? An SME Reorganization Prediction Model: Which Characteristics Predict The Survival of Insolvent Firms

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Journal of Small Business Management 2013 ••(••), pp.

doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12076

Which Characteristics Predict the Survival of Insolvent

Firms? An SME Reorganization Prediction Model
by Maria-del-Mar Camacho-Miñano, Maria-Jesus Segovia-Vargas, and
David Pascual-Ezama

The negative impact of insolvency, especially in small and medium enterprises, informs the
objective of this paper: to study the characteristics of bankrupt firms to achieve a preventive
diagnosis for reorganization by means of artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies such as rough
set and PART methods. The AI models obtained show not only the key variables to predict
insolvency, but also their relations and the critical values. Using only five firm characteristics
(sector, size, number of shareholdings, return on assets, and cash ratio), our model could reduce
delays and costs, since it is able to predict which firms will undergo reorganization or liquidation
before the legal procedure.

there is substantial research on bankruptcy pre-

Introduction diction, there are no studies focused on the
The current economic crisis has revealed the analysis of company reorganization.
huge social and economic costs at micro and The objective of this paper is to identify the
macro levels worldwide that can result from characteristics of insolvent firms in order to
companies falling into financial distress. At the achieve a preventive diagnosis for reorganiza-
same time, given the high number of bankrupt tion, allowing financially distressed companies
firms, the legal procedure is too long and costly to avoid the complex legal bankruptcy process.
in many countries and often becomes ineffi- To attain this objective, two artificial intelli-
cient. In general, bankruptcy regulation aims to gence (AI) methods are used to analyze a
preserve as many firms as possible in order to sample of 1,387 bankrupt Spanish firms listed
reduce the negative social, economic, and by the Commercial Justice Courts during the
financial impact of business failures. However, year 2010.
due to the current economic crisis and bank- Our study contributes to the existing litera-
ruptcy laws, official bankruptcy statistics show ture on bankruptcy in several ways. First, by
that only a few companies with financial prob- identifying key characteristics of bankrupt
lems survive. To our knowledge, although firms, it may help decision-makers diagnose the

Maria-del-Mar Camacho-Miñano is assistant professor at Department of Financial Economics and Account-

ing II, Complutense University of Madrid.
Maria-Jesus Segovia-Vargas is assistant professor at Department of Financial Economics and Accounting I,
Complutense University of Madrid.
David Pascual-Ezama is assistant professor at Department of Financial Economics and Accounting II,
Complutense University of Madrid.
Address correspondence to: Maria-del-Mar Camacho-Miñano, School of Business Administration and
Economics, Department of Financial Economics and Accounting II (Accounting), Campus of Somosaguas,
Complutense University of Madrid, Campus of Somosaguas, 28223 Pozuelo-de-Alarcón, Madrid, Spain. E-mail:


