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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100, 074015 (2019)

Hadron resonance gas with repulsive mean field interaction:

Thermodynamics and transport properties
Guruprakash Kadam and Hiranmaya Mishra2,†
Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra-416004, India
Theory Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad—380 009, India

(Received 8 July 2019; published 14 October 2019)

We discuss the interacting hadron resonance gas model to describe the thermodynamics of hadronic
matter. While the attractive interaction between hadrons is taken care of by including all the resonances
with zero width, the repulsive interactions between them are described by a density-dependent mean field
potential. The bulk thermodynamic quantities are confronted with the lattice quantum chromodynamics
simulation results at zero as well as at finite baryon chemical potential. We further estimate the shear and
bulk viscosity coefficients of hot and dense hadronic matter within the ambit of this interacting hadron
resonance gas model.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.074015

I. INTRODUCTION framework to explore strongly interacting matter below the

QCD transition temperature, T c . These models are based
Understanding the phase diagram of strongly interacting
on certain QCD symmetries, and they are tremendously
matter is one of the important and challenging topics of
current research in strong interaction physics—both theo- successful in describing many features of the QCD phase
retically and experimentally. The theoretical framework diagram at zero as well at finite baryon density. Apart from
describing nuclear matter at a fundamental level is quantum these symmetry-based models, another model that has also
chromodynamics (QCD). At low temperature (T) and low been tremendously successful in describing the low temper-
baryon chemical potential (μ) the fundamental degrees of ature hadronic phase of QCD is the hadron resonance gas
freedom of QCD are colorless hadrons, while at high model (HRG). The hadron resonance gas model is the
temperature and high baryon density the fundamental statistical model of QCD describing the low temperature
degrees of freedom are colored quarks and gluons. Lattice hadronic phase of quantum chromodynamics. This model
quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) simulations at zero is based on the so-called Dashen-Ma-Bernstein theorem,
chemical potential and finite temperature suggest a crossover which allows us to compute the partition function of the
transition for QCD matter from a hadronic phase to a quark- interacting system of hadrons in terms of the scattering
gluon-plasma (QGP) phase [1–6]. At zero chemical poten- matrix [15]. Using this S-matrix formulation of statistical
tial, the chiral crossover temperature is estimated to be mechanics, it can be shown that if the dynamics of
T c ∼ 156 MeV [7]. While LQCD simulations at vanishing thermodynamic system of hadrons is dominated by nar-
chemical potential have been quite successful, LQCD row-resonance formation, then the resulting system essen-
simulations at finite μ have been rather challenging, par- tially behaves like a noninteracting system of hadrons and
ticularly at high μ, leading to large uncertainties in estimating resonances [16–18]. This ideal HRG model, despite its
the transition line in the T − μ plane of the QCD phase success in describing hadron multiplicities in heavy-ion
diagram [8]. At small μ, however, precise computation of the collisions [19–27], fails to account for the short-range
transition line has been carried out recently [9–11]. repulsive interactions between hadrons. It has been shown
The low energy effective models of QCD, viz., the that the repulsive interactions modeled via excluded vol-
Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model [12,13], the quark-meson- ume can have a significant effect on thermodynamic
coupling model [14], etc., provide a reasonable theoretical observables, especially higher order fluctuations [28–31],
as well as in the context of statistical hadronization [32].
* One possible way to include these repulsive interactions is through the van der Waals excluded volume procedure
[33,34]. Another approach is to treat the repulsive inter-
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of actions in a mean field way [35,36]. Recently, the relativ-
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to istic mean field approach has been used to calculate the
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, fluctuations of conserved charges [37]. This work dis-
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. cussed the repulsive mean field interactions which are

2470-0010=2019=100(7)=074015(10) 074015-1 Published by the American Physical Society


