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3L+1T MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.


Object Oriented Paradigm: Elements of object-oriented programming, objects, classes,

multiple views of the same object, encapsulation and data abstraction, Inheritance, and
delegation – object composition, polymorphism, and software reuse.


Introduction to Programming in C++: Data types, Operators and Expression, Type

conversion, Array and Strings, Streams based I/O, modular programming with functions,
storage classes, command line arguments, pointers, inline function, function overloading,
introduction to function templates, runtime memory management; Structures, Unions, and
Enumerated types,

Classes and Objects: INTRODUCTION, class specification, class objects, accessing class
members, friend functions and friend classes, constant parameters and member functions,
static data and member functions, and memory resource. Object initialization and cleanup,
Dynamic objects, Operator overloading, data conversion


Inheritance: Introduction, Type of inheritance, Inheritance and member accessibility, order of

construction and destruction, function overriding, virtual base classes.

Virtual Functions: Introduction, need for virtual functions, Runtime Polymorphism, Pure
Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes, Virtual destructors.


Working with I/O Streams: Predefined console streams, hierarchy of console stream classes,
unformatted I/O operations, formatted console I/O operations, manipulators, custom/user-
defined manipulators, stream operator with user-defined classes.

Working with File Streams: Introduction, Hierarchy of file stream classes, opening and
closing of files, testing for errors, file pointers and their descriptors /manipulators, sequential
access to a file, object retrieval, random access to a file.


Generic Programming with Templates: Introduction, function templates revisited, overloaded

function templates, user defined template arguments. Class templates, inheritance of class
template, class template containership, class template with overloaded operators.
Exception Handling: Introduction, Error handling, exception handling model, Exception
handling constructs, List of pre-defined exceptions, catch all handler, Exceptions in
constructors and destructors, Handling uncaught exceptions, Exceptions in overloaded
operators and functions.

Books Recommended:

1. Mastering C++: K.R Venugopal, Rajkumar, T. Ravishankar; Tata McGraw Hill

2. Object oriented Modeling and Design: Rumbaugh et. al.; PHI

3. An Introduction to Object oriented Programming: Timothy a Budd; Addison Wesley


4. C++ Primer: S. Lippman, J. Lajoie and B. Moo; Addison Wesley

5. Programming in C++: Maria litvin , Gary litvin; Vikas

6. Object oriented with C++: E. Balaguruswami; Tata McGraw Hill

7. Object oriented Programming in C++ and Java: D Samantha; Prentice Hall India
3L MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.

Introduction: Defining Software Engineering, Software Components, Software Characteristics,

Software Crisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from Conventional
Engineering Processes, Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models,
Iterative Enhancement Models


Software Requirement Specifications (SRS): Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation,

Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study,
information Modeling, Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables,
SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance (SQA): Verification and
Validation, SQA Plans, Software Quality Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model.


Software Design: Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design:
Modularization, Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion
Measures, Design Strategies: Function oriented Design, Object oriented Design, Top-Down and
Bottom-Up Design. Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size oriented Measures:
Halestead’s Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures, and Cyclomatic Complexity
Measures: Control Flow Graphs.


Software Testing: Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, integration Testing, Acceptance Testing,
Regression Testing, Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance, Top-Down and
Bottom-Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box
Testing), Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation, Alpha and Beta
Testing of Products. Static Testing Strategies: Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk
Through, Code inspection, Compliance with Design and Coding Standards.


Software Maintenance and Software Project Management: Software as an Evolutionary

Entity, Need for Maintenance, Categories of Maintenance: Preventive, Corrective and Perfective
Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Software
Configuration Management Activities, Change Control Process, Software Version Control, An
Overview of CASE Tools. Estimation of Various Parameters such as Cost, Efforts, Schedule /
Duration, Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO), Resource Allocation Models, Risk Analysis and

Books Recommended:

1. Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach: R. S. Pressman; McGraw Hill.

2. Fundamentals of Software Engineering: Rajib Mall; PHI Publication.

3. Fundamentals of Software Engineering: Carlo Ghezzi, M. Jarayeri, D. Manodrioli; PHI


4. Software Engineering: Ian Sommerville; Addison Wesley.

5. Software Engineering: Pankaj Jalote; Narosa Publication

6. Software Engineering: K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh; New Age international


7. Software Engineering: P. Fleeger; Macmillan Publication.

3L MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.

Introduction: What is Operating System? Operating-System Structure, Types and Role of

Operating System. Virtual Machines and System Boot-sequence,

Special Purpose Operation System: Introduction to Distributed System, Embedded System,

Real time System, Multimedia System.


