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Imaging of

Hearing Loss
Lubdha M. Shah, MDa,*, Richard H.Wiggins III, MDb,c,d

 Hearing loss  Conductive  Sensorineural
 Mixed  Temporal bone

Physical and radiologic examinations are crucial acquired entities. We review the common patholo-
and complementary in the evaluation of hearing gies and their imaging findings of each section
loss. In addition to imaging evaluation of patients affecting the hearing pathways from outside to
with hearing loss, a complete physical examina- inside, starting at the external auditory canal (EAC)
tion should be performed, including an accurate and moving inward toward the midbrain.
history of not only the hearing loss itself (unilateral
or bilateral, slow onset or fast onset) but also the IMPORTANT ANATOMY
patient’s history (possible trauma, ototoxic drugs,
associated facial nerve palsies). Hearing involves Knowledge of the anatomy of the temporal bone
three main components: the external ear, the and all the components of hearing (ie, the external,
middle ear, and the inner ear. The external ear middle, and inner ear) is fundamental to diagnosing
collects and directs sound. The middle ear pathology. The EAC has a fibrocartilaginous and an
converts the sound waves into mechanical motion, osseous component through which sound waves
and the inner ear transforms this vibratory motion are funneled. Sound vibrates the tympanic
into electrical energy (ie, nerve impulses). A variety membrane, which separates the EAC from the
of pathologies can affect one or more of these middle ear. The malleus, which is attached to the
parts, leading to hearing loss. Hearing loss can tympanic membrane, also vibrates. The mechanical
be classified as conductive, sensorineural, or energy of the vibrations is transmitted through the
mixed, and these categories can be congenital or malleoincudal and incudostapedial articulations to
acquired in etiology. Modern imaging of these the oval window. The oval window is the interface
structures with CT and MR imaging is fundamental between the air-filled middle ear cavity and the
in the diagnosis and treatment of these cases. As fluid-filled inner ear. The otic capsule surrounds
with many skull base pathologies, these modalities the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. The latter
are complementary, with specific strengths is composed of neural elements and the fluid
contributing to the evaluation of hearing loss. compartments of the cochlea, vestibule, and the
In this article, we review the common entities semicircular canals. The vestibule and semicircular
causing these clinical presentations and divide canals convey information about movement.
these pathologies into conductive hearing loss Mechanical energy is transduced into electric
(CHL), sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), and impulses within the cochlea, specifically within
mixed hearing loss (MHL). With this format, congen- the organ of Corti, scala tympani, scala vestibuli,
ital pathologies are addressed first followed by the and scala media. When the stapes footplate

Department of Radiology, University of Utah Health Care, 30 North, 1900 East, #1A71, Salt Lake City, UT

84132-2140, USA
Department of Radiology, University of Utah Health Care, 30 North, 1900 East, #1A71, Salt Lake City, UT
84132-2140, USA
Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University of Utah Health Care, 30 North, 1900 East,
#1A71, Salt Lake City, UT 84132-2140, USA
Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah Health Care, 30 North, 1900 East, #1A71, Salt Lake
City, UT 84132-2140, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.M. Shah).

Neuroimag Clin N Am 19 (2009) 287–306

1052-5149/09/$ – see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
288 Shah & Wiggins

vibrations compress the oval window, the fluid

within the cochlea moves and bends the neuroepi-
thelial hair cells of the organ of Corti. This move-
ment leads to depolarization of the hair cells and
electrical impulses are sent to the afferent neurons
of the spiral ganglion of the cochlea.1 The cochlea
is organized by pitch such that high pitch is de-
tected in the basal turn and low pitch is detected
in the apical turn. The cochlear division of cranial
nerve VIII is formed from the neurons of the spiral
ganglion and maintains its ‘‘cochleotopic’’
arrangement of nerve fibers by pitch.2 When eval-
uating a patient who has hearing loss, similar to
any cranial nerve evaluation, the entire course of
the cranial nerve VIII, including the restiform
body of the medulla (area of cochlear nuclei),
cisternal segment in the cerebellopontine angle–
internal auditory canal (CPA-IAC) cistern and the
membranous labyrinth should be included. From
Fig. 1. Axial CT demonstrates longitudinal fracture
the brainstem nuclei, the nerve impulses travel to through the right temporal bone. The fracture line
the ipsilateral and contralateral superior olivary extends through the vestibule and the oval window.
complexes, lateral lemniscus, inferior colliculus, There is fluid in the middle ear cavity and the mastoid
medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex in air cells.
the superior temporal gyri.
resolution thin-section T2 MR through the CPA-
IMAGING TECHNIQUES IAC is useful for uncomplicated SNHL (Fig. 4).
For complicated SNHL cases that include other
CT and MR imaging are complementary modalities symptoms such as cranial neuropathy, long tract
in the evaluation of hearing loss. CT of the signs, and headache, imaging should include
temporal bones demonstrates the cochlea, vesti- whole brain and posterior fossa sequences (axial
bule, ossicles, oval and round window niches, fis- T2 and/or FLAIR). Additional thin-section coronal
sula ante fenestram, and vestibular aqueduct. MR and axial T1 fat saturated, contrast-enhanced
imaging is superb for evaluating the membranous MR imaging through the posterior fossa and
labyrinth, the cranial nerves, and the adjacent CPA-IAC is helpful. The CPA-IAC protocol
brain parenchyma. Modern CT is performed with includes thin section heavily T2-weighted
the patient in the supine position in the anatomic sequences (eg, constructive interference steady
axial plane. Recent advances with multidetector state and three-dimensional FIESTA).
CT scanners include the ability to acquire submil- It is important to be aware of common imaging
limeter slices with low radiation dose and reduced pitfalls. Enhancement of a prominent anterior infe-
scan time. Submillimeter (0.4–0.6 mm) multiplanar rior cerebellar artery loop may be mistaken for
reconstructions can be performed with minimal a small vestibular schwannoma.3 Choroid plexi
overlap (0.5 mm). In the setting of trauma, osteo- protruding through the lateral recesses of the
sclerosis, and Paget’s disease, CT is of particular fourth ventricle bilaterally can appear as tear-
importance in evaluating osseous integrity (Fig. 1). shaped enhancing masses in the CPA cisterns.
In addition to the standard axial views with The cerebellar flocculus normally projects into
coronal reformations, short axis and long axis the posterolateral aspect of the CPA cistern.4
(Poschl and Stenver projections) can be included With fat saturated postcontrast T1-weighted
easily with diagnostic CT temporal bone evalua- images, the marrow can enhance and be errone-
tion (Figs. 2 and 3). These reformations can be ously interpreted as an IAC tumor, and asymmetric
completed independent of the radiologist by the aeration of the petrous apices with unilateral
CT technologist with minimal training. Bone algo- benign trapped fluid can be mistaken for
rithm CT is the modality of choice in demonstrating pathology (Fig. 5).
inner ear dysplasias in children who have with The stellate ganglion in the IAC may be mistaken
SNHL. MR imaging is complementary to CT in for a small vestibular schwannoma, so it is important
the evaluation of hearing loss. Dedicated head to be wary of reporting ‘‘very small IAC schwanno-
and temporomandibular joint coils are important mas.’’ Most of these masses can be safely followed
for achieving optimal signal. Screening high- over time without sending a neuro-otologist to
Imaging of Hearing Loss 289