probability of a firm’s survival, avoiding the distress of a company, and this is usually called
hassle of the legal process. In fact, to our bankruptcy. A generally accepted definition of
knowledge, there has been no empirical study a financially distressed firm is a company that
about this matter. Second, to reach this diagno- cannot meet financial obligations due to liabili-
sis, a sample of bankrupt Spanish small and ties that are disproportionately larger than its
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is used, and assets and/or chronically suffers from large
the study could be useful to SMEs1 in other accumulated losses (Xu and Wang 2009). In
countries. Currently, Spain, as many other general, there are different outcomes of finan-
nations, has a large number of small enterprises cial distress. These outcomes include bank-
(about 94 percent of total businesses are small, ruptcy, dissolution, liquidation, merger, or
only 5 percent are medium-sized, and 1 percent sustaining operations as long as possible.
are large), but reorganization research has paid Bankruptcy is a legal process designed to solve
little attention to these companies, despite their the financial problems of insolvent firms that
importance in national economies. Moreover, are on the brink of financial ruin.
there is no empirical study based on the current In general, the problems of financially dis-
Spanish reorganization proceedings. Although tressed companies are an interesting topic of
the sample used is Spanish, our results could research because failed businesses2 not only
be applied to other nations and bankrupt SMEs generate huge economic losses for shareholders
(Laitinen 2011). Third, this study completes and creditors but also burden nations with
existing research on bankruptcy prediction immense social and economic costs (Wu 2010).
based on rough set (RS) and PART methodolo- The current economic crisis makes this problem
gies. When these methods have focused on the worse. Additionally, bankruptcy laws affect the
prediction of financial distress, they have com- development of national entrepreneurship (Lee
pared “healthy firms” with the failed ones (Ahn, et al. 2011) because there is an obvious link
Cho, and Kim 2000; Beynon and Peel 2001; between legal systems and national economic
Diaz, Sanchis, and Segovia 2009; Dimitras et al. development (Laporta et al. 1998). In stagnant
1999; Greco, Matarazzo, and Slowinski 1998; economies, as exemplified in the current global
McKee 2000; Sanchis et al. 2007; Slowinski and financial crisis, insolvent firms are a common
Zopounidis 1995). However, as far as we know, problem (Berg 2005), especially with small and
there is no study about the implementation of medium firms (Lussier and Halabi 2010). Con-
RS and PART methods to address the problem cretely, in Spain, the economic crisis is having a
of bankrupt firms’ reorganization. negative impact on SMEs due to problems in
The paper is organized as follows. In the financing because of the lack of liquidity
second section the current context of the bank- and access to credit (Martin-López, García-
ruptcy process is shown. A review of the existing Gutiérrez-Fernández, and Lejarriega-Perez-
literature on bankruptcy prediction is displayed de-las-Vacas, 2010).
in the third section. Next, taking into account the As in other European countries, Spain’s
most significant figures about reorganized firms bankruptcy regulations aim to preserve as
in the Spanish bankruptcy process, the sample is many firms as possible in order to reduce the
presented. The RS and PART methodologies negative social, economic, and financial impact
used are shown in the fifth section. Finally, the of insolvency. However, due to the current
main conclusions are highlighted and some economic situation and law enforcement, offi-
future lines for research are offered. cial bankruptcy statistics in Spain illustrate that
only one in ten Spanish companies with finan-
Context of the Bankruptcy cial problems survives (National Statistics
Procedure Institute of Spain 2010). As shown in Figure 1,
Most countries in the world set up a proce- the percentage of companies in financial dis-
dure, usually in court, to manage the financial tress has increased considerably.

In fact, the 23 million SMEs in the EU represent 99 percent of businesses, and are a key driver for economic
growth, innovation, employment, and social integration. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/index
The terms “insolvency,” “business failure,” and “financial distress” are used in the same way: when the firm
has no cash to pay its debts.


Figure 1
Trend Analysis of Bankrupt Companies with Effect of
Law 22/2003 in Spain

Source: National Statistics Institute of Spain (http://www.ine.es/en/welcome.shtml).

The bankruptcy procedure begins with the negotiate a reorganization agreement with
declaration of bankruptcy from the judge. creditors prior to the bankruptcy procedure.
Then, there is a period of company situation The second way requires firms and creditors to
analysis from the economic and financial point enter the bankruptcy procedure. Once the
of view. The law governing this procedure in court decides that a company is solvent, firms
Spain is the Bankruptcy Act (Ley Concursal) LC and creditors can negotiate terms of reorgani-
22/2003 of July 9th, which came into effect in zation. Coincidentally, there is a newly drafted
2004. This law is based on a single court pro- bankruptcy law intended to change the 2003
ceeding that determines if a company is fit for Spanish Bankruptcy Law. This draft tries to
a going-concern agreement, simple reorganiza- improve processes of corporate reorganization
tion, or liquidation. Some national bankruptcy to avoid bankruptcy, retaining as many busi-
laws provide a preventative mechanism for nesses in the market as possible.
negotiation between interested parties before
the beginning of the legal procedure. These Previous Studies in
negotiations are designed to determine Bankruptcy Problems
whether the firm possesses a going-concern The dynamic nature of economies as well
value (Denning, Ferris, and Lawless 2001). In as the importance of SMEs to community eco-
Spain, as in Italy and Finland, this special pro- nomic viability, owners and families, employ-
cedure intended to avoid bankruptcy is called ees, customers, and suppliers suggest that
“prebankruptcy” (preconcursal in Spanish), bankruptcy studies continues to be an impor-
which stops legal creditor requirements and tant research topic (Carter and Van Auken
reorganizes the firm in four months. A firm is 2006). Core international studies about bank-
eligible for “prebankruptcy” if it proves to be ruptcy have covered the following aspects: first,
solvent and is only temporarily unable to meet factors that explain the bankruptcy situation
its financial obligations. Consequently, a quick (Bhimani, Gulamhussen, and Lopes 2010 and
reorganization agreement would save manag- Keasey and McGuinness 1990, among others),
ers from entering the bankruptcy process and and other authors include these determinants
its related consequences, including time delay, and look at their effects on the companies that
costs, and the dissolution of business. have already begun the bankruptcy process
In summary, in Spain, it is possible for a (Bris, Welch, and Zhu 2006; Gilson 1997; and
financially distressed firm to achieve reorgani- Warner 1977, among others); second, studies
zation in two ways. The first one, called concerning the efficiency of various bankruptcy
“prebankruptcy” (preconcursal), prevents the laws in different countries (Couwenberg and de
bankruptcy process because firms voluntarily Jong 2008; Easterbrook 1990; and Franks and


