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The Internet helped people to connect with static information available but now it is helping to build
connection from people to people, people to physical objects and physical objects to other physical objects.
The speedy growth of Internet data is making networked connections more relevant and valuable. Also it
creates exciting business opportunities for industries. Almost all every area, every device, every sensor,
every software are connected to each other. The ability to access these devices through a Smartphone or
through a computer is called IoT (Internet of Things). These devices are accessed remotely. The Internet
of things (IoT) is one of the top three technological advancements of the next decade together with the
mobile, internet and the automation of knowledge work.

The idea is that not only your computer and your Smartphone can talk to each other, but also
all the things around you. From connected homes and cities to connected cars and machines
to devices that track an individual's behavior and use the data collected for new kind of services.
IoT is basically a platform where we connect everyday things KEY TERMS . . . . .
embedded with electronics, software, and sensors to the internet
l Computer Network. A computer
enabling them to collect and exchange data. In this way, each of network is a group of computers
your devices will learning from the experiences of other devices linked to each other that enables the
just as humans do. The consumer products, durable goods, cars and computer to communicate with
another computer and share their
trucks, industrial and utility components, sensors, and other everyday
resources, data, and appli-cations.
objects are being combined with Internet connectivity and powerful
l Internet. The Internet is a massive
data analytic capabilities that promise to transform the way we work network of networks, a networking
live and play as shown in Fig. 1.1. infrastructure. It connects millions of
computers together globally, forming
a network in which any computer can
communicate with any other
computer as long as they are both
connected to the Internet

Fig.1.1. Internet of Things (IoT)

For example a user has a camera installed in his house he might KEY POINTS . . . . .
want to check the video recordings and all the feeds through a web What are the requirements for IoT
server. Another example if a user detects some changes in the Networks?
refrigerator the user can remotely adjust the temperature via their l The capacity to connect a large
phone. number of heterogeneous elements
l High reliability
1.1.1 Definition of IoT l Real-time data transmission with
minimum delays
Internet of Things is a new revolution of the Internet. Objects make l The ability to protect all data flows
themselves recognizable and they obtain intelligence by making or l The ability to configure applications
enabling context related decisions thanks to the fact that they can l Monitoring and traffic management at
the device level
communicate information about themselves. They can access l Cost-effectiveness for a large number
information that has been aggregated by other things, or they can be of connected objects
components of complex services. There is however no single
universal definition.
IoT is a network of physical objects. The internet is not only a network of computers but it has evolved
into a network of device of all type and sizes. They are vehicles, smart phones, home appliances, toys,
cameras, medical instruments and industrial systems, animals, people and buildings. They all are connected,
communicating and sharing information based on stipulated
protocols in order to achieve smart reorganizations, positioning,
KEY TERMS . . . . .
tracing, safe and control and even personal real time online Where is IoT used?
l The Internet of things (IoT) is the inter-
monitoring , online upgrade, process control and administration. networking of physical devices,
We can define Internet of things is an internet of three things as vehicles, smart-devices, building, and
other items embedded with
shown in Fig.1.2: (a). People to people, (b) People to machine or electronics, software, sensors,
things, (c) Things or machine to things or machine, Interacting actuators, and network connectivity
through internet." which enable these objects to collect
and exchange data.
What is Physical Object?
l Physical objects are the ‘‘things’’ that
are embedded with software,
electronics, network and sensors
which allow these objects to collect
and exchange data without any
human intervention.
What is automation and control?
l Automation or automatic control is
the use of various control systems for
operating equipment such as
machinery, processes in factories,
boilers and heat treating ovens,
switching on telephone networks,
steering and stabilization of ships,
aircraft and other applications and
vehicles with minimal or reduced
Fig.1.2. IoT Internet of Three Things human.

‘‘The Internet of Things (IoT) can be defined as a network of physical objects called ‘‘things’’
that are embedded with software, electronics, network and sensors which allows these objects
to collect and exchange data without any human intervention.’’


‘‘Sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects are linked through wired and wireless
networks, often using the same Internet Protocol (IP) that connects the Internet’’
– McKinsey

IoT is an advanced automation and analytics system which exploits networking, sensing, big
data, and artificial intelligence technology to deliver complete systems for a product or service.
These systems allow greater transparency, control and performance when applied to any
industry or system.

IoT is defined as a system of interrelated Physical Objects, Sensors, Actuators, Virtual Objects,
People, Services, Platforms, and Networks that have separate identifiers and an ability to
transfer data independently.

The goal of the Internet of Things is to enable things to be connected anytime, anyplace, with anything and
anyone ideally using any path/network and any service as shown in Fig. 1.3.

KEY POINTS . . . . .
IoT devices can range from simple to
complex. Here are some examples of IoT
devices which will be used within this
l A smart door is an electronic door
which can be sent commands to be
locked or unlocked remotely. It can
also report on its current state (OPEN,
l A Bell can be sent a command to
activate and ring for a short period.
l A Motion Sensor can be queried to
return the number of people who
have passed by since it was last reset.
l A Smart Lamp can be switched on or
off remotely. It can also report on its
current state (ON or OFF). When
switched on, a Motion Sensor within
Fig.1.3. IoT Anytime, Anyplace, with Anything the device checks to see if light is
needed and will dim if no-one is
The Internet of things will involve a massive build-out of connected nearby. Furthermore the device can
devices and sensors woven into the fabric of our lives and businesses. be report on the current luminosity
of the bulb.
Devices deeply embedded in public and private places will recognize
As you can see, the Bell is an example
us and adapt to our requirements for comfort, safety, streamlined of a pure actuator, as it only reacts to
commerce, entertainment, education, resource conservation, the given commands. Meanwhile the
operational efficiency and personal well-being. IoT systems have Motion Sensor is an example of a pure
applications across industries through their unique flexibility and sensor, since it will only report on the
state of the world as it sees it. The
ability to be suitable in any environment. They enhance data other two devices are able to both
collection, automation, operations, and much more through smart respond to commands and report on
devices and powerful enabling technology. state in a meaningful way.