Fig. 2. Axial CT (left) shows orientation of the reformations for the short axis (Poschl) projection (right). Training
of a technologist to simply ‘‘connect the dots’’ of the superior semicircular canals can produce these projections.

chase a 2-mm possible schwannoma only to find and incudostapedial dislocation), congenital cho-
normal vasculature. lesteatoma, and fenestral otosclerosis (rare in
childhood).5 EAC atresia can be partial or
CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS complete with associated auricle deformity. The
severity of the auricular dysplasia parallels the
CHL may be caused by transmission fixation or trans- degree of deformity of the middle ear and ossi-
mission discontinuity. Important anatomy to assess cles.6 The spectrum of this congenital malforma-
includes the EAC, tympanic membrane, ossicular tion ranges from the mildest form with a
chain, and oval window. In CHL, there is likely to be narrowed EAC to no identifiable EAC because of
a CT abnormality. If upon initial review there is no bone, soft tissue, or mixed components. Hypo-
abnormality, the radiologist should look again. MR plasia of the middle ear and mastoid complex
imaging findings depend on the pathology, such as may be present. The ossicular chain may be dys-
inflammatory disorders or tumors. morphic; for example, the malleus and incus may
be fused or rotated (see Fig. 5A).
Congenital Conductive Hearing
Congenital cholesteatoma can be seen in up to
Loss Pathologies
10% of these cases.6 The facial nerve has an aber-
Congenital CHL pathologies include external audi- rant course and may exit the skull base into the gle-
tory atresia, oval window atresia, ossicular anom- noid fossa or lateral to the styloid process. The
alies (eg, malleoincudal fixation, stapes fixation, tympanic segment may be dehiscent, bowing into

Fig. 3. Axial CT (left) shows orientation of the reformations for the long axis (Stenvers) projection (right). The
technologist can simply create a small stack perpendicular to the short axis series to create these projections.
290 Shah & Wiggins

Fig. 4. Axial (left) and coronal (right) high-resolution thin-section T2 MR through the CPA-IAC shows the seventh
and eighth nerve complexes and the normal bright signal in the IACs and membranous labyrinth. (Courtesy of
Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)

