Community Values: - Nedelcu Florentina

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Community Values

-Nedelcu Florentina
Who are we and what do we stand for? We believe that real change first
begins with us. And it’s true. Most people blame others and fail to take
responsibility for the lack of progress in their lives. Not us.
We understand that the current state of our life is simply a reflection of our
mindset and decisions. We believe that taking good care of our health is non-
negotiable. We believe that healthy living is not a one-off event. It’s a lifestyle.
We understand that good health is the engine that will drive us to achieve
extraordinary results in work and life.
The coronavirus pandemic has no parallel in living memory. The novelty of the
virus itself is a massive medical challenge. But the pandemic is also a unique
social problem for us all. In the face of such uncertainty, it is natural to look for
clear reference points to help anchor us. At this pivotal moment, we must
work together - in community - to center and uplift the voices of these
disproportionately affected populations.
Firstly, in a recession they always do. Most people will have less money, or will
at least be more concerned about what they spend their money on. So what
about when things return to what looks like the “old normal” and growth
returns? Well, we have to remember that this isn’t like previous recessions.
This one was brought on by a virus; a virus that forced us to stay indoors. It
created fear.
Self-isolation has its downsides; some of us are struggling to sleep due to vivid
coronavirus dreams, others are feeling as if they have no time to do anything
despite doing nothing and some of us are climbing the walls after for our daily
exercise walk, out of boredom and loneliness.
In the morning, I’m hydrating, then meditating for 10 minutes, listening to a
positive podcast episode, doing 10 minutes of exercise, visualising my day,
then reading a book for 40 minutes, and I’m up for school work. It feels

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