Torous 1989, among others); and finally, manipulated (García Lara, García Osma, and
studies analyzing financial distress by develop- Neophytou, 2009). However, market variables
ing models to predict bankruptcy based on key provide significantly more information about
indicators (Altman 1968; Beaver 1966; and Fich the firm’s probability of bankruptcy than any
and Slezak 2008, among others), classifying accounting measures (Hillegeist et al. 2004), so
firms into groups based on the degree of bank- the notion of market efficiency is supported as
ruptcy risk (Jones and Hensher 2004; Keasey the most effective tool for forecasting bank-
and McGuinness 1990), or comparing business ruptcy (Chava and Jarrow 2004; Chen, Chollete,
success versus failure prediction models and Ray 2010; Xu and Zhan 2009). In some
(Lussier 1995 and Lussier and Halabi 2010, instances, studies on distressed firms are
among others). increased due to discrepancies in standard
Moreover, there is also extensive literature accounting criteria (Beaver, McNichols, and
about failure prediction (Kumar and Ravi 2007) Rhie 2005). However, it is impossible to attain
because prediction models are important in this kind of market information for nonlisted
preventing insolvency and the subsequent con- companies in our sample.
sequences like economic, financial, and social Another issue in failure prediction is the
losses. For example, these models are used for methodology used in each study. There are
monitoring the solvency of financial and other many kinds of methods, ranging from univariate
institutions by regulators, for assessing loan statistical to multivariate analytical methods,
security, for evaluating going-concerns by audi- used in earlier studies. Until the 1980s, the
tors, and for measuring portfolio risk ( Jones multiple discriminant analysis method domi-
and Hensher 2004). In every country, reorgani- nated the field of business failure prediction,
zation processes are “hot problems” because and it remains the most accepted method used
there are conflicts of interests and asymmetric on this topic (Balcaen and Ooghe 2006). Then,
information between creditors, owners, and the logit and probit analyses were introduced to
managers (Laitinen 2011). The agency theory classify firms according to probability of bank-
problems (Jensen and Meckling 1976) are ruptcy. The mixed logit model is a different
within bankruptcy procedures. econometric model that applies to the case of
In general, bankruptcy prediction research is firm failures (Hensher and Jones 2007; Jones and
diverse in its focus on methodological issues, Hensher 2004). In order to overcome statistical
proposal models, and explicative forecasting assumptions (dichotomy of data set, normality
factors. A common practice in studying bank- of variables, equal dispersion matrices, multicol-
ruptcy prediction is to review the literature in linearity, etc.), there are alternative3 methods
order to identify a large set of potential predic- linked to the use of AI and data mining tech-
tive factors, including both financial and nonfi- niques. The methods are the result of develop-
nancial variables, and then develop a set of ment in information science and computers.
variables with prediction abilities (McKee and These scientific advances include different
Lensberg 2002) using a specific method. The neural network architectures, decision trees,
1960s mark the beginning of using accounting case-based reasoning, evolutionary approaches,
and financial ratios as predictors of failure in an rough sets, soft computing, operational research
attempt to classify a set of failure and nonfailure techniques, and other intelligent techniques
firms (Beaver 1966). In addition, it has been including support vector machine and fuzzy set
demonstrated that failing firms’ ratio measure- theory. The average overall predictive accuracy
ments exhibit significant differences when com- (one year before actual bankruptcy) achieved by
pared to surviving entities (Altman 1968). A these advanced models is over 85 percent (Aziz
large number of ratios have been proposed in and Dar 2006).
the literature in reference to profitability, liquid- Nevertheless, the following are common
ity, and solvency ratios. Although ratios have problems with these techniques: default
proved to be useful in earlier studies, they horizon bankruptcy prediction decreases over
continue to be frequently used in current studies time (Berg 2005) and, moreover, the classical
(Agarwal and Taffler 2007; Altman 2000) even paradigm neglects the time dimension of failure
though accounting data of failed firms are and the application focus in failure prediction

For a review of all these methodologies see Kumar and Ravi (2007).


