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Prob 7.1, P72! Wout Aa Ne Ne Ma Win Ne Neo Ne Ne EE a ra ued Prob 7.2 Wout Na Ne, Ne Lue bin Atl cow Win Np Ne Wa Ne Nena ' rob 7.3 Pz: Prob 13 P78) ) 4. the R00 re ig 4815 1m cow lg = le (- Ht) = 148.15(-f) = - 3.04 tpm ,cw Wk = We(- We stct-38) =-296.3 tpm .cw Wr = We (-&) = 148.15 (~ 22) = ~222.225rpm, cw ( viewed from right) Prob 7.4 P74 First, Onalyze the first belt, nts 4 Var Wee = Pig Wier iy = Wa FE = SoG 8 rpm ier 7 f a Next, Analyze the Second vets , VorWat = Tar Wat, Wat * War & Goors 1-5, Gy driver 5 W 5 Na Ne Ns Wadriven Ws nee ean => (p= Wn BP. NE = - -las. ay te 1S = - 204 : or Weer Sees eg + ew RN Vsteck LY te" Vstock = Pe We =(3 in.)(2.44 rpm) = 3.83 fe[min- 15, PIE, no. of Prob 5! The largest, teeth thot the qeor Com Nove iS bo, Ond Une emortelttiastn As 12, So the highest 183 Bgossivle KOXIO Using O Single gair is I2+bo or 1:5 Gr We 1000 400 | Thus. thera must be Live pairs of veqd WD 30 , ears in order to Teach the required yatio of Noo: . And one gossible Solution is As follow + bo o , bo | bo, 28 00 . a bey boy aoe ase. , Since the two shofts Gre Qarallel , the Following Conditions should Wola . Tie Ta = Vat Te = Tee Te = Tat Ts = Tat Tee Where the Eirst four gaits of qears (1- %) howe the Same diamerra\ gitch 1, Gnd the last air of gears (4 & 10) has diametral pitch +} , Prob 7-6 P76 Many solutions are gossible , Ony Na through Nn giving the wove Katios that axe between 10 and Bo teeth are Occegtarle . Tn adaicion to, Une Aiameters must staisty - Dat De = DetDaq. =PcotDn . Suppose aii gears Hane tha. Same SRR oe P? hare OMe Set of Solutions Witt be Na=20,Ng=35, Ne=tt, Ne=bo, Ng=lir, Ny= 3b. The motion transmission is describal aS Follous + Thpot ion Speed Speed [Down [Aw & | 450 rem | 150 rom | 184 Prob 7-7 ; Th order to have, iS train value of jet eocce! le Can have the ratio ear, Which equals 3502 and the difference between = 0.5993524) And FF (=o0.t7302) is -22 cio, So it Satisfies the requirement a+ 362 _8ix2 _ 18h 1b of F to.ccocf., 2a = ——— x B27 fixtqxds «SDB The total number of teeth to cut is 2. Since the Mmihimum number of teeth Input is 15, It is a two pair —{_| 7 ja gear train as Shown. Output 4 Gear blanks 9 $5.00 $20.00 Cutting 342 teeth 2 $0.25 85.50 3 Shafts with bearings 9 $20.00 60.00 Cost Estimate: $145.50 am Xe Prob 1:8 P77 @ (0) Formula method + Wentda _ + prod. of no. of teeth tériven tJe-tUa Prod . of no.of teeth driver) Toke I= first, 2alast . 3=arm Wilds 2 Nae. = Peo ih-us Wr RO Ws (Wa WSs) ws. Ba aie Ne Ws be tb) Tabular method : 78, P77 Gurmvep ow Instant center method 4, 4, ayo WY ie). N+Na? Ds Ne He yy ® 1a Formula. metnod + Ne, a Wve- Wn . 4 prod of no + OF teeth (arivent Dobe QrOd- OF no. OF Teeth (driver) Toke 1=first > 3=last . 