present only at finite baryon density. They showed that the We organize the paper as follows. In Sec. II we compute
deviations of higher order fluctuations estimated using the the pressure and other bulk thermodynamic quantities for
ideal HRG can be accounted for by means of repulsive the interacting hadron resonance gas with a repulsive mean
interactions treated in a mean field way. The failure of the field interaction. In Sec. III, we discuss the results for the
ideal HRG model to explain the thermodynamical observ- thermodynamics and confront them with the lattice simu-
able can be attributed to the fact that at high temperature lation results both at zero and finite chemical potential.
and density, the relativistic virial expansion up to the We then estimate the viscosity coefficients for hot and
second-order virial coefficient cannot be a reasonable dense hadronic matter within the ambit of the HRG model
approximation, and the validity of the HRG model needs with mean field interactions. Finally, in Sec. IV, we
to be checked against its agreement with LQCD results. summarize the findings of the present investigation and
In the past few decades relativistic and ultrarelativistic give a possible outlook.
heavy-ion collision experiments have provided a unique
opportunity to study the phase diagram of QCD. The
relativistic hydrodynamics has been tremendously success-
ful in simulating the evolution of matter created in HIC
experiments [38–46]. In the relativistic hydrodynamic Thermodynamic properties of the hadron resonance gas
simulations the coefficients of shear and bulk viscosities model can be deduced from the grand canonical partition
influence various observables, viz., the flow coefficients function defined as
and the transverse momentum distribution of produced
particles. In fact, it has been found that a finite but very
small shear viscosity-to-entropy ratio should be included in ZðV; T; μÞ ¼ dm½ρb ðmÞ ln Zb ðm; V; T; μÞ
the hydrodynamic description to explain elliptic flow data
[47,48]. Further, η=s obtained using AdS=CFT correspon- þ ρf ðmÞ ln Zf ðm; V; T; μÞ ð1Þ
dence [49] has put the lower bound on its value equal to 4π ,
called the Kovtun-Son-Starinets (KSS) bound. This inter- where ρb and ρf are the mass spectrum of the bosons and
esting finding has motivated many theoretical investiga- fermions, respectively. We assume that the hadron mass
tions to understand and rigorously derive this ratio from a spectrum is given by
microscopic theory [50–64]. The bulk viscosity coefficient
(ζ) is also important to include in the dissipative hydro- X

dynamics. During the expansion of the fireball, when the ρðmÞ ¼ ga δðm − ma ÞθðΛ − mÞ ð2Þ
temperature approaches the critical temperature, ζ can be a

large and can give rise to different interesting phenomena

where ga is the degeneracy and ma is the mass of the ath
like cavitation when the pressure vanishes and the hydro-
hadronic species. This discrete mass spectrum consists of
dynamic description breaks down [65,66]. The effect of bulk
viscosity on the particle spectra and flow coefficients has all the experimentally known hadrons with cutoff Λ. One
been investigated in [67–69], while the interplay of shear and can set different cutoff values for baryons and mesons.
bulk viscosity coefficients has been studied in Refs. [70–72]. To include the effect of a repulsive interaction among
The coefficient of bulk viscosity has been estimated for both hadrons, we use a repulsive mean field approach as was
the hadronic and the partonic systems [73–107]. used in Refs. [35,36] and more recently in the case of
Hydrodynamic simulation of matter created in HIC baryons in Ref. [37]. In this approach, it is assumed that the
collision requires information regarding the equation of repulsive interactions lead to a shift in the single particle
state (EOS) as well as the transport coefficients. In this energy and is given by
work we analyze the QCD equation of state of hadronic qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
matter at finite baryon chemical potential. We employ the εa ¼ p2 þ m2a þ UðnÞ ¼ Ea þ UðnÞ ð3Þ
hadron resonance gas model to estimate all the thermody-
namic quantities. While the attractive interactions between pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
hadrons are accounted for by including all the resonance where Ea ¼ p2 þ m2a and n is the total hadron number
states up to 2.25 GeV, the short-range repulsive interactions density. The potential energy U represents a repulsive
among hadrons are treated in the mean field approach. We interaction between hadrons, and it is taken to be a function
call this model the relativistic mean field hadron resonance of total hadron density n. For any arbitrary interhadron
gas model (RMFHRG). The RMFHRG differs from the potential VðrÞ, the potential energy is UðnÞ ¼ Kn. Here,
Walecka-type mean field models in the sense that in the the phenomenological parameter K is given by the integral
former, the repulsive mean field interactions are present of the potential VðrÞ over the spatial volume [35,36].
even at zero baryon density unlike in the latter case. We In this work, we assign different repulsive interaction
also estimate the shear and bulk viscosity coefficients of parameters for baryons and mesons. We denote the mean
hadronic matter within the ambit of the RMFHRG. field parameter for baryons (B) and antibaryons (B̄) by K B,


X ga  
while for mesons we denote it by K M. Thus, for baryons 2 ma −KM nM
nM ¼ m TK2
2 a
e T : ð12Þ
2π T

