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How to record in PRAAT?

PRAAT is free software for scientific analysis of speech designed especially for research in
phonetics. It is a free distribution program, open source, multiplatform and, in addition, free. It
was developed at the University of Amsterdam by Paul Boersma and David Weenink from the year
1992. The program is constantly updated with improvements implemented by the authors, some
of them suggested by users. If the users did not give their recommendations, so many updates
could not be made. The long list of existing versions is not strange. It is a software with broad
purposes; in fact, it allows for acoustic analysis, articulatory synthesis, statistical processing of
data, editing and manipulation of audio signals, and a long etcetera. Because it is a specialized
program, it requires some training and a lot of theoretical information. For this reason, we will
explain one of its uses, the recording.

In this video tutorial , you're going to learn how to record using praat. First you need to click in the
program PRAAT. when you click the program, a top menu will appear with the PRAAT and HELP
options and two panels: one of objects, PRAAT OBJECTS and another drawing, PRAAT PICTURE.
Each of these panels has its respective top menus. In this opportunity we will focus on the
"objects" panel.

The steps to record in this program are the following:

1. Firstly, In the NEW menu, you highlight the option RECORD MONO SOUND ...

2. Secondly, A panel will appear in which you have to highlight the sound input device (Input
source) and the sampling frequency (Sampling frequency). The signal level indicator (Meter) also
will appear in this panel, in the center.

3. Then, start recording by clicking on "new" and select "record" button. Your recording should not
last more than 7 seconds. Press stop when you're done recording and select the "save to the list
and close" button. Next, it will automatically return to "praat object" and the recording will appear
in the list as "Sound without title".You can change the name by clicking on the recording and
selecting "rename".

Finally, save the recording by selecting "write" and "write to the WAV file" or the option you


1. If you want to listen to the recording before saving, select this, go to the buttons menu to
the right of the object and click on "play".
2. A beginner mistake is to confuse object with file. To have an object in the panel does not
imply that it is a file stored on the hard disk. The error frequent (beginner) is to close the
program without saving the file. If you do not save the document and close the program,
the recording will be lost and you will have to repeat the whole process.
3. You make the recording in a quiet place without noise so that the data is accurate. If you
don’t record your voice in a silent place, there will be noise in the recording/it will distort
the final version/recording.

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