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Relativistic hydrodynamics in heavy-ion collisions: general aspects and recent

Amaresh Jaiswal1 and Victor Roy2
GSI, Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Planckstrasse 1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University,
Max-von-Laue-Strasse 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
(Dated: October 28, 2016)
Relativistic hydrodynamics has been quite successful in explaining the collective behaviour of the
QCD matter produced in high energy heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. We briefly review
the latest developments in the hydrodynamical modeling of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Es-
sential ingredients of the model such as the hydrodynamic evolution equations, dissipation, initial
conditions, equation of state, and freeze-out process are reviewed. We discuss observable quantities
such as particle spectra and anisotropic flow and effect of viscosity on these observables. Recent
arXiv:1605.08694v3 [nucl-th] 27 Oct 2016

developments such as event-by-event fluctuations, flow in small systems (proton-proton and proton-
nucleus collisions), flow in ultra central collisions, longitudinal fluctuations and correlations and flow
in intense magnetic field are also discussed.

PACS numbers: 25.75.-q, 24.10.Nz, 47.75+f

I. INTRODUCTION ments at Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) located

at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA and Large
Hadron Collider (LHC) at European Organization for
The existence of both confinement and asymptotic
Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva. A number of in-
freedom in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) has led to
direct evidences found at the Super Proton Synchrotron
many speculations about its thermodynamic and trans-
(SPS) at CERN, strongly suggested the formation of a
port properties. Due to confinement, the nuclear matter
“new state of matter” [5], but quantitative and clear re-
must be made of hadrons at low energies, hence it is ex-
sults were only obtained at RHIC energies [6–14], and
pected to behave as a weakly interacting gas of hadrons.
recently at LHC energies [15–18]. The regime with rel-
On the other hand, at very high energies asymptotic free-
atively large baryon chemical potential will be probed
dom implies that quarks and gluons interact only weakly
by the upcoming experimental facilities like Facility for
and the nuclear matter is expected to behave as a weakly
Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI, Darm-
coupled gas of quarks and gluons. In between these two
stadt. An illustration of the QCD phase diagram and the
configurations there must be a phase transition where the
regions probed by these experimental facilities is shown
hadronic degrees of freedom disappear and a new state of
in Fig. 1 [19].
matter, in which the quark and gluon degrees of freedom
manifest directly over a certain volume, is formed. This It is possible to create hot and dense nuclear matter
new phase of matter, referred to as Quark-Gluon Plasma with very high energy densities in relatively large volumes
(QGP), is expected to be created when sufficiently high by colliding ultra-relativistic heavy ions. In these condi-
temperatures or densities are reached [1–3]. tions, the nuclear matter created may be close to (lo-
cal) thermodynamic equilibrium, providing the opportu-
The QGP is believed to have existed in the very early nity to investigate the various phases and the thermody-
universe (a few microseconds after the Big Bang), or some namic and transport properties of QCD. It is important
variant of which possibly still exists in the inner core to note that, even though it appears that a deconfined
of a neutron star where it is estimated that the density state of matter is formed in these colliders, investigat-
can reach values ten times higher than those of ordinary ing and extracting the transport properties of QGP from
nuclei. It was conjectured theoretically that such extreme heavy-ion collisions is not an easy task since it cannot be
conditions can also be realized on earth, in a controlled observed directly. Experimentally, it is only feasible to
experimental environment, by colliding two heavy nuclei measure energy and momenta of the particles produced
with ultra-relativistic energies [4]. This may transform a in the final stages of the collision, when nuclear matter
fraction of the kinetic energies of the two colliding nuclei is already relatively cold and non-interacting. Hence, in
into heating the QCD vacuum within an extremely small order to study the thermodynamic and transport prop-
volume where temperatures million times hotter than the erties of the QGP, the whole heavy-ion collision process
core of the sun may be achieved. from the very beginning till the end has to be modelled:
With the advent of modern accelerator facilities, ultra- starting from the stage where two highly Lorentz con-
relativistic heavy-ion collisions have provided an oppor- tracted heavy nuclei collide with each other, the forma-
tunity to systematically create and study different phases tion and thermalization of the QGP or de-confined phase
of the bulk nuclear matter. It is widely believed that in the initial stages of the collision, its subsequent space-
the QGP phase is formed in heavy-ion collision experi- time evolution, the phase transition to the hadronic or

FIG. 2: (Color online) Various stages of ultra-relativistic

heavy-ion collisions [20].

class of holographic theories, the value of the shear vis-

cosity to entropy density ratio η/s = 1/4π. Kovtun, Son
and Starinets (KSS) conjectured this strong coupling re-
sult to be the absolute lower bound for all fluids, i.e.,
η/s ≥ 1/4π [29, 30]. This specific combination of hy-
drodynamic quantities, η/s, accounts for the difference
FIG. 1: (Color online) Schematic phase diagram of the QCD between momentum and charge diffusion such that even
matter. The net baryon density on x-axis is normalized to though the diffusion constant goes to zero in the strong
that of the normal nuclear matter [19].
coupling limit, the ratio η/s remains finite [31]. Similar
result for a lower bound also follows from the quantum
mechanical uncertainty principle. The kinetic theory pre-
confined phase of matter, and eventually, the dynamics diction for viscosity, η = 13 nlmfp p̄, suggests that low vis-
of the cold hadronic matter formed in the final stages cosity corresponds to short mean free path. On the other
of the collision. The different stages of ultra-relativistic hand, the uncertainty relation implies that the product
heavy-ion collisions are schematically illustrated in Fig. 2 of the mean free path and the average momentum can-
[20]. not be arbitrarily small, i.e., lmfp p̄ & 1. For a weakly
Assuming that thermalization is achieved in the early interacting relativistic Bose gas, the entropy per particle
stages of heavy-ion collisions and that the interaction is given by s/n = 3.6. This leads to η/s & 0.09 which is
between the quarks is strong enough to maintain local very close to the lower KSS bound.
thermodynamic equilibrium during the subsequent ex- Indeed the estimated η/s of QGP was so close to the
pansion, the time evolution of the QGP and hadronic KSS bound that it led to the claim that the matter
matter can be described by the laws of fluid dynamics formed at RHIC was the most perfect fluid ever observed.
[21–24]. Fluid dynamics, also loosely referred to as hy- A precise estimate of η/s is vital to the understanding of
drodynamics, is an effective approach through which a the properties of the QCD matter and is presently a topic
system can be described by macroscopic variables, such of intense investigation, see [32] and references therein
as local energy density, pressure, temperature and flow for more details. In this review, we shall discuss the
velocity. The most appealing feature of fluid dynamics general aspects of the formulation of relativistic fluid dy-
is the fact that it is simple and general. It is simple namics and its application to the physics of high-energy
in the sense that all the information of the system is heavy-ion collisions. Along with these general concepts
contained in its thermodynamic and transport proper- we shall also discuss here some of the recent develop-
ties, i.e., its equation of state and transport coefficients. ments in the field. Among the recent developments the
Fluid dynamics is also general because it relies on only most striking feature is the experimental observation of
one assumption: the system remains close to local ther- flow like pattern in the particle azimuthal distribution
modynamic equilibrium throughout its evolution. Al- of high multiplicity proton-proton (p-p) and proton-lead
though the hypothesis of proximity to local equilibrium (p-Pb)collisions. We will discuss in this review the suc-
is quite strong, it saves us from making any further as- cess of hydrodynamics model in describing these recent
sumption regarding the description of the particles and experimental measurements by assuming hydrodynamics
fields, their interactions, the classical or quantum nature flow of small systems.
of the phenomena involved etc. Hydrodynamic analy- The review is organised as follows, In section II we
sis of the spectra and azimuthal anisotropy of particles discuss the general formalism of a causal theory of rela-
produced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC [25, 26] and re- tivistic dissipative fluid dynamics. Section III deals with
cently at LHC [27, 28] suggests that the matter formed the initial conditions necessary for the modeling of rel-
in these collisions is strongly-coupled quark-gluon plasma ativistic heavy-ion, p-p and p-Pb collisions. In section
(sQGP). IV, we discuss some models of pre-equilibrium dynam-
Application of viscous hydrodynamics to high-energy ics employed before hydrodynamic evolution. Section
heavy-ion collisions has evoked widespread interest ever V briefly covers various equations of state, necessary to
since a surprisingly small value of η/s was estimated from close the hydrodynamic equations. In section VI, particle
the analysis of the elliptic flow data [25]. It is interest- production mechanism via Cooper-Frye freeze-out and
ing to note that in the strong coupling limit of a large anisotropic flow generation is discussed. In Section VII,

we discuss models of hadronic rescattering after freeze- II. RELATIVISTIC FLUID DYNAMICS
out and contribution to particle spectra and flow from
resonance decays. Section VIII deals with the extraction The physical characterization of a system consisting of
of transport coefficients from hydrodynamic analysis of many degrees of freedom is in general a non-trivial task.
flow data. Finally, in section IX, we discuss recent de- For instance, the mathematical formulation of a theory
velopments in the hydrodynamic modeling of relativistic describing the microscopic dynamics of a system contain-
collisions. ing a large number of interacting particles is one of the
In this review, unless stated otherwise, all physical most challenging problems of theoretical physics. How-
quantities are expressed in terms of natural units, where, ever, it is possible to provide an effective macroscopic de-
~ = c = kB = 1, with ~ = h/2π, where h is the scription, over large distance and time scales, by taking
Planck constant, c the velocity of light in vacuum, and into account only the degrees of freedom that are relevant
kB the Boltzmann constant. Unless stated otherwise, the at these scales. This is a consequence of the fact that
spacetime is always taken to be Minkowskian where the on macroscopic distance and time scales the actual de-
metric tensor is given by gµν = diag(+1, −1, −1, −1). grees of freedom of the microscopic theory are impercep-
Apart from Minkowskian coordinates xµ = (t, x, y, z), tible. Most of the microscopic variables fluctuate rapidly
we will also regularly employ Milne coordinate system in space and time, hence only average quantities resulting
xµ =√(τ, x, y, ηs ) or xµ = (τ, r, ϕ, ηs ), with
p proper time from the interactions at the microscopic level can be ob-
τ = t2 − z 2 , the radial coordinate r = x2 + y 2 , the served on macroscopic scales. These rapid fluctuations
azimuthal angle ϕ = tan−1 (y/x), and spacetime rapidity lead to very small changes of the average values, and
ηs = tanh−1 (z/t). Hence, t = τ cosh ηs , x = r cos ϕ, hence are not expected to contribute to the macroscopic
y = r sin ϕ, and z = τ sinh ηs . For the coordinate dynamics. On the other hand, variables that do vary
system xµ = (τ, x, y, ηs ), the metric becomes gµν = slowly, such as the conserved quantities, are expected
diag(1, −1, −1, −τ 2 ), whereas for xµ = (τ, r, ϕ, ηs ), the to play an important role in the effective description of
metric is gµν = diag(1, −1, −r2 , −τ 2 ). Roman letters are the system. Fluid dynamics is one of the most common
used to indicate indices that vary from 1-3 and Greek examples of such a situation. It is an effective theory de-
letters for indices that vary from 0-3. Covariant and con- scribing the long-wavelength, low frequency limit of the
travariant four-vectors are denoted as pµ and pµ , respec- underlying microscopic dynamics of a system.
tively. The notation p · q ≡ pµ q µ represents scalar prod- A fluid is defined as a continuous system in which ev-
uct of a covariant and a contravariant four-vector. Ten- ery infinitesimal volume element is assumed to be close
sors without indices shall always correspond to Lorentz to thermodynamic equilibrium and to remain near equi-
scalars. We follow Einstein summation convention, which librium throughout its evolution. Hence, in other words,
states that repeated indices in a single term are implicitly in the neighbourhood of each point in space, an infinites-
summed over all the values of that index. imal volume called fluid element is defined in which the
We denote the fluid four-velocity by uµ and the Lorentz matter is assumed to be homogeneous, i.e., any spatial
contraction factor by γ. The projector onto the space gradients can be ignored, and is described by a finite
orthogonal to uµ is defined as: ∆µν ≡ g µν −uµ uν . Hence, number of thermodynamic variables. This implies that
∆µν satisfies the conditions ∆µν uµ = ∆µν uν = 0 with each fluid element must be large enough, compared to
trace ∆µµ = 3. The partial derivative ∂ µ can then be the microscopic distance scales, to guarantee the prox-
decomposed as: imity to thermodynamic equilibrium, and, at the same
∂ µ = ∇µ + uµ D, where ∇µ ≡ ∆µν ∂ν and D ≡ uµ ∂µ . time, must be small enough, relative to the macroscopic
distance scales, to ensure the continuum limit. The co-
In the fluid rest frame, D reduces to the time derivative existence of both continuous (zero volume) and thermo-
and ∇µ reduces to the spacial gradient. Hence, the nota- dynamic (infinite volume) limits within a fluid volume
tion f˙ ≡ Df is also commonly used. We also frequently might seem paradoxical at first glance. However, if the
use the symmetric, anti-symmetric and angular brackets microscopic and the macroscopic length scales of the sys-
notations defined as tem are sufficiently far apart, it is always possible to es-
1 tablish the existence of a volume that is small enough
A(µ Bν) ≡ (Aµ Bν + Aν Bµ ) , compared to the macroscopic scales, and at the same
1 time, large enough compared to the microscopic ones.
A[µ Bν] ≡ (Aµ Bν − Aν Bµ ) , Here, we will assume the existence of a clear separation
between microscopic and macroscopic scales to guarantee
Ahµ Bνi ≡ ∆αβ µν Aα Bβ .
the proximity to local thermodynamic equilibrium.
where, Relativistic fluid dynamics has been quite successful in
Å ã explaining the various collective phenomena observed in
1 2 αβ
µν ≡ ∆α ∆
µ ν
+ ∆ α β

ν µ − ∆ ∆ µν astrophysics, cosmology and the physics of high-energy
2 3
heavy-ion collisions. In cosmology and certain areas of
is the traceless symmetric projection operator orthogonal astrophysics, one needs a fluid dynamics formulation con-
to uµ satisfying the conditions ∆αβ αβ µν
µν ∆αβ = ∆µν ∆ = 0. sistent with the General Theory of Relativity [33]. On

the other hand, a formulation based on the Special The- their relaxation towards their respective Navier-Stokes
ory of Relativity is quite adequate to treat the evolution values. The resulting equations are hyperbolic in na-
of the strongly interacting matter formed in high-energy ture which preserves causality. Israel-Stewart theory has
heavy-ion collisions when it is close to a local thermo- been widely applied to ultra-relativistic heavy-ion colli-
dynamic equilibrium. In fluid dynamical approach, al- sions in order to describe the time evolution of the QGP
though no detailed knowledge of the microscopic dynam- and the subsequent freeze-out process of the hadron res-
ics is needed, however, knowledge of the equation of state onance gas. Although IS hydrodynamics has been quite
relating pressure, energy density and baryon density is successful in modelling relativistic heavy-ion collisions,
required. The collective behaviour of the hot and dense there are several inconsistencies and approximations in
quark-gluon plasma created in ultra-relativistic heavy- its formulation which prevent proper understanding of
ion collisions has been studied quite extensively within the thermodynamic and transport properties of the QGP.
the framework of relativistic fluid dynamics. In applica- Moreover, the second-order IS theory can be derived in
tion of fluid dynamics, it is natural to first employ the several ways, each leading to a different set of transport
simplest version which is ideal hydrodynamics which ne- coefficients. Therefore, in order to quantify the transport
glects the viscous effects and assumes that local equi- properties of the QGP from experiment and confirm the
librium is always perfectly maintained during the fire- claim that it is indeed the most perfect fluid ever cre-
ball expansion. Microscopically, this requires that the ated, the theoretical foundations of relativistic dissipa-
microscopic scattering time be much shorter than the tive fluid dynamics must be first addressed and clearly
macroscopic expansion (evolution) time. In other words, understood. In this section, we review the basic aspects
ideal hydrodynamics assumes that the mean free path of of thermodynamics and discuss the formulation of rela-
the constituent particles is much smaller than the system tivistic fluid dynamics from a phenomenological perspec-
size. However, as all fluids are dissipative in nature due tive. The salient features of kinetic theory in the context
to the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle [34], the of fluid dynamics will also be discussed.
ideal fluid results serve only as a benchmark when dissi-
pative effects become important.
When discussing the application of relativistic dissipa- A. Thermodynamics
tive fluid dynamics to heavy-ion collision, one is faced
with yet another predicament: the theory of relativistic Thermodynamics is an empirical description of the
dissipative fluid dynamics is not yet conclusively estab- macroscopic or large-scale properties of matter and it
lished. In fact, introducing dissipation in relativistic flu- makes no hypotheses about the small-scale or micro-
ids is not at all a trivial task and still remains one of the scopic structure. It is concerned only with the average
important topics of research in high-energy physics. Ideal behaviour of a very large number of microscopic con-
hydrodynamics assumes that local thermodynamic equi- stituents, and its laws can be derived from statistical
librium is perfectly maintained and each fluid element mechanics. A thermodynamic system can be described
is homogeneous, i.e., spatial gradients are absent (ze- in terms of a small set of extensive variables, such as
roth order in gradient expansion). If this is not satisfied, volume (V ), the total energy (E), entropy (S), and num-
dissipative effects come into play. The earliest theoret- ber of particles (N ), of the system. Thermodynamics is
ical formulations of relativistic dissipative hydrodynam- based on four phenomenological laws that explain how
ics also known as first-order theories, are due to Eckart these quantities are related and how they change with
[35] and Landau-Lifshitz [36]. However, these formula- time [42–44].
tions, collectively called relativistic Navier-Stokes (NS)
theory, suffer from acausality and numerical instability. • Zeroth Law: If two systems are both in ther-
The reason for the acausality is that in the gradient ex- mal equilibrium with a third system then they are
pansion the dissipative currents are linearly proportional in thermal equilibrium with each other. This law
to gradients of temperature, chemical potential, and ve- helps define the notion of temperature.
locity, resulting in parabolic equations. Thus, in Navier-
Stokes theory the gradients have an instantaneous in- • First Law: All the energy transfers must be ac-
fluence on the dissipative currents. Such instantaneous counted for to ensure the conservation of the to-
effects tend to violate causality and cannot be allowed in tal energy of a thermodynamic system and its sur-
a covariant setup, leading to the instabilities investigated roundings. This law is the principle of conservation
in Refs. [37–39]. of energy.
The second-order Israel-Stewart (IS) theory [40], re-
stores causality but may not guarantee stability [41]. • Second Law: An isolated physical system spon-
The acausality problems were solved by introducing a taneously evolves towards its own internal state of
time delay in the creation of the dissipative currents from thermodynamic equilibrium. Employing the notion
gradients of the fluid-dynamical variables. In this case, of entropy, this law states that the change in en-
the dissipative quantities become independent dynami- tropy of a closed thermodynamic system is always
cal variables obeying equations of motion that describe positive or zero.

