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ssmene er vaursomavercusn Oe enna ae een PHONE (415) 936-680, TOLEDO MUNICIPAL COURT FAX 419)246-1801 ‘winner com | SEARCH WARRANT Case Number: SWT-20-00382 somone iV 3415 GIBRALTER HEIGHTS UNIT L11 TOLEDO, OHIO ‘Warrant executed on 9/4/2020. Warrant returned; service made. Property seized to be held as evidence. Judge AFFIDAVIT FOR SEARCH WARRANT ‘THE STATE OF OHIO ) LUCASCOUNTY =) ss Before me, Seseph Howe ___ sudge ofthe Toledo Municipal Court ofthe Ciy of ToledorIddge ofthe Court of Common Pew, Loess County, Ohio, the undersigned, ‘Det Dantes Mooney #2326 Toledo Ohio Police Department being daly sworn, deposs and say that Feldhe as reason to believe that onthe property of on he premises known as 3415 Gibralter Heights Unit L11 Toledo, Ohio Lucas County, a brown and tan 3 story apartment building with separate units. Unit L11 being located in the southeast corner on the third floor of building L which is designated on the main entry door. Including all rooms, outbuildings, sheds, garages and curtilage of sid premises or vehicles owed, crepe or i he on ge nck 2012 ep Liters Ohio license plat A V1 istered to Bobbie Johnson in Toledo City/Township/Village, Lucas, Ohio occupied by: Dajnae Cox; DOB SSH MN; Black; Female; 5'07°/170 BIK/Bro Bobbie Johnson; DOB RID 55190419; Black; Female; 5'05°/160 BIK/Bro there is ow being concealed certain property, namely: ‘Any cell phones, laptops, computers, electronics or telecommunication devices capable of storing data, ca bers clot is a ‘other evidence that may be relevant as to the whereabouts of Which isare in violation of §2903.01 (Aggravated Murder), §2903.02. (Murder), §2903.03 (Voluntary Manslaughter), §2903.04 (Involuntary Manslaughter), §2903.041 (Reckless Homicide), §2903.05 (Negligent Homicide), §2903.11 (Felonious Assault), §2903.12 (Aggravated Assault), §2903.13 (Assault), §2903.14 (Negligent Assault), §2923.01 (Conspiracy), §2923.02 (Attempt) and/or §2923.03 (Complicity) and/or §2923 et seq (Engaging in a Pattern of Criminal Activity), in accord with the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Criminal Rule 41 as well as 18 U.S.C. 2703 et seq, ofthe Ohio Revised Code. “The facts tending to establish the foregoing grounds for issuance of a search warrant are as follows, to wit ‘On 09/04/2020, Dajnae Cox called 911 to report that her 3 year old sor, I Sic Crs otc 1S ours and tated tat he fad been sing for approximately 30 minutes before she aed 911 Dsjne Cox statd that shelves in the apartment with her mother, Bobic Johnson and the last fines sow ber son he wan inthe apartment with he mober. Diaag Caso police that when she came ane apatent fom her Slcony her mothe tld he tht I en nto is bedroom and _pet ite door She ste tat she went int her Son's room but he was ot ete. She tld poie that she swe ots locked inthe aparonent, ouside the aparment anda the pool and creek. An exhaustive seneh des completed by patie to no aval. The sed vehicle belongs to Bobbie Jobson, the maternal grandmother a Ts ocated inthe parking lin Font of building L._A search of the ean Leanna ee cucence at may lado he veers Your affiant, who attended and graduated the Toledo Police Academy, has been a sworn police officer (as defined in R.C. §2935.01(B)) with the Toledo Police Department since 2001, having been assigned as a detective since February 2018. Your Affiant has served in various assignments, before being reassigned in February 2018, to the Investigative Services Crimes ‘Against Persons Section. During her career, your Affiant has attended numerous trainings and ‘seminars related to various aspects of investigations and have been assigned as the primary investigator for numerous investigations. ‘Affiant further states that there is urgent necessity that the said person/ehicle/premises be searched in the Day Season, } #2see AFFIANT wor fore mead subscribe in my presence this “1 _ dy ot SOWA 020, TUDGE SEARCH WARRANT STATE OF OHIO ) LUCAS COUNTY ) ss ‘TO THE SHERIFF OF LUCAS COUNTY/ ‘TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF TOLEDO, OHIO: [Attached here to is « copy of the affidavit having been made before me by Detective Danielle Mooney f the Toledo Ohio Police Department being duly sworn, deposes and says that helshe has reason, to believe that on the person offin the vehiclefon