the middle ear cavity, or it may overlie the oval Congenital cholesteatoma is suggested by the
window, especially in cases of oval window atresia. presence of a homogenous mass of soft tissue
The descending (or mastoid) segment of the facial attenuation within the middle ear on CT scans
nerve is often anteriorly displaced with EAC atresia with osseous destruction (Fig. 8). They occur in
cases. The inner ear and IAC are usually normal. In the mesotympanum around the incudostapedial
unilateral cases, the affected side shows CHL and joint manifesting as unilateral CHL.10 Small choles-
the other ear has normal hearing. In every EAC teatomas are encapsulated masses in the anterior
atresia case, a thorough evaluation needs to tympanic cavity. Larger congenital cholesteato-
address the type and thickness of the atretic plate, mas may erode the ossicles, the middle ear wall,
the size of the mastoid complex and middle ear the lateral semicircular canal, and the tegmen
cavity, status of the ossicular chain, status of the tympani. Bone erosion is less common than with
oval and round windows, the course of the facial acquired cholesteatomas and occurs late in the
nerve, possible presence of a cholesteatoma, and disease course.11 The long process of the incus
the status of the inner ear.7 and the stapes superstructure are the most
In oval window atresia, there is an absent commonly destroyed. The lesion is iso- to hypoin-
cleavage plane between lateral semicircular canal tense on T1-weighted imaging and intermediate
above and cochlear promontory below with an on T2-weighted imaging and may show peripheral
associated anomalous stapes and malpositioned enhancement.
facial nerve.8 The oval window is covered by A persistent stapedial artery can cause CHL and
a thin bony plate in these cases (Fig. 6). The stapes may be found in association with an aberrant
superstructure and distal incus are usually mal- internal carotid artery. In the embryo, the stapedial
formed with oval window atresia. There is absence artery runs through the stapes and regresses by
of the normal paired crura of the stapes. The the third month of gestation.12 A persistent stape-
tympanic segment of the facial nerve (cranial nerve dial artery courses across the floor of the middle
VII) is inferomedially positioned overlying the ear and cochlear promontory and passes between
expected position of the oval window, which the crura of the stapes, where it can present with
complicates surgical repair.1 Embryologically, it CHL (Fig. 9). The lack of regression of this anoma-
is hypothesized that the primitive stapes fails to lous vessel may replace the normal blood supply
fuse with the primitive vestibule during the seventh of the middle meningeal artery, leading to an ipsi-
week of gestation.9 Congenital stapes fixation lateral absence of the foramen spinosum postero-
results if the stapes forms but the annular ligament lateral to foramen ovale on CT of the skull base.13
does not. In malleoincudal fixation, the malleus Fibrous dysplasia is a rare cause of congenital
head and incus body are fused or fixed to the epi- CHL.14 Bone CT shows increased bone volume
tympanic wall (Fig. 7). with a ‘‘ground glass’’ appearance (see Fig. 10).
Imaging of Hearing Loss 291

Fig. 5. Axial T2 and axial CT demonstrate asymmetric aeration of the petrous apices. (A) Fluid in the right petrous
apex is hyperintense on the T2 MR image and can be mistaken for pathology. (B) Axial CT image of EAC atresia
illustrates a hypoplastic middle ear cavity with dysmorphic ossicles (yellow arrow). The facial nerve has an aber-
rant course (red arrow). The auricle is deformed. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)

There is osseous expansion of the temporal bone repeated cold water exposure, such as in surfers
with relative sparing of the otic capsule. In this (see Fig. 10A). They cause bony stenosis of EAC
slowly progressing, inherited bony disease, fibro- with increased wall thickness and bone density.16
osseous replacement of bone occurs. Although Cholesteatoma of the EAC caused by accumula-
there is usually CHL or EAC bony stenosis, hearing tion of squamous epithelium can rarely present
loss also may be sensorineural or mixed. Cystic, with CHL. This EAC lesion is composed of exfoli-
pagetoid, and sclerotic appearances represent ated keratin within stratified squamous epithelium
the phases of the disease in descending order of and is usually unilateral. It usually occurs in individ-
activity.15 uals aged 40 years and older and tends to be an
isolated disease process. On imaging, this EAC
mass shows bony erosion with adjacent scallop-
Acquired Conductive Hearing
ing. Bony flecks appear in approximately 50% of
Loss Pathologies
cases (Fig. 11).17
Causes of acquired CHL include EAC pathologies, In keratosis obturans, desquamated keratin
neoplasm, trauma, tympanosclerosis, effusion, debris fills the EAC causing CHL. This inflamma-
malleus fixation, acquired cholesteatoma, and tory process usually occurs in individuals younger
fenestral otosclerosis. EAC exostoses are broad- than age 40 years and is usually bilateral. It is asso-
based osseous masses associated with chronic ciated with bronchiectasis and chronic sinusitis.
irritation and classically described in cases of Imaging shows a benign keratin plug occluding
292 Shah & Wiggins

Fig. 6. Coronal reformatted image through the IAC

shows a thin bony plate (yellow arrow) covering the Fig. 8. Axial CT demonstrates a homogenous mass of
oval window. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake soft tissue attenuation in the middle ear adjacent to
City, UT; with permission.) the ossicles (yellow arrow). There is erosion of the
medial margin of the incus. (Courtesy of Amirsys,
Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)
the EAC without bony erosion (Fig. 12).18 Medial
canal fibrosis is the formation of fibrous tissue in
medial EAC. The classic imaging appearance is oblique, depending on their relationship to the
of a fibrous crescent in medial EAC covering the petrous apex. Longitudinal fractures are along the
external surface of the tympanic membrane (see long axis of the petrous portion of the temporal
Fig. 12A). Approximately 60% of cases have bone and comprise approximately 80% of
bilateral involvement.19 Rarely, squamous cell temporal bone fractures.14 These are more likely
carcinoma and ceruminous adenomas can involve to involve the ossicles and result in CHL (Fig. 13).
the EAC, possibly leading to CHL on presentation.
Fractures through the temporal bones are classi-
cally described as longitudinal, transverse, and

Fig. 9. Coronal CT of the temporal bone illustrates an

aberrant internal carotid artery (white arrow) and
an associated persistent stapedial artery (black arrow).
The persistent stapedial artery passes through the
Fig. 7. Axial CT shows ossified fixation of the malleus stapes crura and travels along the tympanic segment
to the epitympanum (yellow arrow). (Courtesy of of the facial nerve (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt
Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.) Lake City, UT; with permission.).
Imaging of Hearing Loss 293

Fig.10. (A) Axial CT of the right temporal bone shows bony exostoses narrowing the EAC. (B) Axial bone algorithm
CT illustrates expansion and ground glass appearance of the right temporal bone. There is relative sparing of otic
capsule. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)