• Third Law: Also known an Nernst’s heat theorem, Using Euler’s relation, Eq. (6), along with the first law of
states that the difference in entropy between sys- thermodynamics, Eq. (2), we arrive at the Gibbs-Duhem
tems connected by a reversible process is zero in the relation
limit of vanishing temperature. In other words, it
is impossible to reduce the temperature of a system V dP = SdT + N dµ. (7)
to absolute zero in a finite number of operations.
In terms of energy, entropy and number densities de-
The first law of thermodynamics postulates that the fined as  ≡ E/V , s ≡ S/V , and n ≡ N/V respectively,
changes in the total energy of a thermodynamic system the Euler’s relation, Eq. (6) and Gibbs-Duhem relation,
must result from: (1) heat exchange, (2) the mechanical Eq. (7), reduce to
work done by an external force, and (3) from particle
exchange with an external medium. Hence the conserva-  = −P + T s + µ n (8)
tion law relating the small changes in state variables, E, dP = s dT + n dµ. (9)
V , and N is
Differentiating Eq. (8) and using Eq. (9), we obtain the
δE = δQ − P δV + µ δN, (1) relation analogous to first law of thermodynamics

where P and µ are the pressure and chemical potential, 1 µ

d = T ds + µ dn ⇒ ds = d − dn. (10)
respectively, and δQ is the amount of heat exchange. T T
The heat exchange takes into account the energy vari- It is important to note that all the densities defined above
ations due to changes of internal degrees of freedom that (, s, n) are intensive quantities.
are not described by the state variables. The heat itself The equilibrium state of a system is defined as a sta-
is not a state variable since it can depend on the past tionary state where the extensive and intensive variables
evolution of the system and may take several values for of the system do not change. We know from the second
the same thermodynamic state. However, when dealing law of thermodynamics that the entropy of an isolated
with reversible processes (in time), it becomes possible thermodynamic system must either increase or remain
to assign a state variable related to heat. This variable constant. Hence, if a thermodynamic system is in equi-
is the entropy, S , and is defined in terms of the heat ex- librium, the entropy of the system being an extensive
change as δQ = T δS, with the temperature T being the variable, must remain constant. On the other hand, for
proportionality constant. Then, when considering varia- a system that is out of equilibrium, the entropy must
tions between equilibrium states that are infinitesimally always increase. This is an extremely powerful concept
close to each other, it is possible to write the first law that will be extensively used in this section to constrain
of thermodynamics in terms of differentials of the state and derive the equations of motion of a dissipative fluid.
variables, This concludes a brief outline of the basics of thermody-
namics; for a more detailed review, see Ref. [44]. In the
dE = T dS − P dV + µ dN. (2) next section, we introduce and derive the equations of
relativistic ideal fluid dynamics.
Hence, using Eq. (2), the intensive quantities, T , µ and
P , can be obtained in terms of partial derivatives of the
entropy as B. Relativistic ideal fluid dynamics

∂S 1 ∂S P ∂S µ
= , = , =− . An ideal fluid is defined by the assumption of local
∂E N,V T ∂V N,E T ∂N E,V T
thermal equilibrium, i.e., all fluid elements must be ex-
actly in thermodynamic equilibrium [36, 45]. This means
The entropy is mathematically defined as an extensive
that at each space-time coordinate of the fluid x ≡ xµ ,
and additive function of the state variables, which means
there can be assigned a temperature T (x), a chemical
potential µ(x), and a collective four-velocity field,
S(λE, λV, λN ) = λS(E, V, N ). (4) dxµ
uµ (x) ≡ . (11)

Differentiating both sides with respect to λ, we obtain
The proper time increment dτ is given by the line element
∂S ∂S ∂S
S=E +V +N ,
(dτ )2 = gµν dxµ dxν = (dt)2 − (d~x)2 = (dt)2 1 − (~v )2 ,
∂λE λN,λV ∂λV λN,λE ∂λN λE,λV
(5) (12)
which holds for any arbitrary value of λ. Setting λ = 1 where ~v ≡ d~x/dt. This implies that
and using Eq. (3), we obtain the so-called Euler’s relation Ç å
µ dt dxµ 1
u (x) = = γ(~v ) (13)
E = −P V + T S + µ N. (6) dτ dt ~v

where γ(~v ) = 1/ 1 − ~v 2 . In the non-relativistic limit, By comparing the above equation with the corresponding
we obtain uµ (x) = (1, ~v ). It is important to note that general expressions in the local rest frame, Eq. (15), one
the four-vector uµ (x) only contains three independent obtains the following expressions for the coefficients
components since it obeys the relation
c1 =  + P, c2 = −P, c3 = n, c4 = s. (18)
u2 ≡ uµ (x)gµν uν (x) = γ 2 (~v ) 1 − ~v 2 = 1.

The conserved currents of an ideal fluid can then be ex-
The quantities T , µ and uµ are often referred to as the pressed as
primary fluid-dynamical variables.
µν µ µ
The state of a fluid can be completely specified by the T(0) = uµ uν −P ∆µν , N(0) = nuµ , S(0) = suµ , (19)
densities and currents associated with conserved quan-
tities, i.e., energy, momentum, and (net) particle num- where ∆µν = g µν − uµ uν is the projection operator onto
ber. For a relativistic fluid, the state variables are the the three-space orthogonal to uµ , and satisfies the follow-
energy- momentum tensor, T µν , and the (net) particle ing properties of an orthogonal projector,
four-current, N µ . To obtain the general form of these
currents for an ideal fluid, we first define the local rest uµ ∆µν = ∆µν uν = 0, ∆µρ ∆ρν = ∆µν , ∆µµ = 3. (20)
frame (LRF) of the fluid. In this frame, ~v = 0, and
µν The dynamical description of an ideal fluid is obtained
the energy-momentum tensor, TLRF , the (net) particle
µ µ using the conservation laws of energy, momentum and
four-current, NLRF , and the entropy four-current, SLRF ,
(net) particle number. These conservation laws can be
should have the characteristic form of a system in static
mathematically expressed using the four-divergences of
equilibrium. In other words, in local rest frame, there is
i0 energy-momentum tensor and particle four-current which
no flow of energy (TLRF = 0), the force per unit surface
ij leads to the following equations,
element is isotropic (TLRF = δ ij P ) and there is no parti-
~ = 0 and S ~ = 0). Consequently, µν µ
cle and entropy flow (N ∂µ T(0) = 0, ∂µ N(0) = 0, (21)
the energy-momentum tensor, particle and entropy four-
currents in this frame take the following simple forms where the partial derivative ∂µ ≡ ∂/∂xµ transforms as
Ö è a covariant vector under Lorentz transformations. Using
 0 0 0 the four-velocity, uµ , and the projection operator, ∆µν ,
µν 0 P 0 0 the derivative, ∂µ , can be projected along and orthogonal
TLRF = ,
0 0 P 0 to uµ
0 0 0 P
Ö è Ö è D ≡ uµ ∂µ , ∇µ ≡ ∆ρµ ∂ρ , ⇒ ∂µ = uµ D + ∇µ . (22)
n s
µ 0 µ 0
NLRF = , SLRF = . (15) Projection of energy-momentum conservation equation
0 0
along and orthogonal to uµ together with the conserva-
0 0
tion law for particle number, leads to the equations of
For an ideal relativistic fluid, the general form of motion of ideal fluid dynamics,
the energy-momentum tensor, T(0) , (net) particle four- µν
µ µ uµ ∂ν T(0) =0 ⇒ D + ( + P )θ = 0, (23)
current, N(0) , and the entropy four-current, S(0) , has to
be built out of the hydrodynamic tensor degrees of free- ∆α
µ ∂ν T(0) =0 ⇒ α α
( + P )Du − ∇ P = 0, (24)
dom, namely the vector, uµ , and the metric tensor, gµν . µ
∂µ N(0) =0 ⇒ Dn + nθ = 0, (25)
Since T(0) should be symmetric and transform as a ten-
µ µ
sor, and, N(0) and S(0) should transform as a vector, where θ ≡ ∂µ uµ . It is important to note that an ideal
under Lorentz transformations, the most general form fluid is described by four fields, , P , n, and uµ , cor-
allowed is therefore responding to six independent degrees of freedom. The
µν µ µ conservation laws, on the other hand, provide only five
T(0) = c1 uµ uν + c2 g µν , N(0) = c3 uµ ,
S(0) = c4 uµ . equations of motion. The equation of state of the fluid,
(16) P = P (n, ), relating the pressure to other thermody-
µ ~
In the local rest frame, ~v = 0 ⇒ u = (1, 0). Hence in namic variables has to be specified to close this system
this frame, Eq. (16) takes the form of equations. The existence of equation of state is guar-
Ö è anteed by the assumption of local thermal equilibrium
c1 + c2 0 0 0
and hence the equations of ideal fluid dynamics are al-
µν 0 −c2 0 0
T(0)LRF = , ways closed.
0 0 −c2 0
0 0 0 −c2
Ö è Ö è
c3 c4 C. Covariant thermodynamics
µ 0 µ 0
N(0)LRF = , S(0)LRF = . (17)
0 0 In the following, we re-write the equilibrium thermo-
0 0 dynamic relations derived in Sec. 2.1, Eqs. (8), (9), and

(10), in a covariant form [40, 46]. For this purpose, it is and the first law of thermodynamics. The equation of
convenient to introduce the following notations motion for the entropy density is then obtained as
1 µ uµ ∂µ S(0) =0 ⇒ Ds + sθ = 0. (37)
β≡ , α≡ , βµ ≡ . (26)
We observe that the rate equation of the entropy den-
In these notations, the covariant version of the Euler’s sity in the above equation is identical to that of the net
relation, Eq. (8), and the Gibbs-Duhem relation, Eq. (9), particle number, Eq. (25). Therefore, we conclude that
can be postulated as, for ideal hydrodynamics, the ratio of entropy density to
µ µν µ
number density (s/n) is a constant of motion.
S(0) = P β µ + βν T(0) − αN(0) , (27)
µ µ µν
d (P β ) = N(0) dα − T(0) dβν , (28)
D. Relativistic dissipative fluid dynamics
respectively. The above equations can then be used to
derive a covariant form of the first law of thermodynam- The derivation of relativistic ideal fluid dynamics pro-
ics, Eq. (10), ceeds by employing the properties of the Lorentz trans-
formation, the conservation laws, and most importantly,
µ µν µ
dS(0) = βν dT(0) − αdN(0) . (29) by imposing local thermodynamic equilibrium. It is im-
portant to note that while the properties of Lorentz
The covariant thermodynamic relations were con- transformation and the conservation laws are robust,
structed in such a way that when Eqs. (27), (28) and the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium is
(29) are contracted with uµ , a strong restriction. The deviation from local thermo-
î µ ó dynamic equilibrium results in dissipative effects, and,
µν µ as all fluids are dissipative in nature due to the uncer-
uµ S(0) − P β µ − βν T(0) + αN(0) =0
tainty principle [34], the assumption of local thermody-
⇒ s + αn − β( + P ) = 0, (30) namic equilibrium is never strictly realized in practice. In
î µ µν
uµ µ
d (P β ) − N(0) dα + T(0) dβν = 0 the following, we consider a more general theory of fluid
dynamics that attempts to take into account the dissi-
⇒ d(βP ) − ndα + dβ = 0, (31) pative processes that must happen, because a fluid can
î ó
uµ dS(0) µν
− βν dT(0) µ
+ αdN(0) =0 never maintain exact local thermodynamic equilibrium
throughout its dynamical evolution.
⇒ ds − βd + αdn = 0, (32) Dissipative effects in a fluid originate from irreversible
thermodynamic processes that occur during the motion
we obtain the usual thermodynamic relations, Eqs. (8), of the fluid. In general, each fluid element may not be
(9), and (10). Here we have used the property of the fluid in equilibrium with the whole fluid, and, in order to ap-
four-velocity, uµ uµ = 1 ⇒ uµ duµ = 0. The projection of proach equilibrium, it exchanges heat with its surround-
Eqs. (27), (28) and (29) onto the three-space orthogonal ings. Moreover, the fluid elements are in relative motion
to uµ just leads to trivial identities, and can also dissipate energy by friction. All these pro-
î µ µν µ
ó cesses must be included in order to obtain a reasonable
∆α µ
µ S(0) − P β − βν T(0) + αN(0) = 0 ⇒ 0 = 0, (33) description of a relativistic fluid.
î ó
∆α µ µ µν The earliest covariant formulation of dissipative fluid
µ d (P β ) − N(0) dα + T(0) dβν = 0 ⇒ 0 = 0, (34)
î µ µν µ
ó dynamics were due to Eckart [35], in 1940, and, later, by
∆α µ dS(0) − βν dT(0) + αdN(0) = 0 ⇒ 0 = 0. (35) Landau and Lifshitz [36], in 1959. The formulation of
these theories, collectively known as first-order theories
From the above equations we conclude that the covariant (order of gradients), was based on a covariant general-
thermodynamic relations do not contain more informa- ization of the Navier-Stokes theory. The Navier-Stokes
tion than the usual thermodynamic relations. theory, at that time, had already become a successful
The first law of thermodynamics, Eq. (29), leads to theory of dissipative fluid dynamics. It was employed
the following expression for the entropy four-current di- efficiently to describe a wide variety of non-relativistic
vergence, fluids, from weakly coupled gases such as air, to strongly
coupled fluids such as water. Hence, a relativistic gener-
µ µν µ
∂µ S(0) = βµ ∂ν T(0) − α∂µ N(0) . (36) alisation of Navier-Stokes theory was considered to be the
most effective and promising way to describe relativistic
After employing the conservation of energy-momentum dissipative fluids.
and net particle number, Eq. (21), the above equation The formulation of relativistic dissipative hydrody-
leads to the conservation of entropy, ∂µ S(0) = 0. It is im- namics turned out to be more subtle since the relativis-
portant to note that within equilibrium thermodynam- tic generalisation of Navier-Stokes theory is intrinsically
ics, the entropy conservation is a natural consequence unstable [37–39]. The source of such instability is at-
of energy-momentum and particle number conservation, tributed to the inherent acausal behaviour of this theory