the premises known as 3415 Gibralter Heights Unit L11 Toledo, Ohio Lucas County, a brown and tan 3 story apartment building with separate units. Unit L11 being located in the southeast corner on the third floor of building L which is designated on the main entry door. Including all rooms, outbuildings, sheds, garages and curtilage of said premises or vehicles owned, occupied or under the contro of specifically a black 2012 Jeep Liberty Ohio icense plate AAD registered to Bobbie Johnson in Toledo CityrFownship/Vilage, Lucas, Ohio occup Dajnae Cox; DOBI S/N; Black; Female; 5'07°/170 BIK/Bro Bobbie Johnson; DOB] RID 55190419; Black; Female; 5*05°/160 BIK/Bro there is now being concealed certain property, namely: ‘Any cell phones, laptops, computers, electronics or telecommunication devices capable of storing ‘ata, DNA, fibers, clothing or any other evidence that may be relevant as to the whereabouts of whieh is/are in violation of §2903.01 (Aggravated Murder), §2903.02 (Murder), §2903.03 (Voluntary Manslaughter), §2903.04 (Involuntary Manslaughter), §2903.041 (Reckless Homicide), §2903.05 (Negligent Homicide), §2903.11 (Felonious Assault), §2903.12 (Aggravated Assault), §2903.13 (Assault) §2903.14 (Negligent Assault), §2923.01 (Conspiracy), §2923.02 (Attempt) and/or §2923.03 (Complicity) ‘and/or §2923 et seq (Engaging in a Pattern of Criminal Activity), in accord with the Ohio Revised Code ‘and Ohio Criminal Rule 41 as well as 18 U.S.C. 2703 et seq. ofthe Ohio Revised Code. Tam satisfied that there is probable cause to believe that the property so described is being concealed on the personlin the vehicle/on the premises above described and that the foregoing grounds for application for issuance ofthe search warrant exist. ‘You are hereby commanded to search within three days ofthis date the person/vehicle/premises named for the property specified, making the seach inthe Day Season, and ifthe property be found ther, seize it leaving a copy ofthis warrant and receips forthe property taken required by law. You shall make prompt retum ofthis Warrant to Judge. wee ‘accompanied by the written inventory of any property taken as required by law. civenundermy and nd te seta Contin {ayo _ ir RECORDS SECTION NO, 038070-20 VERIFICATION STATEOF OHIO ) ) ss: LUCAS COUNTY) Det, Danielle Mooney #2326 being duly swom, deposes and says that he is a police officer taking property under a search warrant, and that the above constitutes a full and ‘complete written inventory of all property taken pursuant to the search warrant. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF ___,20. 20 VALIE BOWMAN-ENGLISH, CLERK. TOLEDO MUNICIPAL COURT 5 ge aa ‘Deputy Cec of Count ce Oo wy - egos TOLEDO POLICE DEPAR’ INVENTORYSRND RECEIPT FOR PROPERTY SEIZED BAP SEARCH WARRANT. Date 9/4 [28 rime AVADrous page / or __/ Pages ree 234079- 20 Person: Name Last _ ~) ONG, First l Place: Address Number(s) “>> Ye Ss Street Vehicle soapy make I G€ p Model Lib 6 Plate Color Vine Warrant Applicant: DEY MpaveV AFP padres: S25 A CRE. possessorof seized property (stendany Last ) GHINSON. pre Bobbig BA. Smith tayaP Inventory of property seized was made In the presence of Sgt si) Lt) Yer 20(2- Other credible person present during search warrant HE7. #7. Koz Lake 3337 = INVENTORY [Tem DESCIPTION OF LOCATION WHERE PROPERTY NUMBER SEIZED PROPERTY PROPERTY FOUND FOUND BY \e1BaRET TE BIT -“CHATE CYA ofl BALLANY Z ot Baleaiy WE @ By Zi ZA |AmAzon TABLE ear ener, CENTEX) 2, ely = TABLET amv 5 OW STEREO - Ss. MpSee BA €ua YG (2-ceW phenee ep oF microwave, ag By — [ANT Cre | S |SAMING CW Dhote? Bar ace) FMR 5A Evang \27€ Gl phere MEO e/NE CABIIET 6 - BATH, i Eva oD phene7 a IC - \RAO/ CVE CABIN ay YP jecaw HAMA Nk GRE p [—F G Cétl PHME kelropenW TALE ack? Jo | PBox Or Gino foace Flexor .| Kirenen! - Qeser ean = H tt pe Seized propery invented by nderaned fer, a.copy of te search warant an ect iano person tom whom ORIGNALTO: CLERK OF COURTS POLICE OFIcER: DET CZU azo TPO Fora 7 Rev Fa) RETURN {received the attached search warrant on September 4,2020 and have executed it as follows: (On _September 4,2020 at 1730 hours. I searched the person/vehicle/premises described inthe warrant and let a copy of the warrant with/at_341S Gibralter Heights together with a receipt for the items seized alee IANT

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