modeling (Balcaen and Ooghe 2006). Conse- Madrid. These companies represent 15.3
quently, all these techniques have pros and percent of the total number of bankrupt compa-
cons. As seen in the economic crisis in 2007 nies in Spain (National Statistics Institute of
and the subsequent worldwide recession, Spain 2010). These data were extracted from the
economies need failure prediction accuracy Registrars of Spain (2010) webpage (https://
(Wu 2010). After more than 40 years of research www.publicidadconcursal.es/) from May to July
on this topic, there is still no generally accepted 2010. In total, there were 1,387 bankrupt com-
model for bankruptcy prediction; yet with the panies in Madrid during this period of time.
current worldwide economic crisis there is The main variables extracted are the date the
growing necessity for an accepted model that company began the bankruptcy process, the
provides real solutions. type of process (compulsory or voluntary),
However, bankruptcy is a critical and the court decision date, and the court decision.
common event that detrimentally affects the This last variable considered is our decision
economy. When this critical—and often classification (liquidation or reorganization).
inevitable—situation happens, it is important to The data set is supplemented by the finan-
grasp the characteristics of bankrupt firms in cial and accounting information obtained from
order to assess whether they will survive after the SABI database.4 The variables considered
the legal procedure at the onset of bankruptcy. are the following: legal form (company by
Hence, the question remains: Which factors lead shares or limited company), sector,5 legal foun-
to the survival of failing firms after the Spanish dation day, number of shareholders and
bankruptcy process? The idea is to understand amount of shareholdings, accounting informa-
the process outcome of reorganization at the tion from its balance sheets and income state-
beginning of the legal process, and to propose a ments, and the most relevant accounting and
prediction model for reorganization based on financial ratios. A deeper analysis of the origi-
Spanish bankruptcy law, avoiding the legal pro- nal 23-variable set composed of accounting and
cedure and its negative consequences. nonaccounting information (Table 1) resulted a
The benefits of knowing reorganized bank- in new set containing only nine variables. The
rupt firms’ features have to be taken into nonaccounting variables, the legal form, and
account when considering the implications that the number of shareholders have been elimi-
business failures have for the current market, nated because the firm size reveals the same
especially when bankruptcy is nearly inevitable information. The cash ratio, return on assets
for many firms. According to the literature, (ROA), and financial viability ratio were elimi-
most bankruptcy prediction models are limited nated for two reasons. First, the data contain
(Nwogugu 2007). AI systems, such as RS, excessive ratio information, which is irrelevant
should not only identify bankruptcy indicators and correlated. In fact, the previous RS analysis
but also identify the important reorganization with 23 variables demonstrates that 15 attri-
factors. However, considering the methods dis- butes are redundant. Second, the RS model
cussed, the most common bankruptcy factors with 9 variables achieves the same results as
are tested. In the next section the sample will the sets containing 23 variables according to
be presented, and then these hypotheses will the final selected reduct (see the fifth section).
be contrasted with our sample. Hence, the remaining nine ratios were selected
according to the ratios’ high frequency of
Sample Description occurrence and the bankruptcy literature.
In this paper we analyze all the companies An assigned decision class (1 = reorganiza-
that are currently in the bankruptcy process in tion or 0 = liquidation) was entered into an
the 12 commercial justice courts that operate in input file in RSES26 and WEKA7 (software used

SABI (Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System) is a product of Bureau Van Dijk. For more information:
To classify the companies’ sector the National Statistics Institute codification has been followed (CNAE-2009,
Rough set analysis was performed using RSES2, developed by the Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw, Poland.


Table 1
Accounting and Nonaccounting Information
Explanatory Variables Definition Computer Code

Nonaccounting Variables
Sectora Spanish sector categories according to CNAE CNAE
Legal form Company by shares or limited company FJ
AGEa Number of years since the firm was founded AGE
NSa Number of shareholdings PARTICIP
ATa Firm’s size (total assets in base 10 logarithm) AT
NSh Number of shareholders ACCTAS
BTa Bankruptcy type (compulsory or voluntary) CONCURSO
BIPa Length of bankruptcy interim process (in days) FC
Accounting Variable
NI Net income RDO
Accounting Ratios
Current Ratio Current assets/current liability AC/PC
Cash Ratioa Cash/current liability TES/PC
Debt-to-Equity Total liability/equity DT/PN
Debt-to-Capital Ratio Total liability/(total liability + equity) DT/(DT + PN)
Bank Debt Ratio Financial debt/(financial debt + equity) DF/(DF + PN)
Short-Term Debt-to- Current liability/(total liability + equity) PC/(DT + PN)
Capital Ratio
NCA/TA Noncurrent assets/total assets AF/AT
CA/TA Current assets/total assets AC/AT
CR/CA Current receivables/current assets CC/AC
CS/CA Cash/current assets TES/AC
ROAa Return on assets; net income/total assets ROA
ROE Return on equity; net income/equity ROE
ROIC Return on invested capital; EBIT(1-t)/total assets ROIC
Financial Viability Financial expenses/EBITDA DF/EBITDA

