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Detecting Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps

Experimental Results of the Pump Laboratory

by Jeremy Jensen rarely more frequent than once per personnel to stop it and understand the
Project Engineer month. Permanently installed online conditions elsewhere in the process
Bently Rotor Dynamics systems are almost never employed stream that led to cavitation. While the
Research Corporation
because it is argued that the costs of point of this article is not to debate the
such pumps do not justify the cost of merits of online versus offline monitoring
permanent monitoring. Interestingly, (Bently Nevada supports both, with our
and Kenwood Dayton this long-held paradigm is changing. Trendmaster® 2000 system for online
Sr. Research Engineer The focus on these “smaller” machines monitoring of general purpose machinery
Bently Rotor Dynamics is intensifying, because there are often and our Snapshot™ for Windows® CE
Research Corporation
so many of these machines in a plant system for portable data collection),
that they can collectively comprise a it is important to recognize that the
significant portion of the maintenance detection and prevention of cavitation
budget. As has been said, “many drops can only be effectively accomplished in
ently Nevada Corporation is make an ocean,” and this is often true an online environment, unlike certain
continually investigating with maintenance costs in a typical other machinery malfunctions.
methods to help our customers plant – it can be the many small
protect and manage all their machinery. expenditures that eclipse the few Pump Lab Goals
This includes integrated solutions to expensive ones. Increasingly, online Our goal with the Pump Laboratory is
address machines of all sizes, speeds, monitoring is justifiable, particularly to enhance understanding of centrifugal
and criticality. Within two of the largest for certain malfunctions. pump malfunctions. This will help to
markets that we serve, Hydrocarbon The subject of this article – cavitation determine the benefits and impediments
Processing and Power Generation, the – is one such phenomenon that can be of certain types of measurements and
most common machine type is the very damaging to pumps, is a direct monitoring techniques. Within the Pump
process pump. The vast majority of result of improper operating conditions, Laboratory, we can simulate various
these pumps are small – less than 200 and can only be effectively detected process conditions and pump malfunctions
hp (150 kW) in size – and operate at and mitigated in an online environment.
speeds below 3600 rpm. They use Because operating conditions are what
rolling element bearings and mechanical cause a pump to cavitate, the condition
“... it is important to
seals. Our pump lab is a direct result of
recognize that the detection
needs to be measured in real time
industry’s need for improved knowledge and conveyed to Operations personnel and prevention of cavita-
and solutions for this important class of so that they can stop the pump from tion can only be effectively
machines. cavitating – in effect, stopping the
accomplished in an
Traditionally, the types of pumps pump from damaging itself. Portable
described above have been categorized data collection informs Operations online environment, unlike
as “low business risk.” If they are after cavitation has occurred. In contrast, certain other machinery
monitored at all, it is generally with a permanent monitoring informs as it malfunctions.”
portable data collector at intervals is occurring, allowing Operations

26 ORBIT Second Quarter 2000

in a controlled environment, which Pump Configuration
allows for isolation of the cause and “In some instances, cavitation Figure 1 shows the test pump
effect. By reproducing specific mal- has been severe enough to configuration in the Pump Laboratory.
functions, we can observe which The pump is a 4 in x 3 in x 7.5 in, single
measurements are most sensitive to the
wear holes in the impeller
volute, overhung design with a 5-vane
malfunction and how to best apply the and damage the vanes to closed-face impeller. The impeller and
instrumentation. [Editor’s Note: Please such a degree that the shaft are supported by two rolling element
refer to the article, How Our Pump Lab bearings and are coupled to a 7.5 hp
impeller becomes totally
Is Increasing Our Understanding of (5.6 kW) motor with a relatively flexible
Pump Behavior, ORBIT, Vol. 20 No. 2, ineffective. More commonly, coupling. The motor can be driven
1999, pp. 46-48, for details of the the pump efficiency will directly from a 480 V, 60 Hz, three-
Pump Laboratory.] decrease significantly during phase source, or can alternatively be
driven from a 480 V variable frequency
Cavitation – A Review cavitation and continue to
drive. The pump loop is supplied with
Cavitation was one of the first decrease as damage to the water from a 1600 gallon (6060 L)
malfunctions investigated in the Pump
impeller increases.” tank. The water level of the tank is
Laboratory. It occurs when the Net typically 6.5 ft (2 m) above the pump
Positive Suction Head Available
The pump manufacturer typically
(NPSHA) drops below the Net Positive
provides the NPSHR experimental
Suction Head Required (NPSHR) for a
curve. Cavitation will occur when the
“Typically, when cavitation
centrifugal pump. occurs, an audible sound
net pressure in the fluid is less than the
vapor pressure of the fluid (pinlet less similar to ‘marbles’ or
NPSHA = (1) than pvp). With pinlet < pvp, vapor ‘crackling’ is reported to be
bubbles will form in the fluid at the
emitted from the pump.
where impeller inlet. Note that in this
instance, pinlet is defined as the pres- However, in this case no
sure at the eye of the impeller and not at audible noise was heard
the casing inlet. As these vapor bubbles during the cavitation of the
(3) travel outward along the vanes of the
impeller, the pressure increases above
the fluid’s vapor pressure, pvp, and the
(4) inlet. The water is supplied through a
vapor bubbles collapse. The formation
and subsequent collapse of the vapor 6 in (152 mm) manifold to each of
and where bubbles is referred to as cavitation. three pump pedestals. Two pedestals
This malfunction can be extremely support a 40 hp (30 kW) pump installa-
destructive to a centrifugal pump. tion, and the third pedestal can support
Cavitation can cause pitting of the a 20 hp (15 kW) pump. The loop can
impeller, impeller vanes, and pump support up to 800 gpm (50 L/s) flow
casing. In some instances, cavitation rates. Multiple pumps can be config-
has been severe enough to wear holes ured in series, in parallel, or in a series-
in the impeller and damage the vanes parallel combination. Table 1 includes
to such a degree that the impeller the transducers used to instrument the
becomes totally ineffective. More com- pump, along with their corresponding
monly, the pump efficiency will locations.
decrease significantly during cavitation Cavitation Experimentation
and continue to decrease as damage to The cavitation research was conducted
the impeller increases. on a Bell and Gossett®1510 3BB pump

