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Resource Guide to Development Organizations and the Internet


Welcome to the directory of development organizations 2007, Volume II: Asia and the
Middle East

The directory of development organizations, listing 51.500 development organizations, has been
prepared to facilitate international cooperation and knowledge sharing in development work, both
among civil society organizations, research institutions, governments and the private sector.

The directory aims to promote interaction and active partnerships among key development
organisations in civil society, including NGOs, trade unions, faith-based organizations, indigenous
peoples movements, foundations and research centres. In creating opportunities for dialogue with
governments and private sector, civil society organizations are helping to amplify the voices of the
poorest people in the decisions that affect their lives, improve development effectiveness and
sustainability and hold governments and policymakers publicly accountable.

In particular, the directory is intended to provide a comprehensive source of reference for

development practitioners, researchers, donor employees, and policymakers who are committed to
good governance, sustainable development and poverty reduction, through: the financial sector and
microfinance, trade and business development services, rural development and appropriate
technology, private sector development and policy reforms, legislation & rule of law and good
governance, community development and social protection, gender equality and participation,
environment and health, research, training and education.

As part of the collective effort to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, the Year of
Microcredit provided an opportunity for the international community to raise awareness about the
importance of microfinance in eradicating poverty, and to enhance existing programmes that support
sustainable, inclusive financial sectors worldwide. In essence, microfinance offers each day the
possibility and hope to many poor people of improving - through their own efforts - their household
economic welfare and well-being and enterprise stability and growth. Therefore, In this 2007 edition,
microfinance actors and practitioner organizations have been marked by [M], integrating
microfinance support institutions and enabling environment into one directory.

This cutting-edge publication -- Eighth Edition -- will give you hundreds (thousands) of useful sites
where you can find the statistics, reports, regulations, best practices and other key information you
need...when you need it. This time-saving tool includes a country finder index and annotates each
organization by category, so you'll know from the start whether an organization is worth visiting. Its
Internet resources will point you in the direction of the best development resources available in each
country on the World Wide Web today.

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 1

Please note:

• For easier referencing, the directory has been divided into 6 geographical sections: Africa, Asia
and the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania.

• For each of the regions contacts have been annotated by the following 9 categories: (1)
international organizations; (2) government institutions; (3) private sector support organizations
(including fairtrade); (4) finance institutions; (5) training and research centres; (6) civil society
organizations; (7) development consulting firms (including references to job opportunities and
vacancy announcements); (8) information providers (development newsletters/journals); and, (9)

• The directory can be used in a variety of ways... by researchers, consultants and other
development practitioners searching for up-to-date institutional information for a particular
country; by trainers using the directories as a reference tool for their training programmes; by
organizations trying to identify possible project partners; by individuals looking to identify possible
employers; by funders seeking grantees; by grantees in search of funders; or by organizations
aiming at identifying those institutions, agencies and programmes which are dedicated to
providing resources, products and services to their members.

• For an advanced search we recommend to download Adobe Reader's full version of 7.0 or higher
and try the excellent search capabilities by using its "Search PDF Pane". All search results are
shown on-the-fly in one pane and options for multiple-document searches do exist.

• In this 2007 Edition: Create your own personal directory of development organizations. All files
are now enabled for adding pointers and comments to the directory (Adobe Reader's full version
of 7.0 or higher required).

• Please use the following e-mail address to communicate any comments or suggestions:

Copyright © 2000-2007 Directory of development organizations. This web site is maintained for information purposes
only. The purpose of this web site is to provide free information and resources to the development community. All
directories can be downloaded for free, at no cost. Users may download, copy and reprint information from the site for
non-commercial purposes so long as the source is cited. However, you may not resell, redistribute or create derivative
works from the materials on this web site without our express permission in writing. This web site is provided "as is". We
use our best efforts to maintain this web site, but we can not be held responsible whatsoever for the contents and
accuracy of the information listed on this site and reject any liability due to direct or indirect use of the informations
featured on this site, its printed directories or the links to other web sites mentioned in the directories. The information in
the directories is being provided as a service only and does not imply endorsement or approval of its content nor a
comprehensive listing of all available organizations. The database is not exhaustive and there may be other relevant
organizations in your country. All materials available at this website are copyright protected. All rights reserved.

Photos with bicycles on coverpage by Jim Holmes; All other photos by Adam Rogers/UNCDF.

