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Production Array Log Interpretation

Complete, Customized Interpretation Supports Better Intervention

INTRODUCTION: New Tools and Techniques for More

Accurate Logging in Horizontal and Deviated Wells

Center-Sampling Tools Misdiagnose Horizontal Wells

In vertical wells, oil, gas and water remain uniformly distributed
across the wellbore. However, when wells deviate more than
20 degrees from vertical, fluids begin to separate into their own
streams and move at different rates. Lighter fluids move along the
high side of the well, heavier fluids along the low side.

Analyzing Flow Rates, Volumes, Fluid Entry/Exit Points

In these conditions, standard center-sampling devices cannot

accurately quantify distributions and velocities. They produce
incorrect volume estimates and misdiagnose fluid entry or exit
Avoiding Costly Mistakes
points. This makes it difficult to optimize production.
This horizontal well was producing 600 barrels of hydrocarbons and 15,000
barrels of water per day. Our log clearly showed all hydrocarbons were
The problem becomes worse as wells approach horizontal and
coming from the zone at the far right. Traditional center-sampling tools
their paths begin to undulate. Finding the source of water could not see where oil and gas were coming from.
production with center-sampling tools in these conditions can be The client’s reservoir model suggested that oil should have been coming from
difficult or impossible. Due to the tool’s location in the wellbore, Zone 2. After setting a bridge plug to block off Zone 1, the well started producing
the sensor may not fi nd the fluid in the zone that is producing it. 1,500 barrels of oil and 600 barrels of water per day. The higher pressure from
Zone 1 had not been allowing the hydro-carbons to enter from Zone 2.
Multisensor Tools Sample All Phases of
Production Accurately
To remedy this problem, a new generation of tools senses fluids Production Array Log Interpretation
and flow rates across the wellbore. Multiple sensors in
Compared to traditional tools with a single, centered sensor,
Halliburton’s new Capacitance and Spinner Array Tools accurately
Halliburton’s multisensor Capacitance Array Tool (CAT) and
log the entire cross section of horizontal and deviated wells over
Spinner Array Tool (SAT) offer several features that provide
the entire zone – even if the orientation of the tool varies.
important benefits.
In multizone wells, Halliburton’s new tools can identify the flow
rates and volumes of each fluid at each stage. This makes it
• Multiple sensors along with tool rotation and relative bearing
possible to quickly determine the source of water production and
measurements increase wellbore coverage
take remedial actions that increase production of oil and gas, and
extend the life of the well. • Processed data easily shared between Halliburton and clients
using Emeraude® features
Need for Specialized Logging Software & Expertise
• Interpretation options based on data availability and quality
Because these tools are so new, few people know how to interpret
logs they produce. Accordingly, Halliburton offers interpretation • Linked with Kappa Emeraude to provide seamless processing
as a service using specialized, proprietary software. This software • Horizontal and vertical displays showing phase segregation
integrates data provided by traditional sensors with the newer • Allows three dimensional imaging with Halliburton software.
arrays, then outputs the results into Kappa’s industry-leading
Emeraude® package, resulting in a comprehensive analysis in an
easy-to-read log format. This allows engineers to easily develop
intervention programs that truly address production issues.

Benefits Halliburton’s array sensors are well suited for any deviated well
• Accurate holdup and velocity measurements at any inclination analysis. They can identify and quantify fluid fallback. This
• Downhole flow rates determined independently of slip velocity improves understanding of the contributions of individual zones
to the total flow. It also helps identify thief zones where valuable
• TVD displays allow visualization of wellbore undulations and
fluids may be escaping before reaching the surface.
effects on holdups and velocity
• Links with Emeraude to provide complete interpretation Revealing the Precise Sources of Oil, Gas and
including phase flow rates both downhole and at surface Water Production

• Customized interpretation based on available data: CAT/SAT

alone or with other sensors.


In deviated wells, fluid flow segregates into different phases. Lighter

fluids move to high side and heavy fluids to low. Sensors in our new
generation of array production logging tools provide continuous cross-
sectional measurements of water holdup (dark blue) and fluid
velocities in any wellbore.

Advantages of Array Tools Over Center-Sampling

Devices In Deviated Wells

Diagnose multizone, multiphase wells better
Deviated wellbores with multiple completions are very difficult to
Stand-Alone Capacitance Analysis
evaluate especially when fluids become segregated (see example,
Track 1 shows gamma ray, temperature and pressure, along with the
above). Zone D shows very high water holdup while Zone C shows wellbore deviation and relative bearing of Sensor 1.
increasing oil holdup and the beginning of fluid stratification. As Track 2 shows the average of 12 CAT sensors with fluid density. Right side
oil holdup increases, lighter hydrocarbons segregate to the high of track shows water; left shows hydrocarbons.
side of the hole while water congregates on the low side. Track 3 displays cross-sectional of six CAT sensors. Blue indicates relative
bearing of Arm #1. Length of gray arms indicates type of fluid each arm is
The interface between oil and water may be well defined or measuring – short for water, longer for hydrocarbons.
irregular depending upon the velocity of the flow. Defining the Track 4 is a map oriented from high side to low side back to high side.
holdups of each phase is extremely difficult with a center- Lighter fluids should be on high side while water should be in center of track.
sampling device. Only tools with multiple sensors that measure Track 5 is the vertical presentation of CAT data and is oriented so low side
is on left and high on right. The white line indicates wellbore center where
the entire wellbore can provide reliable measurements; a single
center-reading tool strings would be. Heavier water segregates on low side
centered sensor may not measure each of the respective phases. of casing while lighter hydrocarbons flow on high side.