Approximately 20% of longitudinal temporal bone EAC. Pathology of the ossicles also can result in
fractures are associated with facial nerve injury.20 hearing loss. Malleus fixation can be idiopathic,
Tympanic membrane rupture and hemotympanum posttraumatic, developmental, or postinfectious
also may occur. Longitudinal fractures of the secondary to chronic otitis media (see Fig. 14A).
temporal bone that disrupt the tympanic Syphilis can cause adhesions between the foot-
membrane may allow an ingrowth of squamous plate and oval window, which can be difficult to
epithelium that also can lead to an acquired choles- detect on CT.25
teatoma.21 Transverse fractures are perpendicular Chronic otitis media can lead to middle ear atel-
to long axis of petrous portion and are more likely ectasis with retraction of the tympanic membrane
to involve the bony labyrinth to result in SNHL. onto the ossicles or cochlear promontory. In cases
Approximately 50% of transverse fractures are that are longstanding, there may be erosion of the
associated with facial nerve injury.20 incus and stapes with pockets of desquamated
Tympanosclerosis is a healing variant of chronic keratin and epithelium in which acquired choles-
otitis media characterized by deposition of hyali- teatomas can develop.21 Acquired cholesteato-
nized collagen in the tympanic cavity. The suspen- mas also can occur when there is invasion of
sory ligaments and tendons may ossify or calcify. squamous epithelium of the EAC through a perfo-
The tympanosclerosis surrounding the ossicles ration in the tympanic membrane and when there
can make it appear as if there are extra ossicles is squamous metaplasia of inflamed middle ear
or ‘‘hairy ossicles’’ (Fig. 14). This postinflammatory epithelium.26 The pars flaccida is the anterior and
new bone deposition is seen in the tympanic superior aspect of the tympanic membrane. A
membrane, middle ear, ossicles, mastoids, and
oval and round windows. In contradistinction to
fenestral otospongiosis, new bone deposition
within the oval window is irregular. A calcified
degenerative stapes footplate arthritis may mimic
this disorder.22 Recurrent inflammation and heal-
ing lead to calcification of the tympanic membrane
(myringosclerosis), which can cause CHL.23
Middle ear effusions may impede the movement
of ossicles and decrease tympanic membrane
compliance.24 Fluid in the middle ear and mastoid Fig. 11. Coronal CT illustrates a soft tissue mass with
air cells is easily demonstrated on CT and MR bony erosion (yellow arrows) along the inferior EAC,
examinations; however, infected effusions are with bony flecks, consistent with EAC cholesteatoma.
a clinical distinction. Myringotomy or tympanos- (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with
tomy tubes allow middle fluid to drain into the permission.)
294 Shah & Wiggins

Fig. 12. (A) Coronal CT through the right temporal bone shows soft tissue within the EAC covering the tympanic
membrane, with a lateral cresent, consistent with medial canal fibrosis. (B) Coronal CT reformations of the
temporal bones show benign soft tissue masses in the bilateral EACs without bony erosions. These are keratin
plugs of keratosis obturans. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)

perforation in the pars flaccida allows squamous window margins on CT and plugging of oval window
epithelium access to Prussak’s space, which is (obliterative otosclerosis). On enhanced contrast-
the recess between the ossicles and the lateral enhanced MR imaging, punctate enhancing foci
wall of the epitympanum (or attic). Careful atten- may be present in the medial wall of the middle
tion should be paid to the scutum along the roof ear cavity in the active phase. Fenestral otospon-
of the EAC, because erosion of this bony ‘‘spur’’ giosis begins at the fissula ante fenestram and
is one of the earliest abnormalities of a cholesteato- spreads posteriorly along the oval window
ma to be detected on CT, particularly on coronal margins toward the round window. Involvement
images (Fig. 15A). of the otic capsule indicates cochlear otospongio-
From Prussak’s space, the cholesteatoma may sis. Stapes footplate fixation to the oval window
erode the ossicles or medially displace them. It results in progressive CHL, usually bilaterally.
can extend through the middle ear into the aditus Seventy percent of cases are inherited (autosomal
ad antrum and into the mastoid antrum. In addition dominant with incomplete penetrance); the
to ossicular destruction, other complications of remaining are sporadic.23 Fenestral otospongiosis
cholesteatomas include facial nerve paralysis (85%) is more common than cochlear otospongio-
and labyrinthine fistula. Erosion of the tegmen sis (15%).28 In fenestral otospongiosis there is
tympani can occur; evaluation of temporal lobe progressive CHL. In 70% of cases, patients have
for possible herniation is important. This superior early tinnitus, and most cases are bilateral (85%).
bony erosion also can result in intracranial compli- Fenestral otospongiosis is always present in cases
cations such as meningitis, thrombosis, or of cochlear otosclerosis, but the cochlear type is
abscess. CT with soft tissue algorithm may be present in less than 15% of cases of fenestral oto-
helpful; however, coronal MR, especially thin spongiosis.29 Cochlear otospongiosis (retrofenes-
section T2-weighted images, can best delineate tral) presents clinically with progressive SNHL.
herniated brain parenchyma. SNHL may result if
there is erosion into the labyrinth that causes
a labyrinthine fistula. The cholesteatoma may drain
spontaneously or erode into the EAC, possibly
leading to an automastoidectomy. The radiologic
sine qua non of a cholesteatoma is bone erosion
(see Fig. 15). Acquired cholesteatoma of the pars
tensa can extend into the sinus tympani and is
usually medial to the ossicles (Fig. 16).
Fenestral otosclerosis (or otospongiosis) is
a pathologic condition of the perifenestral bony
labyrinth of unknown cause. Spongy bone foci
appear as abnormal bony density localized
anterior to the oval window, at the fissula ante fen-
estram,27 early in the disease (Fig. 17). The oval
window may appear too wide (osteoclastic resorp- Fig.13. Axial CT shows a longitudinal fracture through
tion). Late in the course of the disease, there is the left temporal bone (black arrowhead) with hemo-
heaped up new bone along the oval and round tympanum in a patient with trauma and hearing loss.
Imaging of Hearing Loss 295