ORBIT Second Quarter 2000 27

on the inlet side) to avoid cavitation.
Lowering the closed-loop-system pres-
sure affects only a single variable. The
piping system losses remain constant,
and any flow reductions are directly
related to the operation of the pump
rather than the piping system.
During experimentation, the pump
was run at the BEP for a sufficient
time to bring the fluid temperature to
equilibrium. Data collection was initiated,
and the pump was run for several minutes
at BEP to establish a baseline. The
vacuum pump was engaged, and the
closed-loop-system pressure was
reduced. Initially, the inlet and discharge
Figure 1. Illustration of pump and transducer locations. pressures dropped at the same rate, and
the ∆Ppump (pressure head gained
Dwg.Ref. Transducer Qty Location Orientation
D1 Eddy current 2 Drive end (DE) rolling X 35° Right
REBAM® element bearing (REB) Y 55° Left “Monitoring the dynamic
D2 Eddy current 2 Shaft observing between NDE X 35° Right inlet pressure may be a
displacement and DE REBs Y 55° Left
better indicator of cavitation
D3 Eddy current 2 Non-drive end (NDE) REB X 35° Right
REBAM® Y 55° Left than monitoring the static
D4 Eddy current 2 Wear ring area X 35° Right pressure at the inlet.”
displacement Y 55° Left

KØ1 Keyphasor® 1 Pump shaft 90° Left across the pump) remained constant.
T1 Thermocouple 1 Nonrotating ceramic seal ring N/A The head gained and the flow rate were
monitored until the discharge pressure
T2 Thermocouple 1 Inlet water N/A
decreased at a greater rate than the inlet
F1 Flow 1 10 pipe diameters before In line pressure. At a point in which the pressure
pump inlet elbow
head gained in the pump, ∆Ppump, and
DP1 Dynamic Pressure 1 Outlet N/A the flow, , dropped off drastically, the
DP2 Dynamic Pressure 1 Inlet N/A flow was allowed to reach 160 gpm
A1 Acceleration 1 Pump housing 0° (10 L/s). The vacuum control valve was
then closed in order to hold the system
A2 Acceleration 1 Inlet cap Axial
in a constant state of cavitation. Data
PWR1 Dynamic Power 1 Motor power lines N/A was collected for a sufficient time during
Microphone 1 Various locations N/A steady cavitation. The vacuum was then
slowly released, and data was collected
Table 1. Table of transducer locations.
during the transition from cavitating to
operating at a speed of 1770 rpm near manufacturer. Cavitation was induced non-cavitating operating conditions.
the best efficiency point (BEP). For by applying a vacuum to a closed-loop Finally, data was collected during
this pump, the BEP (Figure 2) is 330 pump system. This technique is com- steady state conditions with the pump
gpm at 47.5 ft (20.8 L/s at 14.5 m) of monly employed in a reverse method operating normally (non-cavitating
head gain as identified by the pump (i.e., by applying pressure to the fluid conditions).