Processes Managements: Process Concept, Scheduling, Operations on Processes, interprocess

Communication, Examples of IPC Systems, Communication in Client-Server Systems,
Threads: Introduction, Multithreading Models, Threading Issues,

CPU Scheduling: Introduction, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms,

Process Synchronization: Overview, The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution,

Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors,
Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Deadlocks Handling, Prevention,
Avoidance, Detection, Recovery from Deadlock


Memory Management: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Page Table,


Virtual Memory: Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing,

Memory-Mapped Files,

Secondary Memory: File-System concepts, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File-System

Mounting, File Sharing, Protection,

File-System Implementation: Structure, Implementation, Directory Implementation,

Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery, Log-
Structured File Systems, NFS.


I/O Management: Device drivers, disk scheduling, Introduction to loaders, linkers and
relocating loaders,

Security: Security Problem, Program Threats, System and Network Threats, Cryptography as a
Security Tool, User Authentication, and Implementing Security Defenses, Firewalling to Protect
Systems and Networks, Computer-Security Classifications.

Case Study: The LINUX System-History, Design Principles, Kernel Modules, Process
Management, Scheduling, Memory Management, File Systems, input and Output, Interprocess
Communication, Network Structure.

Books Recommended:

1. Operating System Concepts Seventh Edition: Avi Silberchatz, Peter Baer Galvin,
Greg Gagne; John Wiley & Sons Inc.

2. Modern Operating Systems, S. Tanenbaum: Pearson Education Asia.

3. Operating Systems-a Concept based approach, M. Dhamdhere: Tata Mc-Graw Hills.

4. Operating Systems, Achyut Godble: Tata Mc-Graw Hills.

5. Operating System, Stallings, Pearson.

3L+1T MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.

Introduction: Overview, Database System vs Files System, Characteristics of Database Approach,

Advantages and Disadvantages. Database System Concepts and Architecture, Data Models Schema and
Instances, Data Independence and Data Base Language and Interfaces, Data Definition and Data
Manipulation Constructs – DDL, DML, DCL. Overall Database Structure, Classification of DBMS.

Data Modeling Using The Entity Relationship Model: Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, Keys,
Concepts of Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key, Relationships, Relationship Types, Roles, and
Structural Constrains, Weak Entity Types , E-R Model Concepts, Notation For ER Diagram, Naming
Conventions, Mapping Constraints, and Design Issues Generalization, Aggregation, Reduction of an ER
Diagrams to Tables, Extended ER Model, Relationships of Higher Degree.


Relational Data Model and Language: Relational Data Model Concepts and Relational Database
Schema, Integrity Constraints: Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, Keys Constraints, Domain
Constraints, Relational Constraints, Update Operations and Dealing With Constraint Violations,
Relational Algebra Operations, Relational Calculus, Example of Queries In Relational Algebra, Tupple
and Domain Calculus.

Introduction To SQL: Characteristics of SQL. Advantage, Data Types and Literals. Types of SQL
Commands. SQL Operators and Their Procedure. Tables, Views and Indexes. Queries and Sub Queries.
Aggregate Functions. Insert, Update and Delete Operations. Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors


Data Base Design & Normalization: Informal Design Guidelines For Relation Schemas, Functional
Dependencies, Normal Forms, First, Second, Third Normal Forms, Bcnf, Inclusion Dependences, Loss
Less Join Decompositions, Normalization Using Fd, Mvd, and Jds, Alternative Approaches To Database


Transaction Processing Concepts: Introduction to Transaction Processing, Transaction System

Concepts, Desirable Properties of Transactions, Testing of Serializability, Serializability of Schedules,
Conflict & View Serializable Schedule, Recoverability, Recovery From Transaction Failures, Log Based
Recovery, Checkpoints, Deadlock Handling. Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency Control,
Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control, Time Stamping Protocols for Concurrency Control,
Validation Based Protocol, Multiple Granularity, Multi Version Schemes, Recovery with Concurrent


Database Recovery Techniques: Recovery Concepts, Recovery Techniques Based on Deferred Update,
Recovery Techniques Based on Immediate Update, Shadow Paging. Database Security and
Authorization: Introduction to Database Security Issues, Discretionary Access Control Based on
Granting/Revoking of Privileges, Introduction to Statistical Database Security.

Books Recommended:

1. Database Concepts: Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan; McGraw Hill

2. An Introduction to Database System: Date C J; Addision Wesley

3. Fundamentals of Database Systems: Elmasri, Navathe; Addision Wesley

4. An Introduction to Database Systems: Bipin C. Desai; Galgotia Publication

5. Database Management System: Majumdar & Bhattacharya, Tata McGraw Hill

6. Database Management System: Ramakrishnan, Gehrke; Tata McGraw Hill

7. Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation: Kroenke; Pearson Education

8. SQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language of Oracle: Ivan Bayross; BPB Publication
3L MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.