UðnBfB̄g Þ ¼ K B nBfB̄g ð4Þ Equations (10)–(12) are self-consistent equations for

number density which can be solved numerically.
and for mesons The total baryon (antibaryon) energy density is

UðnM Þ ¼ K M nM ð5Þ X Z ε
ϵBfB̄g ¼ dΓa ½Ea −μa fμ̄aeff g þ ϕBfB̄g ðnBfB̄g Þ;
a∈BfB̄g e T
The total hadron number density is
nðT; μÞ ¼ na ¼ nB þ nB̄ þ nM ð6Þ
and for mesons
XZ εa
where na is the number density of the ath hadronic species. ϵM ¼ dΓa εa þ ϕM ðnM Þ ð14Þ
Note that nB , nB̄ , and nM are total baryon, antibaryon, a∈M eT − 1
and meson number densities, respectively. Explicitly, for
baryons, where ϕðnÞ represents the correction to the energy density
in order to avoid double counting the potential. It can be
XZ 1 determined using the condition that εa ¼ ∂n ∂ϵ
. Taking the
nB ¼ dΓa Ea −μa
ð7Þ a

a∈B e ð T eff Þ
þ1 derivative of the baryon energy density and using Eq. (4),
we get
where the sum is over all the baryons. Note that
3 ∂ϕBfB̄g
dΓa ≡ gð2πÞ
ad p
3 , and μeff ¼ q μ − UðnB Þ is a baryon effective
a a
¼ −K B nBfB̄g ð15Þ
chemical potential, with qa being the baryonic charge of the
ath baryon and μ the baryon chemical potential. Similarly, and hence
for antibaryons
XZ 1 ϕB ðnBfB̄g Þ ¼ − K B n2BfB̄g : ð16Þ
nB̄ ¼ dΓa Ea −μ̄a
ð8Þ 2
ð T eff Þ
a∈B̄ e þ1
Similarly, for mesons one can obtain
where μ̄aeff ¼ ðq̄a μ − UðnB̄ ÞÞ is an antibaryon effective
chemical potential with q̄a ¼ −qa , which is the corre- ϕM ðnM Þ ¼ − K M n2M : ð17Þ
sponding baryonic charge. For mesons, 2

XZ 1
Pressure of the gas can now be readily obtained. For
nM ¼ dΓa ð9Þ baryons
ðEa −K M nM Þ
e −1  
a∈M T
Ea −μa fμ̄a g
PBfB̄g ðT; μÞ ¼ T dΓa ln 1 þ e−ð T Þ
eff eff

where the sum is over all the mesons. Note that μ ¼ 0 for
mesons since the baryon charge is zero for them. In the
Boltzmann approximation, momentum integration can be − ϕBfB̄g ðnBfB̄g Þ ð18Þ
readily performed, and one can obtain much simpler
expressions for the number density. For baryons we get and for mesons

X ga   a XZ εa
2 ma μeff PM ðTÞ ¼ T dΓa ln½1 þ e−ð T Þ  − ϕM ðnM Þ: ð19Þ
nB ¼ m TK2
2 a
eT ; ð10Þ
2π T a∈M

X ga   μ̄a Finally, entropy density can be obtained from the

nB̄ ¼ 2
ma TK2
eT ; ð11Þ fundamental thermodynamic relation s ¼ ðϵ þ P − μnÞ=T.
2π T It is worth noting that the effective interaction model we are
considering is different from the relativistic Lagrangian
where Kn ðzÞ is the modified Bessel function of order n. model. In the latter case the repulsive mean fields are
For mesons we get present only at nonzero baryon density, while in the former


