Soft Skills Argumentative Essay

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Jacob Bolling
English 12

Soft Skills Argumentative Essay

“​You don't have to be best friends with people to make music​.” - Kenny Beats

Soft skills are qualities in a person that can be beneficial in work and life in general. If I wanted
to get a job in the music industry, great examples of skills would include, but not be limited to:
patience, communication, flexibility, intuitiveness, learning capability, and adaptability. The
most important soft skills, in my opinion, would be the ability to mediate, intuitiveness,
communication, and patience. These traits lead to an extremely visible work ethic and can propel
oneself in the workplace hierarchy.

Flexibility, as a mental quality, is the ability to go along with any changes or suggestions and
incorporate them into whatever it is one is doing. An example of this is being given a project and
having it partly done, and being given changes to it and incorporating those new changes and
keeping it tangibible. In a job, this is often likely to happen and being able to be flexible with
work can be a quality that increases one's worth as an employee. “Employers are looking for
candidates who can show a willing and upbeat attitude, and who are unfazed by change.”

Effective communication is one of the most important soft skills to have on any job. “Soft skills
are the tools you use to clearly and effectively converse with others, set expectations, and work
with others on projects.” This soft skill is extremely important as it helps yourself and others
articulate thoughts, make sure deadlines and expectations are set, and solve any questions that

How can work ethic help? This quote explains: “Showing the values associated with a good
work ethic can increase your employability and help you position yourself for better job
opportunities.” Work ethic (as a general skill) will explicitly help you in any work environment,
as it allows you to work with your coworkers and boost productivity and relations that will result
in a beneficial and encouraging outcome.

In the workplace, soft skills are not where it stops. Hard skills, such as programming, linguistics,
and engineering, are extremely important and are typically what is being seeked in a job. Hard
skills required in a job like music producing would be: being able to play instruments, using a

mixer, knowing how to EQ frequencies, and more. However, the combination of soft skills and
hard skills show the strongest set of skills for a workplace.

Flexibility can make oneself a better employee and leader by allowing to morph and adapt any
change in plans or structures of projects. This trait can help in the present and future because
unexpected changes can occur at any time. Effective communication can make oneself better in
the workplace and help in the present and future by getting points across. Work ethic will vastly
improve employability and will help in the present and future by being a well-rounded and
knowledgeable worker.

Works Cited

The 10 Most Important Soft Skills for 2020, With Examples​. WikiJob, 2020. September 17th,

The Communication Soft Skills You Need at Work​. ​Career Contessa, 2019. Web. September 18th,

Work Ethic Skills: Top 8 Values to Develop​, 2020. Web. September 18th, 2020.

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