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intrusive (disturbing) – надокучливий,нав’язливий (affecting someone in a way that annoys them and

makes them feel uncomfortable)

efficient – ефективний (working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way)

versatile – універсальний (able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for
many different purposes)

impersonal – безособовий – (without human warmth; not friendly and without features that make
people feel interested or involved, not referring to people or a particular person by name)

Adrift – що пливе за течією

2. To act up - вередувати

3. Intrusive (disturbing) – надокучливий,навязливий

4. Tedious - нудний

5. Versatile - having different uses- універсальний

6. To recede - to move away from the centralposition, to gradually disappear - відступати

7. Quaint - attractively unusual and old - химерний

8. To inaugurate - to introduce, start

9. Prudence - good judgement - розсудливість

10. To get on the air – запустити, потрапити в ефір

pp. 7-9

To get the message across

Efficient –ефективний, дієвий

Distress signal - a signal for help

Versatile - having different uses

Adrift at sea - що пливе за течією

Assault -an attack - напад

To act up - вередувати
To grope around - to search with difficulty

Tedious - нудний

to get on the air

Quaint - attractively unusual and old - химерний

Anachronism - a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a
thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.

Distinctive - characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others.=
розпізнавальний, характерний

Enduring - стійкий, витривалий

Legacy - sth that exists now because sthelse happened in the past -спадщина

to relay orders - передавати замовлення

distorted - (of a signal) unnatural in appearance or sound

infantry - soldiers who fight on foot

artillery - soldiers trained to use large,heavy weapons

intelligence – інтелект, кмітливість

prudence - good judgement - розсудливість

to peck - to strike quickly and repeatedly – type quickly

to inaugurate - to introduce, start

to take over the world - захватить мир.

to recede - to move away from the centralposition, to gradually disappear - відступати

to envision - to imagine sth as a possibility – уявляти собі

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