case the repulsive interactions are present even at zero mean field interaction is to suppress the thermodynamical
baryon density. quantities compared to their ideal HRG estimation counter-
part (dashed magenta curve). While the HRG pressure
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION [Fig. 2(a)] starts to deviate from the lattice results at
T ∼ 160 MeV, the RMFHRG estimation agrees with the
In the hadron resonance gas model it is customary lattice results all the way up to 190 MeV. It is not
to include all the hadrons and resonances up to a certain reasonable to push the HRG model results above the
cutoff Λ. We include all the mesons and baryons up to QCD transition temperature (T c ), which LQCD estimates
Λ ¼ 2.25 GeV listed in the Ref. [108]. The phenomeno- to lie in the range 155–160 MeV [7]. The reason for this is
logical parameter K is the spatially integrated value of the twofold. First, the HRG approximation of the hadronic
interhadron repulsive potential. In Ref. [35] the potential matter might break down at high density near and above T c .
was taken to be the same for all hadrons, i.e., for all the Second, the hadrons do not exist above T c . But a recent
baryons and the mesons. In the present work we have taken study [29] shows that the hadrons do not melt quickly as
this parameter different for mesons and baryons. For one would expect on the basis of the ideal HRG model. In
baryons we have taken it to be the same for all the baryons, this study the authors analyzed the possible improvement
and the value is taken as in Ref. [37], namely, K B ¼ of the ideal hadron resonance gas model by including the
450 MeV fm3 for all baryons. Although different lattices repulsive interactions between baryons. If one includes
as well as chiral effective theories indicate that the strength the attractive and repulsive interactions between the
can be different for nucleon-nucleon, hyperon-hyperon, or baryons through van der Waals parameters, while keeping
nucleon-hyperon interactions, there is not enough informa- the meson gas ideal, the pressure of the hadron gas agrees
tion about hadrons to have a more realistic and sophisti- with the LQCD data all the way above T c . We may
cated mean field model. For the mesons we have taken a similarly conclude that the inclusion of repulsive mean
much smaller value for the repulsion parameter K M ¼ fields might push the validity of the HRG model well
50 MeV fm3 in the present study. The motivation in above T c . Nonetheless, we do not have any other strong
choosing these two phenomenological parameters has been reason to believe this except for the apparent agreement
that the lattice results are reasonably reproduced regarding with the LQCD results.
thermodynamics, and then use these parameters to estimate Unlike pressure the interaction measure is somewhat
the viscosity parameters, both at zero and at finite density. below LQCD results above T ¼ 150 MeV. It is an estab-
Figure 1 shows the scaled pressure and the interaction lished fact that the so-called heavy Hagedorn states, which
measure estimated within the ambit of the RMFHRG (blue are missing in our model, contribute significantly to the
solid curve) at vanishing baryon chemical potential. The energy density. The rapid rise of energy density can be
dashed curve corresponds to ideal HRG results, while the explained by extending the ideal HRG model by including
circles with error bars correspond to lattice QCD simulation continuum Hagedorn states along with the discrete states
results [8]. We note that the effect of including the repulsive above the cut off Λ in the density of states [78].

2.0 8


1.0 4


0.0 0
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
(MeV) (MeV)
(a) (b)

FIG. 1. Scaled pressure (left panel) and the interaction measure (right panel) in the RMFHRG and ideal HRG for μ ¼ 0. The lattice
data are taken from Ref. [8].

2.0 8


1.0 4


0.0 0
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
(MeV) (MeV)
(a) (b)

FIG. 2. Scaled pressure (left panel) and the interaction measure (right panel) in the RMFHRG model at finite baryon chemical
potential. The lattice data are taken from Ref. [8].

Figure 2 shows the scaled pressure and interaction the LQCD results. Further, the C2s has a minimum at T ¼
measure at finite baryon chemical potentials estimated 155 MeV for μ ¼ 0 and at T ¼ 140 MeV for μ ¼ 300 MeV,
within the ambit of the RMFHRG. We note that the which is in very close agreement with the LQCD results.
RMFHRG is in reasonable agreement with LQCD results The coefficients of shear and bulk viscosities can be
even at finite baryon density. Further, the interaction measure extracted from the relativistic Boltzmann equation. These
is in better agreement with the LQCD results at finite density have been derived in Refs. [50,51] in the absence of any
than in the μ ¼ 0 case. However, while making this mean fields. While various authors have used different
observation, we have to keep in mind that the lattice data types of mean fields to include medium effects as well as
of Ref. [8] are estimated at order μ2. Figure 3 shows the interactions and have derived the transport coefficients, a
adiabatic speed of sound at finite baryon density. The rigorous, thermodynamically consistent derivation for the
RMFHRG estimations of C2s are within the error bars of expressions for different transport coefficients was derived
in Ref. [109], both in the presence of a scalar and a vector
0.35 mean field. The scalar mean field affects the mass, while
the repulsive vector mean field affects the chemical
potential. The potential considered here does not affect
the masses of the hadrons, and it is like a repulsive vector
field; its effect is manifested in the effective chemical
0.25 potential. In the relaxation time approximation of the
Boltzmann equation, the shear (η) and bulk viscosity (ζ)
0.2 coefficients are given by [50,51,109]
1 X d3 p p4
0.15 η¼ ðτa f 0a þ τ̄a f̄ 0a Þ; ð20Þ
15T a ð2πÞ3 E2a
0.1 Z     
1X d3 p 0 2 ∂P p2 2
ζ¼ τa f a Ea CnB þ −
0.05 T a ð2πÞ3 ∂nB ϵ 3Ea
0 2 ∂P p2 2
þ τ̄a f̄ a Ea CnB − − ð21Þ
0.0 ∂nB ϵa 3Ea
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
where f 0 is the equilibrium distribution function with an
FIG. 3. Speed of sound in the RMFHRG model at finite baryon effective chemical potential including the mean field and
density. The lattice data are taken from Ref. [8]. C2nB is the speed of sound at constant baryon number


