AboutFacebook PDF

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႔ Facebook ႔ (ဝါ) Mail ႔
ါ Gmail ႔ ါ ဝ ႔
ါ ါ (၁)
႔ ထ ါ .. Maung Aye ါ (၁) Maung
ထ ါ ( ၂) Aye ထ ါ ါ Facebook Maung Aye ႔ ါ
(၃) (၄) Mail ထ ါ (၅)
( ါ ) ါ Birthday ထ Female / Male
Sign Up ါ

Facebook ႔ Gmail Sign in ဝ ါ Facebook ႔ ႔ ႔

႔ ါ ႔ ႔ Welcome to Facebook - get started
now get started ါ
ထ ႔ Facbook log in ဝ ႔ ါ Password log in ဝ ါ

ါ Verify ႔ Continue ါ
Submit ါ

႔ Verify ႔ Enter a phone number ါ

၊ ထ Continue ါ Confirm ႔ Facebook Code
႔ ါ

Facebook ႔ ႔ Code ထ Confirm ါ

႔ Notifications Turn on text notifications Save Settings

Continue Facebook ဝ ႔ ါ
Facebook ထ ါ ါ ါ ါ
add ႔ ါ add ႔ Save & Continue ါ
step 4 ထ Skip Save ါ

(Internet Explorer ႔ ါ ထ ါ)
Facebook ႔ ႔ ႔
Facebook Settings>>Account Settings>>General>> Name
ါ Facebook ဝ ႔
Save Canges ါ
Facebook Settings>>Account Settings>>General>> Username ထ
ထ Facebook ဝ ႔ Save
Canges ါ
႔ profile ါ Username
Rul:.. ါ .. www.facebook.com/username ါ (
Facebook ႔

႔ ႔ ၊ ၊
Facebook Settings>>Account
Settings>>General>> Email >>add another mail>> New Email ထ ါ
Facebook ဝ ႔ Save Canges ါ Facebook
႔ Mail ထ Confirm ႔ ႔ ါ
Confirm mail ႔ ါ
ါ Save Changes ါ
႔ M Remove

႔ Facebook Settings>>Account Settings>>General>>password
ါ Current >> password ါ New Retype New ထ
password ါ ထ ါ

႔ www.facebook.com ါ
Forgot your password ? ါ
Facebook ႔ Mail Serch ါ
ါ ထ mail ႔ ဝ ၊ mail
ထ Password reset ႔ ထ code
႔ Password reset ါ ႔ ဝ
ါ ါ Continue ါ

ါ ါ Mail Sign in ထ ါ
ဝ ထ Mail Sign in ဝ ါ
႔ ါ
႔ mail ဝ ါ Accept

Password ထ ႔ ါ password ( ါ )ထ
Continue ါ
Timeline and Tagging Settings

႔ ထ ါ
႔ Tag ထ ႔ only me
ါ ါ ႔ ါ Facebook
႔ ၊ Facebook
႔ ႔ ၊ ႔
ါ ႔ Post ထ Public , Friend ါ ထ ႔
ါ … :P
Manage Blocking

Block users >> block ထ ႔ ႔

block block ႔ ါ
Block app invites >> app invite ႔ block
ါ ါ app ႔ invite ႔ ါ
Block apps >> ါ ါ Block apps
app ႔ ႔ ထ ါ
block ႔ app ါ ါ app ႔ invite ႔

FB ( Message ) Or ထ Forward

ထ ႔ ၊ ႔ ႔
႔ Screen shot ႔ ါ ါ Forward
ါ . FB ါ ( message ) ါ
Forward ထ ါ ါ Actions ထ Forward ါ
ထ ႔ Forward ါ
ါ ႔ ႔ ( FB ႔ ႔ ါ
႔ ...


Facebook ထ ၊ / ႔ ႔
ါ ႔ ႔ ..:P
၁ Chat history chat window ါ options >>See full conversation ါ
႔ ႔ ႔ဝ ႔ Clear window ါ ထ

ထ ါ action ထ delete messages ႔
Delete ါ

႔ ႔ဝ ထ ႔ Delete conversation ါ
chat ထ ါ .. ႔ ါ.. ႔ ...