Fig.14. (A) CT of the right temporal bone in an obliqued coronal plane shows an angulated incus, which is abnor-
mally attached to the lateral tympanic wall (white arrow). (B) Coronal CT depicts tympanosclerosis surrounding
the ossicles, which appear indistinct. There is soft tissue filling the middle ear cavity. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc.,
Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)

SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS In addition to CT of the temporal bones, thin section

MR imaging with T1-weighted pre- and postcon-
SNHL indicates dysfunction of the cochlea, trast with fat saturation sequences, T2-weighted
cochlear nerve, and brain and can be measured sequences, and three-dimensional constructive
with a tuning fork touched to the top of the head, interference steady state/three-dimensional T2
by conduction through bone, so that the sound fast spin echo/three-dimensional fourier transform
localizes to the normal side in these patients. The (FT) constructive interference steady state
structures of note include the cochlea and the sequences are essential in the thorough evaluation
cochlear nerve from the origin nucleus through of SNHL.
the CPA-IAC cistern into the membranous labyrinth.

Fig.15. (A) Coronal CT shows a soft tissue mass in Prussak’s space eroding the scutum (yellow arrow). (B) Axial CT
of an acquired cholesteatoma shows bony erosive changes along the anterior margin of the epitympanum (red
arrow) and of the ossicles (yellow arrow). Cholesteatoma of the pars flaccida is the most common type and is
usually lateral to ossicles. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)
296 Shah & Wiggins

the cases of congenital SNHL.1 Although the

cause is unknown in 25% to 40% of cases,30 intra-
uterine toxin exposure, infections, and perinatal
insults account for many cases pediatric SNHL.1
The spectrum of inner ear anomalies ranges
from complete aplasia to subtle dysplasia. Laby-
rinthine aplasia (also known as Michel deformity)
is the complete absence of the cochlea, vestibule,
and semicircular canals (Fig. 18). In cases of laby-
rinthine aplasia, there is SNHL from birth, and
cochlear implantation in the affected ear is not
an option. The bony labyrinth is featureless, and
the petrous apex may be hypoplastic or absent.
The IAC may be small or absent. The middle ear
may be normal in the mild form to abnormal with
fused ossicles in the more severe form. The lateral
wall of the inner ear is flat. The geniculate ganglion
is posterior to its normal expected location.31
Fig. 16. Coronal CT illustrates a homogenous soft There is no normal high signal intensity fluid in
tissue mass with the medial aspect of the left middle the membranous labyrinth on high-resolution T2
ear cavity in keeping with a cholesteatoma of the MR imaging. Labyrinthine aplasia occurs when
pars tensa. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, there is arrest of the otic placode development at
UT; with permission.) There is sparing of Prussak’s the third gestational week. It may be associated
space. with Klippel-Feil syndrome or thalidomide
Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Cochlear aplasia occurs in late third week arrest
with absent cochlea, dysmorphic vestibule, and
Loss Pathologies
semicircular canals (Fig. 19).32 The vestibule and
Congenital SNHL etiologies include membranous IAC may be dilated. The cochlear promontory is
labyrinthine dysplasias, cochlear/vestibular apla- flat. The labyrinthine, geniculate ganglion, and
sia/dysplasia, enlarged vestibular aqueduct, IAC anterior tympanic portions of the facial nerve are
atresia/stenosis, and perilymphatic fistula. Radio- located where the cochlea should be. The EAC,
graphic abnormality is seen in 20% of cases. middle ear, ossicular chain, bony vestibular
Genetic anomalies cause approximately half of

Fig. 18. Axial CT depicts bilateral labyrinthine aplasia

Fig. 17. Axial CT shows radiolucent bone anterior oval in this patient with associated skull base dysplasia.
window at the fissula ante fenestram (yellow arrow) (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with
in this case of early fenestral otospongiosis. permission.)
Imaging of Hearing Loss 297

Fig. 19. Axial CT image (left) show a dysplastic vestibule-semicircular canal and a small IAC. (Courtesy of Amirsys,
Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.) The cochlea is absent. Fluid signal is seen on the axial T2 MR (right) in the
dysplastic vestibule-semicircular canal.

