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(Fonttype: cambria math)
"A hit mindenek felett álló csoda - az emberi élet értelmének olyan ismerete, amelynek
következményeként az ember él, élni tud. A hit életerő. Hinni egyenlő azzal, hogy élni."
(Lev Tolsztoj)

„A sikert nem hajszolni kell, hanem vonzani, azáltal, hogy vonzó személyiségekké
fejlesztjük magunkat.”
(Jim Rohn)

"Dúld szét a hiedelmeid, a hit legyél Te magad!"

(Weöres Sándor)

"Nem azt vonzod magadhoz amit akarsz, hanem azt aki vagy."
(Wayne Dyer)

"Ne aggódj, ha elfogy a pénzed. Akkor aggódj, ha a hited fogy el!"

(Randy Gage)
Get Our Annual Conference Details by
Pledging to The Code of Ethics
A Note from the Association Founders:

"By pledging to the industry's Code of Ethics below, you are helping set a new standard for the
advice and how-to industry. Once you've read and pledged to these Ethics, we are happy to invite
you to our annual conference, taking place this year in Santa Clara, California, in November. You'll
receive full conference details once you pledge. We, as some of the original founders of the
Association, pledged to this Code and we hope you will help us lead the industry by doing the

-- The Association Founding Members

(Including Brendon Burchard, Jack Canfield, Dr. Daniel Amen, Darren Hardy, Marci Shimoff, John
Assaraf, David Bach, Brian Tracy, Dean Graziosi, Gay Hendricks, Harv Eker, Robert Allen, Chris
Attwood, Janet Bray Attwood, Jeff Walker, Frank Kern, Joe Polish, Rick Frishman, Bill Harrison,
Scott Hoffman, Andy Jenkins, Reid Tracy, Jeff Johnson, Mike Koenigs, Jim Kwik, Jon Walker, Katie
Hendricks, and more.)

The Experts Industry Association Code of Ethics

Let's set a new standard in our industry and wow our customers. The Code of Ethics below is a set
of practices and principles that the Association believes will create ethical businesses, fully served
customers, and a strong community of peers.

The Code is a voluntary pledge that can only be enforced by you and your peers. Should you agree
to the Code and the Association is alerted that you have violated its practices and principles, our
Review Committee may remove you from receiving information and training from the Association.

Once you pledge to the practices below, you will recieve further information about our Annual
Conference and also be sent a confirmation email.

Section I: Transparency and Compliance

1. I will be transparent and truthful about my experience, expertise, results, credentials, and
abilities with my customers, followers, peers, media, and the greater public.

2. I will make clear descriptions of any product or service I am offering for sale, including
pricepoints and any recurring billing, so that my customers always know what they are
signing up for, purchasing, and receiving.

3. I will comply with the marketing guidelines of the CAN-SPAM Act in my electronic
communications, including ensuring that recipients of my broadcast emails have opted-in to
receive communications from me and that they have the option to unsubscribe or change
their contact information at the bottom of all my emails.
4. I will comply with the marketing guidelines of the United States Federal Trade Commission,
including refraining from making false claims, income or results guarantees, or misleading
testimonials, income claims, or financial statements; I will only make claims which I can
substantiate and I will also clearly post and articulate earning disclaimers on any webpage
or correspondence that references income opportunities.

5. I will disclose to my audience that I am an affiliate of a third party should I anticipate

receiving an affiliate commission or referral compensation for recommending their products
or services to my audience.

6. I will not offer professional legal, financial, medical or other advice unless I am certified and
able to do so under the laws of my country or state, and when necessary I will refer my
customers or followers to an appropriate certified professional advisor.

7. I will not promote any products, marketing campaigns, or services that (a) target children
under the age of thirteen (13), (b) discriminates against others, (c) perpetuates hate or
misinformation, (d) features paid actors pretending to be a fictional customer or client, (e)
utilizes false scarcity techniques (for example, that claim a limited numer of products exist
when it is not true, or that a promotion expires at a certain time when it does not).

Section II: Customer Service Excellence

1. I will seek to overdeliver on my promises to my customers.

2. I will endeavor to understand my client and audience needs, problems, and ambitions in
hopes of serving them with information that can help them achieve their goals.

3. I will provide a minimum of a 30-day money back guarantee on all of my products and
programs, and I will not make my customers jump through hoops or endure hardships or
humiliation in order to receive refunds.

4. I will provide customer support for all of my products and programs.

5. I will respect the privacy and confidential information of my clients and customers.

6. I will not participate in any forum or agreement that engages in illegal activity, marketplace
collusion, or discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin,
religion, or any other factor.

7. I will honor my customer's financial situations and not seek to persuade them into spending
money they do not have or that could lead to their financial ruin.

8. I will post contact information on all of my sales pages and in all of the
receipts/confirmations that my customers receive so that they can always find a way to
easily contact my office.

Section III: Community Collaboration

1. I will honor and engage my peers in the industry with respect and professionalism.
2. I will cite sources and give credit to others when I quote them in any format, and I will not
misrepresent others' works as my own.
3. I will not train from, distribute, or publish others' works or content without permission from
the author or originator of such work.

4. I will not misuse the name or likeness of others in the industry to create false associations of

5. I will pursue my profession, build my brand, and seek continuing education at the highest
levels of excellence and refrain from practices that will discredit the community and

6. I will not use the Experts Industry Association seal in any of my websites, materials, or
communications until I have attended the Annual Conference, have agreed to further
stringent guidelines, and have been given permission and certification to do so.

7. I will seek to leave a legacy of strong customer service, and focus my career on offering
distinct and valuable information that helps others improve their lives.

Pledge Now to The Code of Ethics

and Receive Your Conference Invitation!

Your information is safe and will not be shared or used for solicitation.
You will receive an email confirmation upon successful pledge registration.

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