Identify fluid fallback and thief zones Track 6 shows holdups calculated by using vertical segregation of fluids as
a percentage of pipe area to provide a more accurate holdup reading.
Individual reservoir pressures and parameters along with wellbore
Track 7 shows holdups calculated using the equivalent weight method, thus
pressure determine the velocity of fluids in the wellbore. Depending providing average holdup.
on the reservoir, there may or may not be water fallback. If there is,
fallback influence on the spinner may be severe and provide less
than adequate information regarding fluid and phase velocity.

Providing Accurate Velocity Information The sensor display shows the relative velocity of the six SAT
spinners. At Depth A, we see downflow of fluid on the low side of
the casing while positive fluid movement is occurring on the high
side. Immediately above this depth there are areas of increasing
fluid velocity, followed by a slowing velocity. The CAT log shows
corresponding changes in holdups at this depth.

Providing Accurate Flow Information on Each Phase

Combined CAT/SAT: Eliminating the problem of

slip velocity between phases
Correlating holdup and velocity information shows you actual flow
rates and flow directions of each phase for the first time. Together,
these logs eliminate the problem of estimating slip velocity between
phases. This is a radical step forward in log analysis.


Stand-Alone Velocity Analysis

Track 1 shows gamma ray, temperature and pressure, along with the
wellbore deviation and relative bearing of Sensor 1.
Track 2 shows the average velocity (AVE VA) of six SAT spinners. From
these, we calculate the velocity near the center of the wellbore (CENTER
VA). This calculated velocity closely follows the inline spinner VA in
segregated flow.
Track 3 shows arm position and relative velocity of six SAT spinners.
Longer arms indicate higher velocities; shorter arms indicate slower
velocities (including negative velocity). This shows the highest velocity on
the high side of the wellbore with some downflow occurring on the low side.
Track 4 presents minimum, average and maximum VA of six SAT spinners.
Track 5 shows the image created from the six separate SAT velocities. The
black (-63) to white (0) indicate negative velocity while yellow (0) to dark

brown (225) indicate positive VAs in feet/min. The center of the track shows
the low side while the left and right edges show the high side of the wellbore.
Notice that the highest downflow is on the low side around X082. What This Log Shows
Track 6 shows a cross-sectional view of SAT VAs with low side on left and Zone A is an example of fluid fallback as seen by the SAT. Correlating
high side on right. The SAT sees fluid flowing downhole on the low side capacitance and velocity analyses allows determination of the total flow
with positive values on the high side. without relying on slip analysis.
This combination provides the best solutions for horizontal, deviated and
Six Spinners Cover Entire Wellbore Cross Section multiphase flows including upflow, downflow and possible circulation flow.
Halliburton’s Spinner Array Tool (SAT) provides six radial spinner In this well most of the production is from the perforations at B. This
processing simplifies visualization of complicated flows as seen by the
measurements that create a velocity profile of the entire wellbore. segregation of the fluids in both the CAT and SAT vertical displays in Zone
The log above shows the standard processed interpretation. C. This improved interpretation will result in better understanding of the
Halliburton can customize this based on your needs. behavior of downhole fluids. It will also result in applying the correct
intervention program for each specific situation.
What This Log Shows
CAT and SAT displays are similar, allowing easy comparisons of
both the holdups and velocities in the wellbore.

How This Analysis Capacitance Array Tool Spinner Array Tool The Value of Combined
Saved an Expensive CAT/SAT Interpretation
Halliburton’s CAT and SAT tools
Water production in this well are now available together – with
caused the owner to consider an interpretation service – for
remedial action. The owner the first time. This service can
ordered CAT and SAT logs to tell you precisely where fluids are
determine the water’s source. flowing in your well and at what
These logs showed that upper rates. No longer do you have to
perforations were not providing rely on estimates produced by
any appreciable fluid entry. slip analysis. Now you can have
direct measurements.
Higher pressure at B was forcing
water down to A which was The information provided can
acting as a thief zone. Setting a help improve your reservoir
bridge plug below these model or fi x a production
perforations could have actually problem in your well. This
increased water production and information helps avoid costly
decreased oil production. The interventions that may be
well was already acting as a counter-productive and helps
downhole separator. design precise interventions that
produce positive results by
The logging operation saved the
addressing real issues.
cost of a remedy that would
have, most likely, been Ultimately, this information
counterproductive. assists in optimizing production
and extending the producing life
of your well.


CAT and SAT developed in part through cooperation with Sondex.

© 2009 Halliburton. All rights reserved. Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the
contract between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale. H06505 4/09

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