[47, 48]. A straightforward relativistic generalisation of state. It is however important to note that while the en-
Navier-Stokes theory allows signals to propagate with in- ergy and particle densities are physically defined, all the
finite speed in a medium. While in non-relativistic the- other thermodynamic quantities (s, P, T, µ, · · · ) are de-
ories, this does not give rise to an intrinsic problem and fined only in terms of an artificial equilibrium state and
can be ignored, in relativistic systems where causality is a do not necessarily retain their usual physical meaning.
physical property that is naturally preserved, this feature
leads to intrinsically unstable equations of motion. Nev-
ertheless, it is instructive to review the first-order theo- 2. Tensor decompositions of dissipative quantities
ries as they are an important initial step to illustrate the
basic features of relativistic dissipative fluid-dynamics. To proceed further, it is convenient to decompose τ µν
As in the case of ideal fluids, the basic equations gov- in terms of its irreducible components, i.e., a scalar, a
erning the motion of dissipative fluids are also obtained four-vector, and a traceless and symmetric second-rank
from the conservation laws of energy-momentum and tensor. Moreover, this tensor decomposition must be
(net) particle number, consistent with the matching or orthogonality condition,
Eq. (42), satisfied by τ µν . To this end, we introduce an-
∂µ T µν = 0, ∂µ N µ = 0. (38) other projection operator, the double symmetric, trace-
less projector orthogonal to uµ ,
However, for dissipative fluids, the energy-momentum
tensor is no longer diagonal and isotropic in the local Å ã
µν 1 µ ν µ ν 2 µν
rest frame. Moreover, due to diffusion, the particle flow ∆αβ ≡ ∆α ∆β + ∆β ∆α − ∆ ∆αβ , (43)
2 3
is expected to appear in the local rest frame of the fluid
element. To account for these effects, dissipative currents with the following properties,
τ µν and nµ are added to the previously derived ideal cur-
rents, T(0) µ
and N(0) , ∆µν αβ = ∆αβµν , ∆µν ρσ µν
ρσ ∆αβ = ∆αβ , (44)

uµ ∆µν
αβ = gµν ∆µν
αβ = 0, ∆µν
µν = 5. (45)
T µν = T(0) + τ µν = uµ uν − P ∆µν + τ µν , (39)
µ The parentheses in the above equation denote sym-
N µ = N(0) + nµ = nuµ + nµ , (40)
metrization of the Lorentz indices, i.e., A(µν) ≡ (Aµν +
Aνµ )/2. The dissipative current τ µν then can be tensor
where, τ µν is required to be symmetric (τ µν = τ νµ ) in
decomposed in its irreducible form by using uµ , ∆µν and
order to satisfy angular momentum conservation. The
αβ as
main objective then becomes to find the dynamical or
constitutive equations satisfied by these dissipative cur-
rents. τ µν ≡ −Π∆µν + 2u(µ hν) + π µν , (46)

where we have defined

1. Matching conditions 1
Π ≡ − ∆αβ τ αβ , hµ ≡ ∆µα uβ τ αβ , π µν ≡ ∆µν
αβ τ
The introduction of the dissipative currents causes the (47)
equilibrium variables to be ill-defined, since the fluid can The scalar Π is the bulk viscous pressure, the vector hµ
no longer be considered to be in local thermodynamic is the energy-diffusion four-current, and the second-rank
equilibrium. Hence, in a dissipative fluid, the thermody- tensor π µν is the shear-stress tensor. The properties of
namic variables can only be defined in terms of an artifi- the projection operators ∆µα and ∆µν αβ imply that both
cial equilibrium state, constructed such that the thermo- hµ and π µν are orthogonal to uµ and, additionally, π µν
dynamic relations are valid as if the fluid were in local is traceless. Armed with these definitions, all the irre-
thermodynamic equilibrium. The first step to construct ducible hydrodynamic fields are expressed in terms of
such an equilibrium state is to define  and n as the total N µ and T µν as
energy and particle density in the local rest frame of the 1
fluid, respectively. This is guaranteed by imposing the  = uα uβ T αβ , n = uα N α , Π = −P − ∆αβ T αβ ,
so-called matching or fitting conditions [40],
hµ = uα T hµiα , nµ = N hµi , π µν = T hµνi , (48)
 ≡ uµ uν T µν , n ≡ uµ N µ . (41)
where the angular bracket notations are defined as,
These matching conditions enforces the following con- Ahµi ≡ ∆µα Aα and B hµνi ≡ ∆µν
αβ B
straints on the dissipative currents We observe that T is a symmetric second-rank ten-
sor with ten independent components and N µ is a four-
uµ uν τ µν = 0, uµ nµ = 0. (42) vector; overall they have fourteen independent compo-
nents. Next we count the number of independent com-
Subsequently, using n and , an artificial equilibrium ponents in the tensor decompositions of T µν and N µ .
state can be constructed with the help of the equation of Since nµ and hµ are orthogonal to uµ , they can have only

three independent components each. The shear-stress respectively. Here Ȧ ≡ DA = uµ ∂µ A, and the shear
tensor π µν is symmetric, traceless and orthogonal to uµ , tensor σ µν ≡ ∇hµ uνi = ∆µν α β
αβ ∇ u .
and hence, can have only five independent components. We observe that while there are fourteen total inde-
Together with uµ , , n and Π, which have in total six in- pendent components of T µν and N µ , Eqs. (52)-(54) con-
dependent components (P is related to  via equation of stitute only five equations. Therefore, in order to derive
state), we count a total of seventeen independent compo- the complete set of equations for dissipative fluid dynam-
nents, three more than expected. The reason being that ics, one still has to obtain the additional nine equations
so far, the velocity field uµ was introduced as a general of motion that will close Eqs. (52)-(54). Eventually, this
normalized four-vector and was not specified. Hence uµ corresponds to finding the closed dynamical or constitu-
has to be defined to reduce the number of independent tive relations satisfied by the dissipative tensors Π, nµ
components to the correct value. and π µν .

3. Definition of the velocity field 4. Relativistic Navier-Stokes theory

In the process of formulating the theory of dissipative In the presence of dissipative currents, the entropy is
fluid dynamics, the next important step is to fix uµ . In no longer a conserved quantity, i.e., ∂µ S µ 6= 0. Since the
the case of ideal fluids, the local rest frame was defined form of the entropy four-current for a dissipative fluid is
as the frame in which there is, simultaneously, no net not known a priori, it is not trivial to obtain its equation.
energy and particle flow. While the definition of local We proceed by recalling the form of the entropy four-
rest frame was unambiguous for ideal fluids, this defini- current for ideal fluids, Eq. (27), and extending it for
tion is no longer possible in the case of dissipative fluids dissipative fluids,
due to the presence of both energy and particle diffusion.
From a mathematical perspective, the fluid velocity can S µ = P β µ + βν T µν − αN µ . (55)
be defined in numerous ways. However, from the physi- The above extension remains valid because an artificial
cal perspective, there are two natural choices. The Eckart equilibrium state was constructed using the matching
definition [35], in which the velocity is defined by the flow conditions to satisfy the thermodynamic relations as if in
of particles equilibrium. This was the key step proposed by Eckart,
N µ = nuµ ⇒ nµ = 0, (49) Landau and Lifshitz in order to derive the relativistic
Navier-Stokes theory [35, 36]. The next step is to calcu-
and the Landau definition [36], in which the velocity is late the entropy generation, ∂µ S µ , in dissipative fluids.
specified by the flow of the total energy To this end, we substitute the form of T µν and N µ for
dissipative fluids from Eq. (51) in Eq. (55). Taking the
uν T µν = uµ ⇒ hµ = 0. (50) divergence and using Eqs. (52)-(54), we obtain
We note that the above two definitions of u impose ∂µ S µ = −βΠθ − nµ ∇µ α + βπ µν σµν . (56)
different constraints on the dissipative currents. In the
Eckart definition the particle diffusion is always set to The relativistic Navier-Stokes theory can then be ob-
zero, while in the Landau definition, the energy diffusion tained by applying the second law of thermodynamics
is zero. In other words, the Eckart definition of the ve- to each fluid element, i.e., by requiring that the entropy
locity field eliminates any diffusion of particles whereas production ∂µ S µ must always be positive,
the Landau definition eliminates any diffusion of energy.
In this review, we shall always use the Landau definition, − βΠθ − nµ ∇µ α + βπ µν σµν ≥ 0. (57)
Eq. (50). The conserved currents in this frame take the The above inequality can be satisfied for all possible fluid
following form configurations if one assumes that the bulk viscous pres-
T µν = uµ uν −(P +Π)∆µν +π µν , N µ = nuµ +nµ . (51) sure Π, the particle-diffusion four-current nµ , and the
shear-stress tensor π µν are linearly proportional to θ,
As done for ideal fluids, the energy-momentum con- ∇µ α, and σ µν , respectively. This leads to
servation equation in Eq. (38) is decomposed parallel
and orthogonal to uµ . Using Eq. (51) together with the Π = −ζθ, nµ = κ∇µ α, π µν = 2ησ µν , (58)
conservation law for particle number in Eq. (38), leads where the proportionality coefficients ζ, κ and η refer to
to the equations of motion for dissipative fluids. For the bulk viscosity, the particle diffusion, and the shear
uµ ∂ν T µν = 0, ∆α
µ ∂ν T
= 0 and ∂µ N µ = 0, one ob- viscosity, respectively. Substituting the above equation
tains in Eq. (56), we observe that the source term for entropy
˙ + ( + P + Π)θ − π µν σµν = 0, (52) production becomes a quadratic function of the dissipa-
tive currents
( + P + Π)u̇α − ∇α (P + Π) + ∆α µ ∂ν π
= 0, (53)
β 2 1 β
ṅ + nθ + ∂µ nµ = 0, (54) ∂µ S µ = Π − nµ nµ + πµν π µν . (59)
ζ κ 2η

In the above equation, since nµ is orthogonal to the time- dissipative fluxes, we obtain
like four-vector uµ , it is spacelike and hence nµ nµ < 0.  uµ
Moreover, π µν is symmetric in its Lorentz indices, and S µ = suµ − αnµ − β0 Π2 − β1 nν nν + β2 πρσ π ρσ
in the local rest frame π 0µ = π µ0 = 0. Since the trace 2T

of the square of a symmetric matrix is always positive, − (α0 Π∆µν + α1 π µν ) + O(δ 3 ), (61)
therefore πµν π µν > 0. Hence, as long as ζ, κ, η ≥ 0, the
entropy production is always positive. Constitutive rela- where O(δ 3 ) denotes third order terms in the dissipative
tions for the dissipative quantities, Eq. (58), along with currents and β0 , β1 , β2 , α0 , α1 are the thermodynamic
Eqs. (52)-(54) are known as the relativistic Navier-Stokes coefficients of the Taylor expansion and are complicated
equations. functions of the temperature and chemical potential.
The relativistic Navier-Stokes theory in this form was We observe that the existence of second-order contri-
obtained originally by Landau and Lifshitz [36]. A simi- butions to the entropy four-current in Eq. (61) should
lar theory was derived independently by Eckart, using a lead to constitutive relations for the dissipative quantities
different definition of the fluid four-velocity [35]. How- which are different from relativistic Navier-Stokes theory
ever, as already mentioned, the Navier-Stokes theory is obtained previously by employing the second law of ther-
acausal and, consequently, unstable. The source of the modynamics. The relativistic Navier-Stokes theory can
acausality can be understood from the constitutive rela- then be understood to be valid only up to first order
tions satisfied by the dissipative currents, Eq. (58). The in the dissipative currents (hence also called first-order
linear relations between dissipative currents and gradi- theory). Next, we re-calculate the entropy production,
ents of the primary fluid-dynamical variables imply that ∂µ S µ , using the more general entropy four-current given
any inhomogeneity of α and uµ , immediately results in in Eq. (61),
dissipative currents. This instantaneous effect is not al- h
lowed in a relativistic theory which eventually causes the ∂µ S µ = − βΠ θ + β0 Π̇ + βΠΠ Πθ + ψαnΠ nµ u̇µ
theory to be unstable. Several theories have been de- i
veloped to incorporate dissipative effects in fluid dynam- + α0 ∇µ nµ + ψαΠn nµ ∇µ α
ics without violating causality: Grad-Israel-Stewart the- h
− βnµ T ∇µ α − β1 ṅµ − βnn nµ θ + α0 ∇µ Π
ory [40, 46, 49], the divergence-type theory [50, 51], ex-
tended irreversible thermodynamics [52], Carter’s theory + α1 ∇ν πµν + ψ̃αnΠ Πu̇µ + ψ̃αΠn Π∇µ α
[53], Öttinger-Grmela theory [54], among others. Israel i
and Stewart’s formulation of causal relativistic dissipa- + χ̃απn πµν ∇ν α + χ̃αnπ πµν u̇ν
tive fluid dynamics is the most popular and widely used; h
in the following we briefly review their approach. + βπ µν σµν − β2 π̇µν − βππ θπµν − α1 ∇hµ nνi
− χαπn nhµ ∇νi α − χαnπ nhµ u̇νi , (62)

5. Causal fluid dynamics: Israel-Stewart theory As argued before, the only way to explicitly satisfy the
second law of thermodynamics is to ensure that the en-
tropy production is a positive definite quadratic function
The main idea behind the Israel-Stewart formulation of the dissipative currents.
was to apply the second law of thermodynamics to a more The second law of thermodynamics, ∂µ S µ ≥ 0, is guar-
general expression of the non-equilibrium entropy four- anteed to be satisfied if we impose linear relationships
current [40, 46, 49]. In equilibrium, the entropy four- between thermodynamical fluxes and extended thermo-
current was expressed exactly in terms of the primary dynamic forces, leading to the following evolution equa-
fluid-dynamical variables, Eq. (27). Strictly speaking, tions for bulk pressure, particle-diffusion four-current and
the nonequilibrium entropy four-current should depend shear stress tensor,
on a larger number of independent dynamical variables, h
and, a direct extension of Eq. (27) to Eq. (55) is, in fact, Π = − ζ θ + β0 Π̇ + βΠΠ Πθ + α0 ∇µ nµ + ψαnΠ nµ u̇µ
incomplete. A more realistic description of the entropy i
four-current can be obtained by considering it to be a + ψαΠn nµ ∇µ α , (63)
function not only of the primary fluid-dynamical vari- h
ables, but also of the dissipative currents. The most gen- nµ = λ T ∇µ α − β1 ṅhµi − βnn nµ θ + α0 ∇µ Π
eral off-equilibrium entropy four-current is then given by
+ α1 ∆µρ ∇ν π ρν + ψ̃αnΠ Πu̇hµi + ψ̃αΠn Π∇µ α
S µ = P β µ + βν T µν − αN µ − Qµ (δN µ , δT µν ) . (60) + χ̃απn πνµ ∇ν α + χ̃αnπ πνµ u̇ν , (64)
where Qµ is a function of deviations from local equilib- π µν = 2η σ µν − β2 π̇ hµνi − βππ θπ µν − α1 ∇hµ nνi
µ µν
rium, δN µ ≡ N µ − N(0) , δT µν ≡ T µν − T(0) . Using i
µ − χαπn nhµ ∇νi α − χαnπ nhµ u̇νi , (65)
Eq. (51) and Taylor-expanding Q to second order in

where λ ≡ κ/T . This implies that the dissipative cur- formulations of relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics,
rents must satisfy the dynamical equations, presented in this review, are obtained within the frame-
work of relativistic kinetic theory. In the following, we
Π 1h
Π̇ + =− θ + βΠΠ Πθ + ψαnΠ nµ u̇µ briefly outline the salient features of relativistic kinetic
τΠ β0 theory and dissipative hydrodynamics which have been
+ α0 ∇µ nµ + ψαΠn nµ ∇µ α , (66) employed in the subsequent calculations [55].
Let us consider a system of relativistic particles, each
n 1 h
having rest mass m, momentum p~ and 0
ṅhµi + = T ∇µ α − βnn nµ θ + α1 ∆µρ ∇ν π ρν 0
penergy p . There-
τn β1 fore from relativity, we have, p = (~ p) + m2 . For a

+ α0 ∇µ Π + ψ̃αnΠ Πu̇hµi + ψ̃αΠn Π∇µ α large number of particles, we introduce a single-particle

i distribution function f (x, p) which gives the distribu-
+ χ̃απn πνµ ∇ν α + χ̃αnπ πνµ u̇ν , (67) tion of the four-momentum p = pµ = (p0 , p~) at each
π µν 1 µν
h space-time point such that f (x, p)∆3 x∆3 p gives the av-
π̇ hµνi + = σ − βππ θπ µν − α1 ∇hµ nνi erage number of particles at a given time t in the vol-
τπ β2 ume element ∆3 x at point ~x with momenta in the range
− χαπn nhµ ∇νi α − χαnπ nhµ u̇νi . (68) (~
p, p~ + ∆~
p). However, this definition of the single-particle
phase-space distribution function f (x, p) assumes that,
The above equations for the dissipative quantities are while on one hand, the number of particles contained in
relaxation-type equations with the relaxation times de- ∆3 x is large, on the other hand, ∆3 x is small compared
fined as to macroscopic point of view.
The particle density n(x) is introduced to describe, in
τΠ ≡ ζ β 0 , τn ≡ λ β1 = κ β1 /T, τπ ≡ 2 η β2 , (69) general, a non-uniform system, such that n(x)∆3 x is the
average number of particles in volume ∆3 x at (~x, t). Sim-
Since the relaxation times must be positive, the Taylor
expansion coefficients β0 , β1 and β2 must all be larger ilarly, particle flow ~j(x) is defined as the particle current.
than zero. With the help of the distribution function, the particle
The most important feature of the Israel-Stewart the- density and particle flow are given by
ory is the presence of relaxation times corresponding to ~
the dissipative currents. These relaxation times indicate n(x) = d p f (x, p), j(x) = d3 p ~v f (x, p), (70)

the time scales within which the dissipative currents re-

act to hydrodynamic gradients, in contrast to the rel- where ~v = p~/p0 is the particle velocity. These two local
ativistic Navier-Stokes theory where this process occurs quantities, particle density and particle flow constitute
instantaneously. The introduction of such relaxation pro- a four-vector field N µ = (n, ~j), called particle four-flow,
cesses restores causality and transforms the dissipative and can be written in a unified way as
currents into independent dynamical variables that sat- Z 3
d p µ
isfy partial differential equations instead of constitutive N µ (x) = p f (x, p). (71)
relations. However, it is important to note that this
welcome feature comes with a price: five new parame- Note that since d3 p/p0 is a Lorentz invariant quantity,
ters, β0 , β1 , β2 , α0 and α1 , are introduced in the the- f (x, p) should be a scalar in order that N µ transforms as
ory. These coefficients cannot be determined within the a four-vector.
present framework, i.e., within the framework of ther- Since the energy per particle is p0 , the average energy
modynamics alone, and as a consequence the evolution density and the energy flow can be written in terms of
equations remain incomplete. Microscopic theories, such the distribution function as
as kinetic theory, have to be invoked in order to deter-
mine these coefficients. In the next section, we review T 00 (x) = d3 p p0 f (x, p), T 0i (x) = d3 p p0 v i f (x, p).
the basics of relativistic kinetic theory and Boltzmann (72)
transport equation, and discuss the details of the coarse The momentum density is defined as the average value of
graining procedure to obtain dissipative hydrodynamic particle momenta pi , and, the momentum flow or pres-
equations. sure tensor is defined as the flow in direction j of mo-
mentum in direction i. For these two quantities, we have
E. Relativistic kinetic theory T (x) = d p p f (x, p), T (x) = d3 p pi v j f (x, p).
i0 3 i ij