1.1.2. History of IoT
The term Internet of Things is 20 years old. But the actual idea of connected devices had been around
longer at least since the 1970s. Back then the idea was often called embedded internet. But the actual term
Internet of Things was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999 during his work at Procter & Gamble.
1970 - The actual idea of connected devices was proposed.
1990 - John Romkey created a toaster which could be turned on/off over the Internet.
1995 - Siemens introduced the first cellular module built for M2M.
1999 - The term Internet of Things was used by Kevin Ashton during his work at P&G which became
widely accepted. Ashton who was working in supply chain optimization, wanted to attract senior
management's attention to a new exciting technology called RFID. Because the internet was the
hottest new trend in 1999 and because it somehow made sense, he called his presentation Internet
of Things.
2004 - The term was mentioned in famous publications like the Guardian, Boston Globe, and Scientific
2005 - UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) published its first report on this topic.
2008 - The Internet of Things was born.
2010 - The concept of IoT started to gain some popularity in the summer of 2010. Information leaked
that Google's StreetView service had not only made 360 degree pictures but had also stored tons
of data of people's Wifi networks. People were debating whether this was the start of a new
Google approach to not only index the internet but also index the physical world.
2011 - Gartner the market research company includes The Internet of Things technology in their research.
2014 - The term Internet of Things reached mass market awareness when in January 2014 Google
announced to buy Nest. At the same time the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas
was held under the theme of IoT.


The most important features of IoT include artificial intelligence, connectivity, sensors, active engagement,
and small device use as shown in Fig.1.4.

Fig.1.4. IoT Features


1. Artificial Intelligence. The AI - IoT technically makes things KEY TERMS . . . . .
smart, meaning that it enhances different aspects of life through Artificial Intelligence. Artificial
proper usage of that data, networks, and algorithms. This can range intelligence (AI) is an area of computer
from something as simple as improving or enhancing your science that emphasizes the creation of
refrigerator by embedding it with sensors that automatically detect intelligent machines that work and reacts
like humans. Some of the activities
when milk and eggs run low and to then place an order with your computers with artificial intelligence are
choice of the grocer to automatically send them over. For companies designed for include:
to realize the full potential of IoT enablement they need to combine l Speech recognition
IoT with rapidly advancing Artificial Intelligence (#AI) technologies l Learning
l Planning
as shown in Fig.1.5, which enable smart machines to simulate l Problem solving
intelligent behavior and make well informed decisions with little or
Sensor. A sensor is a device that detects
no human intervention. and responds to some type of input from
the physical environment. The specific
input could be light, heat, motion,
moisture, pressure, or any one of a great
number of other environmental
phenomena. The output is generally a
signal that is converted to human-readable
display at the sensor location or
transmitted electronically over a network
for reading or further processing.

Fig.1.5. AI and IoT

2. Connectivity. It is new enabling technologies for networking and specifically IoT networking, mean
networks are no longer exclusively tied to major providers. Networks can exist on a much smaller and
cheaper scale while still being practical. IoT creates these small networks between its system devices.
3. Sensors. The true essence of IoT would not hold effective or true without sensors. IoT would not be
possible without sensors which will detect or measure any changes in the environment to generate data
that can report on their status or even interact with the environment. The Fig.1.6 shown some types of
sensor used in IoT. Sensing technologies provide the means to create capabilities that reflect a true awareness
of the physical world and the people in it. The sensing information is simply the analogue input from the
physical world but it can provide the rich understanding of our complex world.



Fig. 1.6. Types of Sensor

4. Active engagement. Today's interaction between different connected technologies happens through
passive engagement. IoT introduces a new paradigm for active content, product or service engagement.
5. Devices. Devices are more powerful, cheaper and smaller over time Internet of Things purposely makes
use of small devices to deliver its scalability, versatility, and accuracy. Internet of Things (IoT) devices
support the expansion of internet connection beyond the usual standard devices like computers, laptops,
smartphones etc. These IoT devices are purely integrated with high definition technology which makes it
possible for them to communicate or interact over the internet smoothly and can also be managed and
controlled remotely when required. There are several advantages of these smart devices and some of them
are given below.
(a) IoT encourages the interaction between devices called as a machine to machine interaction.
(b) It provides good automation and control.
(c) Integrated with more technical information so it is better to operate.
(d) IoT possesses strong monitoring feature.
(e) It saves a lot of time.
(f) IoT helps to save more money by reducing manual task and time.
(g) Automating daily life tasks makes good monitoring of devices.
(h) Increased efficiency and time-saving.
(i) With good features make a better quality of life.