4=arm boa . Na Ny = Ono” Be Re We 9 Wee He Webs») Qe 24. NL Oe Ns - (b) Tabular method : SL uy = £9 24. RL by - Boon stp, = Ga ES. ne ‘Instant center method : a=; = 2i6= =Ve(Ns+ 2g +ND/N,+A4) j Oya Ny V*Ne 2 _ay- Ve (a 2hi# Ny)/ten (N,+ Ng). = Ba ae yin) Been, Cancel V, “. @- Wr 2Net NAV Che NAN) stipe = Bit oat Ny MN fh = 1-H © w a re Yoke (= first , 2slost 3earm Web» 2 Na ue ~Us2 BS ( tae Chet Nr WTO Wes (eds Ws) ta | (AY) ‘ Na 3 q (by Tabular method: ee next page) 186 78, P77 ©) Continued U- Peby= We oe ye 2 ! (C) Instant center method + Hr Ms. ye. &e eM) Ns, 7 W3=- at Als w= Re; Ws ApMe Bee ot Me ICy3 Nr @ wFormuta method : a ; Wi-Ws Ae, Abe Ws - We Ni 4 (1+ Me) Wg © Wa ane tb) Tabular method : Gear 1 Arm 4 i. motion with orm J2.motion | Abs, relative to 6 ee -BWrts)| Wr~We “moti wh oe — oe =i +t . 1c 2elost ,4 =arm. Nay ) °F wi! = + rat ae © (2) Formula method : Toke 3) Toutar method: Lege side: ie ee 1 bby HE) = lao BE) 3 im = So tpm (Cw). 190 112 right side: [ Gear F | Gear G | Gear H Arm (6) tine jon Ui ved motion whl We We We We motion fore to ara| We We | RE We-ub)| Aas mete)] Oo reo reson We ° We | Le le +(-REN(We-We)= 0, Wee We wn, AB bo We = ME = a = 14.3 vem (Cw) hare 1+ Teo (C) Tastant center method: (2. \fe Leer Swe 44s 150rpm bi eieHa SIDE ape 5rmm «eh — Vp WZ OO 2G) 2 ee B®: Zien 4 Ve _ Np, GO_ Wes Ve. Mend iy “Qitig*Ne) Ve 180 Wp 2(N_*N,) Ve 168) Wy= ty-2-= 50 rpm Loo Oe We Af = 14. 3rpm Prob 7.13. WW; =loorpm (ew) , = 2oo rpm (ecw) ne ef , Wa=la= 2o tpm (ecw) “Or A (@) Formula. method: Take b=last , 3=first » 2=arm We-Wa Ne We 40.23 2 p.232 , We= 38.56 rpm (cw) tb) Tabular method : gear 3 | gen 4.5 quar & 1 arm motion with arm da, bdo. Wa. Wo. Ielative t» ane| (d2~Wa) |-AEab-u) BARN] 0 total motion Ws We wea | l= Wa + PERE (Wo Wa) = 2o+ aoa (100-20) = 38.56 rpm ( SESE ORE Ne Too, Fan F9m let A=first , Exlast. Lug | We-We Na No 4 Wet) Got 5 eye a 2pm ~ 5 Re Ni =H2-1-%) —— [b0)(120) Wera Wr- Wo Ce ic = 2vem (cu) 192 (b) Tabulax method + i 7.15 Conrinveo Wah Lda + (NAEP Luda ~bJe) +0 : boar SG a“ --4 ve We = la + (MRE ey bd = 9 Maden 2-1-9) = =-2 tpm = 2 tpm (cw) (Cr Instant canter method + Vneboata=12(20)=4440 = (ew) Na cowie. Veneer Ee yy fate A We=2 rem Ku) % Prob 716 Wa lds’ = 10 tpm cw , dpm lds’ = 24 tpm cew bdp= bdo, lo- Wa Cipla! 24k 7!» MT PR Allso,fooking at gear. PS lp = Wa = Vtpm (CCW) — from the Lop: one sees at a glance: Uly=7rpm cow QHepwecw Prob 7.17 to By formula method: D= first, 2=last, 3earm Wars No Us S ere we AO rBoor Ws _ _ (bo) (30) om Ws NeNa + —o- Ws (92) (25) lot Ze fist. (=fase, Wiobb _ _NaNe Ga —W> Nee | = bJ3=~4dovrpa Ldi= 400) (25)1120). Tpoo--4e0) 0(00) l= —Foo rpm = foorpm (ew) Prob 718, PZIT Wa = -10 rpms Va = -10(16) = -1605 Va = -160/2 = -80 Orbiting