Macroscopic properties of a many-body system are
Combining all these in a compact covariant form using
governed by the interactions among its constituent par-
v i = pi /p0 , we obtain the energy-momentum tensor of a
ticles and the external constraints on the system. Ki-
macroscopic system
netic theory presents a statistical framework in which the Z 3
macroscopic quantities are expressed in terms of single- µν d p µ ν
particle phase-space distribution function. The various T (x) = p p f (x, p). (74)

Observe that the above definition of the energy momen- The evolution equations for the dissipative quantities
tum tensor corresponds to second moment of the distri- expressed in terms of the non-equilibrium distribution
bution function, and hence, it is a symmetric quantity. function, Eqs. (80)-(82), can be obtained provided the
The H-function introduced by Boltzmann implies that evolution of distribution function is specified from some
the nonequilibrium local entropy density of a system can microscopic considerations. Boltzmann equation governs
be written as the evolution of the phase-space distribution function
Z which provides a reliably accurate description of the mi-
s(x) = − d3 p f (x, p) [ln f (x, p) − 1] . (75) croscopic dynamics. Relativistic Boltzmann equation can
be written as
The entropy flow corresponding to the above entropy pµ ∂µ f = C[f ], (83)
density is
Z where dp ≡ d3 p/p0 and C[f ] is the collision functional.
~ For microscopic interactions restricted to 2 ↔ 2 elastic
S(x) = − d3 p ~v f (x, p) [ln f (x, p) − 1] . (76) collisions, the form of the collision functional is given by
These two local quantities, entropy density and entropy C[f ] = dp0 dk dk 0 Wpp0 →kk0 (fk fk0 f˜p f˜p0 − fp fp0 f˜k f˜k0 ),
~ called en-
flow constitute a four-vector field S µ = (s, S), 2
tropy four-flow, and can be written in a unified way as (84)
where Wpp0 →kk0 is the collisional transition rate. The first
Z 3
d p µ and second terms within the integral of Eq. (84) refer to
S µ (x) = − p f (x, p) [ln f (x, p) − 1] . (77) the processes kk 0 → pp0 and pp0 → kk 0 , respectively. In
the relaxation-time approximation, where it is assumed
The above definition of entropy four-current is valid for that the effect of the collisions is to restore the distribu-
a system comprised of Maxwell-Boltzmann gas. This ex- tion function to its local equilibrium value exponentially,
pression can also be extended to a system consisting of the collision integral reduces to [56]
particles obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics (r = 1), or Bose- δf
Einstein statistics (r = −1) as C[f ] = −(u · p) , (85)
d p µî ó
Z 3
S (x) = − p f (x, p)ln f (x, p) + r ˜(x, p)ln f˜(x, p) ,
f where τR is the relaxation time.
where f˜ ≡ 1 − rf . The expressions for the entropy four- F. Dissipative fluid dynamics from kinetic theory
current given in Eqs. (77) and (78) can be used to for-
mulate the generalized second law of thermodynamics The derivation of a causal theory of relativistic dis-
(entropy law), and, define thermodynamic equilibrium. sipative hydrodynamics by Israel and Stewart [40] pro-
For small departures from equilibrium, f (x, p) can be ceeds by invoking the second law of thermodynamics,
written as f = f0 + δf . The equilibrium distribution viz., ∂µ S µ ≥ 0, from the algebraic form of the entropy
function f0 is defined as four-current given in Eq. (61). As noted earlier, the new
parameters, β0 , β1 , β2 , α0 and α1 , cannot be determined
1 within the framework of thermodynamics alone and mi-
f0 (x, p) = , (79)
exp(βu · p − α) + r croscopic theories, such as kinetic theory, have to be in-
voked in order to determine these coefficients. On the
where the scalar product is defined as u · p ≡ uµ pµ and other hand, one may demand the second law of thermo-
r = 0 for Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. Note that in dynamics from the definition of the entropy four-current,
equilibrium, i.e., for f (x, p) = f0 (x, p), the particle four- given in Eqs. (77) and (78), in order to obtain the dissipa-
flow and energy momentum tensor given in Eqs. (71) and tive equations [57]. This essentially ensures that the non-
µ µν
(74) reduce to that of ideal hydrodynamics N(0) and T(0) . equilibrium corrections to the distribution function, δf ,
Therefore using Eq. (51), the dissipative quantities, viz., does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. In
the bulk viscous pressure Π, the particle diffusion current Ref. [57], the generalized method of moments developed
nµ , and the shear stress tensor π µν can be written as by Denicol et al. [58] was used to quantify the dissipative
Z 3 corrections to the distribution function. The form of the
1 d p α β resultant dissipative equations, obtained in Ref. [57], are
Π = − ∆αβ p p δf, (80)
3 p0 identical to Eqs. (66)-(68), with the welcome exception
Z 3
d p that all the transport coefficients are now determined in
nµ = ∆µν pν δf, (81) terms of the thermodynamical quantities.
Z 3 The moment method, originally proposed by Grad [49],
d p α β
π µν = ∆µναβ p p δf. (82) has been used quite extensively to quantify the dissipa-
p0 tive corrections to the distribution function [57–65]. In

this method, the distribution function is Taylor expanded evolution equation can also be obtained [72–74]
in powers of four-momenta around its local equilibrium
value. Truncating the Taylor expansion at second-order π µν 10
π̇ hµνi = − + 2βπ σ µν + 2πγhµ ω νiγ − πγhµ σ νiγ
in momenta results in 14 unknowns that have to be de- τπ 7
termined to describe the distribution function. This ex- 4 µν 25 ρhµ νiγ 1 hµ νiγ
− π θ+ π ω πργ − π π θ
pansion implicitly assumes a converging series in powers 3 7βπ 3βπ γ
of momenta. An alternative derivation of causal dissi- 38 22 ρhµ νiγ
pative equations, which do not make use of the moment − π µν π ργ σργ − π π σργ
245βπ 49βπ
24 hµ Ä νiγ ä Ä ä
method, was proposed in Ref. [66]. In this method, which
is based on a Chapman-Enskog like expansion, the Boltz- − ∇ π u̇γ τπ + ∇hµ τπ ∇γ π νiγ
mann equation in the relaxation time approximation 35 35
2 Ä ä 12 Ä ä
hµ νiγ
− ∇γ τ π ∇ π + ∇γ τπ u̇hµ π νiγ
u·p 7 7
pµ ∂µ f = − (f − f0 ) , (86) 1 Ä ä 6 Ä ä
τR − ∇γ τ π ∇ π γ hµνi
+ ∇γ τπ u̇γ π hµνi
7 7
is solved iteratively to obtain δf up to any arbitrary order 2 2
− τπ ω ω πργ − τπ π ρhµ ω νiγ ωργ
ρhµ νiγ
in derivatives. To first and second-order in gradients, one 7 7
obtains 10 26
− τπ π θ + τπ πγhµ ω νiγ θ.
µν 2
τR µ 63 21
δf (1) =− p ∂µ f0 , (87)
u·p It is reassuring that the results obtained using third-order
τR µ ν  τR  evolution equation indicates convergence of the gradi-
δf (2) = p p ∂µ ∂ν f0 . (88) ent expansion and shows improvement over second-order,
u·p u·p
when compared to the direct solutions of the Boltzmann
This method of obtaining the form of the nonequilib- equation [72–75].
rium distribution function is consistent with dissipative Apart from these standard formulations, there are sev-
hydrodynamics, which is also formulated as a gradient eral other formulations of relativistic dissipative hydro-
expansion. dynamics from kinetic theory. Among them, the ones
The second-order evolution equations for the dissipa- which have gained widespread interest are anisotropic
tive quantities are then obtained by substituting δf = hydrodynamics and derivations based on renormaliza-
δf (1) + δf (2) from Eqs. (87) and (88) in Eqs. (80)-(82), tion group method. Anisotropic hydrodynamics is a
non-perturbative reorganization of the standard relativis-
Π tic hydrodynamics which takes into account the large
= − Π̇ − βΠ θ − δΠΠ Πθ + λΠπ π µν σµν momentum-space anisotropies generated in ultrarela-
tivistic heavy-ion collisions [76–81]. On the other hand,
− τΠn n · u̇ − λΠn n · ∇α − `Πn ∂ · n , (89) the derivation based on renormalization group method
n attempts to solve the Boltzmann equation, as faithfully
= − ṅhµi + βn ∇µ α − nν ω νµ − λnn nν σνµ − δnn nµ θ
τn as possible, in an organized perturbation scheme and
+ λnΠ Π∇µ α − λnπ π µν ∇ν α − τnπ πνµ u̇ν resum away the possible secular terms by a suitable
setting of the initial value of the distribution function
+ τnΠ Πu̇µ + `nπ ∆µν ∂γ πνγ − `nΠ ∇µ Π , (90) [82–85]. Since it is widely accepted that the QGP is
π momentum-space anisotropic, application of anisotropic
= − π̇ hµνi + 2βπ σ µν + 2πγhµ ω νiγ − τππ πγhµ σ νiγ
τπ hydrodynamics to high energy heavy-ion collisions has
− δππ π µν θ + λπΠ Πσ µν − τπn nhµ u̇νi phenomenological implications. Nevertheless, the dissi-
pative hydrodynamic formulation based on renormaliza-
+ λπn nhµ ∇νi α + `πn ∇hµ nνi , (91) tion group method is important in order to accurately
determine the higher-order transport coefficients.
where ω µν = (∇µ uν − ∇ν uµ )/2 is the vorticity tensor. It Since it is well established that QGP formed in high
is interesting to note that although the form of the evo- energy heavy-ion collisions is strongly coupled, it is of
lution equations for dissipative quantities in Eqs. (89)- interest to compare the transport coefficients obtained
(91), are identical to those obtained in Ref. [59] using from kinetic theory with that of a strongly coupled sys-
the moment method, the transport coefficients are, in tem [86]. In contrast to kinetic theory, strongly cou-
general, different [67, 68]. Moreover, it was shown that pled quantum systems, in general, does not allow for a
the above described method, based on iterative solution quasiparticle interpretation. This can be attributed to
of Boltzmann equation, leads to phenomenologically con- the fact that the quasiparticle notion hinges on the pres-
sistent corrections to the distribution function [69] and ence of a well-defined peak in the spectral density, which
the transport coefficients exhibits intriguing similarities may not exist at strong coupling. Therefore it is inter-
with strongly coupled conformal field theory [70, 71]. esting to study the hydrodynamic limit of an infinitely
Proceeding in a similar way, a third-order dissipative strongly coupled system, which are different than sys-

τπ T /(η/s) λ1 T /(η/s) λ2 T /(η/s) λ3 precise knowledge of this so called pre-equilibrium stage

ADS/CFT 2(2 − ln 2) 2η 4η ln 2 0 is essential input in the viscous hydrodynamics models.
KT 5 (25/7)η 10η 0 The knowledge of distribution of energy/entropy density
and the thermalisation time is one of the uncertainty
TABLE I: Comparison of transport coefficients present in the current hydrodynamics model studies. Be-
low we discuss four most popular initial condition models
used in hydrodynamics simulation of heavy-ion collisions.
tems described by kinetic theory. In the following we
discuss the evolution equation for shear stress tensor for
a strongly coupled conformal system which is equivalent
A. Glauber model
to a system of massless particles in kinetic theory.
For such a system, the evolution of shear stress tensor
is governed by the equation The Glauber model of nuclear collisions is based on
Å ã the original idea of Roy J. Glauber to describe the quan-
hµνi 4 µν λ1 tum mechanical scattering of proton-nucleus and nucleus-
µν µν
π = 2ησ − τπ π̇ + π θ − 2 πγhµ π νiγ nucleus collisions at low energies. The original idea of
3 η
λ2 Glauber was further modified by Bialas et. al. [95] to
+ πγhµ ω νiγ + λ3 ωγhµ ω νiγ . (93) explain inelastic nuclear collisions. For a nice and more
complete review of Glauber model see Ref. [96] and refer-
For a system of massless particles, the kinetic theory re- ences therein for more details. We discuss below the very
sults for second-order transport coefficients agree in the essential part of this model as used in heavy-ion collisions,
case of both moment method [58] as well as the the particularly in the context of relativistic hydrodynamics.
Chapman-Enskog like iterative solution of the Boltzmann At present, there are two main variation of Glauber
equation [66]. In Table I, we compare the transport co- model in use. One of them is based on the optical limit
efficients obtained from kinetic theory and from calcu- approximation for nuclear scattering, where the nuclear
lations employing ADS/CFT correspondence of strongly scattering amplitude can be described by an eikonal ap-
coupled N = 4 SYM and its supergravity dual [87, 88]. proach. In this limit each of the colliding nucleons see
We see that the second-order transport coefficients ob- a smooth density of nucleon distribution in the other
tained from Kinetic theory are, in general, larger than nucleus. This variation of Glauber model, also known
those obtained from the ADS/CFT calculations. as optical Glauber model, uses the Wood-Saxon nuclear
density distribution for a nucleus with mass number A
ρA (x, y, z) = , (94)
1 + exp[(r − R0 )/a0 ]
In order to apply hydrodynamics to study the collec-
tive phenomena observed at relativistic heavy-ion colli- where R0 , a0 are the nuclear radius and skin thickness
sions, one needs to first characterize the system. To this parameter of the nucleus, and ρ0 Ris an overall constant
end, we shall discuss here, and in the next few sections that is determined by requiring d3 xρA (x, y, z) = A.
about initial conditions, Equation of State (EoS), and One additionally defines the “thickness function” [96]
freeze-out procedure as used in state of the art relativis-
tic hydrodynamics simulations. However, we note that Z ∞
the following discussions are in no way complete but we TA (x, y) = dzρA (x, y, z), (95)
will try to provide appropriate references wherever pos- −∞

sible. Most of the following discussions can be also found

in more details in Ref. [32, 89–94]. which indicates the Lorentz contraction in the laboratory
In high energy heavy-ion collisions, bunch of nucleus of frame. The Wood-Saxon nuclear density distribution is
heavy elements are accelerated inside the beam pipes and used along with the experimentally measured inelastic
in the final state (after the collisions) we have hundred nuclear cross section to calculate the number of partici-
or thousands of newly created particles coming out from pating nucleons (Npart ) and number of binary collisions
the collision point in all directions. The underlying pro- (Ncoll ) for the two colliding nucleus.
cesses of the collisions between the constituent partons of In order to calculate the Ncoll (x, y, ~b) and Npart (x, y, ~b)
the colliding nucleus and the conversion of initial momen- from Glauber model, one can choose the X axis along the
tum along the beam direction to the (almost) isotropic impact parameter vector ~b. The Npart and Ncoll distri-
particle production is still not very well understood. Par- bution are functions of impact parameter, the inelastic
ticularly the state just after the collisions when the lon- Nucleon-Nucleon cross-section and the nuclear density
gitudinal momentum distribution of the partons started distribution function. For a collision of two spherical nu-
to become isotropic and subsequently achieve the local clei with different mass number ‘A’ and ‘B’, the trans-
thermal equilibrium state is poorly understood. But the verse density of binary collision and wounded nucleon

