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Guidelines for Self Study Assignment

(submission through google classroom by 20th November 2020)

Dr. Sailaja Nandigama (IC)

1. Formulate a clear topic within the course coverage area- get it approved by IC through posting
in the classroom portal
2. Self-study assignment (SSA) is for 20% marks (40 marks out of 200); 3000 words excluding
3. Structure of the report:
a. Introduction (good quality comprehensive background of the topic selected; why is this
topic needing the attention? what are the main issues addressed in the report? what is
the report structure (eg. Section A is for introduction; Section B is for literature review
etc.). Use of in-text citations is a must here in this section, as they help in reducing
plagiarism count. These are the same sources that you will include in the end of the
report under section F.

Check the following weblink for learning all about in-text citation in APA (American
Psychological Association) format. IC will help to clarify your doubts.

b. Literature review: Atleast 20 scholarly papers; government reports and newspaper

reports must be included in the literature review. You will give a brief summary of each
of the papers in the following format, which is called annotated bibliography.

Annotation example (from

Here’s what the APA book citation for The Elements of Eloquence: Secrets of the Perfect Turn of
Phrase looks like:
Forsyth, M. (2014). The elements of eloquence: Secrets of the perfect turn of phrase. Penguin
The author, Mark Forsyth, examines the rhetorical devices used in the English language,
analyzing the patterns and formats that create memorable quotes. He traces the history of rhetoric
to the Ancient Greeks, and provides an abridged timeline, following their use and evolution
through to modern day. The author also explores the broader subject of persuasion and maps out
the role that the figures of rhetoric play in it. In all, he examines over thirty devices, dissecting
notable passages and phrases from pop music, the plays of William Shakespeare, the Bible, and
more to explore the figures of rhetoric at work within each of them. Thorough definitions
accompany this examination of structure to demonstrate how these formulas have been used to
generate famously memorable expressions as well as how to reproduce their effects.

c. Analytical section: This is an important section with all the analysis of the issue
incorporated in a story format, using paragraphs and a few bullet points if needed.
Use of in-text citations is a must here in this section, as they help in reducing
plagiarism count.
d. Concluding remarks and policy recommendations: Collate the main conclusions from the
analysis and give policy recommendations to improve the situation in your chosen
field/topic in this section
e. Personal Reflections: Write your own experiences of writing SSA in this style and your
learnings from this- perhaps your first ever academic essay
f. Reference list: All the sources from which you took ideas, quotations and
information/data must be included here in this section. Use separate sections for
journal papers in APA format, newspaper clippings, government reports, websites from
various national and international bodies etc.
g. Plagiarism will be strictly punished. Each report will be checked using the google
classroom. All pictures, graphs and data of any kind must be given the source
underneath the table/picture/graph to avoid plagiarism.
Plagiarism punishment slabs:
80% and above= -40 marks
60% and above= -30 marks
40% and above= -20 marks
20% and above= -10 marks

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