2 Toolboxes - 2 Students' Paths - 1 Did Not Graduate High School - 1 High School Graduate

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2 toolboxes – 2 students’ paths - 1 did not graduate high school - 1 high school graduate

Everyone is equipped with tools for their future. Some have more tools than others, depending on
concepts they have been taught, examples they have been exposed to and results they have taken from
the experience.

On average, a student drops out of high school at the end of 10 th or beginning of 11th grade. The classes
most likely missed during the junior/senior years are – Junior and Senior English, 2 upper level math
courses, 1-2 advanced science courses, government/ economics, computer science classes, Occupational
Certification opportunities, and STEM or Business Endorsement opportunities.

Please look in your toolbox. What is your status? I will give you a task and let me know if you can
complete it with the tools in your box.

1. The job is to nail 2 pieces of wood together. Can you do it?

Yes, the hammer is the tool I would use also. You both have the tools to do this job.
2. I need unscrew a screw in the wall. It has an X in the top. Can you do it?
Yes, the Phillips head screwdriver is the one I would use to do this job. I COULD use the flat
head, but the job would be harder because the flat head would slip out of the grooves meant for
a Phillips. The flat screwdriver would work, but the job is made harder by using the wrong tool.
3. I need to move a couch into my apartment and need to know if it will fit against the wall and if I
can get it in the door. Can you do it?
Yes, the tape measure is the tool I would use to do this job. I can measure the couch and the
wall for fit and the door for moving the item into the apartment. Could I use the ruler? This job
is much, much harder, if not impossible without the right tool. I may be able to get it done with
a lot of extra work – after a lot of maneuvering the couch in the doorway, I find the couch just
doesn’t fit and I have to return it.

Thankfully few of us in this room have been in situations without the tools to do a job. The fear,
intimidation and remembering past failure can keep adults from reengaging in the academic experience.
COHS has studied these issues and has a plan for these adults to reenter the education experience and
conquer their fear. On completion of the program, after years of feeling inadequate, the student is able
to move forward with their life, learn, grow and feel accomplished for themselves and their family.

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