1.2.1 Some other Features

A brief review of these features is given below:
1. Dynamic changes. The state of devices change dynamically, e.g., sleeping and waking up, connected
and disconnected as well as the context of devices including location and speed. Moreover the number of
devices can change dynamically.
2. Heterogeneity. Heterogeneity in Internet of Things as one of the key characteristics. Devices in IoT are
based on different hardware platforms and networks and can interact with other devices or service platforms
through different networks. IoT architecture should support direct network connectivity between
heterogeneous networks. They can interact with other devices or service platforms through different
3. Self-adapting. IoT devices and systems may have the capability to dynamically adapt with the changing
contexts and take actions based on their operating conditions, user's context or sensed environment. For
example, consider a surveillance system comprising of a number of surveillance cameras. The surveillance
cameras can adapt their modes based on whether it is day or night. Cameras could switch from lower
resolution to higher resolution modes when any motion is detected and alert nearby cameras to do the
same. In this example, the surveillance system is adapting itself based on the context and changing (e.g.,
dynamic) conditions.
4. Security. IoT devices are naturally vulnerable to security threats. As we gain efficiencies and other
benefits from the IoT, it would be a mistake to forget about security concerns associated with it. There is
a high level of transparency and privacy issues with IoT. It is important to secure the endpoints, the
networks and the data that is transferred across all of it means creating a security paradigm.
5. Enormous scale. The number of devices that need to be managed
and that communicate with each other will be at least an order of KEY POINTS . . . . .
magnitude larger than the devices connected to the current Internet. What is the scope of IoT?
"Internet of Things can connect devices
Even more critical will be the management of the data generated embedded in various systems to the
and their interpretation for application purposes. This relates to internet. When devices/objects can
semantics of data as well as efficient data handling. represent themselves digitally, they can be
controlled from anywhere. The
6. Integrated into information network. IoT devices are usually connectivity then helps us capture more
integrated into the information network that allows them to data from more places, ensuring more
communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems. ways of increasing efficiency.
The devices can be dynamically discovered in the network by other Why IoT ?
devices and the network and have the capability to describe l Universal inter-networking
themselves and their characteristics. l Acts as technology integrator. Flexible
7. Unique identity. Each IoT device has a unique identity and a l Integrating human society and
unique identifier such as an IP address or a URL. IoT systems may physical systems.
have intelligent interfaces which adapt based on the context; allow l Improves the resource utilization ratio.
communicating with users and the environmental contexts. IoT l Dynamic control of industry and daily
device interfaces allow users to query the devices, monitor their life.
status, and control them remotely, in association with the control,
configuration and management infrastructure.

1.2.2. Challenges of IoT

IoT is a universe of connected things providing key physical data and further processing of that data in the
cloud to deliver business insights. They present a huge opportunity for many players in all businesses and
industries. Many companies are organizing themselves to focus on IoT and the connectivity of their future
products and services. For the IoT industry to flourish there are five categories of challenges to overcome
and this is true for any new trend in technology not only IoT: technology, business, society, privacy and
1. Technology. This part is covering all technologies needed to make IoT systems function smoothly as a
standalone solution or part of existing systems and that's not an easy mission. As Fig 1.7 shown there are
many technological challenges, including security, connectivity, compatibility and longevity, standards


and intelligent analysis and actions.

Fig.1.7. Technological Challenges

(a) Security. IoT has already turned into a serious security concern that has drawn the attention of firms
and government agencies across the world. The hacking of baby monitors, smart fridges, thermostats,
drug infusion pumps, cameras and even the radio in your car are signifying a security nightmare being
caused by the future of IoT.
KEY POINTS . . . . .
(b) Connectivity. Connecting so many devices will be one of the
How does IoT help in our life?
biggest challenges of the future of IoT. It will defy the very structure
l Along with advanced data analytics,
of current communication models and the underlying technologies.
IoT-enabled devices and sensors are
At present we rely on the centralized, server/client paradigm to helping us reduce air pollution in some
authenticate, authorize and connect different nodes in a network. of our world's biggest cities, improve
agriculture and our food supply, and
(c) Compatibility and Longevity. IoT is growing in many different even detect and contain deadly
directions, with many different technologies competing to become viruses.
the standard. This will cause difficulties and require the deployment How are IoT devices connected?
of extra hardware and software when connecting devices. l The IoT device will typically be
connected to an IP network to the
(d) Standards. Technology standards which include network global Internet. Commercial IoT
protocols, communication protocols, and data-aggregation standards, where local communication is
are the sum of all activities of handling, processing and storing the typically either Bluetooth or Ethernet
data collected from the sensors. This aggregation increases the value (wired or wireless). The IoT device will
typically communicate only with local
of data by increasing, the scale, scope, and frequency of data devices
available for analysis. How many IoT devices will there be in
(e) Intelligent analysis and actions. The last stage in IoT 2020?
implementation is extracting insights from data for analysis. The l The number of IoT devices that are
active is expected to grow to 10 billion
analysis is driven by cognitive technologies and the accompanying by 2020and 22 billion by 2025.
models that facilitate the use of cognitive technologies.
2. Business. The bottom line is a big motivation for starting, investing and operating any business, without
a sound and solid business model for IoT. This model must satisfy all the requirements for all kinds of e-
commerce vertical markets, horizontal markets, and consumer markets. But this category is always a
victim of regulatory and legal scrutiny. IoT can be divided into 3 categories, based on usage and clients
base as shown in Fig.1.8.
(a) Consumer IoT. It includes the connected devices such as smart cars, phones, watches, laptops, connected
appliances, and entertainment systems.
(b) Commercial IoT. It includes things like inventory controls, device trackers, and connected medical
(c) Industrial IoT. It covers such things as connected electric meters, waste water systems, flow gauges,
pipeline monitors, manufacturing robots, and other types of connected industrial devices and systems.

Fig. 1.8. Categories of IoT

So it is important to understand the value chain and business model for the IoT applications for each
category of IoT.
3. Society. Understanding IoT from the customers and regulators prospective is not an easy task for the
following reasons:
(a) Customer demands and requirements change constantly.
(b) New uses for devices as well as new devices and grow at breakneck speeds.
(c) Inventing and reintegrating must-have features and capabilities are expensive and take time and
(d) The uses for Internet of Things technology are expanding and changing-often in uncharted waters.
(e) Each of these problems could put a dent in consumers' desire to purchase connected products,
which would prevent the IoT from fulfilling its true potential.
(f) Lack of understanding or education by consumers of best practices for IoT devices security to help
in improving privacy, for example change default passwords of IoT devices.
4. Privacy. The IoT creates unique challenges to privacy, many that go beyond the data privacy issues that
currently exist. This is becoming more prevalent in consumer devices, such as tracking devices for phones
and cars as well as smart televisions. In terms of the latter, voice recognition or vision features are being
integrated that can continuously listen to conversations or watch for activity and selectively transmit that
data to a cloud service for processing, which sometimes includes a third party. The collection of this
information exposes legal and regulatory challenges facing data protection and privacy law.
5. Regulatory standards. Regulatory standards for data markets are missing especially for data brokers.
They are companies that sell data collected from various sources. Even though data appear to be the
currency of the IoT, there is a lack of transparency about who gets access to data and how those data are
used to develop products or services and sold to advertisers and third parties. There is a need for clear
guidelines on the retention, use and security of the data including metadata.

