801 3rd Term2 PDF

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English Academic assignment

Teacher: Yeimy Pulido González Grade: 801 (3rd) Third term-2 2020

Student:_________________________________ Date:__________________
Schedule: Mondays 6:30 to 8:20 am., Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:20 am. and Thursdays 10:40 to 12:30 pm

Estimado estudiante, lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones de cada semana y realice cada trabajo
procurando que sea durante las horas y días asignados en el horario regular de clase, aunque si puede
avanzar en dichas temáticas mucho mejor (teniendo en cuenta que el trabajo obedece a todo el
periodo). Favor anexar las hojas extra que sean necesarias y graparlas en orden a este documento.
Fecha de entrega: de acuerdo con las instrucciones que darán las directivas.

Temáticas escenciales: Modals: Might, May, Have to, Must, Allowed actions, School subjects.
Expressing advice, possibilities obligations and prohibitions.

(Semana 5) Week 5: (Total: 6 hours) Por favor siga paso a paso esta guía para facilitar la comprensión
de los temas y vuelva a leer cada punto antes de empezar a trabajar así como al final, para asegurarse
de hacer cada entrega de manera completa.

Tema: Verbos modales

Topic: Modal verbs: May /might

Explanation: (Explicación):

May: probable: We can use 'may' to ask for permission. However this is rather formal and not used
very often in modern spoken English
 May I borrow your pen?
 May we think about it?
 May I go now?
We use 'may' to suggest something is possible
 It may rain later today.
 I may not have time to do it today.
 Pete may come with us

Might: less probable: We use 'might' to suggest a small possibility of something. Often we read that
'might' suggests a smaller possibility that 'may', there is in fact little difference and 'might is more usual
than 'may' in spoken English.
 She might be at home by now but it's not sure at all.
 It might rain this afternoon.
 I might not have time to go to the shops for you.
 I might not go.
For the past, we use 'might have'.
 He might have tried to call while I was out.
 I might have dropped it in the street.

Activity: 1. Rewrite the sentences with may. Then write the negative and interrogative form.

Example: Maybe I will go pass this academic year.

(+) I may pass this academic year. (-) I may not pass this year. (?) May I pass this year?

1. It is possible I will see my friends later.

2. Perhaps it will be sunny tomorrow.


3. It’s possible we will go to the restaurant on Saturday.


4. Maybe I will visit my grandparents later.


5. It’s possible I will buy a new computer.


6. Perhaps she will go to the cinema with us.


7. Maybe I will ask my father for help.


8. It is possible he will call you tomorrow.


9. Perhaps they will play football later.


10. It’s possible it will rain later.


2. Make a drawing and write a short paragraph (5 lines) about what it is possible to occur when you
come back to the school after this quarantine. Be creative and use the worked vocabulary (may-might)!

3. Taking into account the last news in Colombia, write a short reflection about the situation with joung
people. (use the worked vocabulary in affirmative, negative and interrogative form).

(semana 6) Week 6: Explanation: (Explicación): Analice nuevamente la explicación sobre might.

Activity: 1. Complete the sentences with might. The pictures give you the clue.

2. Following the examples of the previous activity, draw and write your own 5 sentences using might
(remember to give extra information before).

Evaluation: Take a photo of the work done and send to yeimyteacher@gmail.com . (Tomar foto del trabajo hecho
y enviarla a mi correo de gmail) yeimyteacher@gmail.com *Class participation is going to be taken into account
too. Due date (fecha de entrega): Wednesday 26th of August (Miercoles 26 de agosto)

(semana 7) Week 7:
Tema: Materias escolares
Topic: School subjects

Explanation: Teniendo en cuenta que este tema se refiere básicamente a vocabulario, solo debes
buscar en el diccionario la traducción de las materias más comunes y resolver de acuerdo con las pistas
o instrucciones dadas. Recuerda usar tu diccionario u otras herramientas que tengas a la mano para
realizar la traducción y poder escoger la opción adecuada.

Activity: 1. Follow the instructions in the worksheet.

(semana 8) Week 8:

Explanation: (Explicación): Estudie y analice nuevamente la explicación, vocabulario y o actividades

de la semana anterior y complemente con la siguiente guía de comprensión lectora.

Activity: 1. Reading comprehension:

Education at home

About 4000 families (1) _____________their children at home, and they (2) _____________very (3)
_____________. One example is the Tanner family from Hertfordshire. Eve Tanner, 27, and her 29 year
old husband James (4) _____________their children to school. The Taner children, six-year-old
Stephen and eight year old Jason, study at home with their mother. They (5) _____________ a bright,
comfortable study in their home. All around there are (6) _____________books and the children’s
paintings are on the wall. James says, “Both Eve and I think we (7) _____________ nothing from school
– only a diploma. We (8) _____________ no fun at all; in fact, everything was (9) _____________.”
Some parents who are teaching their children at home have a study programme, but the Tanners don’t.
Eve says, “The children love books. They read all sorts of things. And, of course, we read story books
together. I teach them writing and mathematics, too. They write shopping lists for me. Then they go (10)
_____________shopping with me and pay for the things we buy.”
Eve and James take their children to the library, to museums, to concerts, to swimming pools and to
gymnastics. They think these activities are very important. What (11) _____________friends _______?
Eve says, “Most of (12) _____________ are very (13) _____________. Some friends (14)
_____________about teaching their children at home.”

A) Choose the best option

1. a) are teaching b) teach c) taught d) teaches
2. a) did b) do c) are doing d) does
3. a) good b) well c) better d) the best
4. a) did not send b) do not send c) are not sending d) doesn’t send
5. a) have b) had c) are having d) has
6. a) a little b) a lot of c) any d) a bit of
7. a) get b) are getting c) gets d) got
8. a) have b) had c) are having d) has
9. a) boring b) bored c) more boring d) the most boring
10. a) a b) an c) the d) -
11. a) did / think b) do / think c) are / thinking d) does / think

12. a) their b) theirs c) they d) them
13. a) interesting b) interested c) more interesting d) the most interesting
14 a) thought b) think c) are thinking d) thinks

2. Write a short paragraph (5 lines) about the subjects in the school that you like and one more about
those that you don´t like. Explain your options and give advices about how to make the virtual classes
Evaluation: Take a photo of the work done and send to yeimyteacher@gmail.com . (Tomar foto del trabajo hecho
y enviarla a mi correo de gmail) yeimyteacher@gmail.com *Class participation is going to be taken into account
too. Due date (fecha de entrega): Wednesday 9th of September (Miercoles 9 de septiembre)

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