28 ORBIT Second Quarter 2000

at 15:11:00, when corresponding to the vane pass
the vacuum pump frequency) that significantly decreased
was started. The in amplitude as the pump approached
pressure was cavitation. This response to cavitation
reduced at a rela- suggested that the filtered 5X component
tively constant rate. of inlet pressure may be a good indicator
At 15:15:30, the of the cavitation malfunction. Figure 5
pump head gained, is a waterfall plot of the dynamic inlet
and the flow pressure. Following the 5X line with
through the pump
decreased dramati-
cally (Figures 3 and “... dynamic pressure is a
4). This point is direct indication of cavita-
defined as the onset tion, whereas NPSHA
of cavitation. The
monitoring is an indirect
NPSHR for a partic-
ular flow rate can be indicator.”
determined by cal-
Figure 2. Manufacturer’s and Pump Lab-tested pump characteristics
and NPSHR curves for the Bell and Gossett 1510 3BB pump.
® culating the NPSHA time, and correlating with the infor-
of the system at the mation in Figures 3 and 4, there was an
Results onset of cavitation. Figure 2 shows the obvious decrease in the 5X amplitude
Onset of cavitation is defined by the Pump Laboratory-tested NPSHR and at the same time as the pump pressure
Hydraulic Institute Standards as a 3% the manufacturer’s NPSHR at various head, ∆Ppump, and the pump flow rate
drop in pump pressure head, ∆Ppump, flow rates. dropped off.
without inlet or discharge throttling [2]. A half spectrum analysis of the Audible and inaudible sound
Figure 3 shows the static inlet pressure dynamic inlet pressure measurement measurements revealed another
near the impeller suction inlet of the revealed a 5X component in the interesting result during cavitation
pump. This pressure began decreasing spectrum (5 times running speed, testing. Typically, when cavitation

Figure 3. Trend plots for discharge and inlet pressures, and pressure Figure 4. Trend plot for measured flow rate to pump.

ORBIT Second Quarter 2000 29

of the fluid. In turn, the vapor pressure
of the fluid is a function of the temper-
ature of the fluid. Dynamic pressure
monitoring, on the other hand, requires
a single measurement. Therefore, the
dynamic pressure is a direct indication
of cavitation, whereas NPSHA monitoring
is an indirect indicator.
In this instance, the detection of
cavitation by audible noise was not
reliable, as there were no noticeable
changes in the noise levels. The
characteristic cavitation noise may be
dependent on the pumping rate, the
severity of the cavitation, and the
acoustic transmissibility of the system.
Perhaps this system did not allow for
appreciable transmission of the
acoustic waves from the collapsing
vapor bubbles.
Figure 5. Half spectrum waterfall plot of the dynamic inlet pressure. Future issues of ORBIT will high-
light results of our Pump Laboratory
occurs, an audible sound similar to component (vane pass) of the dynamic investigations for other methods that
“marbles” or “crackling” is reported to inlet pressure for this pump. The indicate cavitation. These methods
be emitted from the pump. However, in decrease in the 5X component of include monitoring of wear ring
this case no audible noise was heard dynamic inlet pressure is most likely a displacement, rolling element bearing
during the cavitation of the pump. function of the transmissibility of the activity, shaft displacement, and
This was confirmed by a number of fluid in conjunction with the location dynamic power, and their relationship
individuals present during the cavitation of the pressure transducer. In other to pump cavitation. The experimentation
testing. In fact, in some instances the words, as cavitation occurs, the trans- in the Pump Laboratory, in conjunction
overall audible noise of the pump missibility of the vane pass pressure with the continued application of these
decreased upon onset of cavitation. In pulsations decreases due to the presence techniques in the field, will help us to
addition to the qualitative analysis, a of vapor bubbles in the fluid, resulting develop methods for managing all
microphone with a sensitivity of 0.2 dB in a decrease in the amplitude of the machinery.
and a frequency response of 0 to 30,000 dynamic pressure measurements at this
Hz was set up near the pump, in various frequency.
positions, to quantify the noise level Monitoring the dynamic inlet pressure
changes. Interestingly, no significant may be a better indicator of cavitation References:
1. Alcalde, Marco and Phil Hanifan, “How Our
changes in the measured noise emissions than monitoring the static pressure at Pump Lab Is Increasing Our Understanding
were detected between BEP operation the inlet. In order to use the static of Pump Behavior,” ORBIT, Vol. 20 No. 2,
and operation during cavitation. pressure to monitor for cavitation, two 1999, pp. 46-48.
2. Karassik, Krutzsch, Fraser, Messina, Pump
additional measurements (fluid velocity Handbook, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill,
Conclusions and fluid temperature) are required. 1986.
The dynamic inlet pressure measure- This is because the actual NPSHA is 3. Volk, Michael W., Pump Characteristics and
Applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1996.
ments appear to provide an early not solely dependent on the static
indication of cavitation. Specifically, pressure, but is also a function of the
cavitation appears to affect the 5X average velocity and the vapor pressure

30 ORBIT Second Quarter 2000

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