1.2.3. Advantages of IoT

The advantages of IoT span across every area of lifestyle and business. The key benefits of IoT technology
are as follows:
1. Technical optimization. IoT technology helps a lot in improving technologies and making them better.
For example with IoT a manufacturer is able to collect data from various car sensors. The manufacturer
analyzes them to improve its design and make them more efficient.
2. Data. The more the information, the easier it is to make the right decision. Knowing what to get from


the grocery while you are out, without having to check on your own, KEY POINTS . . . . .
not only saves time but is convenient as well. What is the future of IoT?
3. Improved data collection. Traditional data collection has its l IoT devices will be a huge part of how
we interact with basic everyday
limitations and its design for passive use. IoT facilitates immediate objects. In just one year alone, we
action on data. went from having 5 million IoT devices
connected to the internet to billions.
4. Reduced waste. IoT offers real-time information leading to The future is happening now, and
effective decision making & management of resources. For example, these devices are getting smarter
if a manufacturer finds an issue in multiple car engines, he can track every day through machine learning
the manufacturing plan of those engines and solves this issue with and artificial intelligence.
the manufacturing belt. Does IoT always need Internet?
l The network supports a range IoT
5. Tracking. The computers keep a track both on the quality and applications suited to devices in
the feasibility of things at home. Knowing the expiration date of motion or remote locations, or that
must be secure before connection to
products before one consumes them improves safety and quality of the cloud. Because USSD is feature
life. Also, you will never run out of anything when you need it at the in all cellular networks, it can provide
last moment. secure IoT connectivity without
involving the Internet.
6. Improved customer engagement. IoT allows you to improve
Are IoT devices secured?
customer experience by detecting problems and improving the l When your individual devices are
process. secure, the main point of entry into
your IoT is going to be through your
7. Money. The financial aspect is the best advantage. This technology main network. . It is likely that your
could replace humans who are in charge of monitoring and computer's operating system (OS) has
maintaining supplies. some sort of firewall software, but this
won't protect the other devices on
your network.
1.2.4. Disadvantages IoT
1. Security. IoT technology creates an ecosystem of connected devices. However, during this process, the
system may offer little authentication control despite sufficient security measures.
2. Privacy. The use of IoT, exposes a substantial amount of personal data, in extreme detail, without the
user's active participation. This creates lots of privacy issues.
3. Flexibility. There is a huge concern regarding the flexibility of an IoT system. It is mainly regarding
integrating with another system as there are many diverse systems involved in the process.
4. Complexity. The design of the IOT system is also quite complicated. Moreover, it's deployment and
maintenance also not very easy. There are several opportunities for failure with complex systems. For
example, both you and your spouse may receive messages that the milk is over and both of you may end
up buying the same. That leaves you with double the quantity required. Or there is a software bug causing
the printer to order ink multiple times when it requires a single cartridge.
5. Compliance. IOT has its own set of rules and regulations. However, because of its complexity, the task
of compliance is quite challenging.
6. Safety. There is a chance that the software can be hacked and your personal information misused. The
possibilities are endless. Your prescription being changed or your account details being hacked could put
you at risk. Hence, all the safety risks become the consumer's responsibility.

1.2.5. How IoT works?

The entire IoT process starts with the devices themselves like smartphones, smartwatches, electronic
machine like TV, Washing Machine which helps you to communicate with the IOT platform as shown in
Fig.1.9. Here, are four fundamental components of an IoT system:

Fig.1.9 How IoT Works

1. Sensors/Devices. Sensors or devices are a key component that helps you to collect live data from the
surrounding environment. All this data may have various levels of complexities. It could be a simple
temperature monitoring sensor or it may be in the form of the video feed.
A device may have various types of sensors which performs multiple tasks apart from sensing. Example,
A mobile phone is a device which has multiple sensors like GPS, camera but your smartphone is not able
to sense these things.
2. Connectivity : All the collected data is sent to a cloud infrastructure. The sensors should be connected
to the cloud using various mediums of communications. These communication mediums include mobile
or satellite networks, Bluetooth, WI-FI, WAN, etc. KEY POINTS . . . . .
3. Data Processing : Once that data is collected, and it gets to the How do I protect my IoT devices?
cloud, the software performs processing on the gathered data. This Here are some precautions you should
process can be just checking the temperature, reading on devices take to protect your IoT devices.
like AC or heaters. However, it can sometimes also be very complex l Set passwords. Not many people
know they can set passwords for IoT
like identifying objects, using computer vision on video. devices, making their gadgets easy to
4. User Interface : The information needs to be available to the hack.
end-user in some way which can be achieved by triggering alarms l Disable Universal Plug and Play
(UPnP) .
on their phones or sending them notification through email or text
message. The user sometimes might need an interface which actively l Create a separate network. .
checks their IOT system. For example, the user has a camera installed l Update your firmware.
in his home. He wants to access video recording and all the feeds l Unplug it.
with the help of a web server. How can I learn IoT programming?
Here are six tips from IoT experts on how
However, it's not always one-way communication. Depending on to break into a career developing
the IoT application and complexity of the system, the user may also connected devices.
be able to perform an action which may create cascading effects. l Gain a deep understanding of sensors.
For example, if a user detects any changes in the temperature of the l Focus on user interface.
refrigerator, with the help of IOT technology the user should able to l Learn JavaScript or Python.
adjust the temperature with the help of their mobile phone. l Play with a Raspberry Pi.
l Find a community.
1.3. APPLICATIONS OF IOT l Keep your skills cutting edge.
To the public IoT currently appears to be a mixture of smart home applications, wearables and an industrial
IoT component. But actually it has the potential to have a much wider reach. When the connected world
becomes reality, the Internet of Things will transform nearly all major segments - from homes to hospitals
and from cars to cities. IoT has many applications, but we will cover top IoT Applications with uses as
shown in Fig.1.10.