profile is given by [96] B. Color-Glass-Condensate

Å ã Å ã
b b The Color-Glass-Condensate (CGC) model takes into
Ncoll (x, y; b) = σin TA x+ , y TB x− , y , (96)
2 2 account the non-linear nature of the QCD interactions.
b b Due to Lorentz contraction at relativistic energies, the
Npart (x, y; b) = TA x+ 2 , y F TB x− 2 , y , B
nucleus in the laboratory frame is contracted into a
+ TB x− 2b , y F TA x+ 2b , y , A , (97)
sheet and therefore one only needs to consider the trans-
verse plane. The density of partons inside such a highly
Lorentz contracted nucleus is dominated by gluons. Ac-
Å ãA cording to the uncertainty principle, the radius, rgl , of a
σin TA (x, y)
F [TA (x, y), A] ≡ 1 − 1 − . (98) gluon is related to its momentum, Q, via |rgl |×|Q| ∼ ~ =
A 1. Therefore the cross-section of gluon-gluon interactions
Here σin is the inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section π

whose value depends on the sN N and is obtained from σ ∼ αs (Q2 )πrgl
∼ αs (Q2 ) 2 , (101)
the experimental data.
The distribution of Npart and Ncoll in the transverse where αs is the strong coupling constant. The total num-
plane as obtained from Glauber model is used to cal- ber of gluons in a nucleus can be considered to be ap-
culate the initial energy/entropy density for the hydro- proximately proportional to the number of partons, and
dynamics simulation. The exact form for calculation of therefore also to its mass number A. The density of glu-
the energy density in the transverse plane using optical ons in the transverse plane is then given by A/(πR02 ),
Glauber model is given by where R0 is the radius of the nucleus. Gluons starts in-
teracting with each other when the scattering probability
ï ò
Npart (x, y) becomes of the order unity,
 (x, y) = 0 αNcoll (x, y) + (1 − α) , (99)
2 A A
σ = αs (Q2 ) 2 2 ∼ 1. (102)
πR02 R0 Q
where 0 is a multiplicative constant used to fix the
charged hadron multiplicity, α is the fraction of hard This indicates that there exists a typical momentum scale
scattering [97]. The energy density corresponds to the Q2s = αs A/R02 separating perturbative (Q2  Q2s ) and
MC-Glauber model is obtained with similar contribution non-perturbative (Q2  Q2s ) regimes. Classical chro-
from number of binary collisions and number of partici- modynamics is a good approximation at low momenta
pants. due to the high occupation number (“saturation”). The
In the second variation, the distribution of nucleons CGC model was developed to incorporate the saturation
inside the colliding nucleus are sampled according to the physics at low momenta Q2 in relativistic heavy-ion col-
nuclear density distribution by using statistical Monte- lisions [99, 100].
Carlo (MC) method. The collisions between two nucleons The presence of non-abelian plasma instabilities [101–
occurs when the distance between them becomes equal 103] makes it difficult to determine the energy density
or smaller than the radius obtained from the inelastic distribution in the transverse plane. As a result, one has
nucleon-nucleon cross section. This is also known as MC- to resort to phenomenological models for the transverse
Glauber model. energy density distribution in the CGC model [104]
In MC-Glauber model the positions of binary collisions ï ò4/3
and participating nucleons are random and they are delta (x⊥ , b) = const × 2 (xT , b) . (103)
d xT dY
function in configuration space. These delta functions
cannot be used in the numerical simulation of hydrody- Here Ng is the number of gluons produced in the collision
namics. The usual practice is to use two-dimensional whose momentum distribution is given by
Gaussian profile to make a smooth profile of initial en- d pT pT 2
Z 2 Z
ergy density as given by [98] ∼ d kT αs (kT )
d2 xT dY p2T
ñ ô Å ã Å ã
2 2 (pT + kT )2 (pT − kT )2
X 1 (x − xi ) + (y − yi ) φ+ ; x T φ− ; xT ,
 (x, y) = K exp − , 4 4
2πσ 2 2σ 2
W N,BC (104)
(100) Ç A å
where σ is a free parameter controlling the width of the 2 Q2s (1 − x)4 npart (x⊥ , ±b)
φ± (kT ; xT ) = ,
Gaussian. Typical values for this fluctuation size param- αs (Q2s )max(Q2s , kT2 ) TA (x ± b/2, y)
eter are of the order of 0.5 fm, WN is the abbreviation (105)
for wounded nucleons which is same as number of partici- 2
Ç 2 åÅ ã0.288
2 TA (x ± b/2, y) GeV fm 0.01
pant Npart and BC represent number of binary collisions. Q2s (x, x⊥ ) = A
With this short discussion we now move on to the next npart (x⊥ , ±b) 1.53 x
topic. (106)

where x = pT / s. It is important to note that the initial Glasma fields are then evolved using the classi-
Glauber and CGC models lead to different values of spa- cal Yang-Mills (CYM) equation. One of the most im-
tial eccentricity, defined by portant feature of this model is that long-range rapidity
correlations from the initial state wavefunctions are ef-
hy 2 − x2 i ficiently converted into hydrodynamic flow of the final
ex (b) = , (107)
hy 2 + x2 i state quark-gluon matter [110, 111]. Moreover, initial
energy fluctuations produced within this model naturally
where hi represents averaging over the transverse plane follows a negative binomial distribution.
with weight (x⊥ , b). It has been observed that the CGC The color charges, ρa (x− , x⊥ ), in the IP-Sat model be-
model typically has a larger eccentricity than the Glauber haves as local sources for small-x classical gluon Glasma
model which means that the anisotropy in fluid velocities fields. The classical gluon fields are then determined by
is larger for the CGC model. solving the classical Yang-Mills equations,
In a variant of the CGC model, also known as the
[Dµ , F µν ] = J ν . (108)
Kharzeev-Levin-Nardi (KLN) model [105–107], the en-
tropy production is determined by the initial gluon multi- The color current in the above equation, generated by
plicity. A Monte-Carlo version of KLN model (MC-KLN) a nucleus A (B) moving along the x+ (x− ) direction, is
has also been proposed to incorporate event-by-event given by
fluctuations in the nucleon positions [108, 109]. In these J ν = δ ν± ρA(B) (x∓ , x⊥ ), (109)
models, the initial gluon production is calculated using
the perturbative merging of two gluons from the target where the upper indices are for nucleus A.
and projectile nuclei. The gluon structure functions are It is easy to solve Eq. (108) in Lorentz gauge, ∂µ Aµ =
parametrized by a position-dependent gluon saturation 0, where the equation transforms into a two-dimensional
momentum, Qs , which is computed from the longitudi- Poisson equation
nally projected density of wounded nucleons. The po- − ∇2⊥ A± ∓
A(B) = ρA(B) (x , x⊥ ) . (110)
sitions of the wounded nucleons are sampled according
to Eq. (97) using the MC-Glauber model. However, one The solution of the above equation can be written as
should keep in mind that the MC-Glauber and MC-KLN A± ∓ 2
A(B) = −ρA(B) (x , x⊥ )/∇⊥ . (111)
models are unable to account for fluctuations of the gluon
fields inside the colliding nucleons. Using the path-ordered exponential
Ç å
(x− , x⊥ )
VA(B) (x⊥ ) = P exp −ig dx 2 ,
∇T + m2
one can gauge transform the results of Lorentz gauge to
The initial condition models described in the previ- light-cone gauge, A+ (A− ) = 0. The pure gauge fields are
ous section are static models because after the collisions then given by [112–114]
the energy/entropy remains constant in space-time un-
i †
til the initial time τ0 when the hydrodynamics evolu- AiA(B) (x⊥ ) = θ(x− (x+ )) VA(B) (x⊥ )∂i VA(B) (x⊥ ) ,
tion starts. More realistic condition should include dy- g
namical evolution of the constituent partons in the pre- (113)
equilibrium phase. The simplest choice for the dynamical A− (A+ ) = 0 . (114)
evolution is the free-streaming of the produced partons
The discontinuity in the fields on the light-cone corre-
in the pre-equilibrium phase, but this is in contrary to
sponds to the localized valence charge source [115].
the assumption of local thermal equilibrium which needs
The initial condition for a heavy-ion collision, at time
multiple collisions among the constituent to achieve the
τ = 0, is determined by the solution of the CYM
local thermal equilibrium. In the following, we describe a
equations in Fock–Schwinger gauge Aτ = (x+ A− +
few state-of-the-art models which takes into account the
x− A+ )/τ√= 0, where the τ, η coordinates are defined
pre-equilibrium dynamics, until hydrodynamics sets in.
as τ = 2x+ x− and η = 0.5 ln(x+ /x− ). The Fock–
Schwinger gauge is a natural gauge choice because it in-
A. IP-Glasma terpolates between the light-cone gauge conditions of the
incoming nuclei. In terms of the gauge fields of the col-
liding nuclei, one obtains [115, 116]:
In the IP-Glasma model, the initial conditions is de-
termined within the CGC framework by combining the Ai = Ai(A) + Ai(B) , (115)
impact parameter dependent saturation model (IP-Sat). ig î i ó
In addition to fluctuations of nucleon positions within Aη = A(A) , Ai(B) , (116)
a nucleus, the IP-Glasma description also incorporates
∂τ Ai = 0 , (117)
quantum fluctuations of color charges on the length-scale
determined by the inverse saturation scale, 1/Qs . The ∂τ Aη = 0. (118)

In the limit τ → 0, Aη = −Eη /2, where Eη is the lon- culate number of participant and binary collisions with
gitudinal component of the electric field. At τ = 0, one the Wood-Saxon nuclear density distribution function.
can non-perturbatively calculate the longitudinal mag- After the production of partons from hard collisions
netic and electric fields, which are the only non-vanishing and from the melting strings, they are evolved within a
components of the field strength tensor. These fields de- parton cascade model, where only two parton collisions
termine the energy density of the Glasma at each trans- are considered. The positions and momentum of each
verse position in a single event [117–119]. partons are then recorded and used to calculate the initial
The Glasma fields are then evolved in time numerically energy-momentum tensor using a Gaussian smearing at
according to Eq. (108), up to a proper time τswitch , which time τ0 as
is the switching time from classical Yang-Mills dynam-
ics to hydrodynamics [120]. At the switching time, one X pµi pνi 1
can construct the fluid’s initial energy momentum ten- T µν (τ0 , x, y, ηs ) = K τ
µν i=1
p i 2π τ0 σr 2πση2s
sor Tfluid = ( + P)uµ uν − Pg µν + Πµν from the energy ñ ô
2 2 2
density in the fluid’s rest frame ε and the flow velocity (x − xi ) +(y − yi ) (ηs − ηis )
uµ . The local pressure P at each transverse position is ×exp − − , (119)
2σr2 2ση2s
obtained using an equation of state. The hydrodynamic
quantities ε and uµ are obtained by solving the Landau where pτi = miT cosh (Yi − ηis ), and px,y = px,yi , pηi =
µν i
frame condition, uµ TCYM = εuν . miT sinh (Yi − ηis ) /τ0 are the four-momenta of the ith
parton and Yi , ηis , and miT are the momentum rapidity,
the spatial rapidity, and the transverse mass of the ith
B. Transport: AMPT and UrQMD parton, respectively. Unless otherwise stated, the smear-
ing parameters are taken as: σr = 0.6 fm and σηs = 0.6
In Refs. [121–123] a different approach was taken in or- from Refs. [122] where the soft hadron spectra, rapid-
der to incorporate the pre-equilibrium dynamics for ob- ity distribution and elliptic flow can be well described.
taining the initial condition of hydrodynamics evolution. The sum index i runs over all produced partons (N ) in a
While the authors of Ref. [121] employ ultrarelativistic given nucleus-nucleus collision. The scale factor K and
quantum molecular dynamics (UrQMD) string dynam- the initial proper time τ0 are the two free parameters
ics model, A Multi Phase Transport Model (AMPT) was that we adjust to reproduce the experimental measure-
used in Refs. [122, 123] to simulate the pre-equilibrium ments of hadron spectra for central Pb+Pb collisions at
dynamics. In these studies the partons produced in the mid-rapidity [122]. The initial energy density and the
collisions were evolved until the initial time τ0 according local fluid velocity in each cell is obtained from the cal-
to a simplified version of Boltzmann transport equation. culated T µν via a root finding method which is used as
We shall discuss here the particular procedure used in an input to the subsequent hydrodynamics evolution, see
Ref. [122] for calculating initial conditions for a (3+1)D Ref. [122] for further details.
hydrodynamics evolution with the parton transport in
the pre-equilibrium phase. Additional benefit for choos-
ing this type of initial condition is that one naturally C. Numerical relativity: AdS/CFT
incorporate the fluctuating energy density in the longi-
tudinal direction due to the discrete nature of partons, Another method to simulate the pre-equilibrium stage
details of which will be discussed in a later section. is via numerical relativity solutions to AdS/CFT [128].
In Ref. [122], A Multi Phase Transport Model (AMPT) In this method, one employs the dynamics of the energy-
[124, 125] was used to obtain the local initial energy- momentum tensor of the strongly coupled Conformal
momentum tensor in each computational cell. The Field Theory (CFT) on the boundary using the gravita-
AMPT model uses the Heavy-Ion Jet INteraction Gen- tional field in the bulk of AdS5 . Therefore a relativistic
erator (HIJING) model [126, 127] to generate initial par- nucleus may be described using a gravitational shock-
tons from hard and semi-hard scatterings and excited wave in AdS, whereby the energy-momentum tensor of
strings from soft interactions. The number of excited a nucleus can be exactly matched [129]. For a central
strings in each event is equal to that of participant nucle- collision, the dynamics of the colliding shockwaves has
ons. The number of mini-jets per binary nucleon-nucleon been solved near the boundary of AdS in Ref. [130], re-
collision follows a Poisson distribution with the aver- sulting in the energy-momentum tensor at early times.
age number given by the mini-jet cross section, which The starting point of this simulation is the energy den-
depends on both the colliding energy and the impact sity of a highly boosted and Lorentz contracted nucleus,
parameter via an impact-parameter dependent parton T tt = δ(t + z)TA (x, y). Here the thickness function,
shadowing in a nucleus. The total energy-momentum TA (x, y), is the same as defined in Eq. (95) but with
density of parton depends on the number of participants, an extra normalization, 0 , which is used to match the
number of binary collisions, multiplicity of mini jets in experimentally observed particle multiplicity, dN/dY .
each nucleon-nucleon collisions and the fragmentation of In terms of the polar Milne coordinates τ, ξ, ρ, θ with
excited strings. HIJING uses MC-Glauber model to cal- t = τ cosh ξ, z = τ sinh ξ, ρ2 = x2 + y 2 , tan θ = y/x,

the energy density, fluid velocity and pressure anisotropy given pressure gradient ∇P is governed by the following
was found up to leading order in t [130] relationship

TA0 (ρ) PL 3 Duµ = −

 = 2TA2 (ρ)τ 2 , uρ = − τ, =− , (120) +P
3TA (ρ) PT 2

where in the local rest frame Tνµ = diag(−, PT , PT , PL ) where D = uµ ∂µ is the covariant derivative,  and P are
[131–134]. One finds that the corresponding line-element the energy density and pressure respectively. Clearly the
ds2 turns out to be ξ-independent (boost-invariant), up fluid expansion is governed by the gradient of pressure as
to leading order in τ , and can be written as well as the combined value of pressure and energy density.
The pressure for a given energy density is defined via the
ds2 = −Adτ 2 + Σ2 e−B−C dξ 2 + eB dρ2 + eC dθ2
 EoS and hence the EoS governs the rate of change of fluid
+2drdτ + 2F dρdτ. (121) At present, the most reliable calculation of EoS for
nuclear matter at high temperature (> 100 MeV) is ob-
Here all functions depend on τ , ρ and the fifth AdS space tained from lattice QCD (lQCD) calculations. However,
dimension r only. In this scenario, the space boundary is at present the lQCD calculations are not reliable at lower
located at r → ∞ where the induced metric is given by temperatures (because of the large grid size needed at
gµν = diag(gτ τ , gρρ , gθθ , gξξ ) = diag(−1, 1, ρ2 , τ 2 ). lower temperatures) and at higher baryon densities (due
The metric is then expanded near the boundary, to the so called sign problem for finite chemical poten-
tial). The usual practice in the heavy-ion community is to
X bi (τ, ρ)r−i use lQCD calculation at high temperature and a hadron
B(r, τ, ρ) → B0 (r, τ, ρ) + , (122)
1 + σ 7 r−7 resonance gas (HRG) model at lower temperature to con-
struct the equation of state for vanishing baryon chem-
where B0 is given by the vacuum value. In order to ical potential (µb ). The EoS for finite µb is usually ob-
have a stable time evolution, a function with one bulk tained by employing some approximation such as Taylor
parameter σ has been introduced to extend the metric series expansion around µb = 0. For more details about
functions to arbitrary r. An analogous expansion is also the nuclear EoS relevant to the heavy-ion collisions see
made for C. Using Eq. (120) to fix the near-boundary Ref. [139] and references therein. Here we briefly outline
coefficients at a time τinit , and choosing a value for σ, the the procedure used to calculate the lQCD+HRG equa-
time evolution of the metric can be determined by solv- tion of state for vanishing baryon chemical potential.
ing the Einstein equations. This is done numerically by Usual lQCD calculations for the thermodynamical
adopting a pseudo-spectral method based on Refs. [135– variables assume that the system has infinite extent (vol-
137]. At a proper time τhydro , which is the switching ume V → ∞) and it is homogeneous [140]. All ther-
time from AdS/CFT to hydrodynamics, the evolution modynamic quantities can be derived from the partition
using Einstein equations is stopped and hydrodynamic function Z(T, V ). The energy density and pressure are
quantities such as , uµ , π µν are extracted from the met- derivatives of the partition function with respect to T
ric using Eq. (120). These quantities are then used to and V respectively
create the energy-momentum tensor which provides the
initial conditions for the subsequent relativistic viscous T2 ∂
 = lnZ (T, V ) , (124)
hydrodynamic evolution. The initial conditions for hy- V ∂T
drodynamic evolution is therefore determined using an ∂
P = T lnZ (T, V ) . (125)
early-time, far-from-equilibrium dynamics, modeled as a ∂V
strongly coupled CFT described by gravity in AdS. Re-
cently, a non-conformal extension has also been studied The pressure for a homogeneous system of infinite extent
in order to incorporate bulk viscosity [138]. can be simply expressed in terms of f as

P = lnZ (T, V ) . (126)
Using the above relations one can arrive at the following
Equation of State (EoS) is the functional relationship relationships
between thermodynamic variables pressure (P) and num-
ber density (n) to the energy density (). The conserva- ∂P
=T − P, (127)
tion equations, ∂µ T νµ = 0, contains one additional vari- ∂T Å ã
able than the number of equations. EoS closes the system ∂ P
Θ(T ) = T , (128)
of equations by providing another functional relationship ∂T T 4
and it is one of the important input to hydrodynamics.
For a relativistic simple fluid the acceleration under a where the trace anomaly, Θ(T ) = ( − 3P )/T 4 .


