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Export Date: 21 Sep 2020

Search: TITLE-ABS-KEY(pavimentos asfàlticos)

1) Odar, G., Chavez, D., Silvera, M.

Stabilization method with lime in subgrades for rigid pavements designed by AASHTO 93 in road
projects with the presence of bofedales [Article@Método de estabilización con cal en subrasantes
para pavimentos rígidos diseñados por AASHTO 93 en proyectos viales con presencia de bofedales]
(2019) Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and

Technology, 2019-July, .

DOI: 10.18687/LACCEI2019.1.1.60

Document Type: Conference Paper

Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

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