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CRM WebUI - Launching transactions in GUI for Windows

Added by Ranganath Prasad, last edited by CRM Beginner on Jul 28, 2011

Applies to:
Useful Information
• SAP CRM Short quick summary to catch the reader's
• CRM Web UI attention and of course the search engine
• CRM Web IC
• BSP GUI for Windows
• SAP shortcuts

CRM contact center and sales team users extensively use ECC transactions in the daily business. The new CRM
Web UI uses ITS based GUI for HTML to launch ECC transactions. But many SAP CRM users would like to continue using GUI
for Windows rather than ITS based GUI for HTML for many reasons like-- Screen rendering performance, GUI response to key
strokes etc. Unlike PCUI, The new CRM Web UI does not require SAP portals in CRM landscape.The following solution will
discuss about the launching of ECC transactions in GUI for Windows with out any portal Transaction IViews.

Ranganatha P Kurupati
Company: Bespoke Consulting LLC.
Created on: 02/22/2010
Author Bio
I'm currently working as a CRM Consultant in Win IC, Web IC , Sales, Service and Marketing areas. I have over 10 years
of experience across SAP modules and specialized in SAP SRM, CRM, cProjects, Travel and Expense mgmt and Workflow.

SAP transactions codes can be saved as shortcuts and used to launch transactions. The same shortcut files can be
generated dynamically using ABAP. Then the generated SAP shortcuts will be sent to Browser as a MIME objects in HTTP
responses which will inturn launch the transaction in GUI for Windows. This solution will be implemented using Business Server
Pages (BSP) and integrated into CRM Transaction Launcher.

Solution in Detail

Step-1. Create a BSP Application and then create a page with flow logic. 11/3/2011
SAP Community Network Wiki - CRM - CRM WebUI - Launching transactions in GUI f... Page 2 of 5

Step-2. Create URL ID for the BSP created in Step-1.

Step-3. Transaction launcher

3.1 Start Transaction launcher wizard.
3.2 Enter Launch Transaction ID, This Launch transaction ID will be used as parameter in Logical
Link ID creation (Step-4).

3.3 Enter a Class name.

3.4 Enter URL ID created in Step-2. 11/3/2011
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3.5 Enter an import parameter ID and value for passing current customer data. This data will be read
in BSP as explained in Step-7.1

Step-4. Create a Logical Link ID and assign the Transaction launcher ID (refer 3-2) as parameter.

Step-5. Create a Direct link group and assign the logical link ID created in Step-4.

Step-6. Add the Direct link group to the Navigation bar Profile assigned in your Business Role. 11/3/2011
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Step-7. Implement logic in BSP created step-1.

7.1 Read current customer.
lv_customer_id = runtime->server->request->get_form_field( 'CUSTOMER_ID' ).

7.2 Create a SAP shortcut using Function module

DATA: l_shortcut TYPE string.


DESTINATION lv_ecc_rfcdest
i_transaction = 'VA01'
I_TITLE = 'Launching Sales order...'
shortcut_string = lv_shortcut

7.3 Populate data in the Initial screen of Transaction VA01 using Shortcut parameters. For all
available shortcut parameters, consult the SAP Note 103019.



REPLACE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF 'CUSTOMERNO' in l_shortcut with lv_customer_id.

7.4 Send SAP shortcut as a MIME object in BSP response.

DATA: l_xshortcut TYPE xstring.
runtime->server->response->set_header_field( name = 'content-type'
value = 'application/x-sapshortcut' ).

CALL METHOD cl_http_utility=>if_http_utility~encode_utf8

unencoded = l_shortcut
encoded = l_xshortcut
IF sy-subrc = 0.
CALL METHOD runtime->server->response->set_data( data = l_xshortcut ).
ENDIF. 11/3/2011
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Click on ECC Txn Direct link . ECC Sales Order will be launched in GUI for Windows.

If user is NOT logged in into ECC, A small pop up will be displayed prompting to enter a password. On entering password the
control will be directly transferred to second screen of transaction VA01 by pre-populating Customer ID and Sales area data and
skipping the initial screen.

If the user is already logged in into ECC, The control will be directly transferred to second screen of transaction VA01 by pre-
populating Customer ID and Sales area data and skipping initial screen.

Initial login into SAP Application Server is required if SSO for GUI for Windows is not set up from your workstation.

Related Content
SAP Notes

099054 - SAPshortcut: Collective note

396559 - SAPshortcut: User needed for SNC logon to a R/3 system
138498 - Single Sign-On Solutions

SAP Help

webui webic shortcut crm2007 crm

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