8 p4, Nτ=6
p4, Nτ=8 In the late stage of hydrodynamics evolution of hot
asqtad, Nτ=8 and dense nuclear matter created in high energy heavy-
6 ion collisions, the density and the temperature reaches
a critical value when the constituents no longer collides
4 among themselves and thereafter they move in a straight
trajectory towards the detectors. This phenomenon is
2 known as freeze-out, more precisely the kinetic freeze-
T [MeV] out. There is another chemical freeze-out when the par-
ticle number changing processes ceases. The chemical
100 250 400 550 700
freeze-out temperature so far known to be higher than
10 the kinetic freeze-out temperature.
In relativistic hydrodynamics simulations one also
(ε-3p)/T4 needs to stop the hydrodynamics evolution when the
8 system reaches the kinetic freeze-out criterion. For this
one needs to impose some physical constraints to calcu-
6 late the freeze-out hyper-surface. This can be done by
more than one way, we discuss here only the most popu-
lar choices used to calculate the freeze-out hyper-surface
4 namely (i) the constant temperature freeze-out (ii) the
p4 constant energy density freeze-out (iii) the dynamical
asqtad freeze-out. Among the three choices, the first two are
based on the general idea that the pion (or other hadron)
T [MeV] cross section is very sensitive to the temperature/energy
0 density of the system, thus within short interval of tem-
140 160 180 200 220 240 perature/energy density the condition for kinetic freeze-
out is achieved. For the computational purpose this is
FIG. 3: (Color online) The trace anomaly calculated in lattice realised by choosing a constant temperature/energy den-
QCD with p4 and asqtad actions on Nτ = 6 and 8 lattices sity surface.
compared with various parametrizations given by the solid, The dynamical freeze-out is based on the idea that
dotted and dashed lines (top) and the trace anomaly calcu- the ratio of expansion rate (θ) to the collision rate (Γ)
lated in lattice QCD compared with the HRG model given by should be much much less than unity ( Γθ  1) in order
the solid and dashed lines (bottom). The figures are taken
to maintain the local thermal equilibrium essential for
from Ref. [139].
the applicability of the hydrodynamics evolution. One
can then define the freeze-out criterion based on some
predefined value of Γθ smaller than 1. Though the idea of
dynamical freeze-out sounds more realistic it is not easy
In the high temperature, Θ(T ) can be reliably calcu- to implement in numerical calculation see Ref. [139] for
lated from lQCD. On the other hand, at lower tempera- details.
ture the lQCD results are affected by possibly large dis- The thermodynamical quantities of the fluid such as
cretisation effect. Therefore the usual practice to con- energy density, pressure and the fluid velocity obtained
struct realistic EoS is to use the lattice data for the trace from the hydrodynamics simulation on the freeze-out sur-
anomaly in the high temperature region (T > 250M eV ), face are used to evaluate momentum distributions of the
and use HRG model in the low temperature region (T < identified hadrons. The conversion of fluid to hadrons is
180M eV ). In the intermediate temperature Θ(T ) is ob- done by using the Cooper-Frye procedure, see Ref. [142]
tained by joining the parametrised high temperature and for details. In Cooper-Frye procedure the momentum dis-
low temperature values smoothly (continuous first and tribution (or invariant yield) of hadrons are calculated as
second derivative). Once Θ(T ) is known, pressure can be [142]
calculated by using Eq. (128). The energy density then d3 N d3 N
can be readily obtained from Eq. (127). The top panel E 3 = 2 = f (x, p) pµ dΣµ , (129)
d p d pT dy Σ
of Fig. 3 shows the trace anomaly calculated in lattice
QCD with p4 and asqtad actions on Nτ = 6 and 8 lat- where E, N, and pµ are energy, number and four-
tices [141] compared with various parametrizations given momentum of hadrons, dΣµ is the differential freeze-
by the solid, dotted and dashed lines [139]. The bottom out hyper-surface element. The distribution function,
panel shows the trace anomaly calculated in lattice QCD f (x, p), consists of an equilibrium part, f0 (x, p), and
compared with the HRG model given by the solid and dissipative corrections, δf (x, p). While the equilibrium
dashed lines [139]. distribution corresponding to the local thermodynamic

quantities, as given in Eq. (79), is taken to be either The relative contribution of the resonance decay to pion
Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac distribution depending on spectra is a function of both the freeze-out temperature,
the spin of the hadronic species, the dissipative correction Tfo , and pT . Thus the final pT spectra of π are obtained
is not unique, and will be explained in the following. by adding the contribution from resonance decay to the
In the simple case when the dissipation is only due to thermal pT spectra calculated from Cooper-Frye formula.
the shear viscosity, leading-order moment method, also The most dominant hadronic decay channels contribut-
known as the Grad’s 14-moment approximation, leads to ing to pion yield are: ρ± → π ± π 0 , ρ0 → π − π + , K ∗± →
the well-known form of the viscous correction [40, 49] π ± K 0 , K ∗0 → π − K + , ∆ → π ±,0 N, ω → π + π − π 0 , η →
π + π − π 0 , which should be considered with their corre-
f0 f˜0 sponding branching ratios [144].
δf (x, p) = pα pβ παβ , (130)
2( + P )T 2 According to the formalism given in [144], to calculate
the pion contribution from resonances, one need to pro-
where f˜0 ≡ 1 − rf0 , with r = 1, −1, 0 for Fermi, Bose, vide the source temperature. The parametric fit to the
and Boltzmann gases, respectively. Note that the viscous ratio of the total pion to the thermal pion for the calcu-
correction in this case increases with quadratic power of lation at two different freeze-out temperature Tfo = 130
momenta. On the other hand, the Chapman-Enskog like MeV and 150 MeV are approximately given by [145]
iterative solution of the Boltzmann equation, Eq. (87),
leads to a viscous correction which is effectively linear in πtotal 1.4028
= 1.0121 + Ç pT å2 ,

momenta [69], ±
πthermal T =130MeV

mπ − 0.0964
5f0 f˜0 1 3.666
δf (x, p) = pα pβ παβ . (131) (133)
2( + P )T (u · p)
It has been shown that, in contrast to Eq. (130) obtained πtotal 3.0495
± = 1.0252 + Ç p å2 ,
using moment method, Eq. (131) leads to phenomenolog- πthermal T =150MeV m
− 0.2302
ically consistent corrections to the equilibrium distribu-
tion function, and is therefore a better alternative for hy-
drodynamic modeling of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
[69]. where mπ = 139 MeV is the pion mass. Note that about
We note here that the calculation of four-dimensional ∼ 50% of the total pion yield come from resonance decay

freeze-out hyper-surface and the numerical evaluation of at LHC energy ( sN N = 2.76 TeV), whereas for RHIC

it is not trivial, for example see Ref. [143] for more details. energy ( sN N = 200 GeV) the resonance contribution
Once we know the invariant momentum distribution the to total pion yield is ∼ 30% for Tfo = 130 MeV.
“n-th” order Fourier coefficient the flow harmonics vn can The sudden conversion of fluid to non-interacting
be readily obtained as hadrons at the freeze-out hyper-surface in the fluid dy-
namical evolution is hard to happen in practice. In real-
d3 N
dy d2 pT 2 cos [n (φn − ψn )] ity the hydrodynamical picture should work fine for the
y pT d pT dy early hot and dense phase of the QGP evolution when
vn = . (132)
d3 N the scattering rate is comparatively large compared to
dy d pT 2 the expansion rate. As the system grows in size and cools
y pT d pT dy
down with time the scattering rate goes down compared
These above mentioned quantities are directly compared to the expansion rate. At some point of space-time, par-
to the corresponding experimental data in order to obtain ticularly in the late hadronic phase it is expected that
information about the transport coefficients such as shear the dynamical evolution most probably be governed by
and bulk viscosity of the QGP. the microscopic Boltzmann equations considering multi-
ple hadronic species and their collisions rather than the
simplified macroscopic hydrodynamics evolution. Thus
VII. RESONANCE DECAY AND HADRONIC a complete dynamical evolution of high energy heavy-
RESCATTERING ion collisions contains simpler hydrodynamics evolution
in the early time and a much computational expensive
In high energy nuclear collisions various hadronic res- hadronic transport evolution in the late stage with the
onances are formed. The life time of most of the res- additional complexity of transforming fluid variables to
onance particles are of the order of the expansion life position and momentum of hadrons.
time of the nuclear matter. The end product for the For the hadronic rescattering phase several microscopic
most of the decay channels involve pions. The decay of algorithms that solve coupled Boltzmann equations for
hadron resonances to pion enhances the pion yield spe- a hadronic gas were developed in the 1980s and 1990s
cially at low transverse momentum, pT . One can use the [21, 124, 146–150]. Hybrid codes that coupled an ideal
formalism given in [144] to calculate the relative contri- fluid dynamical description of an expanding QGP to
bution of the resonance decay to thermal pion spectra. hadronic rescattering codes and compared the results

with purely fluid dynamical calculations began to ap-

pear around 2000 [151–154]. One of the first numerical Chaudhuri & Roy arXiv:1009.5223
code VISHNU that couples (2+1)D viscous hydro with a STAR Chg. v (2009)

late hadronic Boltzmann cascade appeared in 2011 [155]. PHENIX v4 WWND09

Lacey et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 092301 (2007)

The use of these more sophisticated hybrid models are Drescher et al. Phys. Rev. C 76 024905 (2007)
believed to reduce the uncertainty in the extracted value STAR p correlations (2010)

of η/s of QGP, since the late hadronic stage is known Gavin & Abdel-Aziz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 162302 (2006)
(p correlation)
(number density correlation)
Hydro. calculations, H. Song et. al., [arXiv:1011.2783]
to have larger shear viscosity which in usual viscous hy- P. Romatschke & U. Romatschke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 172301 (2007)
drodynamics simulations is not taken into account prop- PHENIX Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 172301 (2007)

erly. We shall not go into the details of the hadronic Hees et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 61 799 (2009)

quantum limit
Chen, Dong, Ohnishi & Wang, arXiv:0907.2486 [gluon plasma]
transport model nor to the technical details of various αs = 0.1

He at Tc
Xu & Greiner Phys. Rev. C 100 172301 (2008) [gluon gas]
techniques and uncertainties arising due to the matching (αs = 0.6 & αs = 0.3, respectively.)
H. Meyer, Phys. Rev. D 76, 101701(R) (2007) [Lattice QCD]
(T = 1.65 Tc)
of viscous hydrodynamics to the hadronic transport, de- Demir & Bass, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 172302 (2009) [hadron gas]

tails of which can be found in Ref. [155] and references 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

therein. Before finishing this section we should point out 4π η/s
one of the major findings of Ref. [155], the η/s of hadronic

KSS Limit
matter is found to be quite sensitive to the details of pre- Jun xu et al. PRC, 84,014903(2011)

ceding hydrodynamics phase and on the switching tem-

perature when the viscous hydrodynamics is switched to
Piotr Bozek, PLB, 699, 283-286 (2011)
the hadronic transport evolution. The effort to better
constraint the η/s of QGP by using such sophisticated
Schenke et al. PLB, 702,59-63(2011)
numerical models is a topic of current ongoing research.
Roy,Chaudhuri, PLB 703,313-317 (2011)

He at Tc
Luzum, Romatschke, PRC 83,044911 (2011)

Determination of transport coefficients of the hot and

dense QCD matter is one of the primary goal of theo- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
retical simulations of relativistic heavy-ion collisions; see
[156] for a recent review. Ideal hydrodynamics has been
FIG. 4: (Color online) Extracted values of η/s for Au-Au
proved to be quite successfully in the past to describe √
collision at sN N = 200 GeV (top) and for Pb-Pb collision at
the spectra of produced particles in relativistic heavy-ion √
sN N = 2.76 TeV (bottom) by different model calculations
collisions. The presence of dissipation leads to dissipa- using different experimental observables. The solid vertical
tive entropy generation via Eq. (62), which results in the line at the left shows the lower limit of η/s in unit of 1/(4π)
increase of total particle multiplicity for a fixed initial en- [30]. For comparison we have also shown the η/s of He at Tc
tropy. Shear viscosity, in particular, also leads to stronger (dashed vertical line on the right).
radial flow leading to an increase in the mean transverse
momentum of particles. However, the most important
effect of shear viscosity is to suppress the elliptic flow co- QGP fluid produced at top RHIC energies lies within
efficient, v2 , defined in Eq. (132) strongly. Therefore, in 1 − 5 × 1/4π and is below the η/s value of helium (blue
order to estimate the viscosity of the QCD matter within dashed line) at Tc . The spread in the estimated values of
a hydrodynamic simulation, one has to tune the value of η/s reflects the current uncertainties associated with the
the specific shear viscosity, η/s, in order to fit the exper- theoretical calculations.
imental data for v2 . One of the first estimates of η/s was Figure 4 (bottom panel) shows η/s estimated in various

made within a hydrodynamics inspired blast-wave model model calculations for Pb-Pb collision at sN N = 2.76
[157]. Since then there has been a lot of activity in this TeV [167–170]. All the model calculations indicates that
field, which is briefly reviewed in the following. the values of η/s of the QCD matter formed in heavy-ion
Figure 4 (top panel) shows the extracted values of η/s collision at LHC lies between 1-4 ×(1/4π). The specific
in different model calculations for Au-Au collisions at shear viscosity was obtained in reference [167] by using A

sN N = 200 GeV [25, 26, 158–166]. Most of the esti- Multi Phase Transport model (AMPT). Bozek [168] has
mates are obtained by comparing experimental data for estimated the specific shear viscosity of the fluid for LHC
elliptic flow with model calculations. Some of the esti- energy by using a (2+1)D viscous hydrodynamics model.
mates used pT correlations and heavy meson v2 data. In addition to shear viscosity, bulk viscosity (ζ/s = 0.04)
The theoretical calculations include simulations with in the hadronic phase was considered. Freeze-out and
transport based approach as well as (2+1)D and (3+1)D resonance decay was based on THERMINATOR event
viscous hydrodynamics with various initial conditions. generator [171]. Experimental data are best fitted with
Also shown are the results from lattice QCD calcula- η/s ∼ 0.08. A (3+1)D viscous hydrodynamics calcu-
tion. All these results indicate that the η/s value of the lation with fluctuating initial conditions was done by