aqueduct, and endolymphatic duct are normal in anomalies. The embryologic insult occurs at 6 to
size. If there is an arrest in the fourth week after 8 weeks’ gestation. In addition to SNHL, there
differentiation of the otic placode into the may be CHL caused by oval window atresia and
otocyst, a common cavity deformity occurs and ossicular chain anomalies.35 It can be sporadic
an ovoid single inner ear cavity is all that is formed. or associated with congenital syndromes (eg,
The semicircular canals are usually absent but CHARGE, Alagille, Waardenburg, Crouzon, Apert
may be present and dysplastic.32 The IAC size is syndromes). In CHARGE syndrome for instance,
concordant with the size of the common cavity there is absence of the semicircular canal bilater-
and enters the cavity at the center portion. The ally, dysmorphic vestibule, and cochlear anoma-
modiolus is absent on high resolution T2 MR lies with absence of the cochlear nerve canal.36
imaging (Fig. 20).33
Oblique sagittal T2 images through the IAC are
important to assess the presence of the cochlear
nerve if cochlear implantation is planned
(Fig. 21).33 A cystic cochleovestibular anomaly
results if there is arrest in the fifth gestational
week. A ‘‘figure-of-eight’’ cystic cochlea and vesti-
bule with semicircular canal dysplasia is seen
(Fig. 22). There are no internal features and no
modiolus is identified in these cases.34 The vesti-
bule is cystic and dilated.35 The semicircular
canals are variable in shape and degree of dilata-
tion.35 The IAC is normal in size with a normal facial
nerve; however, the cochleovestibular nerves are
deficient or absent. The EAC, middle ear, ossicular
chain, bony vestibular aqueduct, and endolym-
phatic duct are normal in size.
Semicircular canal dysplasia is a spectrum of
congenital deformities (Fig. 23). The most
common and least severe dysplasia in this spec-
trum is a common cavity formed by the lateral
semicircular canal and the vestibule. There is Fig. 20. Axial thin section T2 image illustrates a case of
associated oval window atresia. The cochlea cochlear dysplasia with absence of the central modio-
may be affected with incomplete partition of the lus. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with
apical and middle turns. There may be ossicular permission.)
298 Shah & Wiggins

Fig. 21. Sagittal oblique T2-weighted MR image

demonstrates the normal structures with the IAC.
(F, facial nerve; C, cochlear nerve; S, superior vestib-
ular nerve; I, inferior vestibular nerve; AICA, anterior
inferior cerebellar artery).

Large endolymphatic sac anomaly with cochlear Fig. 23. Top coronal CT shows normal lateral semicir-
dysplasia is seen when arrest occurs in the seventh cular (yellow arrow), and bottom coronal CT shows
gestational week. This is the most common a dysplastic lateral semicircular canal (red arrow), in
congenital inner ear anomaly found by imaging a case with associated cohlear dysplasia. (Courtesy of
and is bilateral in 90% of cases.37 It is a familial Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)
lesion with autosomal recessive inheritance. There
is an association with Pendred syndrome, which is
semicircular canal, so it is easy to simply compare
severe SNHL with thyroid pathology. Patients are
the diameter of the sac to the lateral and posterior
able to hear at birth, but their hearing deteriorates
semicircular canals, which should be larger than
over the early years of life. Typical clinical presenta-
the aqueduct.37 There is no relationship between
tion involves a child or teenager with progressive
the size of the endolymphatic sac and the severity
SNHL. There may be posttraumatic potentiation
of the SNHL. Although the aqueduct itself is best
of SNHL. It is the most commonly missed cause
evaluated with CT, the bright signal intensity on
of congenital deafness. Rarely, patients have distal
T2 within the sac is best seen on thin T2-weighted
renal tubular acidosis that results in varying
degrees of metabolic acidosis.
The criteria for determining an enlarged vestib-
ular aqueduct (in which the endolymphatic sac
lies) are vague. Bony vestibular aqueduct diameter
measures of more than 1.5 mm in the transverse
dimension at the midpoint or an opercular
measurement of more than 2 mm is generally
considered to be the defining characteristics
(Fig. 24).38,39 The vestibular aqueduct is usually
found at the level of the vestibule and lateral

Fig. 24. Axial CT demonstrates an enlarged vestibular

Fig. 22. Coronal CT shows dysmorphic cochlea bilater- aqueduct. It is larger in size than the ipsilateral semi-
ally. The IACs are diminutive in size. circular canal.
Imaging of Hearing Loss 299

MR imaging. In more than 75% of cases, there is leukemia, metastases,49 and meningeal carcino-
an associated cochlear dysplasia.37 The apical matosis. A vestibular schwannoma is a benign
turn of the cochlea in these cases is dysmorphic tumor arising from Schwann cells that wrap the
with modiolar deficiency.40 High-resolution T2 vestibulocochlear nerve in the CPA-IAC, more
MR imaging may be able to distinguish more often from the vestibular portion of cranial nerve
subtle abnormalities of scalar chamber asymmetry VIII at the glial-Schwann cell junction. Adults
with the more anterior scala vestibuli larger than present with unilateral SNHL in their 40s to 60s.46
the more posterior scala tympani.41 Approximately Vestibular schwannomas are avidly enhancing
50% of cases have associated vestibular or semi- lesions that have a cylindrical morphology if they
circular canal anomalies (Fig. 25). involve only the IAC or an ‘‘ice cream cone’’
In patients with sudden hearing loss, studies appearance if there is involvement of both the
have shown wider vestibular aqueducts in the IAC and CPA (Fig. 26).50
affected ear as compared with controls.42 The Intralabyrinthine schwannoma is a benign tumor
endolymphatic sac can show enhancement,42,43 that arises from Schwann cells with the membra-
which may be caused by inflammation of the nous labyrinth, which results in progressive
endolymphatic tissue or venous engorgement. It hearing loss.51 This lesion appears as a tissue
is hypothesized that a wide vestibular aqueduct density lesion within the high signal inner ear fluid
may be associated with insufficient maturation of and shows focal enhancement. It appears as
the inner ear.44 The congenital ‘‘fragile’’ inner ear a focal enhancing mass in the membranous laby-
may receive abnormal pressure transmission rinth on T1 contrast-enhanced MR imaging and
through the vestibular aqueduct.45 as a filling defect within the perilymph on high-
resolution T2 MR imaging. These lesions can be
subdivided according to location: intracochlear,
Acquired Sensorineural Hearing
vestibulocochlear, transmodiolar, transmacular,
Loss Pathologies
and transtotic (Fig. 27).52
Acquired SNHL etiologies include tumors, infec- Endolymphatic sac tumors (ELSTs) are adeno-
tious/inflammatory processes, trauma, autoim- matous tumors of the endolymphatic sac in
mune/immune disorders, and degenerative/
idiopathic processes. Tumors can cause
SNHL, including vestibular (acoustic) schwanno-
mas (60%–90%),46 meningiomas (3%–6%),47
epidermoids (3%–6%),48 schwannomas of cranial
nerves V, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII, lymphoma,