Reselected after the first analysis of RS method.
CNAE, National Classification of Economic Activities; EBIT, earnings before interest and taxes;
EBITDA, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

to develop RS model and PART model, respec- the “construction” sector (23.8 percent of the
tively). Some sample filters were established total sample), and the “manufacturing” sector
because firms that had not reached a court (21 percent of the total sample) are the most
decision also had to be eliminated. Once the representative in the sample.
sample of bankrupt companies was defined, Additionally, as Table 3 illustrates, the
data from five years prior to failure were majority of the bankrupt companies are not
extracted from the SABI database. start-up firms, but companies with a median
The sample consisted of 235 bankrupt firms age of more than 18 years old. The total asset
in the Madrid court that had received the mean is estimated around five million euros.
judge’s decision (Table 2). It is worth consider- This information serves as a sign that most of
ing that 61 percent of the companies are limited the companies are SMEs according to the Euro-
companies, so many of them are really consid- pean Commission Recommendation 2003/
ered SMEs. Moreover, the “wholesale and retail 361/EC (less than €10 million). It is essential to
trade” sector (25.5 percent of the total sample), point out these companies have a negative


Table 2
Sector and Legal Form Descriptive Statistics
Legal Form Total

Company by Limited
Shares Company

Accommodation and Food Service Activities 0 4 4
Administrative and Support Services 9 4 13
Construction 18 38 56
Education 0 1 1
Human Health and Social Work Activities 1 0 1
Information and Communication 7 8 15
Manufacturing 23 27 50
Other Service Activities 1 1 2
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities 8 14 22
Real Estate Activities 1 3 4
Transportation and Storage 1 6 7
Wholesale and Retail Trade 23 37 60
Total 92 143 235

Table 3 Focusing on the interim bankruptcy process, it

Main Firm Characteristics is essential for this study to observe that the
mean duration of the bankruptcy process is 454
days (almost one year and a quarter).
Characteristic Mean SDa
To obtain the decision rules, the data from
one year prior to bankruptcy were used, and
Age 18.06 10.289 then data from years 2, 3, 4, and 5 were
Total Assets 4,725,933.14 1.1145E7 employed to test those rules (Dimitras et al.
Sales 5,304,083.29 1.1168E7 1999). In each period, there were 196 liquida-
EBITDAb −288,858.74 1.2691E6 tions and 39 reorganizations; additionally, 26
Net Income −778,804.85 4,513,818 companies became going-concerns after the
BIP (days)c 453.89 289,689 process and 13 were liquidated despite the
ROAd −0.29 0.632 judge’s reorganization decision. This means
FV Ratioe −16.42 241,704 that for one-third of reorganizing companies,
Debt Ratio 2.07 5.32 the reorganization process ended in liquida-
Cash Ratio 0.14 0.33 tion. The lengthy duration of the process could
serve as an explanation for this rate of liquida-
a tion. The sample firms were followed from the
SD, standard deviation; bEBITDA, earnings
onset of financial distress to its resolution. The
before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amor-
process of sample selection is presented in
tization; cBIP, bankruptcy interim process;
d Figure 2.
ROA, return on assets; eFV, financial viability.
AI is a new approach in analyzing financial
mean ROA , financial viability ratio, and earn- problems. These tools serve as a supplement to
ings before interest, taxes, depreciation and statistical methods, but in some cases can act as
amortization (EBITDA). Moreover, the high dif- a substitute for more traditional methods. Intel-
ference between net income and EBITDA ligent systems can be constructed in two ways
shows the negative financial and fiscal impact. (O’Leary 1998). The first is the so-called expert


Figure 2
Overview of Sample of Bankrupt Firms

Source: National Statistics Institute of Spain (2010) and http://www.registroconcursal.es.