Fig.1.10. IoT Applications.

1.3.1. IoT — Smart Home Applications

Whenever we think of IoT systems, the most important and efficient KEY POINTS . . . . .
application that stands out every time is smart home ranking as
What is smart home using IoT?
highest IoT application on all channels. The number of people l A smart home is a residence that uses
searching for smart homes increases every month. Another interesting internet-connected devices to enable
thing is that the database of smart homes for IoT Analytics includes the remote monitoring and
management of appliances and
256 companies and startups. The smart home or "Home automation"
systems, such as lighting and heating.
describes the connectivity inside our homes. It includes thermostats,
Why do we need home automation?
smoke detectors, lightbulbs, appliances, entertainment systems, l In a time when we are all becoming
windows, door locks, and much more as shown in Fig.1.11. Popular more environmentally aware, home
companies include Nest, Apple, Philips, and Belkin. automation provides a good solution
to help preserve our natural resources.
Home automation products can
reduce power consumption and
automatically turn off lights and
appliances when they are not in use.
Can you have a smart home without
l The good news is that yes you can set
up your smart home without an
internet connection. Most smart home
devices communicate with each other
via a different kind of wireless
technology to WiFi.

Fig.1.11. Smart Home - IoT Applications

From improving security to decreasing energy and maintenance costs, there are many companies offers a
wide range of advanced IoT technologies for controlling and monitoring of smart homes and intelligent
buildings. Some of IoT smart home applications are:
(a) Access control (b) Light and temperature control
(c) Energy optimization (d) Predictive maintenance
(e) Connected appliances.

1.3.2. IoT ? Wearable Applications

The wearables remain a new topic too among potential IOT applications. All acrossed the globe every
year the consumers await the release of Apple' smart watch. Apart from this there are plenty of other
wearable devices that make our life easy such as the Sony Smart B Trainer or LookSee bracelet, the Myo
gesture control as shown in Fig. 1.12. KEY POINTS . . . . .
Are Smartwatches IoT?
l Wearable IoT devices, namely
smartwatches and fitness trackers, are
the among the most conspicuous
examples of Internet of Things (IoT)
technology. According to a recent IoT
technology survey from Clutch,
wearables are used primarily for
singular functions such as checking
the time and tracking exercise.
Can smartwatches work without phone?
l It is possible to use a smartwatches
without a phone. Most smartwatches
including new Wear OS watches, as
well as Samsung's and Apple's
watches - can connect to a Wi-Fi
Fig.1.12. Wearable - IoT Applications network. That means your watch does
not have to be within Bluetooth range
With the broadest range in the industry that provides highly of your phone to use apps.
competent low power solutions for the wearables market. Some of
IoT wearable applications are:
1. Entertainment 2. Fitness
3. Smart Watch 4. Location and Tracking
1.3.3. IoT ? Smart City Applications
The smart city like the name suggests is a very big innovation and spans a wide variety of use cases, from
water distribution to traffic management to waste management, environmental monitoring, and urban
security. Smart City solutions promise to alleviate real pains of
people living in cities these days as shown in Fig.1.13. Like solving KEY POINTS . . . . .
traffic congestion problems, reducing noise and pollution and helping What is smart city using IoT?
to make cities safer. l A smart city is considered smart due
to its inherent intelligence in dealing
with its resources and environment.
It makes effective use of available
‘‘Information and Communication
technologies’’, especially the ‘‘Internet
of things (IOT)’’.
Which is the smart city in the world?
l Boston has been consistently ranked
as one of the world's top-five smart
cities since 2015. Boston is among the
best cities regarding governance,
public management, and has been
ranked No. 1 on human capital.
What makes a smart city smart?
l What Makes a City "Smart"? Smart
cities use intelligent solutions to
optimize infrastructure and smart and
responsive governance to engage
citizens in the management of their
city. A system of sensors, networks,
and applications collect useful data,
Fig. 1.13. Smart City -IoT Applications like traffic congestion, energy use, and
CO2 levels.
There are many industries, reducing the cost and resource
KEY POINTS . . . . .
consumption of IoT products for surveillance, lighting, centralized
What do smart grids do?
and also integrated system control. Some of IoT smart city l The grid refers to the electric grid, a
applications are: network of transmission lines,
substations, transformers and more
1. Residential E-meters that deliver electricity from the power
2. Smart street lights plant to your home or business. It's
what you plug into when you flip on
3. Pipeline leak detection your light switch or power up your
4. Traffic control computer.
Why smart grid is important?
5. Surveillance cameras
l A smart grid can help utilities conserve
6. Centralized and integrated system control energy, reduce costs, increase
reliability and transparency, and make
1.3.4. IoT ? Smart Grids Applications processes more efficient. The
increasing use of IT-based electric
Smart grids are another area of application that stands out as shown power systems, however, increases
in Fig.1.14. A future smart grid promises to use information about cyber security vulnerabilities, which
the behaviors of electricity suppliers and consumers in an automated increases cyber security's importance.
fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability and economics of What is two way communications in
electricity. smart grid?
l A two-way communications
infrastructure that can network one or
more parts of the smart grid via secure,
high speed, high bandwidth
connections. This infrastructure
system serves as the backbone of the
customer systems, AMI, distribution,
and transmission smart grid systems.

