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9/24/2020 (33) Why did the Soviet economy improve while much of the world suffered the Great

ch of the world suffered the Great Depression? - Quora

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Soviet Economy The Great Depression History of the United States of America Economics Related Questions

Why did the Soviet Union's economy perform

better than the United States during the Grea…
Why did the Soviet economy improve while much of the
world suffered the Great Depression? Why wasn't the Soviet Union greatly affected
during the Great Depression?
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How was the Soviet Union affected by the
Ad by UPES Great Depression?

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UPES Dehradun is not just a good choice but much beyond that. It really gives you many fled to the USSR during the Great Depression?
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potential…(Continue reading in feed) Which country was not affected by the Great
Depression of the 1930s?
2 Answers
Was the USSR affected by the Great
Greg Kemnitz, wrote the innards of "the world's smallest (SQL-capable)
Ask Question
Answered July 8, 2015

The USSR was still recovering from the massive economic destruction due to WWI, the
several revolutions, and the disruptions/famines/etc of the 1920s. The Soviet Union didn't
restore to pre-1914 economic output levels until after 1930.

(above chart from this article: Russia’s national income in war and revolution, 1913 to

Relative to the previous 15 years, the Soviets had relative peace (until 1939) and were able
to grow quickly due to industrialization, electrification, etc. They were also not accessing
global financial markets and weren't involved in international trade, so they wer … (more)
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Nick Georgalis · July 18, 2015

The Soviet Union was a communist dictatorship that created no wealth but
took the wealth and lives of millions of people to sustain itself. When it could
no longer do that because it faced the power of the United States military it
collapsed. Any figures on the USSR economy are bogus because communists
and socialists are godless and they have no compunction about lying.
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9/24/2020 (33) Why did the Soviet economy improve while much of the world suffered the Great Depression? - Quora
Promoted by Kundan Kishore 8 33 1
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What percentage of people lose money in the stock market, and how do they
do so?
Kundan Kishore, Ex-AVP Barclay Capital, Morgan Stanley and RBS.
Answered July 18
I will answer the second part of your question first “How do people lose money in the
stock market?”, for understanding this we have to understand the few basic concepts and
recall the most suitable answers for that. Ask Yourself: - 1) Why does
the Stock
in feed)

David Brower, Husband, dad, programmer/architect, occasional blogger,

onetime sound engineer.
Answered July 8, 2015

You have to discount that whole mass starvation thing, but you can figure Russia was so
behind in industrialization that making progress there at all was a lot of growth because of
massive previously unmet demand. Since industry counts more in some measures of
economy, that could compare well to economies that shut down capacity during the
depression because of relative lack of demand.

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9/24/2020 (33) Why did the Soviet economy improve while much of the world suffered the Great Depression? - Quora
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