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Digestive System

- The Digestive system is a breakdown of food into molecules the body may
use. Absorption or movement of food molecules into circulatory system.

Main Organs

Mouth- provides for mechanical and chemical digestion.

Pharynx- common passageway for food and air.

Esophagus- passage which moves food to stomach by


Stomach- mechanical digestion by muscular action.

Chemical digestion by
hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

Small Intestine- majority of chemical digestion and

absorption occurs here.
Pancreas and liver secrete digestive juices
into small
intestine. Chemical digestion by enzyme.

Liver- produces bile to emulsify fat.

Pancreas- secretes enzymes.

Large Intestine (colon)- completes absorption of water,

minerals and
-The Circulatory System carries nutrients and oxygen to body
Transports carbon dioxide and other waste products away
cells. Helps combat disease and maintain body

Major Organs

Blood- carries nutrients and oxygen, combats disease and

helps maintain
body temperature. Made up of plasma (liquid) red
blood cell,
white blood cells and platelets.

Heart- muscular organ that pumps blood to all parts of the


Blood Vessels- carry blood to various body parts:

-arteria- carry blood away from heart.

-veins- carry blood to heart.
-capillaries- smallest vessels that facilitate exchange
of gases, waste
products, and nutrients with body cells.

Lymph System- carries body fluid and helps fight disease.

Excretory System
-The Excretory System filters and eliminates water,
metabolic wastes, and
others substance from blood.

Major Organs

Kidneys- remove blood wastes, regulate maintain


Uterus- carry urine

Urinary Bladder- stores urine

Urethra- eliminates urine from body.

Nervous System
-The Nervous System controls different body systems by
receiving and
transmitting impulses throughout the body.

Major Organs

Brain- control center of body.

Cerebrum- receives sensory impulses and coordinates motor


Brain Stem- controls basic life functions.

Nerves- transmit impulses.

Spinal Cord- links brain with nerves. Controls involuntary

- The Integumentary System acts as protective covering for
body. Protects
against physical injury and prevents harmful organisms
from entering the
body. Has sensory and eliminates functions.

Major Organs
Skin- protective covering for body.

Hair- protective covering for body.

Nails- protective covering for body.

Respiratory System

-The Respiratory System exchanges gases between

atmosphere and blood.
Oxygen is taken in; carbon dioxide is eliminated.

Major Organs
Lungs- major breathing organs which exchange gases with

Skeletal System

-The Skeletal System supports body and protects internal

organs. Stores
minerals and helps produce bone cells.

Major Organs
Bones- support and protect the body

Muscular System
-The Muscular System facilitates movement. Provides
protection for some
internal organs.

Major Organs

Muscles- facilitate movement by expansion and contraction.

Connect to
-Skeletal- give the body much of its bulk.
-Cardiac- is present only in the heart.
-Smooth- is located in the walls of the intestines,
bladder, and other
internal organs.

Head and Neck Muscles- move your jaw and bring your teeth
together for
chewing. Muscles in the neck help
to hold head

Endocrine System
- The Endocrine System contains glands that produce
hormones that help
regulate activities in the bodies tissue and organs.

Major Organs
Thyroid- secretes thyroxin which functions in body growth.

Adrenals- secrete hormones which help body respond to

stress. Secrete

Pancreas- secretes insulin. Regulates glucose in blood.

Gonad- secrete hormones to regulate secondary sex


Pituitary- master gland which regulates growth and controls

other endocrine

Hypothalamus- links endocrine system with nervous system.

Immune System
- The Immune System is a single-organ that is spread
throughout your body to
fight disease and bacteria.
Major Organs

Thymus Gland- build up killer white cells and controls

antibody regulators.

Cortical- sets upon the thymus and shrinks it and tracks

down helpful white
cells that have escaped and dissolve them.

Phagocytes- destroy bacteria.

Female Reproductive
- The Female Reproductive System consists of sex organs,
which enable
women to have children. Female organs called ovaries
make eggs.

Major Organs

Ovaries- are on either side of the uterus and is where eggs

are formed. They
also produce estrogen.

Fallopian Tubes- two slender ducts that connect the ovaries

with uterus.

Uterus- (womb) a hollow organ in the body of a woman in

which the fetus

Vagina- the passageway in a woman's body between the

cervix and the
vulva. Menstrual fluid passes out of the body
through the vagina
and the baby travels through the vagina during
childbirth. The
vaginal is sometimes called the birth canal.

Vulva- the external parts of the female genitalia' the fatty

folds of flesh
surrounding the opening of the vagina.
Male Reproductive
- The Male Reproductive System consist of sex organs,
which enables men
to produce children. Male organs are called testes they
make sperm.

Major Organs

Penis- transforms sperm into the women's vagina during

sexual intercourse.

Vas deferens- these two tubes carry sperm from each

epididymis to the

Prostate- produce fluids that mix with sperm.

Epidermis- the outer surface layer of the skin that contains

both squamous
and basal cells.

Testis- are egg-shape glands that produce sperm and a male

sex hormone
called testosterone.
Urethra- this is the passage for sperm, and for urine from
the bladder.

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