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Poner el verbo que está en paréntesis en pasado de la manera correcta según

sea el caso, es decir, si es verbo regular o irregular.


Miguel (is) standing in line at the airport. It (is) his turn and he (walks) to the counter.
The lady at the counter (asks) him for his ID and she (checks) his flight details. Yes,
he (is) confirmed on flight 103 from Los Angeles to Hawaii at noon. He (does not
have) any bags to check in but (has) one small carry-on bag that he (will take) with
him. The agent (prints out) his boarding pass. The airport security officers (walk past)
him with a big dog. The dog (is) sniffing around people’s luggage trying to detect drugs
and explosives. Miguel (is) relieved when he (sees) the dog (walk past) him.
Suddenly, the dog (turns) and (begins) to sniff his bag and (bark). The security officer
(looks at) Miguel. “Sir, please bring your bag and come with me.”
Miguel was standing in line at the airport. It was his turn and he walked to the counter.
The lady at the counter i asks him for his ID and she checks his flight details. Yes, he
was confirmed on flight 103 from Los Angeles to Hawaii at noon. He you did not have
any bags to check in but has had one small carry-on bag that he i take with him. The
agent printed prints out his boarding pass. The airport security officers passed by the
front walk past him with a big dog. The dog was sniffing around people’s luggage
trying to detect drugs and explosives. Miguel was relieved when he it was sees the dog
passed by the front him. Suddenly, the dog turns and begins started to sniff his bag
and i bark. The security officer I looked at Miguel. “Sir, please bring your bag and come
with me.”

Responde las preguntas de acuerdo al texto anterior.

1. Where was Miguel?
Miguel was at the airport
2. What is an ID?
The ID is your identification box which is unique in the world
3. What time did Miguel’s flight leave Los Angles?

Miguel left his flight at noon

4. What did Miguel need in order to get on the plane?
Miguel left his flight at noon

5. What were the airport security agents trying to detect?

Miguel left his flight at noon

Ordene según la traducción entre la columna A y la definición de la columna B.


1. I am not carrying a weapon in my bag.

2. I am traveling economy class.

3. I need one day to get over the jet lag.

4. Her seat does not recline.

5. My friend is traveling first class.

6. There is no need to panic. It is just turbulence.

7. When will this plane take off?

8. I will have to call the airline to confirm.

9. The plane has already landed. Let’s run to the gate.

10. The flight was bumpy but the flight attendant was very relaxed.

11. The pilot made an announcement.

12. We are going to miss our flight.

13. They are bringing drinks and snacks.

14. Sir, may I offer you a beverage?

15. This is not a direct flight. I have to change flights at Frankfurt.

16. They had to make an emergency landing.

17. It was a very smooth landing but the flight was bumpy.

18. You can buy your ticket online.

19. My bag is too big to fit in the overhead compartment.

20. I am checking in this suitcase. I will take the backpack as a carry-on.


1. Ellos están trayendo bebidas y bocadillos.13

2. No es necesario dejarse llevar por el pánico. Sólo es turbulencia.6

3. Mi amigo está viajando en primera clase.5

4. El avión ya aterrizó. Corramos a la puerta.9

5. ¿Cuándo va a despegar este avión?7

6. Estoy facturando/chequeando esta maleta. Llevaré la mochila como equipaje de mano.


7. Puedes comprar tu tiquete por internet.18

8. Éste no es un vuelo directo. Tengo que cambiar de vuelo en Frankfurt.15

9. El vuelo estuvo movido pero el auxiliar de vuelo estuvo muy relajado.10

10. El piloto hizo un anuncio.11

11. Vamos a perder nuestro vuelo.12

12. La silla de ella no reclina.4

13. Señor, ¿le puedo ofrecer una bebida?14

14. Tendré que llamar la aerolínea para confirmar.8

15. Estoy viajando en clase económica.2

16. Tuvieron que hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia.16

17. Fue un aterrizaje muy suave pero el vuelo fue muy movido.17

18. Mi maleta es demasiado grande para que quepa en el compartimiento de encima.19

19. Necesito un día para recuperarme de la desorientación por el cambio de horario.3

20. No estoy cargando un arma en mi maleta.1

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