Schenke et al. [169]. They explain the v2 (pT ) and pT ✈

✵ ✶☎ ♣➢P❜ ✺✳✆✝❚❡❱ ❆▲■❈❊ ❉❛t❛ ✆➢✝✆✪

integrated v2 for different centralities. Their calculation ✵ ✶✄

shows that the experimental data measured at LHC by ✵ ✶✂

the ALICE collaboration are best described for η/s value ✵ ✶✷

0.08 or smaller. Luzum et al. [170] have estimated η/s by ✵ ✶

using a (2+1)D viscous hydrodynamics simulation with ✵ ✵☎

smooth initial conditions for LHC energy to be same as ✵ ✵✄

at RHIC, η/s = 0.1 ± 0.1(theory) ± 0.08(experiment). ✵ ✵✂

Comparison of experimentally measured integrated and ✵ ✵✷

differential v2 , the charged hadron pT spectra and multi- ✵
✵ ✵ ✁ ✶ ✶ ✁ ✷
plicity in the mid-rapidity and their global fit by minimis-
ing χ2 was done in Ref. [172] by using a (2+1)D viscous ✟ ✥✡☛☞✌✍✎

hydrodynamics simulation, the extracted value of η/s is
∼ 0.07 ± 0.01. FIG. 5: (Color online) Elliptic flow, v2 , of identified particles
The effects of bulk viscosity in hydrodynamic simu- from the hydrodynamic model compared to the ALICE data
lations of relativistic heavy-ion collisions have not been [186]. The figure is taken from Ref. [187].
investigated as thoroughly as that of shear viscosity. In
principle, the bulk viscosity of the QCD matter should
not be zero for the range of temperatures achieved at the liding nucleons on average produce more than one parti-
RHIC and the LHC, and it may become large enough to cles in each collisions, thus the total number of degrees
significantly affect the evolution of the medium [173, 174]. of freedom in the system created just after the collisions
There has been several simulations of heavy-ion colli- are large. They collide among themselves through strong
sions that include the effect of bulk viscosity where it interaction and subsequently reaches local thermal equi-
has been demonstrated that bulk viscosity can have a librium (we note here that the full mechanism by which
non-negligible effect on heavy-ion observables [175–180]. the system reaches local thermal equilibrium within such
However, there are various uncertainties in the extrac- a short period of time is not fully understood yet).
tion of bulk viscosity from the anisotropic flow data of The situation is very different in smaller colliding sys-
heavy-ion collisions. For example, the theoretical uncer- tems such as p-p or p-Pb where the number of partici-
tainties arising due to the ambiguities in the form of the pating nucleons and the numbers of produced particles
specific bulk viscosity, ζ/s, its relaxation time and the are comparatively smaller in numbers. It is very coun-
bulk viscous corrections to the freeze-out process, makes terintuitive that with such few number of particles the
it difficult to study the effect of bulk viscosity on the system reaches local thermal equilibrium within a very
evolution of QCD matter. Unlike shear viscosity, the ex- short time-period. On the other hand, event generators
traction of bulk viscosity from hydrodynamic simulations based on perturbative QCD such as PYTHIA and HI-
is still unresolved and is currently an active research area. JING have successfully described various observables as-
sociated with particle production in p-p collisions. Thus
p-p as well as p-nucleus collisions have been for long time
IX. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS considered qualitatively different from heavy-ion colli-
sions, for which the hydrodynamic description became
A. Flow in small systems: proton-proton and a mainstream since its successful explanation of RHIC
proton-nucleus collisions data. It is interesting to note that the p-p collisions were
used as a benchmark for studying the existence of QGP
As mentioned in the introduction, among the recent in larger systems where a thermalised medium is believed
developments in the field of high energy heavy-ion colli- to be created.
sions the most striking observation is the existence of ra- This situation changed recently as the CMS and AT-
dial flow like pattern in high multiplicity proton-proton LAS collaboration observed a “ridge” like correlation in
(p-p) and proton-lead (p-Pb)collisions, for example see the azimuthal distribution of charged hadrons produced
Ref. [181] for a summary of recent experimental results. in high multiplicity p-p or p-Pb collisions. In those ex-
At this point it needs some explanation why the observa- periments a mass dependence of the slope of identified
tion of flow in small system is remarkable. One of the fun- hadron’s mT spectrum in high multiplicity p-Pb and p-
damental assumption when applying hydrodynamics to p collisions were also observed. All these phenomenon
high energy nuclear collisions is that the system reaches a are known to be the most significant indication for ex-
state of ”local thermal equilibrium” very quickly because istence of hydrodynamic flow in larger colliding systems
of the strong interactions among the quarks and gluons. such as Au-Au or Pb-Pb. Like in heavy-ion collisions,
In heavy-ion collisions such as Pb-Pb or Au-Au the num- the PYTHIA model failed to describe these observed
ber of participating nucleons are large, for example for experimental measurement for high multiplicity p-p or
a head-on Au-Au or Pb-Pb collisions there are 197+197 p-Pb events unless it employs some special mechanism
and 208+208 participating nucleons. Each of these col- like Color Reconnection (CR) and Multi Parton Interac-

✆ ✶✵✁
☎ ❛✟ ✠✡☛☞ ✌✍✎✏✑ ✭✮ ✯✰✱✰✲✴ 5

dNimT dmT @norm.D

<Ntr >=131, 1q = 1.05 fm



♣➢P❜ ✺✳✒✓ ❚❡❱ ✽✽ 0.05
❆✔✕✖✗ ✘✙✚✙ ✛♣✜❡✢✣✤✣✦✙✜✧★ ❑ ✼❑ ✸
✻✼✻✸ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
✷ ✹ ✪✫ ✬✫ mT @GeVD
✎❞✩✎❤ ✿✲❀✿✾
FIG. 7: (Color online) Normalized spectra of pions (squares),
FIG. 6: (Color online) Average transverse momentum of iden- kaons (triangles) and protons (discs) for p-p collisions. Open
√ symbols correspond to the CMS data [190] for |η| < 2.4 and
tified particles in p-Pb collisions at sN N =5.02 TeV, the ex- √
perimental data (various symbols) from ALICE Collaboration s = 7 TeV, while the solid ones are obtained from the best
[186], compared to the results of the HIJING model and of the one-parameter fit of the Gubser’s flow. The figure is taken
viscous hydrodynamics. The figure is taken from Ref. [187]. from Ref. [188].

tion (MPI) with an additional free parameter to explain that the mean transverse momentum of identified
the experimental data [182]. On the other hand, the rel- hadrons is also explained within the same (3+1)D
ativistic hydrodynamic models with large radial velocity hydrodynamic model, whereas, the Monte-Carlo
have been proved to be quite successful in describing the event generator model HIJING which is based on
same experimental data. It is also worthwhile to mention the perturbative QCD processes relevant to the col-
that there are some other theoretical conjectures about lisions fails to explain the same experimental data
these recent observation which does not incorporate this as can be seen in Fig. 6. This already gives the
hydrodynamics like flow, but till now those studies lack indication that for the high multiplicity p-Pb colli-
detailed numerical calculation in order to compare it with sions QGP is produced and it flows like fluid before
the experimental data Ref. [183]. freezing out to hadrons.

• p-Pb collisions: Recent experimental measure-

ment shows that the number of charged parti- • p-p collisions: Qualitatively similar signature of
√ collective behaviour is also observed in high mul-
cle produced in p-Pb collisions at sN N = 5.02
TeV is similar to those in peripheral Pb-Pb col- tiplicity p-p collisions like high multiplicity p-Pb
lisions Ref. [184]. Considering the fact that fi- collisions. However, the initial measurement shows
nal charged multiplicity is proportional to the ini- that the pT integrated v2 and v3 is 30% and 50%
tial energy/entropy density it is clear that the ini- smaller than in p-Pb at similar multiplicity. Like
tial energy density in most violent p-Pb collisions heavy-ion and p-Pb collisions a simple hydrody-
is similar as in heavy-ion collisions. In fact the namic inspired model with large radial velocity has
collision zone in p-Pb collisions is expected to be successfully explained the experimental observation
smaller than the peripheral Pb-Pb collisions, con- of mass dependence of slope in p-p collisions; see
sequently the energy density is higher in high mul- Fig. 7 which is taken from Ref. [188]. In a similar ef-
tiplicity p-Pb events than the peripheral Pb-Pb fort a blast wave model fit was shown to be inconsis-
events. The initial high energy density within small tent with the experimental data, see Ref. [189] for
volume in p-Pb collisions creates favourable condi- details. There are some studies of viscous hydrody-
tion for the subsequent hydrodynamics evolution. namics for p-p collisions for example see Ref. [191–
Another strong evidence of hydrodynamical flow in 193], more extensive study is needed for the com-
p-Pb collisions came from the observation of mass parison of all experimentally available data. We
dependence of slope of identified hadrons pT spec- note here that it is still an open question whether
tra, measured in experiment Ref. [185]. The exper- the small system created in p-p collisions are big
imentally measured vn and v2 (pT ) data for identi- enough or live long enough for hydrodynamics to
fied hadrons in p-Pb collisions by CMS [184] and be applicable, detailed discussion of which is out
ALICE [186] collaboration is nicely explained by of the scope of the present review. We refer to see
a (3+1)D viscous hydrodynamics model study by the Ref. [194] for a detailed discussion about the
Bozek et al. in Ref. [187] (see Fig. 5). In addition to applicability of hydrodynamics in small systems.

CMS PbPb sNN = 2.76 TeV

Lint = 120 µ b -1 CMS data: 0-0.2% (symbols)
0.08 v2 AMPT+hydro (lines)
vn{2part, |∆η| > 2} n=4 0-0.2% centrality
1 < pT < 3 GeV/c v3
0.06 v4

2 1/2

〈vn 〉


0.06 φ symmetric N-distribution
0 2 4 6

2 1/2
0.04 0.04

〈vn 〉
CMS PbPb sNN = 2.76 TeV
Lint = 120 µb-1
0.03 0.3 < pT < 3.0 GeV/c
vn{2part, |∆η| > 2}

2.5-5.0%, HF 0.02
0-2.5%, HF
0-1%, HF+NPixel
0-0.2%, HF+NPixel
0-0.02%, HF+NPixel
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
pT (GeV/c)
2 3 4 5 6 7
n FIG. 9: (Color online) Comparison of a (2+1)D viscous hydro-
dynamics simulation with the initial condition from AMPT
FIG. 8: (Color online) Top panel: The vn (n=2-6) values model to corresponding experimental data for root mean
as a function of pT in 0.0-0.2% central Pb+Pb collisions at squared values of vn for n = 2 − 5; figure is from Ref. [123].

sN N = 2.76 TeV. Bottom panel: Experimental measure-
ment of pT -averaged (0.3-3.0 GeV) vn as a function of “n”
in five centrality classes (2.5-5.0%, 0-2.5%, 0-1%, 0-0.2% and
√ tial fluctuating energy density since the overlap zone in
0-0.02%) for Pb+Pb sN N = 2.76 TeV collisions. Error bars
denote the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded color
ultra central collisions are almost circular.
boxes correspond to the systematic uncertainties. The data For ultra central collisions the initial collision geometry
was measured by the CMS collaboration and the figures are is predominantly generated by fluctuations such that var-
taken from Ref. [195]. ious orders of eccentricities predicted by different models
tend to converge. Therefore, studies of vn in ultra-central
heavy-ion collisions can help to reduce the systematic un-
certainties of initial-state modelling in extracting the η/s
B. Flow in ultra central collisions value of the system. Let us first discuss the recent ex-
perimental results for ultra central Pb-Pb collisions at
As mentioned earlier, the hydrodynamic response of LHC, after that we shall also discuss the correspond-
the anisotropy in the initial overlap geometry in the con- ing results from viscous hydrodynamics simulations. Top
figuration space transforms to the final momentum space panel of Fig. 8 shows the experimentally measured differ-
anisotropy giving rise to non-zero values of flow harmon- ential flow coefficients vn as a function of pT for 0-0.2%

ics vn . The most prominent flow harmonics v2 originates centrality Pb-Pb collisions at sN N = 2.76 TeV. The
as a hydrodynamic expansion of the initial elliptic shape vn ’s were calculated using 2 particle correlation method
of the fireball. The conversion efficiency of the spatial de- with large pseudo-rapidity gap |∆η| > 2 between the
formation into the momentum space anisotropy is very two hadrons. The bottom panel of Fig. 8 shows the pT
sensitive to the shear viscosity over entropy density (η/s) integrated vn (n=2-7) in ultra central Pb-Pb collisions
and the initial configuration of the system. The extrac- for five different collisions centrality. The experimental
tion of η/s of QGP by comparing hydrodynamic simula- data and the figure are taken from Ref. [195]. Before we
tion results to the corresponding experimental data is rid- proceed any further we note the following experimental
dled with large uncertainties in our understanding of the observation from the CMS paper.
initial-state conditions of heavy-ion collisions. For exam- • At higher transverse momentum (pT ≥ 2 GeV), v2
ple, viscous hydrodynamic simulation with MC-Glauber becomes even smaller than the higher-order v3 , v4 ,
initial condition gives very different values of η/s com- and at much higher values of pT it becomes smaller
pared to the same simulation with different initial condi- than other higher order vn .
tion such as MC-KLN. This uncertainty due to the poorly
known initial condition can be minimised in case of ul- • The pT averaged v2 and v3 are found to be equal
tra central collisions. In ultra-central collisions v2 and within 2%, while other higher-order vn decrease as
other higher flow harmonics solely originate from the ini- n increases.

0.08 v1 v2 v3 ideal
0.06 0−0.2% @ LHC 0.03 η/s =0.08
η/s =0.12
0.04 (a) (b) (c) MCGlb
© ª

η/s =0.20
vn 2

0.02 0.02 0-0.2% @ LHC CMS data

© ª
vn 2
0.0 0.3 <pT <3 GeV MCKLN
-0.02 0.01
MCKLN ideal
(a) (b)
0.08 v4 v5 MCKLN η/s =0.08 0.0
MCKLN η/s =0.12 MCGlb
0.06 MCKLN η/s =0.20
0.03 with NN correlation with NN correlation
© ª
vn 2

(d) (e) CMS data

(f) v6

© ª

vn 2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.01
pT (GeV) pT (GeV) pT (GeV) (c) (d)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
FIG. 10: (Color online) Comparison of pT dependent vn {2} n n
of charged hadrons in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions at 0-
0.2% centrality for viscous hydrodynamics simulations (vari- FIG. 11: (Color online) Comparison of pT integrated vn {2}
ous lines) with the corresponding experimental results (solid of charged hadrons in 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions at 0-
squares); the figure is from Ref. [196]. 0.2% centrality for viscous hydrodynamics simulations (vari-
ous lines) with the corresponding experimental results (solid
squares). Plot (a) and (c) are are for MC-Glauber initial
The evolution of the QGP according to relativistic hy- conditions, and (b),(d) corresponds to MC-KLN initial condi-
drodynamics simulations have been able to consistently tions. Results in the top two panels (a) and (b) was obtained
explain experimentally measured vn ’s for different cen- by considering nucleons with a repulsive hard core, whereas
tralities and for different colliding energies, it is natural the results in the bottom panel (c) and (d) are obtained for
the initial conditions with finite nucleon-nucleon correlations.
to expect that it should also explain the measured vn
The figure is taken from Ref. [196].
in the ultra central collisions. Before we discuss the re-
sults of hydrodynamic simulations, we note that one need
to carefully select events into centrality classes since the
integrated vn ’s are quite sensitive on the selection of cen- retical results, although there was some improvement but
trality class as can be seen from the bottom panel of so far the effort remains unfruitful.
Fig. 8. We also note that it is computationally expensive
to simulate such ultra-central collisions since the number
of events within the given centrality class is significantly C. Longitudinal fluctuations and correlations
small compared to the total number of minimum bias
events. Although the essential pT dependence of charged In relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments, a frac-
hadrons vn and their observed ordering for ultra-central tion of the incoming kinetic energy is converted into new
Pb-Pb collisions was nicely explained by a viscous hydro- matter deposited in the collision zone. The distribution
dynamic simulation using initial conditions from AMPT of this matter in the plane transverse to the colliding
model [123]; see Fig. 9. However on careful observation beams is inhomogeneous and fluctuates from collision to
we notice that at low pT < 1.5 GeV, the splitting from collision. The lumpy initial energy density distribution
hydrodynamics simulation is larger than the correspond- and its event-by-event fluctuations lead to anisotropic
ing experimental measurement. Similar disagreements flows of final hadrons through collective expansion in high
are also evident for pT > 1.5 GeV in Fig. 10, which is energy heavy-ion collisions. The first numerical demon-
taken from Ref. [196]. This can be seen more clearly stration of the role of lumpy initial energy density (or
from the pT integrated v2 and v3 in Fig. 11 which is also event-by-event fluctuation) in the transverse plane (plane
taken from Ref. [196]. In Ref. [196], the pT integrated vn defined by the impact parameter vector and one of the
was studied using (2+1)D viscous hydrodynamics model perpendicular axis to the beam direction) to the experi-
with MC-Glauber and MC-KLN initial conditions. mentally observed non-zero odd flow harmonics (particu-
The nucleon-nucleon correlations in the colliding nu- larly third harmonics v3 ) in heavy-ion collision was made
cleus were also considered as a potential cause behind the by Alver and Roland [198]. From then on experimen-
experimentally measured v2 ∼ v3 . However, none of the tally measured flow harmonics for all order (even and
initial condition model has so far been able to simultane- odd) has been successfully explained by viscous hydro-
ously explain the experimentally measured vn ’s, as can dynamics model studies with fluctuating initial condi-
be seen in Figs. 9, 10 and 11. In this regard we note that tions such as Monte-Carlo (from now on we denote it by
Denicol et al., Ref. [197], have considered bulk viscosity MC) Glauber[199, 200], MC-CGC [201], URQMD [202],
along with the shear viscosity and the nucleon-nucleon EPOS [203], AMPT [122], and IP-Glasma [204]. Fluctu-
correlations in order to explain this apparent discrepancy ations in the transverse plane not only give rise to odd
between the experimental data and corresponding theo- flow harmonics but also significant even and odd vn in