Fig. 26. Axial enhanced T1-weighted image of MR

image demonstrates bilateral avidly enhancing masses
in the CPAs. The lesions widening the porus acousticus
Fig. 25. Axial T2 MR depicts an enlarged endolym- and extend into the IAC. Bilateral vestibular schwan-
phatic sac. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, nomas is highly suggestive of neurofibromatosis 2.
UT; with permission.) There is also subtle abnormality (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with
of the scalar chambers of the cochlea. permission.)
300 Shah & Wiggins

the ascending pharyngeal and occipital arteries

feeding the vascular tumor.54 There are high signal
foci within the tumor matrix on T1 MR imaging
when the lesion is larger than 3 cm and along the
margin when the lesion is less than 3 cm. Most
tumors (80%) have these foci of increased signal
intensity.53 Flow voids can be seen when the
tumor is larger than 2 cm. These lesions show
heterogeneous enhancement on contrast-
enhanced MR imaging (Fig. 29).
SNHL is seen in virtually all patients. Other
symptoms include facial nerve palsy, pulsatile
tinnitus, and vertigo. If ELST is bilateral, then von
Hippel-Lindau syndrome is likely present. Hearing
loss and ELST are frequently associated with von
Hippel-Lindau syndrome and should be consid-
ered when screening individuals at risk for von
Hippel-Lindau syndrome and when monitoring
Fig. 27. Enhanced axial T1-weighted MR image with patients with an established diagnosis of von Hip-
fat saturation shows an enhancing mass slightly ex- pel-Lindau syndrome. Audiologic evaluation and
panding the vestibule. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., MR imaging should enable early detection and
Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.) enhance management of hearing loss in these
patients. Many patients with von Hippel-Lindau
a retrolabyrinthine location. They are centered in syndrome have hearing loss without radiographic
the fovea of the endolymphatic sac in the posterior evidence of an ELST. Whether it is caused by an
surface of the petrous temporal bone. Larger ELST that is too small to be detected by MR
lesions (> 3 cm) can spread to involve the middle imaging or is produced by some other cause is still
ear, CPA cistern, and/or jugular foramen. On CT, unknown.55
the lesion shows intratumoral bone spicules. The Vestibulocochlear neuritis, labyrinthitis, and lab-
margins may appear destructive and aggressive yrinthitis ossificans can lead to SNHL. In subacute
(Fig. 28).53 A thin rim of calcification along the labyrinthitis, the fluid spaces of the inner ear—
posterior margin of the tumor is common. CT especially the membranous labyrinth—are in-
angiogram shows enlarged distal vessels from flamed or infected. In the early stage, CT findings
may be normal. Contrast-enhanced T1 MR

Fig. 28. Axial CT shows speculated calcifications

throughout the tumor matrix. There is dehiscence of
the posterior wall of the IAC by the ELST. (Courtesy Fig. 29. Unenhanced axial T1 image illustrates T1
of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.) hyperintense signal with the ELST on the left.
Imaging of Hearing Loss 301

imaging shows faint to moderate enhancement a perilymphatic fistula or postsurgical after stape-
within normally fluid-filled spaces of the inner ear dectomy or other inner ear surgery.
(Fig. 30A). T2 MR imaging shows diminished Labyrinthitis ossificans is fibrous and includes
signal; however, there is higher signal than seen eventual bony proliferation in the endolymphatic
with an intralabyrinthine schwannoma.56,57 These structures. It may arise from purulent material
fluid-filled spaces may become ossified in the reaching endolymph via cerebrospinal fluid and
late chronic phase (labyrinthitis ossificans). from adjacent inflammatory disease. It begins
Patients present with SNHL, vertigo, and tinnitus with fibrosis and progresses to ossification as
acutely. In the tympanogenic membranous type, early as 2 months.58 In cochlear labyrinthitis ossi-
there is a history of otomastoiditis, meningitis of ficans, the fluid spaces of the cochlea are affected.
the meningogenic membranous type, and viral In noncochlear labyrinthitis ossificans, the fluid
infection of the hematogenous membranous spaces of the semicircular canal or vestibule are
type.57 Labyrinthitis also can be posttraumatic as affected. Labyrinthitis ossificans can contraindi-
the result of a unilateral fracture with cate or complicate cochlear implantation;