Fig. 1.14. Smart grids -IoT Applications


1.3.5. IoT ? Industrial Internet Applications KEY POINTS . . . . .
One way to think of the Industrial Internet is, as connecting machines What are connected cars IoT?
and devices in industries such as power generation, oil, gas, and l Vehicle to Cloud (V2C) technology
healthcare. It is also made use of in situations where unplanned exchanges information about and for
applications of the vehicle with a
downtime and system failures can result in life-threatening situations.
cloud system. This allows the vehicle
A system embedded with the IoT tends to include devices such as to use information from other, though
fitness bands for heart monitoring or smart home appliances. These the cloud connected industries like
systems are functional and can very well provide ease of use but are energy, transportation and smart
homes and make use of IoT.
not reliable because they do not typically create emergency situations
if a downtime was to occur. Are self driving cars IoT?
l The concept of self-driving cars has
always intrigued many people. These
1.3.6. IoT ? Connected Health (Digital Health) autonomous vehicles require an
Applications enormous quantity of data collecting
and processing. In this case, through
The connected car technology is a vast and an extensive network of
IoT, the driverless car shares
multiple sensors, antennas, embedded software and technologies information about the road (which has
that assist in communication to navigate in our complex world (as already been mapped out).
shown in Fig.1.15). It has the responsibility of making decisions What do self driving cars do?
with consistency, accuracy and speed. It also has to be reliable. The l Self-driving vehicles are cars or trucks
battle is on for the car of the future. Whether it is self-driving or just in which human drivers are never
required to take control to safely
driver-assisted: Connectivity with other cars, mapping services, or operate the vehicle. Also known as
traffic control will play a part. Next generation in-car entertainment autonomous or "driverless" cars, they
systems and remote monitoring are also interesting concepts to watch combine sensors and software to
as shown in 1.15 and it is not only large auto-makers that play a control, navigate, and drive the
role: Google, Microsoft, and Apple have all announced connected
How do driverless cars help the
car platforms. environment?
l Yes, most of the driverless vehicles
being driven (and test-driven) today
are already fully electric. ...
Autonomous cars use significantly less
gas and energy when driving,
compared to a vehicle driven by a
human. Most gas is burned when
driving at high speeds, braking, and
re-accelerating excessively.

Fig.1.15 Connected Car-IoT Applications

1.3.7. IoT ? Connected Health (Digital Health) Applications

The concept of a connected health care system and smart medical devices bears enormous potential, not
just for companies also for the well-being of people in general. It is new kinds of real-time health monitoring
and improved medical decision-making based on large sets of patient data are some of the envisioned
benefits. It has the potential to improve how physicians deliver care and also keep patients safe and
healthy as shown in Fig. 1.16. Healthcare IoT can allow patients to spend more time interacting with their
doctors by which it can boost patient engagement and satisfaction. From personal fitness sensors to surgical
robots, IoT in healthcare brings new tools updated with the latest technology in the ecosystem that helps
in developing better healthcare. IoT helps in revolutionizing healthcare and provides pocket-friendly


solutions for the patient and healthcare professional. KEY POINTS . . . . .
How IoT is used in healthcare?
l IoT explores new dimensions of
patient care through real-time health
monitoring and access to patients'
health data. This data is a goldmine
for healthcare stakeholders to
improve patient's health and
experiences while making revenue
Fig.1.16. Digital Health IoT Applications opportunities and improving
healthcare operations.
Many industries are shaping technology to enhance the accessibility
What does IoT stand for in medical
and the quality of digital products that are transforming the health terms?
and also fitness industries. Some of IoT digital health applications l The internet of things, or IoT, is a
are : system of interrelated computing
devices, mechanical and digital
1. Remote monitoring machines, objects, animals or people
2. Ambulance telemetry that are provided with unique
3. Drug tracking identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to
4. Hospital asset tracking transfer data over a network without
requiring human-to-human or human-
5. Access control to-computer interaction.
6. Predictive maintenance

1.3.8. IoT ? Smart Retail Applications

Retailers have started adopting IoT solutions and using IoT KEY POINTS . . . . .
embedded systems across a number of applications that improve
How is IoT used in retail?
store operations such as increasing purchases, reducing theft,
l By monitoring inventory and
enabling inventory management, and enhancing the consumer's transmitting data about items
shopping experience. Through IoT physical retailers can compete movements and whereabouts to an
against online challengers more strongly(as shown in Fig.1.17). They IoT platform, the system can provide
can regain their lost market share and attract consumers into the retailers with information about
customer needs and preferences,
store, thus making it easier for them to buy more while saving money. showing them ways to improve their
services, increase customer
interactions, and boost sales.
What is smart retail in IoT?
l At its most basic, the Internet of Things
(IoT) is a network of connected
physical objects embedded with
sensors. IoT allows these devices to
communicate, analyze and share data
about the physical world around us
via networks and cloud-based
software platforms.

Fig. 1.17 Smart Retail- IoT Applications

1.3.9. IoT ? Energy Applications

The optimization qualities of IoT in manufacturing also apply to energy consumption. IoT allows a wide
variety of energy control and monitoring functions, with applications in devices, commercial and residential
energy use, and the energy source. Optimization results from the detailed analysis previously unavailable
to most organizations and individuals. The energy sources for massive IoT applications are shown in
Fig. 1.18.