႔ chat box ထ ႔
႔ ၊ ႔
Message ါ ႔ ါ ါ chat box ထ ါ
႔ ဝ ထ ႔ add files ါ( ႔ )၊ ဝါဝ ထ ႔ add
photos ါ( ႔ )

Message Inbox ႔ Other

Inbox ထ ထထ ထ Inbox ႔ Inbox 1,2

႔ ါ ါ ႔ ႔ More Unread ါ
Other ထ Message Filter ႔ ါ ထ ႔ Edit
Preferences ထ ါ ( )
Basic Filtering ါ
႔ ႔ Other ါ Strict Filtering
inbox ထ ါ ဝ ႔ message ါ
inbox ႔ ါ ႔ ႔ message
ါ actions>> move to other ါ ါ ႔ ႔
ါ ႔ other move to inbox ႔ ါ
Block Offline

ါ ႔
႔ offline ါ ထ ႔ Options >> Turn off chat…
ါ ႔ ႔ (၂)
ါ Turn on chat… ါ
႔ (၃ )
add ႔ Done ါ ႔ ႔
ထ (1) options Leave Conversation..
ထ ါ
add friend

FB ႔ add ါ ႔
ါ .. :P
(Post) ႔

Status ( ႔ ) ႔ ါ ႔.. ါ
Public, Friend, Only me, Custom ါ Custom
ါ ႔ ႔ ါ
႔ ႔ ႔ ါ
႔ Custom ါ Lists ထ ႔ Specific people or lists
(1) ါ ထ ႔ Save
changes ါ lists ါ ႔ ါ (3) Friends
of Friends ထ ထ Friends ထ ထ Save Changes ါ
႔ Status ႔
႔ Tag ါ ါ

Notification Mail ထ ဝ
Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>> Notifications >>How You Get

Notifications>>Email>> Only notifications about your account, security and privacy

Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>> Notifications >> What You Get Notified About>>
Close Friends activity>>on facebook
Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>> Notifications >> What You Get Notified About>>
tag>> friend
Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>> Notifications >> What You Get Notified About>>
Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>> Notifications >> What You Get Notified
About>>group activity >> off
Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>> Notifications >> What You Get Notified About>>app
requests and activity (uncheck all )

႔ Message
႔ ႔ ါ
႔ ါ

ါ offline ါ ႔ ါ
႔ / ႔ ဝ ႔ / ႔
႔ profile ါ ထ ႔ Friends
Close friends ါ
႔ ထ
႔ ႔ profile ါ Friends >>
Setting ႔ ါ ါ ႔ ႔
႔ :P ါ ႔ ႔

Block ါ Unfriend
Report/Blocks ါ Block ႔ Confirm ါ

Facebook Delete

Facebook account Delete ါ

https://www.facebook.com/help/delete_account ါ ႔ password
ထ ႔ ါ Delete My Account ါ
Password ႔ ါ ါ password

ထ ၁၄ Delete
ါ ါ ဝ ႔ ါ


ါ mail ႔ password ဝ ႔ ါ
႔ Wheel Settins >>Account Settings>>Security>> Deactivate
your account ါ
This is temporary. I’ll be back Confirm ါ
႔ Password ထ Deactivate Now ါ ါ

Facebook password ၊ Mail Password Reset ႔ Mail

password ႔ ါ ႔
Tag ႔ ထ ႔ ါ
ထဝ ႔
ါ ( ါ ဝ ႔ ါ )
….. Facebook login page Forgot your password
ါ Email, phone or Facebook username ထ ႔ page ါ
Search ါ ( ႔ ႔ ႔ Email or username ) ႔ ါ

ထ ႔ This My Account ါ
႔ Page ါ No longer have access to these ? ါ
ထ ါ ( Facebook ႔ Email
ါ Continue ါ

႔ ါ ႔ ါ..
Password ထ ႔ ါ ..

Password ထ ႔ ါ..

႔ ထ ါ ါ ဝ ထ ႔
Recover your account with help from friends ါ ( ႔ ႔ ႔ Email or
username ) ါ ( ါ)
ါ Continue ါ
ါ ႔ Continue ါ
( ထ ါ)

ါ Send Codes to Friends ါ

ထ ႔ ါ ထ ႔
Facebook ႔ ါ
ထ ါ …
ါ ႔ ါ ..

၁ ါ Facebook
႔ Public ႔ ထ ါ
Security question ထ ါ ါ ထ ါ
ထ ႔ ါ ( ႔ Security Security Question
႔ Facebook ါ .)