Fig. 30. (A) Enhanced axial T1-weighted MR illustrates pathologic enhancement of the cochlear apex and vesti-
bule. There is also linear enhancement within the IAC, which is compatible with associated facial neuritis. (B)
Axial CT (left) shows ossification of the membranous labyrinth involving the cochlea, vestibule and semicircular
canal. Axial T2 (right) demonstrates correlative loss of the normal fluid signal within the membranous labyrinth.
(Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT; with permission.)
302 Shah & Wiggins

therefore, precochlear implant evaluation of the

temporal bone with CT is essential.59 Hazy
increased density within the normally fluid-filled
spaces of the membranous labyrinth is seen in
mild cases, whereas severe cases show complete
obliteration by bone replacement. On three-
dimensional FT- constructive interference steady
state sequences, there is loss of normal fluid signal
intensity within the cochlea because of fibrous
proliferation of the labyrinth. The modiolus can
appear ‘‘enlarged.’’58 The enhancement of
membranous labyrinthitis can persist in the ossi-
fying stages of labyrinthitis ossificans (see Fig. 30).
Otosyphilis caused by the bacterium spirochete
Treponema pallidum can cause acute and fluctu-
ating hearing loss and vertigo. CT shows perme-
ative demineralization of the otic capsule.39
Contrast-enhanced MR imaging demonstrates
enhancement of cranial nerves VII and VIII. There Fig. 31. Axial CT reveals an oblique fracture through
may be syphilitic labyrinthitis with enhancement the temporal bone. The fracture extends through
of the membranous labyrinth.60 the oval window, which results in a perilymphatic
Fractures through the temporal bones can be fistula. The diffuse middle ear and mastoid opacifica-
described as longitudinal, transverse, and oblique. tion is likely a combination of blood and cerebro-
Transverse fractures through the temporal bones spinal fluid. (Courtesy of Amirsys, Inc., Salt Lake City,
often involve the inner ear, with SNHL and facial UT; with permission.)
nerve canal involvement being common.14 In the
medial subtype, the fracture extends along the Osteopetrosis is also associated with SNHL,
posterior or petrous surface through the fundus with generalized osteosclerosis.65 Bones may be
of the IAC to the first genu of the facial nerve, uniformly sclerotic, but alternating sclerotic and
with permanent hearing loss being common.61 In lucent bands may be noted in iliac wings and
the lateral subtype, the fracture extends along near ends of long bones. The bones might be
the posterior petrous surface through the laby- club-like or appear like a bone within bone (endo-
rinth, with perilymphatic fistula being common bone). The entire skull is thickened and dense,
(Fig. 31).61 especially at the base, in type 1 autosomal reces-
Intralabyrinthine hemorrhage can occur in sive osteopetrosis.65 Type 2 spares the calvarium.
patients with history of anticoagulation, sickle Contrast-enhanced MR imaging may show extra-
cell disease, trauma, leukemia, or other hypervis- medullary hematopoiesis with enhancing extrac-
cosity syndromes. Patients experience acute erebral spaces.66 Flared IACs and large
onset of unilateral SNHL. There is high signal subarcuate fossae are classically seen.65 Sinuses
within normally fluid-filled spaces of the labyrinth are small and underpneumatized. Vertebrae are
on T1 MR imaging. Demyelinating processes, radiodense and may show alternating bands,
such as multiple sclerosis, can cause SNHL if the known as the rugger-jersey sign. In autosomal
plaque involves the cochlear nucleus. MR imaging recessive osteopetrosis, MR angiography can
of the brain reveals additional white matter pla- demonstrate compromise of the petrous segment
ques in a characteristic periventricular and perical- of the internal carotid artery.67 MR venography
losal distribution (Fig. 32). Autoimmune SNHL has may show stenosis of the dural venous sinuses.
been described62–64 in studies in which the clinical Presbycusis can occur as a sequela of aging,
pattern did not fit with known entities. All patients infectious processes, inflammatory processes,
responded to treatment for an autoimmune trauma, toxicity of certain medications, and long-
disease, namely, chronic cortisone and cyclo- term exposure to loud noise.
phosphamide therapy. Clinical results in the study
by Kataoka and colleagues63 suggested that MIXED HEARING LOSS
endolymphatic hydrops may contribute to autoim-
mune SNHL. Immune-mediated audiovestibular Mixed hearing loss (MHL) occurs from a combina-
dysfunction is either a separate disease entity or tion of CHL and SNHL. There may be damage in
part of a more generalized (auto-)immune the outer or middle ear and in the inner (cochlea)
process.64 or auditory nerve.
Imaging of Hearing Loss 303

Fig. 32. Axial T2-weighted image (left) shows a demyelinating plaque in the region of the left cochlear nucleus.
Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery image (FLAIR) (right) of the brain reveals characteristic periventricular
white matter lesions.

Mixed Hearing Loss Pathologies site affected.28 The cochlea is involved in 35% of
cases.29 The fenestral form demonstrates a large
The classic cause of MHL is otospongiosis. Oto-
plaque of otospongiosis narrowing the oval
spongiosis (also known as otosclerosis) is
window. The retrofenestral or cochlear form shows
a primary bone dysplasia of the otic capsule in
focal lytic plaques in pericochlear bony labyrinth
which normal endochondral bone is replaced by
(Fig. 33).29
spongy irregular new bone.28 It occurs more often
Otosclerosis presents bilaterally and symmetri-
in white women between 11 and 30 years of age
cally in 85% of cases.28,29 There is no bony
who present with CHL or MHL. The fissula ante
encroachment of the membranous labyrinth,
fenestram is the cleft of fibrocartilaginous tissue
which would indicate labyrinthitis ossificans.
just anterior to the oval window and often the initial

Fig. 33. Axial CT images show lucency around the cochlea bilaterally (yellow arrows).
304 Shah & Wiggins

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