Fig.1.18 Energy sources for IoT Applications

1. Residential Energy. The rise of technology has driven energy KEY POINTS . . . . .
costs up. Consumers search for ways to reduce or control
What is Smart Energy in IoT?
consumption. IoT offers a sophisticated way to analyze and optimize
l The IOT solution, Smart Energy
use not only at device level, but throughout the entire system of the Telecontrol also allows users to
home. This can mean simple switching off or dimming of lights, or increase their savings in energy
changing device settings and modifying multiple home settings to consumption thanks to a centralized
optimize energy use. IoT can also discover problematic consumption remote control of the systems installed
on the premises of our customers'
from issues like older appliances, damaged appliances, or faulty systems such as: lighting, cooling,
system components. Traditionally, finding such problems required heating, ventilation, automated office
the use of often multiple professionals. equipment, etc

2. Commercial Energy. Energy waste can easily and quietly impact business in a major way, given the
tremendous energy needs of even small organizations. Smaller organizations wrestle with balancing costs
of business while delivering a product with typically smaller margins, and working with limited funding
and technology. Larger organizations must monitor a massive, complex ecosystem of energy use that
offers few simple, effective solutions for energy use management.

1.3.10. IoT - Transportation Application

At every layer of transportation, IoT provides improved communication, control, and data distribution.
These applications include personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, trains, UAVs, and other equipment. It
extends throughout the entire system of all transportation elements such as traffic control, parking, fuel
consumption, and more.
The number one concerns of traffic is handling congestion, decreasing accidents, and parking. IoT allows
us to better take a look at and analyze the go with the flow of visitors through gadgets in any respect traffic
commentary factors. It aids in parking with the aid of making storage glide obvious whilst present-day
techniques offer little if any statistics. Accidents usually end result from more than a few of factors, but,
visitors' management impacts their frequency. Production sites, poor rerouting, and a lack of facts about
traffic reputation are all issues that result in incidents. IoT provides solutions within the shape of higher


facts sharing with the general public, and among diverse events KEY POINTS . . . . .
directly affecting road visitors. The below Fig 1.19 shown the What is IoT in transportation?
transportation application of IoT. l At every layer of transportation, IoT
provides improved communication,
control, and data distribution. These
applications include personal vehicles,
commercial vehicles, trains, UAVs,
and other equipment.
How the Internet of Things is improving
transportation and logistics?
l Implementing the right IoT solution
can allow enterprises to connect all
of their mobile devices across a
centralized cloud network and
capture and share their mission-critical

Fig. 1.19. Transportation: IoT Application

1.3.11. IoT — Education Applications

IoT in the classroom combines the benefits of IoT in content delivery, business, and healthcare. It customizes
and enhances education by allowing optimization of all content and forms of delivery. It enables educators
to give focus to individuals and their method. It also reduces costs and labor of education through automation
of common tasks outside of the actual education process.
KEY POINTS . . . . .
IoT in the classroom combines the benefits of IoT in content delivery, What is IoT in transportation?
business and healthcare. It customizes and enhances education by l At every layer of transportation, IoT
allowing optimization of all content and forms of delivery. It enables provides improved communication,
educators to give focus to individuals and their method. It also control, and data distribution. These
reduces costs and labor of education through automation of common applications include personal vehicles,
commercial vehicles, trains, UAVs,
tasks outside of the actual education process. Some of IoT -education and other equipment.
applications are:
How the Internet of Things is improving
1. Education Organizations. Education organizations typically transportation and logistics?
suffer from limited funding, labor issues, and poor attention to actual l Implementing the right IoT solution
can allow enterprises to connect all
education. They, unlike other organizations, commonly lack or avoid
of their mobile devices across a
analytics due to their funding issues and the belief that analytics do centralized cloud network and
not apply to their industry. IoT not only provides valuable insight, capture and share their mission-critical
but it also democratizes that information through low-cost, low- data.
power small devices, which still offer high performance. This How is IoT used in agriculture?
technology aids in managing costs, improving the quality of l In IoT-based smart farming, a system
education, professional development, and facility management is built for monitoring the crop field
with the help of sensors (light,
improvement through rich examinations of key areas: humidity, temperature, soil moisture,
(a) Student response, performance and behavior etc.) and automating the irrigation
system. The farmers can monitor the
(b) Instructor response, performance and behavior field conditions from anywhere.


(c) Facility monitoring and maintenance
(d) Data from other facilities
(e) Educators
2. Educators. IoT provides instructors with easy access to powerful educational tools. Educators can use
IoT to perform as a one-on-one instructor providing specific instructional designs for each pupil; for
example, using data to determine the most effective supplements for each student, and auto generating
content from lesson materials on-demand for any student.
3. Personalized education. IoT facilitates the customization of education to give every student access to
what they need. Each student can control their experience and participate in instructional design, and
much of this happens passively. The student simply utilizes the system, and performance data primarily
shapes their design. This combined with organizational and educator optimization delivers highly effective
education while reducing costs.