Introduction to Computer Architecture: Overview and history - The cost factor; Performance
metrics and evaluating computer designs, Memory hierarchy, Memory addressing, Assembly /
machine language; Von Neumann machine cycle; Microprogramming / firmware, Classifying
instruction set architectures - RISC versus CISC, Processor vs. memory speed, Introduction
and Classification of Parallel Computers.


Addressing techniques: Addressing techniques-Direct, immediate addressing; Paged, relative,

indirect and indexed addressing. Registers: Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory
Transfers, Bus Architecture, Bus Arbitration, , Memory buffer register; accumulators,
Registers-indexed, Arithmetic Logic, Shift Micro operation, Arithmetic Logic Shift unit, Design
of Fast address, Arithmetic Algorithms (addition, subtraction, Booth Multiplication), IEEE
standard for Floating point numbers.


Control Design: Hardwired & Micro Programmed (Control Unit), instruction execution,
Multiple-Bus organization, Microinstruction, Micro program sequencing, Wide-Branch
addressing, Microinstruction with Next-address field, Perfecting Microinstruction.

Processor Design: Processor organization, General register organization, Stack organization,

Addressing mode, instruction format, Data transfer & manipulations, Program Control,
Reduced instruction Set Computer.


Input-Output organization: I/O devices (Video terminals and Printers), Programmed and
interrupt control mechanism, I/O controllers, Computer Buses, interfacing buses, bus format
& bandwidths. I/O interface, Modes of transfer, interrupts & interrupt handling, Direct
Memory access, input-Output processor, Serial Communication.


Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory - RAM, static and Dynamic; ROM,
EPROM, EAROM, EEPROM, Cache and Virtual memory, Auxiliary storage devices - hard disk,
floppy disk, magnetic tape, cassettes, cartridges and compact disks. Virtual Memory, Memory
management hardware.

Books Recommended:
1. Hawang, K., Briggs, F. a.: Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGraw Hill.

2. Hawang, K.: Advance computer Architecture -Parallelism, Scalability and Programming,

McGraw-Hill international Ed.

3. Mano Moris M: Computer System Architecture, PHI.

4. Tanenbaum a.S.: Structured Computer organization

5. William Stallings, Computer organization and Architecture

3L MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.

Elements of information Theory: Measure of information, Average information, Entropy,

information rate. Communication channel, Discrete and continuous channel Shannon-Hartley
theorem and its implications. Channel capacity, Gaussian channel, Bandwidth-S/N tradeoff.


Introduction of Coding: Types of errors, Types of codes, Error control coding, Methods of
controlling errors. Linear Block and Binary Cyclic Codes: Matrix decryption of linear block
codes, Error detection and error correction capabilities of linear block codes. Hamming codes,
structure of cyclic codes, encoding using an (n-k) bit shift register syndrome calculation, its
error detection & correction, Special classes of cyclic codes BCH.


Burst and Convolution Codes: Burst and random error correcting codes, Encoders for
convolution codes. Decoders for convolution codes, Performance of convolution codes,
performance of block codes in error correction & detection. Comparison of error rates in coded
and uncoded transmission.


Importance of System Security and factors affecting it. Conventional Encryption: Classical
Techniques, Modern Techniques, AES, Introduction to Finite Fields, Contemporary Symmetric
Ciphers, Confidentiality Using Conventional Encryption


Public-Key Encryption and Hash Functions: Introduction to Number Theory, Public-Key

Cryptography, Key Management, Message Authentication and Hash Functions, Hash and Mac
Algorithms, Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols.

Books Recommended:

1. Digital and Analog Communication System: K. Sam Shanmugam; John Wiley Sons.

2. Principal of Communication System: Herport Taub, Donald L. Schilling; TMH.

3. Cryptography and Network Security-Principles and Practice: William Stallings: 3rd Ed.
4P MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.

1. Design an object oriented modeling for an automobile system.

2. Design a UML Diagram for the various entities in “Online Examination System”.

3. Migrating from C to C++:

a. Differences in input/Output use of cout and cin – basic arithmetic operations

b. Difference between function call by value, call by address, and call by reference
(reference variables) – swap function

c. Benefits of having default arguments – computation of simple & compound

interest having one compulsory argument for principal sum and two default
arguments for interest rate & period

d. Benefits of function overloading – arithmetic operations on integer & floating

point types using same function name. Caveat in overloading: ambiguity and
problems with default arguments – interest computation problem revisited with
default arguments and overloading both

e. Similarities & differences in usage of loop structures, decision structures,

operators, etc. – printing a calendar

f. Similarities in command line arguments usage – passing initial values to print a


g. Similarities & differences in enumerated data types –Using colour codes to refer
to colour types in a program

h. Defining named constants and macros using #define:

i. h.1. Single line macros for finding maximum, minimum, cube, etc.

j. h.2. Multi-line macros for printing a pattern using loops within.