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 2

Countryfinder: Yemen

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 3

► Yemen
■ AABFS - Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences (Yemen) Mailing address: PO Box 81311 Sana’a Yemen Other address:
University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Alsteen street, Jawlet Mathbah Sana’a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-48-1302 Fax: 967-1-48-1302 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ ACCI - Aden Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 473 Aden Yemen Other address: Lukman Street, Crater
Aden Yemen Tel.: 967-2-25-1104 967-2-25-5660 Fax: 967-2-25-5446 E-mail: Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ Aden University (Yemen) , WRTC - Woman Research and Training Center Mailing address: P.O Box 6312 Aden Yemen Other address:
Tel.: 967-2-23-5237 Fax: 967-2-23-5237 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and
Research Notes:

■ ADRA (Yemen) - Adventist Development and Relief Agency International [M] Mailing address: POB 19404 Sana'a Yemen Other
address: Tel.: 967-1-26-0529 Fax: 967-1-26-0528 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ AIYS - American Institute for Yemeni Studies (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 2658 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-27-8816
967-1-27-5588 Fax: 967-1-28-5071 967-1-27-6410 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ AREA - Agricultural Research and Extension Authority (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 87148 Dhamar Yemen Other address: Tel.:

Asia and the Middle East

967-6-50-9419 Fax: 967-6-50-9414 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ ASDDC - Aden Studies and Democracy Developing Center (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 80018, Maalla Aden Yemen Other address:
Tel.: 967-2-24-0431 967-2-24-1964 Fax: E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ BEEP - Basic Education Expansion Project (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 16392 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Credit Administration Unit,
Projects Sector Building, Baghdad - Zubairi Street Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-20-0472 Fax: 967-1-20-0472 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ CACB - Cooperative and Agricultural Credit Bank (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: P. O. Box 2015 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 976-
1-20-7817 976-1-20-7327 Fax: 976-1-20-3714 976-1-21-9236 E-mail: Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ CARE International (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Central Bank of Yemen [M] Mailing address: PO Box 59 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Ali Abd al-Mughni St. Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-27-4310 967-1-27-
4318 ; 967-1-27-4371 Fax: 967-1-27-4360 967-1-27-4131 E-mail: Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

■ CERWS - Center for Empirical Research and Women’s Studies (Yemen) Mailing address: Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-
1-21-9339 Fax: 967-1-21-9341 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ CINS - Cooperazione Italiana Nord-Sud (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-4-27-3046 Fax: 967-4-23-0122
E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale (Yemen) Mailing address: Flat 1 Breakwater BLDG, Ras Morbat Entawi Aden Yemen Other address:
Tel.: 967-2-20-2918 Fax: 967-2-20-1662 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ CSO - Central Statistics Organisation (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 13434 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-25-0602 Fax: 967-
1-25-0664 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ CSSW - Charitable Society for Social Welfare (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 13254 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Western Ring Road
Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-23-0090 Fax: 967-1-23-0089 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 4

► Yemen
■ DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O Box 2562 Sanaa Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-711-92-0746
Fax: E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ DED (Yemen) - German Development Service Mailing address: P.O. Box 92 Sanaa Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-44-0398 Fax: 967-1-44-
0396 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:

■ EC - European Commission (Yemen), TAO - Technical Advisory Office Mailing address: P.O. Box 11408 Sana'a Yemen Other address:
Tel.: 967-1-44-0883 Fax: 967-1-44-0887 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Embassy of France (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 1286 Sanaa Yemen Other address: Rue 21 - Près de la rue de Khartoum Sanaa Yemen Tel.: 967-1-
26-8882 967-1-26-8888 Fax: 967-1-26-9160 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ Embassy of Italy (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 1152 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Via Safiah Janubia Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-26-9164 Fax: 967-
1-26-6137 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:

■ Embassy of the Netherlands (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 463 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Hadda Road Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-42-1800
Fax: 967-1-42-1035 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other Web page:

Asia and the Middle East

■ FAO (Yemen) - Food and Agriculture Organization [M] Mailing address: PO Box 1867 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-20-7609
Fax: 967-1-20-8852 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ FES - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 4553 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-29-1232 Fax: 967-1-28-2069
E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ FUCCI - Federation of Yemeni Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Yemen) Mailing address: Hasaba, Airport Road, P.O. Box 16992
Sana'a Yemen Other address: Al-Qiyadah Road, Near Al-Watary Mosque Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-26-5038 Fax: 967-1-26-1269 E-mail: Web page:
Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ GIA - General Investment Authority (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 19022
Sanaa Yemen Other address: 26 Al-kods Street (September Street), Southern Al-Safia Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-26-2962 967-1-26-8201 to 05; 967-1-20-0671 Fax: 967-1-26-
2964 967-1-20-0686 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ GTZ - German Agency for Technical Cooperation (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 692 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Villa No. 19,
Street No. 21 Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-41-4110 967-1-41-7385 Fax: 967-1-41-2539 E-mail: Web page:
Category: 1. International Notes:

■ HRITC - Human Rights Information and Training Center (Yemen) Mailing address: P.B. Box 4535, Al-Mogalia area Taiz Yemen Other
address: Tel.: 967-4-21-6277 Fax: 967-4-21-6279 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Hydro-Yemen (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 15193 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-22-0327 Fax: 967-1-22-0327 E-mail: Web page: Category: 7. Consulting Notes:

■ ICRC (Yemen) - International Committee of the Red Cross Mailing address: P.O.Box 2267 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Southern 60-m-
Road, close to UNDP Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-44-8722 Fax: 967-1-44-8823 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 15087 Sana'a Yemen Other address: House No.10, Street
No.27, Off Amman Street Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-44-8117 Fax: 967-1-44-2435 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International
Notes: JOCV Office

■ KfW Entwicklungsbank (Yemen) - Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 2776 Sana'a Yemen Other address:
Tel.: 967-1-42-6351 Fax: 967-1-42-6350 E-mail: Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 5

► Yemen
■ Ministry of Commerce and Supply (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 1804 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-25-2471 967-1-25-2479 ;
967-1-25-2340; 967-1-25-2339 Fax: 967-1-25-1557 967-1-25-1570 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Development and Planning (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 175 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Al-Horaih Street Sana'a Yemen
Tel.: 967-1-25-0101 967-1-25-0102 Fax: 967-1-25-1503 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Human Rights (Yemen) Mailing address: PO Box 16313 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-44-4829 Fax: 967-1-44-4838 E-
mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Industry (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 1804 Sanaa Yemen Other address: Al-Zubairy Street Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-20-2770 967-1-
20-2765 ; 967-1-20-2769; 967-1-25-2366 Fax: 967-1-20-2249 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 175 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-
27-0019 Fax: 967-1-25-6072 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ Ministry of Supply and Trade (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 1804 Sanaa Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-25-2471 967-9-25-2340 Fax:
967-1-25-1557 967-1-25-1570 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

Asia and the Middle East

■ Ministry of Supply and Trade (Yemen), Department of Standardization and Metrology Mailing address: P.O. Box 22210 / 1804
Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-25-2363 967-1-25-2339 Fax: 967-1-25-2337 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2.
Government Notes:

■ Movimondo (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 12659, Jama'h Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-41-8808 Fax: 967-1-41-8808 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ NCCI - National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 473, Crater Aden Yemen Other address: Tel.:
967-2-25-1104 967-2-25-1203 Fax: 967-4-21-2335 E-mail: Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ NCFT - National Company for Foreign Trade (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box. 90, Crater Aden Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-2-24-
2793 967-2-25-1347 Fax: 967-2-24-2631 E-mail: Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ NIC - National Information Center (Yemen) Mailing address: Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Web
page: Category: 8. Information Notes:

■ NOIE - National Organization for Illiteracy Education (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 4433 Taiz Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-4-
21-7369 Fax: E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ Pan Yemen Consult Mailing address: P.O. Box 205 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-41-4911 Fax: 967-1-41-3917 E-mail:
Web page: Category: 7. Consulting Notes:

■ QAY - Queen Arwa University (Yemen), Yemeni Institute for Development Mailing address: P.O. Box 11586 Sana'a Yemen Other
address: Tel.: 967-1-41-5991 967-1-41-5995 Fax: 967-1-41-7062 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and
Research Notes:

■ Sana'a Municipality (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O. Box 205 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-27-8479 Fax: 967-1-27-8279 E-mail:
Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

■ SCCI - Sana'a Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 195 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Airport Road, Al
Hassabah Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-23-2361 967-1-23-2362 ; 967-1-23-4761 to 64 Fax: 967-1-23-2412 E-mail: Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ SCER - Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendum (Yemen) Mailing address: Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-
21-1777 Fax: 967-1-21-1666 E-mail: Web page: Category: 2. Government Notes:

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 6

► Yemen
■ SFD - Social Fund for Development (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 15485 Sana'a Yemen Other address: 30 Al-Kuds St./ United Nations
Road Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-24-0417 Fax: 967-1-24-3173 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ SMEDP - Small and Micro Enterprises Development Project (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: P.O.Box 55782, Microstart Project Tai'z Yemen
Other address: Tel.: 967-4-20-4908 Fax: 967-4-24-4419 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ SOUL - Society for the Development of Women and Children (Yemen) Mailing address: Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-
41-2202 Fax: 967-1-41-2202 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ TI - Transparency International Yemen Mailing address: Forum for Civil Society, P.O. Box 19458 Sanaa Yemen Other address: Hadda Towers, Building
No. 8, Flat No. 5 Sanaa Yemen Tel.: 967-1-42-1482 Fax: 967-1-42-1484 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ UNDP (Yemen) - United Nations Development Programme [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 551 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-
44-8605 967-1-41-5206 to 08 Fax: 967-1-44-8841 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes: Other
Web page:

■ UNICEF (Yemen) - United Nations Children's Fund [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 725 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Off No. 5 Street, Asir Area,

Asia and the Middle East

(Behind Plaza Suites Hotel) Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-21-1400 967-1-21-1403 Fax: 967-1-20-6092 E-mail: Sana' Web page: Category:
1. International Notes:

■ WDS - Women Development Society (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 4613 Aden Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-2-25-0467 Fax: 967-2-
25-3210 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ WEEA - Women's Economic Empowerment Association (Yemen) Mailing address: Al-Zubari - Asser Street Sana'a 19175 Yemen Other
address: Tel.: 967-1-20-8939 Fax: 967-1-24-2257 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ WFP - World Food Programme (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 7181 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Diplomatic Area St 21, House 22
Nouachshot Road Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-21-4100 Fax: 967-1-20-5515 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ WFRT - Women's Forum for Research and Training (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 5655 Taiz Yemen Other address: Tel.: Fax:
967-4-21-1226 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ WNC - Women National Committee (Yemen) Mailing address: P. O. Box 11322 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-21-1215 Fax: 967-
1-20-5469 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ World Bank (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: P.O. Box 18152 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Hadda, Street No.40, off Damascus Road Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-
1-41-3710 Fax: 967-1-41-3709 E-mail: Web page: Category: 1. International Notes:

■ YEC - Yemen Economic Corporation Mailing address: P.O.Box 1207 Sana'a Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-1-26-2501 967-1-26-2503 Fax: 967-1-
26-2508 967-1-26-2509 E-mail: Web page: Category: 3. Private sector Notes:

■ Yemen Home Page Mailing address: Yemen Other address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Web page: Category: 8.
Information Notes: Other Web page:

■ YFCA - Yemen Family Care Association (Yemen) Mailing address: PO Box 795 Sana'a Yemen Other address: 26 September Street, Near Ministry of
Information Sana'a Yemen Tel.: 967-1-28-8145 Fax: 967-1-27-0948 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

■ YNMF - Yemen National Microfinance Foundation (Yemen) [M] Mailing address: Zero street, Hadda Area Sana’a Yemen Other address:
Tel.: 967-1-82-0699 Fax: 967-1-42-1598 E-mail: Web page: Category: 4. Finance Notes:

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 7

► Yemen
■ YODHR - Yemen Organization for Defense of Human Rights (Yemen) Mailing address: P.O.Box 5052, Maalla Aden Yemen Other
address: Tel.: 967-2-23-3883 Fax: 967-2-24-2359 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ YODHRDF - Yemeni Organisation for the Defense of Human Rights and Democratic Freedoms (Yemen) Mailing address:
P.O.Box 4059, Crater Aden Yemen Other address: Tel.: 967-2-23-4907 Fax: 967-2-23-2520 E-mail: Web page: Category: 6. CSO Notes:

■ YSMQCO - Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Organization Mailing address: P.O. Box 19213 Sana'a Yemen
Other address: Tel.: 967-1-20-2249 Fax: 967-1-20-2249 E-mail: Web page: Category: 5. Training and Research Notes:

Asia and the Middle East

Directory of Development Organizations 2007: Volume II / 8

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