1.3.12. IoT ? Government Applications

IoT supports the development of smart nations and smart cities. This includes enhancement of infrastructure
previously discussed (e.g., healthcare, energy, transportation, etc.), defense and also the engineering and
maintenance of communities. Some of government application are:
1. City Planning and Management. Governing bodies and engineers can use IoT to analyze the often
complex aspects of city planning and management. IoT simplifies examining various factors such as
population growth, zoning, mapping, water supply, transportation patterns, food supply, social services,
and land use.
2. Creating Jobs. IoT offers thorough economic analysis. It makes previous blind spots visible and
supports better economic monitoring and modeling. It analyzes industry and the marketplace to spot
opportunities for growth and barriers.
3. National Defense. National threats prove diverse and complicated. IoT augments armed forces systems
and services, and offers the sophistication necessary to manage the landscape of national defense. It
supports better protection of borders through inexpensive, high performance devices for rich control and

1.3.13. IoT Smart Agriculture Application

Another important domain for IoT is the agriculture domain where IoT system plays vital role for soil and
crop monitoring and provides a proper solution accordingly. Using smart farming through IoT technologies
helps farmer to reduce waste generation and increase the productivity. There are several IoT technologies
available that work on agriculture domain. Some of them are:
1. Drones for field monitoring
2. Sensor for soil monitoring
3. Water pump for water sully
4. Machines for routine operation



1. The Internet of Things definition: Sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects are
linked through wired and wireless networks.
2. There are a number of similar concepts but Internet of Things is by far the most popular term
to describe this phenomenon
3. M2M or the Industrial internet are not opposing concepts to the Internet of Things. Rather,
they are sub-segments.
4. IoT is a network of physical objects.
5. The internet is not only a network of computers but it has evolved into a network of device
of all type and sizes. They are vehicles, smart phones, home appliances, toys, cameras,
medical instruments and industrial systems, animals, people and buildings.
6. The goal of the Internet of Things is to enable things to be connected anytime, anyplace,
with anything and anyone ideally using any path/network and any service
7. John Romkey created a toaster which could be turned on/off over the Internet.
8. The term "Internet of Things" was used by Kevin Ashton during his work at P&G which
became widely accepted
9. Gartner the market research company includes "The Internet of Things" technology in their
10. The most important features of IoT include artificial intelligence, connectivity, sensors, active
engagement, and small device
11. The IoT industry to flourish there are five categories of challenges to overcome and this is
true for any new trend in technology not only IoT: technology, business, society, privacy and
12. The most important and efficient application that stands out every time is smart home ranking
as highest IOT application on all channels


1. IoT is a network of ……… physical objects In IoT devices are connected to:
I. Communicating II. Sharing Information
III For achieving smart reorganization IV. Real time monitoring
(A) I only (B) II only
(C) All of the above (D) None of these
2. We can define Internet of things is an internet of three things as:
(A) People to people, People to machine or things, Things or machine to things or machine.
(B) Business to Business
(C) Server to server
(D) Customer to customer.
3. Artificial Intelligence is embedded in IoT for:
(A) Little and no human intervention (B) To make them look beautiful
(C) For internet connectivity (D) For making their size small
4. IoT devices and systems may have the capability to ………..with the changing contexts:
(A) Dynamically adapt (B) Manually
(C) Depending upon hardware state (D) Dynamically and manually both
5. Which of the following is not feature of IoT?
(A) Heterogeneity (B) Self Adapting
(C) Enormous Scale (D) No requirement of network or interconnection
6. Which of the following are not Technological Challenges?
(A) Security (B) Connectivity
(C) Compatibility (D) Regulatory Standards
7. We rely on the centralized, server/client paradigm to
(A) Authentication (B) Security
(C) Unique Identity (D) Security
8. Which of the following is not the category of IoT based on usage and client base?
(A) Consumer IoT (B) Commercial IoT
(C) Industrial IoT (D) All of the above
9. Which of the following are advantages of IoT
(A) Technical Optimization (B) Improved data collection
(C) Improved customer engagement (D) All of the above
10. All the collected data in IoT is sent to a
(A) cloud infrastructure (B) dedicated memory for each node
(C) some node share memory on cluster bases
(D) There is no need of memory
11. Which of the following is application of IoT in the area of health:
(A) Smart homes (B) Connected Health
(C) Smart Farming (D) Industrial Internet
12. Which of the following is not related to IoT ? smart city applications:
(A) Residential E-meters (B) Smart street lights
(C) Pipeline leak detection (D) Traffic control
(E) All of the above


1. . …………and actuators embedded in physical objects are linked through networks……………..,
often using the same Internet Protocol (IP) that connects the Internet.
2. Term IoT was coined by…………
3. IoT would not be possible without …………which will detect or measure any changes in the
environment to generate data.
4. Mostly interaction between different connected technologies happens through…………engagement
whereas IoT introduce concept of…………engagement.
5. IoT can be divided into…………categories based on usage and client base.
6. …………are a key component that helps you to collect live data from the surrounding environment


7. Important component of IoT are Artificial Intelligence, sensors, …………………and devices.
8. …………are not opposing concepts to the Internet of Things. Rather, they are sub-segments.
9. …………the market research company includes "The Internet of Things" technology in their research

Multiple Choice Questions
1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (D)
6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (D) 10. (A)
11. (B) 12. (E)
Fill in the Blanks
1. Sensors wired and wireless 2. Kevin Ashton
3. Sensors 4. Passive, active
5. Three 6. Sensors or devices
7. Active Engagement 8. or the Industrial internet
9. Gartner

1. Explain Internet of Things (IoT) with example.
2. What is Internet of Things (IoT). What are components required to design IoT Device and which
device we called IoT device explain with example.
3. Give brief overview of IoT. Explain the vision of IoT.
4. What are different challenges of IoT? Explain with example.
5. What are different components required for IoT device?
6. What is Machine to Machine communication (M2M)?
7. Explain different Characteristics of IoT.
8. What effect will the internet of things (IoT) have on our daily lives? Explain with any one example
of smart device.
9. What are different business and research opportunities for IoT?
10. Explain the different applications of IoT.
11. Describe the different advantages and disadvantages of IoT.
12. Write a short note on following:
(a) Artificial Intelligence
(b) Sensors
(c) IoT ? Smart Home Applications
(d) IoT ? Smart City Applications
(e) IoT ? Smart Grids Applications
(f) IoT ? Connected Health (Digital Health) Applications
(g) IoT ? Smart Retail Applications
(h) IoT ? Energy Applications
(i) IoT - Transportation Application

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