systems approach. It consists of introducing satisfied. Next, the essentials of both methods
knowledge that human experts have accumu- will be summarized.
lated throughout their professional life into The first methodology used is RS theory. It
a computer. The major limitation to this was developed by Pawlak (1991) in the 1980s
approach is the process of gathering informa- as a mathematical tool to resolve the uncer-
tion, because it must be done through a series tainties or vagueness inherent to a decision-
of interviews with experts. The second making process. Although nowadays, this
approach is the machine learning approach. theory has been revisited (Greco, Matarazzo,
Machine learning involves developing a com- and Slowinski 1998, 2001), the classical
puter program capable of generating knowl- approach is still preferred. The philosophy
edge through data analysis. This knowledge is behind this approach is based on the assump-
used to make inferences about new data. Arti- tion that with every option considered we
ficial neural networks, rule induction algo- can associate specific knowledge or data.
rithms, and decision trees are techniques Knowledge in the decision-making process is
associated with machine learning. Some of regarded as the ability to classify objects.
these techniques are explanatory (rule induc- Objects described by the same data or knowl-
tion and decision trees), whereas others are edge are indiscernible in view of such knowl-
characterized by their black box nature, such as edge. The indiscernibility relation leads to the
neural networks. mathematical basis for the RS theory. Vague
In the past, a large number of methods have information causes the indiscernibility of
been proposed to deal with the bankruptcy objects depending on the data available and,
prediction problem. Most approaches used in as a result, this prevents precisely assigning
prediction are statistical techniques such as dis- an object to a set. Intuitively, an RS is a col-
criminant or logit analysis (Dimitras, Zanakis, lection of objects that, in general, cannot be
and Zopounidis 1996) and, in many cases, the precisely categorized by the values of a set of
attributes employed as explicative variables do attributes.
not satisfy statistical assumptions (Balcaen and A fundamental problem in the RS approach
Ooghe 2006; Dimitras et al. 1999; McKee and is discovering dependencies between attributes
Lensberg 2002). In order to avoid the limita- in an information table. These dependencies
tions of statistical methods, an approach based enable reduction of a set of attributes by
on RS and PART methodologies is proposed removing those that are not essential (unnec-
that predicts which bankrupt firms will survive essary) to characterize knowledge. This
and which will not. Both methods are effective problem will be referred to as knowledge
in analyzing real data and have many advan- reduction or, in more general terms, as a
tages (Diaz, Sanchis, and Segovia 2009; Sanchis feature selection problem. The main concepts
et al. 2007). Moreover, these techniques are related to this question are the core and the
explicative and guide decision rules with the reduct. A reduct is the minimal subset of attri-
following term: “if conditions then decisions”— butes that provides the same quality of classi-
meaning certain decisions (actions) should be fication as the set of all attributes. If the
considered only when some conditions are information table has more than one reduct,


