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Red, black and white theme continued to

Masthead across top of page

keep simplicity, focusing on drawing
continuing branding from cover
attention to the imagery rather than the
Serif font connotes tradition and
formality, it also suggests it’s an
established brand. Sans serif font
for subheadings and body text
suggests modern and up to date.
Italics continue traditional and
established tone Articles divided into categories eg
special features

Grey background in image

contrasts with red, making it
stand out

Main image is largest thing on page

drawing attention to it and the red
dress and bold hair & makeup. This
is a convention of fashion magazine
as the purpose is to promote
fashion and beauty
Call to action in bottom corner to
advertise the magazine subscription.
Additional offer to persuade people to
The image is covered by text get the subscription
but nothing overlays the dress,
this is because it is what needs
to draw the readers attention
on this page.

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