4. i. Differences in structure data types; the OO concept in structures:

encapsulation, data hiding, etc.- making a Student record structure with
associate methods.

5. j. Making use of constructors and inheritance - making a person structure with

basic functionalities and deriving employee and manager structures with
associate methods
6. How a friend has access to the “hidden” parts of an object (structure variables) –
Making a friend function to compare two objects of type Student and Employee; if their
Names, DOB and addresses match then they are equal.

7. How operator overloading can make programs look neat and how it can make
operations / expressions simpler to understand -

8. Defining a friend function (overload == operator) to compare two objects of type Student
and Employee as in previous assignment.

9. Overload insertion (<<) & operator (>>) operators to input and output Person, Student,
and Employee objects respectively

10. Differences in new operator of C++ and malloc() / calloc() of C – Creating runtime 1D
arrays and applying following on them:

i. insertion sort to arrange in a particular order (Hint: make use of a

default argument to check for sort order)

ii. Recursive Binary Search to locate an elements position (Hint: make use
of a global variable to check for sort order)

iii. Later de-allocate memory using delete operator (do not use free()

11. Differences in new operator of C++ and malloc() / calloc() of C – Creating runtime 2D
arrays (Matrix) and applying following on them:

i. Addition, Multiplication and Transpose of 2 matrices.

12. How inheritance can help in reusability of code – Making a class Vehicle with private
data members {regNo, engineCC, weight, noofWheels}. Derive classes TwoWheeler and
FourWheeler with data members {engineType}. Derive classes GoodsCarrier and
PublicCarrier from class FourWheeler with data members {noofSeats/loadCapacity,
permitType}. Make public methods {constructors, input, and output} for each of the
classes and use them in a program

13. Use of virtual function, defining the run time object linking.

14. Use of Templates. Designing template class STACK and provide the basic operations on

15. Create a student class and perform the following:

i. Create a file name record.txt.

ii. Store the values of student record in record.txt

iii. Read the values from the record.txt

iv. Delete, Update the record

3P MM: 75 Exam: 2 Hrs.

1. Perform the following tasks for the following projects:

a. Online Banking System

b. Online railway Reservation System

c. Hotel Room Management System

d. Online Assignment / Assessment and Report generation System

e. Automobile System

2. Carry out the analysis phase of SDLC

3. Design Software Requirement Specification for the following:

4. Carry out the design phase of SDLC.

a. Draw Data Flow Diagram.

b. Draw ER-Diagram.

5. Write down various test plans.

6. Introduction to different software testing tools: Rational Rose etc.

4P MM: 100 Exam: 3 Hrs.

1. Design a complete data base system that includes various database table and procedures
to access the data in them. Specify an ER-Diagram for each project listed and steps of
normalization used. Design the front end using FoxPro programs or MS-Access forms:

2. Design a Hotel Management System. System provides facility for room reservation (for
different category rooms), and Catering service billing. Customer's order for various food
items are recorded during his stay at Hotel and Complete Bill (including Room Rent and
Food consumed) is generated when customer checkouts.

3. Design a Computer Terminal Booking System for booking of 5 named computer terminals
for 12-hour duration each day. User may book Terminals after entering their User ID and
password and they can book a terminal for maximum 5 hour/day (in continuous slot or
fragmented slots). Terminal booking chart is generated for each day for each terminal.

4. Design a Loan Approval and Repayment System to handle Customer's Application for Loan
and handle loan repayments by depositing installments and reducing balances.

5. Design a Video Library Management System for managing issue and return of Video
tapes/CD and manage customer's queries.

6. Design a Time Management System for an office with 10-executives who record their daily
appointments in the system. When Manager wants to conduct a meeting of Executives on a
particular day System finds a free time slot to conduct the meeting.

7. Design an Outdoor-Management System for a Hospital where several experts sit in outdoor
room and system registers patients and sends them to appropriate expert. Each Expert can
handle a limited number of patients a day.
3P MM: 75 Exam: 2 Hrs.

1. C implementation of different encoding schemes like:

a. Huffman Coding

b. Adaptive Huffman Coding

c. Shannon – Fano Coding

d. Shannon – Fano - Elias Coding

e. Arithmetic Coding

f. Golomb Coding

g. Dictionary Based Coding-

i. Byte – Pair Encoding

ii. Lempel – Ziv Coding

1. LZ-77

2. LZ-78


4. LZW


6. LZX

7. LZT

h. Error Detection Codes:

i. Parity Codes

ii. Checksum

iii. Cyclic Redundancy Checks

iv. Hamming Codes

v. Hash Function

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