၂ Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>>Security>> Secure Browsing ႔

Save ါ ( Save ႔ ါ ႔

၃ Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>>Security>> Login Notifications Email

ါ ႔ ါ ထ
ဝ ထ ါ..
၄ Facebook>>Settings>>Account Settings>>Security>> Login Approvals Save
ါ ဝ ႔ facebook ႔ Code ထ ါ ါ ႔
ထ ါ

Remember Browser Don’ ါ

၅ - install ႔ ါ ႔
Install ါ
၆ ါ ႔
Confirm ႔ Do you know ….
outside of Facebook? yes or no ါ no ါ Thank
you for your feedback ႔ ါ ါ ါ ..
yes ါ…

၊ ၊
၊ ႔ ႔ (profile information )
Public ( ) ါ ( ႔
ထ ါ .. ႔ ါ )

၈ Apps ႔ app ႔ ါ Facebook>>Account Settings>>

Apps>> Apps others use ါ

၉ Facebook>>Account Settings>>Apps>> Instant personalization

၁၀ ႔ - Install ါ ါ ..
( :P)

၁၁ ႔ Browser ႔ ါ Browser>> tools>>

Add-ons>> Extensions ႔ disable or remove ါ Plugins ထ
disable or remove ါ
၁၂ ႔ ႔ ါ Link ( ါ :P ) ႔
ါ Browser Copy and Paste ါ
ထ ါ ါ .. :P

၁၃ ႔ Status ါ

၁၄ ထ ါ
- ါ .. ါ
- ဝ ါ ႔ ႔ဝ ႔ password ါ ႔(
) ထ ါ ႔ .. ဝ ႔
ဝ password ႔ ါ ( ႔
Facebook , Email ဝ ထ ႔ ႔ ႔ Facebook , Email ဝ
ဝ ဝ ါ ႔.. ႔ Facebook , Email ဝ ါ)

၁၅ Anti-Virus ထ ါ

႔ ါ ထ ထ ါ
ထ ထ …:P

(1) iobit.com/malware-fighter-pro
key>> AE9C1-08313-45C7D-F0BA1

(2) AVG internet Security 2013

www.avg.com/us-en/internet-security ါ ါ
(3) Malwarebytes Anti-Malware pro

ID......: 7IS82
KEY.....: 19VY-0B61-BDQM-Q99H

ID......: 8FF22

ID......: 8UA49

ID......: 4VF58

၁၆ ႔ ါ ါ
keylogger Browser ႔ ါ ႔

superantispyware professional ( keylogger )

key >> 016-181-9605

>> https://www.facebook.com/security


ါ ါ ါ

Privacy ါ


( ါ ႔ … :P)

႔ Browser ါ .. ႔
႔ Password Save ႔ ါ ႔ Browser Menu Bar
Right click ါ menu bar ါ
ါ ထ ႔
ထ ါ
(1 )

(2) Tools Options ါ

(3) Privacy ါ never
remember history ါ ါ( ါ Clear all
history ႔ ါ ႔)
(4) ႔ ါ ႔
႔ ႔ ႔ ါ Security ါ Save Password
ါ ႔ ါ Use a Master Password
ါ ႔ ထ ႔
႔ ါ
(5) . Gtalk ါ

ါ Gtalk ၀ Gtalk
၀ ၊ . ါ
Gtalk ၀ Gmail Address
ါ invite ါ ထ Gmail
Address ါ

၁ Start ထ Run ါ( . )Window+R ါ Run Box ါ

Regedit ထ ါ Box ါ ( ႔ Run ထ
႔ထ ႔ ါ… :D )
၂ ထ Boxထ Folder ၅ . ါ ထ Folder ၅
+ ါ List ါ

၃ Software ါ . ါ + ါ List ါ
၄ Google ါ . ါ + ါ List ါ
၅ Google Talk ါ . ါ + ါ List ါ
၆ Account ါ Gmail Address . ါ . Gtalk ၀
Gmail Address ါ ါ Right
၊Delete ါ Name/Type/Data ါ
Right ၊Delete ါ

Facebook Security Question

႔ ါ ထ ထ ႔
႔ ထ ထ ါ ႔ ဝ ႔
႔ ဝ Fb ါ ႔ ထ ါ No ႔
ါ ႔ Security Question

႔ ါ http://facebook.com/hacked
႔ Update ါ

၁ ါ( ဝ
ါ )
၂ Password Space Bar

၃ Password ႔ဝ Backspace ႔
ထ ႔ keylogger ါ ..
၄ ႔ ႔ထ ထ ါ … ါ Facebook
ါ ါ ႔ Email ႔ Facebook ါ .. Password
ါ ႔.. ါ Password ထ ႔ ါ ႔..

Gmail ါ >>http://keekee.minus.com/lbhx9cW7OzXfxG

.. https://www.facebook.com/security

Report .. https://www.facebook.com/report
ါ .. https://www.facebook.com/help
႔ ႔
႔ step by step ါ
Report ါ

Credit >>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/help

႔ ႔ ါ Facebook
ါ ႔
႔ ါ ႔ ၊ ၊
ထ FB ႔ ါ ႔ ါ ..

ထ ႔ ါ

(kee kee)

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