10 Pb +Pb 0−1% 1.00

5 0.95

r 2 (η a , η b )
x [fm] 0.90
(a) 0-5% (b) 5-10% (c) 10-20%
−10 1.00

−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 0.95

r 2 (η a , η b )
ηs 0.90
hydro LHC 3. 0 < η b < 4. 0 hydro RHIC 2. 5 < η b < 3. 0 CMS 3. 0 < η b < 4. 0
10 Pb +Pb 40−50% 0.85 hydro LHC 4. 4 < η b < 5. 0 hydro RHIC 3. 0 < η b < 4. 0 CMS 4. 4 < η b < 5. 0
(d) 20-30% (e) 30-40% (f) 40-50%
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
5 ηa ηa ηa
x [fm]

−5 1.00
−10 0.90

r 3 (η a , η b )
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 0.75
ηs 0.70
0.65 (a) 0-5% (b) 5-10% (c) 10-20%
FIG. 12: (Color online) Distribution of strings created be-
tween the partons of two colliding Pb nucleus as a function of 0.90

r 3 (η a , η b )

space-time rapidity (ηs ) at sN N = 2.76 TeV for 0 − 1% (top 0.85

panel) and 40-50% (bottom panel) collision centrality. The 0.80
figure is taken from Ref. [207]. 0.75 hydro LHC 3. 0 < η b < 4. 0 hydro RHIC 2. 5 < η b < 3. 0 CMS 3. 0 < η b < 4. 0
0.70 hydro LHC 4. 4 < η b < 5. 0 hydro RHIC 3. 0 < η b < 4. 0 CMS 4. 4 < η b < 5. 0
0.65 (d) 20-30% (e) 30-40% (f) 40-50%
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
ultra central collisions [205]. They also result in pT de- ηa ηa ηa
pendent event planes, which break down the flow factor-
ization vn,n (pT 1 , pT 2 ) = vn (pT 1 )vn (pT 2 ) [206]. Like the
lumpy initial energy density in the transverse plane, it FIG. 13: (Color online) Top panel: The factorization ratio
is also expected (the reason for which will be discussed r2 as a function of space-time rapidity η a for two different
shortly) that the energy density is lumpy in the longitu- reference rapidity bin 3.0 < η b < 4.0 and 4.4 < η b < 5.0

dinal (space rapidity) direction. in Pb-Pb collisions at sN N = 2.76 TeV (open and solid
Recent measurement of decorrelation of anisotropic diamonds), and for 2.5 < η b < 3.0 and 3.0 < η b < 4.0 in

flow along longitudinal direction by CMS collaboration Au-Au collisions at sN N = 200 GeV (open and solid circles)
has corroborated the above expectation. Studies of fluc- from event-by-event (3+1)D ideal hydrodynamics simulations
tuations along the longitudinal direction and their effects compared with experimental data from CMS collaboration

on anisotropic flows of final charged hadrons have only Ref. [212] for Pb-Pb collisions at sN N = 2.76 TeV (empty
recently been started. At present the current understand- and solid squares). The figures are from Ref. [207].
ing of longitudinal correlation (or decorrelation) of flow
harmonics is as follows
AMPT uses HIJING to generate initial partons from
• The fluctuations of energy density along the lon- hard and semi-hard scatterings and excited strings from
gitudinal direction due to the fragmentation and soft interactions. The number of mini-jet partons per
different lengths of the coloured string produced in binary nucleon-nucleon collision in hard and semi-hard
the scattering of nucleons [207–209]. scatterings follow a Poisson distribution with the mean
• A gradual twist of the fireball (or more specifically value given by the jet cross-section. The number of ex-
the event plane) along the longitudinal direction cited strings is equal to the number of participant nu-
Ref. [210, 211]. cleons in each event. Besides random fluctuations from
mini-jet partons, the parton density fluctuates along lon-
Let us discuss each of them separately. Regarding the gitudinal direction according to the length of strings.
contribution of colour string we shall particularly dis- There are basically three types of strings:
cuss here a recent study Ref. [207] where AMPT trans-
port model is used to evaluate the initial conditions for 1. Strings associated with each wounded nucleon (be-
(3+1)D hydrodynamic model. tween a valence quark and a diquark),

2. Single strings between q-q pairs from quark anni-

hilation and gluon fusion processes,
3. Strings between one hard parton from parton scat-
terings and valence quark or diquark in wounded
These strings finally fragment into the partons along the
longitudinal direction and giving rise to fluctuating en-
ergy density distribution in ηs , see Fig. 12 for the distri-
bution of coloured strings in the longitudinal direction for

a typical Pb-Pb collision at sN N = 2.76 TeV. For more
details about the longitudinal fluctuations and the visual-
ization of parton density distribution in ηs see Ref. [207].
The idea of a gradual twist of the fireball (or torqued
fireball) along the longitudinal direction is due to Piotr
Bozek et al. [210]. According to Bozek et al. the follow- FIG. 14: (Color online) Distribution of nucleons inside target
ing ingredients are responsible for the appearance of the √
and projectile nuclei in a typical Au-Au collision at sNN =
torque effect: 200 GeV for b = 12 fm. Figure is from Ref. [229].
1. Statistical fluctuations of the transverse density of
the sources (wounded nucleons), and
(3+1)D hydrodynamics model and the AMPT model
2. The asymmetric shape of the particle emission [208, 217] to study the decorrelation of event plane an-
function, peaked in the forward (backward) rapid- gles or anisotropic flow along the pseudorapidity direc-
ity for the forward (backward) moving wounded nu- tion. Jia et al. [211] also proposed an “event-shape
cleons. twist” technique to study the event plane decorrelation
due to the twist in initial energy density distributions
We note that in this model, the initial energy density by selecting events with big FB event plane angle differ-
profile is parametrized in such a way that after the hy- ences. Alternatively by selecting events with vanishingly
drodynamics evolution and the freeze-out the hadronic small FB event plane angle differences, one can then elim-
spectra produced at different rapidities match with the inate the twist effect and the measured decorrelation of
corresponding experimental data. Whereas in the case of anisotropic flow with finite pseudorapidity gaps should be
AMPT initial condition we do not need to use such pro- caused only by random fluctuations of event plane angles
cedure in order to explain the corresponding experimen- as was done in Ref. [208]. Before ending this section we
tal data, for example in Fig. 13 we show the comparison note that the experimentally observed difference in the
of experimental data of longitudinal correlation for Pb- longitudinal correlation (r2 and r3 ) for different reference
Pb collisions from CMS collaboration [212] and a (3+1)D rapidity bin [212] is not yet understood within theoreti-
hydrodynamics simulation result with AMPT initial con- cal model studies [207]. We need further studies in order
dition. Note that with AMPT initial condition the exper- to understand those finer details.
imental data is quite well described by the (3+1)D ideal
hydrodynamics simulation. In the AMPT initial condi-
tion both longitudinal fluctuations and torque effects are
D. Flow in intense magnetic field
present, the interplay of twist and fluctuation and the
relative contribution of this two effects in heavy-ion col-
lisions was studied within (3+1)D hydrodynamics model The most strongest known magnetic field (|B| ~ ∼ 1018 −
and AMPT in Ref. [208]. 10 Gauss) in the universe is produced in laboratory ex-
Many techniques have been proposed to study the lon- periments of Au-Au or Pb-Pb collisions such as at RHIC
gitudinal structure of final hadron production in heavy- and at LHC. Previous theoretical studies show that the
ion collisions and the underlying mechanisms. For ex- intensity of the produced magnetic field rises approxi-

ample, three-particle correlations were suggested to mea- mately linearly with the centre of mass energy ( sNN )
sure the twist effect [213] in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. of the colliding nucleons [218, 219]. The corresponding
One can also characterise the longitudinal fluctuations in electric fields in such collisions also becomes very strong
terms of coefficients in the Chebyshev polynomials [214] which is same order of magnitude as the magnetic field
and the Legendre polynomial expansion of two-particle (eB~ ≈ eE ~ ∼ 10m2π for a typical Au-Au collision at top

correlations in pseudorapidity [215, 216]. The most RHIC energy sNN = 200 GeV) [220], where mπ is the
intuitive method is to measure the forward-backward pion mass. Such intense electric and magnetic fields are
(FB) event plane angles or anisotropic flow differences strong enough to initiate the particle production from
[208] with varying pseudorapidity gaps. These meth- vacuum via Schwinger mechanism [221].
ods are used within the torqued fireball model [210], The origin of such large electric and magnetic field is

the relativistic velocities of the positive charge nucleus.

Within a MC Glauber model the electric (E) ~ and mag-
~ field at position ~r and at time t for a nucleus of
netic (B)
charge Ze moving with velocity ~v in straight line is given
~ i − Ri v~i
~ (~r, t) = e R

E Zi Ä ä3 1 − vi , (135)
4π i=1 Ri − R~ i · v~i
v~i × R~i
~ (~r, t) = e

B Zi Ä ä3 1 − vi . (136)
4π i=1 Ri − R~ i · v~i

Here R ~ i = ~x − x~i (t) is the distance from a proton at po-

sition x~i to ~x where the field is evaluated. In the above
expression the summation index i denotes the contribu- FIG. 15: (Color online) Impact parameter dependence of
tion of all protons inside the colliding nucleus, for exam- event averaged magnetic and electric fields at the centre of

the fireball for Au-Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV. Figure
ple Fig. 14 shows the positions of nucleons inside the two
is from Ref. [229].
Au nucleus for a typical peripheral collision calculated in
MC-Glauber model. Due to the fluctuating proton posi-
tion from event to event the electric and magnetic field √
sN N = 200 GeV in Ref. [229]. The ratio (σ) of the
becomes irregular both in direction and in magnitude in
magnetic field energy density to the fluid energy den-
the transverse plane. Moreover, the magnetic field in the
sity was found to be ∼ 1 for peripheral collisions, but
central collisions becomes non-zero for such initial ran-
in central collisions σ << 1. It was also found that
dom proton positions. This can be seen from Fig. 15
electric field also contributes similar energy density as
where the event averaged value of By as a function of
magnetic field. Recent study by Tuchin [230] shows that
impact parameter b is shown. The black dashed-dotted
the decay of the initial magnetic field can be substan-
line corresponds to the average of the absolute magni-
tially delayed in the case of finite electrical conductiv-
tude of By which is clearly non-zero even for b = 0 fm
ity of QGP. Thus it becomes increasingly important to
collisions. Note that we have used the natural unit where
consider the electromagnetic field in the hydrodynamic
~ = c = kb = » ε0 = µ0 = 1, with this choice the electric

evolution of heavy-ion collisions [231]. In Refs. [232–234]
charge e = 137 becomes a dimensionless number. In analytic solution of relativistic hydrodynamics for sim-
the limit v ∼ c, the denominator in Eq. (135) and (136) plified cases was obtained. Finding analytic solution for
becomes very small and we have large E ~ and B.
~ general initial conditions is very difficult and there are
There are large number of theoretical predictions based very few analytical solution that exists for relativistic
on the expectation of the creation of large magnetic field magnetohydrodynamics. The only possible way is to use
in heavy-ion collisions such as chiral magnetic effect, chi- numerical methods to solve magnetohydrodynamic equa-
ral electric effect, chiral magnetic waves etc., the discus- tions relevant for heavy-ion collisions. This is not an easy
sion of which is beyond the scope of this review. For task to accomplish. Initial effort in this direction can be
more details, we refer the reader to the following refer- found in Ref. [235]. However, we note that the authors
ences [222–226]. Here we will concentrate on the possi- of Ref. [235] have solved usual hydrodynamics conserva-
ble effect of this large electro-magnetic field on the initial tion equations (without magnetic field) by considering an
energy density and the subsequent hydrodynamics evo- external force originating due to the paramagnetic inter-
lution of QGP produced in RHIC or LHC experiments. action of QGP with the magnetic field.
To the best of our knowledge, one of the first numerical One of us has also recently solved the hydrodynam-
study of the effect of magnetic fields on the hydrody- ics equations where magnetic field is taken into account
namics evolution in heavy-ion collisions are by Gursoy in the energy-momentum tensor of the fluid. A realistic
et al. [227] and by Hirono et al. [228]. However, those space and time dependence of magnetic field is consid-
studies were based on several assumptions and none of ered for an ideal fluid evolution in Au-Au collisions at

them have considered the full magneto-hydrodynamics sN N = 200 GeV. It is found that in the presence of a
solution for the QGP evolution. We note here that the finite electrical conductivity of QGP, the elliptic flow of
electric and magnetic field might affect the initial en- π − increases noticeably, depending on the details of the
ergy density, subsequent hydrodynamics stage, and the magnitude of the magnetic field and the subsequent time
freeze-out distribution functions provided that the field evolution of the field. This is still a very new field of study
is strong enough and lives until freeze-out. and at present more detailed investigations are underway.
One of us has recently studied the importance of elec- In Fig. 16 we show the v2 of π − obtained for impact pa-

tromagnetic field energy density compared to the en- rameter b = 10 fm Au-Au collisions at sN N = 200 GeV
ergy density of the QGP fluid for Au-Au collisions at collisions. Initial value of magnetic field is taken to be

poor knowledge of the temperature dependent electrical

conductivity is one of the major source of uncertainties.
In addition to that, the magnetic susceptibility of the
QGP and the hadron resonance gas should be included
for a realistic calculation.
Another unsolved problem is the experimentally mea-
sured v2 , v3 in ultra-central collisions. Within error bars
the magnitude of v2 and v3 are observed to be same
for ultra-central collisions (0-0.2%). Although viscous
hydrodynamics model with MC-KLN initial condition
considering nucleon-nucleon correlations produces quite
close result to the experimental measurement, it is still
not fully explained within the given error. Another puz-
zling aspect of high energy collisions is the observation
of flow like behaviour in small systems. Initial study
shows that the experimentally observed flow harmonics
FIG. 16: (Color online) Elliptic flow of π − as a function of pT and other bulk observables for high multiplicity p-p and

for b=10 fm Au-Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV. Red line p-Pb collisions can be well described within viscous hy-
corresponds to (2+1)D ideal hydrodynamics result without drodynamics model simulation. A detailed theoretical
magnetic field, the blue dashed line correspond to v2 with explanation of how such small system behave collectively
external magnetic field. is still not well understood. There are also possibility for
non-hydrodynamical origin of this observed flow in such
small system. This is a topic of current research and
10m2π and the time variation of the magnetic field is ob- we hope we will have more clear theoretical understand-
tained by parametrizing the results from Ref. [230]. A ing within next few years when further studies including
realistic spatial profile for y-component of magnetic field alternative possibilities will be available.
was considered for the simulation. From Fig. 16 one can
Finally we note that the field of high energy collisions
see that v2 of π − is noticeably enhanced in the presence
is a very active area of research, we have not covered all
of magnetic field (blue dashed line) compared to the case
aspects of the recent developments in the field related to
of no magnetic field (red line).
hydrodynamics/collectivity of the QGP. For example the
event-by-event distribution of flow harmonics [236] and
X. OUTLOOK their correlations [237, 238] emerges as a promising ob-
servable to better constrain the initial conditions and the
shear viscosity of the QGP. The event-by-event study of
In this review article, we have discussed various aspects photon and dilepton production within viscous hydrody-
of relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics and its applica- namics provide us another window to look at the early
tion to high energy heavy-ion collisions. While consid- stages of the heavy-ion collisions [239, 240]. We hope
erable success has been achieved in explaining many ex- that through all these ongoing experimental and theo-
perimental observations, there are several issues that still retical/phenomenological studies we will have much re-
needs further investigation. For example the experimen- fined understanding about the collective behaviour and
tally measured longitudinal correlation of flow harmon- the transport properties of the QGP in the near future.
ics shows a splitting in the quantities corresponds to the
correlation measure namely r2 (ηa , ηb ) and r3 (ηa , ηb ) for
two different reference rapidity windows, which cannot be
explained within a (3+1)D ideal hydrodynamics model Conflict of Interest
with initial condition obtained from HIJING model. The
reason behind this experimentally observed difference in The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
r2 (ηa , ηb ) and r3 (ηa , ηb ) is still poorly understood. regarding the publication of this article.
It was also argued in the present review that the effect
of magnetic field might not be negligible on the hydro-
dynamics evolution of QGP produced in heavy-ion col-
lisions. Particularly it may be important for the reason Acknowledgments
that the elliptic and higher-order flow harmonics might
be affected under such strong magnetic field. However, A.J. was supported by the Frankfurt Institute for Ad-
at present there are some open issues in this regard: the vanced Studies (FIAS), Germany. V.R. is partially sup-
electrical conductivity of the QGP might play an essen- ported by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation and
tial role in the temporal decay of the magnetic field. A J. W. Goethe university, Frankfurt, Germany.

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