density. Further, in Eqs. (21) and (20), τa is the relaxation σ

hσ ab vab i ¼
time for the ath hadronic particle species, while the barred 8m2a m2b K2 ðβma ÞK2 ðβmb Þ
quantities correspond to those of antiparticles. In this work ∞ ½S − ðma − mb Þ2 
we use the thermally averaged relaxation time, which for a × dS pffiffiffi
ðma þmb Þ2 S
given species a is given by pffiffiffi
× ½S − ðma þ mb Þ2 K1 ðβ SÞ ð28Þ
a ¼ nb hσ ab vab i: ð22Þ pffiffiffi
where S is the center-of-mass energy. Clearly, we have
suppressed the baryon/meson index in the expression for
In the above, the sum is over all particles (b) other than the cross section in the parameter K in Eq. (27). It may be
the particle a with which the scattering takes place; σ ab relevant here to mention that, while the cross section is
is the total scattering cross section for the process independent of temperature and chemical potential, the
aðpa Þ þ bðpb Þ → cðpc Þ þ dðpd Þ, and vab is the relative thermal averaged cross section hσvi, in general, depends
velocity given by upon temperature and chemical potential. However, in
the Boltzmann approximation hσvi is independent of μ.
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi After evaluating the thermal averaged relaxation time for
ðpa · pb Þ2 − m2a m2b each species, we estimate the viscosity coefficients using
vab ¼ : ð23Þ Eqs. (20) and (21).
Ea Eb
Figure 4 shows the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy
density as a function of temperature. We have compared the
Further, nb is the number density for particle species b ratio η=s estimated within the ambit of the RMFHRG with
given, with gb as the corresponding degeneracy factor, as various other model calculations [49,58,76,95,96]. The red
Z dashed curve corresponds to the Chapman-Enscog method
gb gb T 3 with constant cross sections [58]. The dashed green curve
nb ¼ dpf b ðpÞ ≃ ðβmÞ2 K2 ðβmÞ expðβμbeff Þ
ð2πÞ3 2π 2 corresponds to the relativistic Boltzmann equation in the
relaxation time approximation. The thermodynamic quan-
tities in this model have been estimated using the scaled
hadron masses and coupling (SHMC) model [96]. The
where the last step is written down in the Boltzmann brown dashed curve corresponds to estimations made using
approximation; here μbeff ¼ μ − K B nB for baryons, μbeff ¼ the relativistic Boltzmann equation in RTA. The thermo-
μ̄ − K B nB̄ for antibaryons, and μbeff ¼ −K M nM for mesons. dynamic quantities are estimated within the excluded
Finally, the thermal average cross section hσ ab vab i is volume hadron resonance gas model (EHRG) [95]. The
given as dot-dashed orchid curve corresponds to the η=s of meson
gas estimated using chiral perturbation theory [76]. While
R the ratio η=s in our model is relatively large at low
d3 pa d3 pb σ ab vab f a ðpa Þf b ðpb Þ
hσ ab vab i ¼ R 3 : ð25Þ temperature as compared to other models, it rapidly falls
d pa d3 pb f a ðpa Þf b ðpb Þ
and approaches the Kovtun-Son-Starinets (KSS) bound
at T ∼ 170 MeV.
The only unknown quantity in Eq. (25) is the total cross Figure 5 shows the ratio of bulk viscosity to entropy
section. We estimate it as follows. In the Born approxi- density as a function of temperature. In Fig. 5(a) the blue
mation, the scattering amplitude fðθ; ϕÞ for a particle with solid curve corresponds to the RMFHRG compared with
mass m that encounters a scattering potential VðrÞ is given that of the EHRG model (dashed magenta curve) [95] and
by [110] the SHMC model [96]. Note that the ratio ζ=s is smaller
Z when the repulsive interactions are treated in a mean field
m mK way. Figure 5(a) shows the ratio ζ=s at finite baryon
fðθ; ϕÞ ¼ − d3 rVðrÞ ¼ − ð26Þ
2π ð2πÞ chemical potential. At low temperature the ratio is larger at
finite μ; it drops below that of the μ ¼ 0 case at high
and thus the cross section is given by temperature. This observation may be attributed to the fact
that the entropy density rises much faster than that of ζ
  itself at finite baryon density as compared to that of zero
mK 2 baryon density case.
σ ¼ 4π : ð27Þ
2π In the context of heavy nucleon-nucleon (NN) collision
experiments, viscosity coefficients can be estimatedpalong
Then the thermal averaged cross section can be written the freeze-out curve by finding the beam energy ( SNN )
as [111,112] dependence of the temperature and chemical potential.

