - Task Force Mali Australian Fighter aircraft
conducted eight medical evacuation missions as • Griffon Limited Life Extension (GLLE) -
of Mar 2019 Obsolescence management of critical
components/systems, extend expected life to mid

Target Milestone Dates
Evolving RCAF In-Service Support Industry Consultation

Progression du soutien aérienne en service RFP Released

2018 Contract Award

2017 2019 2020 2021
GE404 & T56 Engines Propulsion Group Sustainment (PGS) Contract
GE404 & T56 PGS Performance based contract with financial incentives applied on clearly defined
outcomes providing full enterprise services including supply chain.

Tactical Control Radar (TCR) Modernization Project

Long-term, performance-based, incentivized contract including 3rd Level
TCR ISSC ….. maintenance, full supply chain less Squadrons level activities, as well as
augmentation maintenance and training support.

CC150 Polaris In-Service Support Contract (ISSC)

Performance-based contract with financial and non-financial incentives applied
CC150 ISSC on clearly defined high level outcomes. CC150 Sustainment Enterprise’s scope
mainly contracted and including 1st/2nd line maintenance and supply chain.

Manned Airborne Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (MAISR)

MAISR …..... Long-term, performance-based, incentivized, full-contractor support for both
aircraft/engines and most Primary Mission Equipment (PME), in garrison and on
deployments, including 1st to 3rd Level maintenance and entire supply chain.

Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment (AMSE) Enterprise In-Service

Support Contract (ISSC)
AMSE Enterprise ISSC SBCA effort on-going to develop tailored and optimized Sustainment &
Procurement Strategies.

Future Fighter Capability Project

FFCP …... Best optimized sustainment solution to be provided by suppliers as part
of FFCP competitive solicitation process. Performance framework
expected. 10
Royal Canadian Air Force Projects
Projets de l’aérienne royale canadienne
 CH149 Critical Spares  Canadian Air Defence Sector Upgrade
 The Tactical Integrated Command, Control,  Medium to Heavy Lift Helicopters (MHLH)
and Communications Air (TIC3 Air)  Air Capability Project – Tactical (ACP-T)
 CF18 Incremental Modernization  CH146 INGRESS
 CF18 Operational Flight Program  Automated Weather Observing system (AWOS)
 CC138 Twin Otter Life Extension (TOLE)  CC144 Consolidated Project
 Aurora Incremental Modernization  CC130 Sustainment Program
 CF18 Advanced Multi-Role Infrared Sensor  CF18 Project (RCAF 108)
 Cdn Advs Synthetic Environment (CASE)  Tutor Life Extension
 CH149 Cormorant Mid-Life Upgrade (CMLU)  CF18 LAU7 Launcher Replacement
 Area Surveillance/Secondary Surveillance  Interim Fighter Capability Project (IFCP)
 Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (DEWS)  GPS Advanced Navigation (GPS AN)
 Multi-Fleet Air Traffic Mgmt (MFATMA)  CF18 Advanced Air to Air Weapon
 Night Vision Capability  Griffon Limited Life Extension (GLLE)
 Voice Switch ATC Unit (RCAF 113)  CF18 ECP 583 R-2
 Instrument Landing System Repl (RCAF 119)  CT114 Life Extent Beyond 2020 (RCAF 127)
 Tactical Control Radar Modernization (TCR)  CC130J Block 8.1 Upgrade (RCAF 105)
 Aurora Structural Life Extension  CC150 Life Extension (RCAF 106)
 Advanced Short Range Missile (RCAF 109)  Med Range Air-to-Air-Missile (RCAF 110)
The Future is Now / Le futur c’est aujourd’hui

Final Thoughts / Mots de la fin
 Aerospace Equipment Program Management – delivering in excess of $1 billion
overall for fiscal year 2018/2019
 Supporting RCAF to achieve 105,000 YFR and beyond
 Affordable, innovative, and efficient support programs will be of paramount
 The Sustainment Initiative and Defence Procurement Strategies are highly
dependent on the success of the Defence industries
 Industry engagement has played a key role in shaping the nature of current
and future procurement strategies
 Industry partners are key enablers to the future success of Aerospace
equipment in-service support
 The RCAF needs the entire Aerospace Equipment and Defence industry to
deliver on our projects on schedule to enable RCAF Operational support and
continued success.

Thank You - Merci 13

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