their intersection point is called the core; this Accordingly, the subintervals are based on the
core is the collection of the most relevant attri- percentiles (10th to 90th) representing the
butes in the table. Once the redundant vari- actual variable values (year 1) for the whole
ables have been eliminated, our model can be sample. As we do not have prior knowledge
developed and we can obtain the decision about other partitions that make more eco-
rules. Because feature selection in bankruptcy nomic sense, percentiles are frequently used in
prediction is a complicated process and analyz- scientific research to divide a domain into sub-
ing a large amount of firms’ information has intervals (Laitinen 1992; McKee 2000). To sum
costs and risks (Tsai 2009), those rules could be up the model, the continuous variables repre-
useful to judges, managers, judicial officers, sent values 1 to 10 (1 for the 10th percentile
shareholders, banks, and creditors. and so on, so lower codes are assigned to the
The second methodology used is the PART first percentile and so on) based on their per-
algorithm (Frank and Witten 1998). It is a centiles as determined by the recoding process.
classifier that generates production rules by One of the first results obtained is that none
incorporating a modified form of the J48 deci- of the attributes are indispensable for the
sion tree algorithm (the data mining package approximation of the two decision classes (so
WEKA’s implementation of the C4.5 decision the core was empty). We obtained 17 reducts
tree learner) and eliminating some of the from the table that contain 4–5 attributes. This
paths found in an initial decision tree struc- result showed that at least four attributes out of
ture. In fact, PART is a rule-learning algorithm nine were redundant, so they could be elimi-
based on partial decision trees (Witten and nated. Therefore, by reducing redundancies
Frank 2005). More flexibility and speed is this model proves to be an efficient feature
achieved by using these combined methodolo- selection method. The reduct consisting of
gies. However, its main advantage over other sector, cash ratio, ROA, and firm size was
schemes is not performance but simplicity. selected, taking into account the following two
PART joins both strategies by following the premises: the reduct should have the least
key idea of building a partial decision tree (an number of attributes possible while still having
ordinary decision tree that contains branches the most significant attributes for the compa-
to undefined subtrees) instead of a fully nies’ evaluation. These results are broadly in
explored one. Once this subtree has been line with those obtained by Bhimani,
found, tree-building ceases, and a single rule Gulamhussen, and Lopes (2010), Chava and
can be read off. PART aims at the most Jarrow (2004) and McKee and Lensberg (2002).
general rule by choosing the “leaf” that rep- The current crisis does not have the same
resents the greatest number of situations. impact on all sectors. In fact, the “wholesale
and retail trade” and “construction” sectors rep-
Empirical Findings resent the majority of bankrupt firms in our
Reorganization prediction is to assign firms sample due to their dependency on exports and
(objects) to a decision group (liquidation or the financial chasm in the world (Alonso and
reorganization) based on a set of variables Furio 2010).
(attributes). Our objective is to extract informa- Consequently, the decision rules have been
tion patterns and notable regularities (rules) obtained from the reduced table with only four
from the sample to get a reorganization model variables. To interpret the rules, only the stron-
with our data. gest ones for each decision class have been
selected; thus ,46 rules have been considered
RS Model (Table 4).
In the RS model, the continuous variables Before the interpretation of rules, the model
are recorded into qualitative terms. This requires validation. The rules were tested on
recoding divides the original domain into sub- data from 2, 3, 4 and 5 years before the actual
intervals. This is not imposed by the RS theory, ratio values (year 1) (Dimitras et al. 1999). The
but it is very useful to draw general conclusions percentage of correctly classified firms is
from the variables in terms of dependencies, shown in Table 5.
reducts, and decision rules (Dimitras et al. When a model is developed and tested with
1999). It is best to avoid subjective input, so the same sample firm, but using data from
experts recode the variables according to their different years, the results obtained could be
experience and standards of financial analysis. conditioned. So in order to avoid conditioning,


Table 4
Strongest Rules for Each Decision Class
Rule CNAE TES/PC ROA AT Decision Strength

1 4 0 23
2 F 9 0 9
3 C 1 0 9
4 1 1 0 8
5 C 1 0 8
6 F 10 0 8
7 F 1 0 7
8 1 1 0 7
9 F 8 0 7
10 5 5 0 7
11 F 7 0 7
12 G 7 0 6
13 5 5 0 6
14 3 5 0 6
15 M 3 0 6
16 F 9 0 6
17 F 5 0 6
18 9 10 0 6
19 F 2 0 6
20 M 3 0 5
21 M 2 0 5
22 1 1 0 5
23 F 3 0 5
24 3 5 0 5
25 F 5 0 5
26 F 6 0 5
27 5 5 0 5
28 3 2 0 5
29 G 5 0 5
30 G 6 0 5
31 9 8 1 3
32 C 10 1 3

Table 5
Classification Accuracies (percent)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Weighted Average 100 81.3 82.1 75.6 73.8


Table 6 percentiles for liquidated companies. By
contrast, they appear to have high percen-
Cross-validation Procedure tile values (seventh or above) if they are
Result associated with the construction sector
(F, four rules) or the commercial sector
Year 1 (G, one rule). The following conclusion
can be drawn from this finding: construc-
Weighted Average 76 percent tion companies will be liquidated when
they come into the bankruptcy process,
regardless of their economic and financial
situation. Extensive research corroborates
this conclusion (Chava and Jarrow 2004;
10-fold cross-validation8 tests have been used Laitinen 2011).
to evaluate the quality of the learned model (4) There are only two rules related to reor-
(rules) using data from year 1. The year 1 ganization. These two rules refer to com-
results are presented in Table 6. panies in the manufacturing sector with
Therefore, the results obtained allowed us to high values for the size variable (rule 32)
interpret the rules. Taking into account Table 4, and to very high values for the cash ratio
the rules would be read in the following way: and ROA (rule 31). This means that large
companies (measured by asset value)
• If sector (CNAE) = F (construction) and entering the bankruptcy process with high
performance (ROA) = 9 (out of 10), then 0 liquidity and ROA are more likely to
(liquidation). remain in operation in the future
• If sector (CNAE) = C (manufacturing) (Shumway 2001).
and size (AT) = 10 (out of 10), then 1
• If . . . and so on.
PART Results
Then, these rules were analyzed by using the Following the same philosophy as RS, the
number of objects that satisfy the conditional PART model was developed using continuous
part of the rule (the strength of the rule) to variables. Table 7 shows the decision list.
draw one of the following conclusions: The decision lists were validated before pro-
ceeding. The lists were analyzed using a cross-
(1) The majority of the rules refer to class 0 validation procedure. obtaining a 79.15 percent
(liquidation). These results confirm that it share of correctly classified firms. Therefore,
is easier to develop a model for this class, the results obtained are also quite satisfactory
and the class 1 model will be developed in terms of classification, and they allow us
by exclusion. to interpret the rules to draw the following
(2) Most of the rules (62.5 percent) relate conclusions:
sector to insolvency situations. This means
that the sector affects the survival of com- (1) The results show first the impact of
panies in financial difficulties. In fact, this belonging to a group of companies
is reflected in the bankruptcy statistics for (PARTICIP variable). It is shown that not
2009 in Spain. The construction (F) and belonging to a group (PARTICIP = 0) is
retail (G) sectors endure the greatest associated, in a majority of cases, with
impact. liquidation (0). Interestingly, this result is
(3) The variables total assets, ROA, and consistent with the bankruptcy probability
liquidity remain in the low and middle literature (Carter and Van Auken 2006).