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

(a) (b)

FIG. 4. The left panel shows the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio estimated within the RMFHRG and compared with other
model estimations. These figures correspond to μ ¼ 0. The right panel shows η=s at two different baryon chemical potentials.

This is extracted from a statistical thermal

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi model descrip- where T 10 ¼ −34.4 MeV, T 20 ¼ 30.9 MeV=GeV, T 30 ¼
tion of the particle yield at various SNN [113–115]. We −176.8 GeV MeV, T lim 0 ¼ 161.5 MeV, a0 ¼ 1481.6 MeV
use the parametrization of the freeze-out curve TðμB Þ given and b0 ¼ 0.365 GeV−1 . The functions cþ and c−
in Ref. [114] as smoothly connect the different behaviors of center-of-mass
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T 30 Figure 6 shows viscosity coefficients η=s and ζ=s along
Tð SNN Þ ¼ cþ ðT 10 þ T 20 SNN Þ þ c− T 0 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
the freeze-out curve. It can
SNN pffiffiffibe noted that the fluidity
measure rapidly falls p
atffiffiffilow S, and then it remains almost
constant at higher S values. This indicates that the
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi matter produced in heavy-ion collision experiments with
μð SNN Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð30Þ a wide range of collision energies can exhibit substantial
1 þ b0 SNN elliptic flow.


1.2 0.8


0.6 0.4


0.0 0.0
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
(MeV) (MeV)
(a) (b)

FIG. 5. The left panel shows the bulk viscosity to entropy density ratio estimated within the RMFHRG and compared with other model
estimations. These results are for μ ¼ 0. The right panel shows ζ=s at two different baryon chemical potentials.

0.7 0.3






0.0 0.0
50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250
(GeV) (GeV)
(a) (b)

FIG. 6. Viscosity coefficients along the freeze-out curve. The freeze-out parametrization is taken from Ref. [114].

IV. SUMMARY to the smaller cross section of mesons in our model. But η=s
estimated in our calculation rapidly drops at high temperature
In this paper we confronted the RMFHRG with LQCD
and approaches the KSS bound at T ∼ 170 MeV. We further
at zero as well as finite density. The repulsive interaction
found that η=s at finite chemical potential is smaller in
between hadrons is treated using the mean field approach.
magnitude as compared to that of zero chemical potential, but
The thermodynamic quantities estimated within the
the overall behavior as a function of temperature does not
RMFHRG are found to be in reasonable agreement with
LQCD at zero as well as finite chemical potential. The change. We also found reasonable agreement of the ratio ζ=s
with previous results. Finally, we have estimated viscosity
agreement of the interaction measure ϵ − 3P=T 4 estimated
coefficients along the freeze-out line. We found that
pffiffiffiboth the
within the RMFHRG is rather poor above T ¼ 145 MeV.
In fact, the interaction measure rises very rapidly near ratios η=s and ζ=s attain constant values at high S values.
T c ∼ 156 MeV. This rapid rise of energy density can be This indicates that the matter produced in heavy-ion collision
explained by extending the ideal HRG model by including experiments with a wide range of collision energies can
continuum Hagedorn states along with the discrete states. We exhibit substantial elliptic flow.
used this RMFHRG equation of state to estimate the shear
and bulk viscosity coefficients of hadronic matter. We found ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
reasonable agreement of both the viscosity coefficients with
previous results. The shear viscosity to entropy density ratio G. K. is financially supported by the DST-INSPIRE
η=s estimated within the RMFHRG is large at low temper- faculty award under Grant No. DST/INSPIRE/04/2017/
ature as compared to other calculations. This behavior is due 002293.

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