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WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher was born April 25, 1955, in Connecticut, moving to Fauquier County in 1963;

WHEREAS, at age 15 Blake Gallagher entered the merchant marines where he served for six years, after
an interesting career in education; and

WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher returned to Fauquier County and was a Federal Fire Fighter at Vint Hill Farms
Station for two years; and

WHEREAS, in 1977, Blake Gallagher started Welding Repair Service in the town of The Plains and on
June 1, 1979, he became a member of The Plains Volunteer Fire Department; and

WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher served all roles of the department, from fire fighter to president, and served
in that role from January 2008 until December 2019, and was Vice President of the Fauquier County Volunteer Fire
and Rescue Association in 2004; and

WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher was heavily involved with the success and growth of The Plains Volunteer
Fire Department, always encouraged additional training, and sought ways to improve the equipment used by The
Plains Volunteer Fire Department; and

WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher was active and involved with all aspects of the department, from overseeing
the various construction projects for the fire house through the years to community outreach, including providing
fire and rescue services to participants and spectators at events at Great Meadow; and

WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher vastly improved the finances through his fundraising efforts to benefit
continued operations for those who serve and safeguard the members of the community, and to make it possible for
The Plains Vol. Fire Department to be debt free; and

WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher is a good standing Fauquier County citizen who has given much of himself,
his time, and his efforts to make a difference in the community in service and compassion; through his work with
The Plains Volunteer Fire Department and as a member of The Plains Town Government serving as both a council
member and a mayor from 1998 to present; and

WHEREAS, Blake Gallagher never fully shares all of his giving, kindness and community spirit, hence we
will never know the extent of the admirable things he has done for the community; and

WHEREAS, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors wishes to honor individuals who have made
exceptional contributions to their fellow Fauquier County residents and the county as a whole; now, therefore, be it

PROCLAIMED by the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors this 17th day of August 2020, That Blake
Gallagher be, and is hereby, honored for his monumental citizenship to our county and commendable membership
to The Plains Volunteer Fire Department and to the Fauquier County community.

Mary Leigh McDaniel, Chair
Fauquier County Board of Supervisors

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