Cross-validation comprises several training and testing runs. The data set is first split into several, possibly
equal in size, disjointed parts. Then, one of the parts is taken as a training sample and the remainder (sum
of all other parts) becomes the test sample. The classifier is constructed by means of the training sample and
its performance is checked against the test sample. These steps are repeated as many times as there are data
parts, so that each of the parts is used as training set once. The final result of the cross-validation procedure
is the average of scores from subsequent steps.


Table 7
Rule PARTICIP CNAE Age AT Decision Strength

1 0 F 0 (55/4)
2 0 G 0 (54/9)
3 0 M 0 (18/1)
4 0 J 0 (13/2)
5 0 N >9 0 (9)
6 0 C ≤6.664 0 (43/5)
7 C 1 (7/1)
8 1 0 (11/3)
9 0 H 0 (6)
10 0 I 0 (4/1)
11 0 L ≤12 1 (2)
12 0 0 (8/3)
13 2 1 (2)

(2) The most important variable, as in the Spanish economy, the government has tried to
previous method, is again the sector. The incentivize a preventive phase of bankruptcy
strongest rules (1, 2, 3) indicate that called “prebankruptcy” (preconcursal) to avoid
the sectors F (construction), G (trade), and, bankruptcy consequences (costs and delays). A
to a lesser extent, M (scientific and techni- new approach to predict reorganization before
cal activities) are associated with class 0 the beginning of the legal procedure is pre-
(liquidation). Hence, the same conclusions sented using RS and PART methods. Our results
were achieved using the RS algorithm. are self-enhancing because we think we have
(3) Small firms in the C sector (manufacturing) achieved our research objective, that is, to get a
are associated with class 0 because of low minimum set of variables for SMEs in order to
asset values, but in any other case, this identify the reorganization key. Moreover, the
sector would be associated with the reor- models obtained are fit because the classifica-
ganization class. So the PART model cor- tion percentages are better than other studies
roborates the conclusions drawn by the RS about failure prediction (Lussier and Halabi
methodology. 2010).
Therefore, the decision rules obtained with
Conclusions these methods are useful for judges, lawyers,
The objective of this paper is to identify the creditors, shareholders, banks, and auditors to
characteristics of insolvent firms in order to make decisions involving the legal insolvency
achieve a preventive diagnosis for reorganiza- process. Moreover, financial support for reor-
tion after the bankruptcy procedure, avoiding ganizing firms could be more efficient if public
the complex legal bankruptcy process for finan- policymakers and others use the model pro-
cially distressed companies. To obtain this aim, posed to assess a firm’s potential for continuity,
two artificial intelligence methods are used in a and society can benefit via government aid,
sample of bankrupt Spanish firms. The conclu- loans, and so forth focusing on the companies
sions of this paper would be useful for all the that have more chances of survival.
stakeholders in companies’ financial distress In practical terms, the decision rules gener-
problems or even for still-healthy firms. ated with the sample could be used to preselect
Bankruptcy is a timely and devastating eco- companies quickly and inexpensively, thereby
nomic problem due to the current global finan- efficiently managing the financial user’s time.
cial crisis, and its consequences have significant These rules could be used as a “warning
effects on businesses, economies, and societies. system” for decision-makers, enabling them to
In order to minimize these effects on the check and monitor bankrupt firms before and


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