speed of B = Wg = (64/80) (-10)/4 = -2 rpm. If D were E would also make -2 revolutions. But D 193 welded to the ara, 718, rotates (10)/4 = 2.5 revolutions, driving E ccw. Such 2.5 Pritt revolutions of D causes 2.5(30)=75 teeth to turn E ccw. Conctu DEP = therefore 75/40 =|Wa 875 rpm ccw. Prob. 7.14 : Tse Rez =| Tox hy & Taz |= = (ay Reaz Yaz Rosy lb +CazReox Tay Reaz jt Rox Rszy Rez "+ Cine Reay “Way Rean dE (7.38) Since Toy & zz are 0, Tea® Bre = —Mhax Rear] + Tex Reay bg; QED Ea i J & Tox Try Tox fay az =(% 2y Fez - Faz Bayi (522. Fix ~ Tax Faz) G2 X62 = Fax t(Bex Bay - Gay Eax)k Since fin is a gear force inthe directon of the pressure angle 5 fax™0, Lary=—Fizcosdj, fanz ~Fiz sin dk, & Tz 70, Xn = Bay C055 Bad + Yep, CosSR 2 J ~ Gay Sind Bak; OEDEG (7.40) £ Jj & TaXBag= few Tay Taz |Crpay Rigs Taz Rany) & + Cieza Taxa) ty es R, eax wy Ree ax 2y~ Vary Reox)k Since Ry is a radial bearing force, R.,, =0, Tay”, %oz79 therefore; ie X Ry = They Raz + Trax PRayk QED Eq. (7.41) 720 8 new UNKNOWN: Rayy, Rayz, © Ress, Renz, Fans Fasy Reagy Rea See next page for FBD-5 3,5 and 6. 194 T20 continued EBDS 5 Bnew daknowns: Rasy, Rosz and Fys eee of FBD2 in Fig. 7.29, we observe that the only load force exerting a torque on link 2 is Fs2. ."., Tan = Toon = r c0sd Fz, where r is the radius of the pitch circle of the gear 2, 6 is the pressure angle of the gear teeth, and Fs2 is the signed scalar value of the gear force acting along the line of action, counteracting the input torque. Solving Fsz: Faz = Tanx/r_cosé. GED. PROB 7.22 Poz = TanxW2 = 10 bf-in 15rad/sec = 150in-bf/sec Vase = rz = 10iniSrad/sec = 150in/sec Vsen=2rids=2r in W2/5)rad/sec=20in (15rad/sec/5)=60in/sec Vaan@SrWa=Srin (—Werad/sec/15)=30in (-15rad/sec/15) =-30in/sec Veen *rWe=r an (1/5 2rad/sec=10ini5rad/sec/5=S0in/sec Vean = SrWa = Veer = —30in/sec P rob 1-23 1.23 Referring to Fig. 9.28 and 1.29 Rose = tet Esto) = 2 by Fore = Faze =-—Tist 2-40 ota Four = Tae =H. + Us Fez a a ~All forces in 6 | the YZ plane b_T24 ay All views are from left side a a ea a CC) using data (A) Va-Va "Vat . V-ben CE Va" = (Ue) = (We) (fa) (G4) ta’ aw LLAVB0N130) lage HAILED > y,» Laon Vi= Wels, Va = Walle tts) = 10 (50+40) «Joo ROGONPO) — goo = Joo t(LWt) 3 Lge BLaZ Vi = (Walla) =~ 4064.5 | Ya29oo Va> (luer(re) = Ole. _ pera.s Ke ConrinveD 195 7.24 continued Valine) =~2438-4 , Vs" Va =-2438-7 87D Ve ® EE) winelo. Tin sto Pin *lo0 (*) 2] Paxloo=lEadud 2 Fey fe Foo = Fas = (Fa) = op a Fes Fos. (0) Pag= (Fads) #C Vig )(-2264-5) = -1268 Prt = (Fit) (Va) = (4p )(-40b4-5) = 225.3 Pos = ~[25-8 =(Far)-( V3) = — Fas( 2438.9) > For = -052 Psa, = ( Foe) Ve) = (+052)(24.30-9) == 125.8. Pout = Psat Poa = 100 Prob 7.25 All views from left side . Py Wi a Ya, Lot Liat, | Ve =e) =A F) = 2S Va = Gh Or +205) = Wales) Va = Ua(h +h) ~ Wa (5.5) , Va'=V3'= -Va Val = Qs) = W3(25) 9 Uy, = mune YL Be oy) 29 Vn anba(#En 05) ~ Pl tia.) 2.5} = la FE 5.5) - 2.5, be 004s (*) Wad , Ve w—ba($E)(5.5) = 1-109 Va = dia(95) = =.463 , Val = Ws 25) =.463 ela = wet se Ws, 185-3, VsieV=.463 , Oh" mone 1835 | > "loss 3-4 be , 14 We _ _=.333 | te = moras PF. Os Serge 71S 28 196 Me) 2 e ble PUB RE) TEA, ld = G(R) =. B23 7) 7250, = 1o=( Fics) =(Fis2s) First oe Fes m Fs Wes Fis =, Fars 20 Fis) =F ‘G) oy Pra © (Frs)(Va) = 81-019) = BS Fir Pra =( Fis2)( Va) = =(4)-(>.463) = 1-80 Fab Fiz a Psp = P.15% = (Fic)-(V) =(Fae)-(. 462) @) = Fae =!2.61 , Fax Fay 17-6) Pea = (Fia)-(Vs) = “oe ee =G.IS , Pout = Pert Pea =10 . Prob 725 i vinus are frm festa. ED let Gato, bb-We | MBS bs ; < Gi-Ws Rs 345 + Ws 5p W3 2 nfbee We = 625 Va = Ltt) = =42.5 Cpe os ( fi a) 8.119 Vo = Wa(s) = 24 oa 7 Ae 525 Ves Ve = (0.525, Be = oe =16 bh -Ws_ =e Ws bbe. oto? z« > k. so, Gcus 7 he bh = 6.7. bb 2.688 Gis 0.625 loa te (ME) = 1.989 eg LEE = 3.182 Fa “Cy Be Lee Tin =. Wrato = Pin =l0 ©) eo Piz 210 =(Fiz)( Va) = (Fie 425) Fay Fos => Fiz 2.235, Fae = Fiz = 235 Fan Fre = 2( Fiz) =-49 (ae ©) Pes = (Fes)(Vo) = (4906-219) = 3.158 Pas = (Fea)(Ve) = (-235)(29.044) = 6.824 Pag = 6.827 = (Fae)(Vo) = Fae (o.gar) =» Fag =- 649 Par = (Far)(Ve) =[-449 (10.525) = 6. 931 Pout = Be + Pes = 9989 =10 Continued. 197 726 Conciy- DED = 3158 PECL Pinsio fea b.024 | Pay =6.829 rob TET — All views are from left side . let Wi=to, y= ltr) 245 Ve = Ws (hi +8) = Ws(to.ab) \h bier de Ne gy wait 22) Gk- Ob Np q Vo = Wa (1 )(10.08) 4 Ve = Ula) =ta(i6) Ay e Va=Ve_, _Va~Ve te 2, as = ts(it Mos) | 48 bal 1b) = Bap ar) bef Va = 45, Use bh lt FA yl0.2t) #29129, Yo = la(1O) = F.296 Vp ~lis6s) = 1.910, Ve = bal bth) = 5.955, by, 10 2 geziz2 We, 2-647 ig ce, a” S58 er cass +581 as Wel ._ Nr -- oe th aon hig = Ale 34108 , = Ea, 5.349 Ue Wa Ne oe - => - eet he = -5349 , ae 1.038 hl, x08 = 1.993 a Fes Fee Ga” SR) Fas let Tin=l, Wy =lo = Pin x10 ay Pic = 10 =( Fie Ua) = (Fis) (45) =O) => Fir =.222, Pectpease ee) Fyr = 2( Fis) = .444 "O Pes = ( Fra) -( Ve) =(.444)(27.129) = 12.045 Pra = (Fea)-(Vc) = —(+222)( 9.296) =- 2.064 Pag = 12.045 = ( Fu )(Vo) = (Fee)itdio) Fag = 7-011 Fee = 2( Fs) = 2.022 , Pos =(FiaVe) =(2.022)(6.956)=/2,04) Pout = Psat Pea = (2.04) — 2.064 = 9-999 &10 198 CONTINUED Pco) m1. 32a GD Assure faced outside ger rag hes % deeth. The speed icha beboren Ae follower Rae Act is FFs i-x/dg, Now, the Sallower Lo sucker arm mud Kiovel a7O* CCW While ave dower tnasels 40° Cw. So f= -aI0/a9 =-3 37 rxUg = Ja 14a aveeth| The woking agers must hove Sure Bravetral pda PHT Pires Avett © b= MID 8 Leo - WN O=1aa/ig -{0.667") b) rack Lae | War 2 Wan foee =e CO A Vaiacentor Aster 7 > envelopes / sec. everay 90% deve stwoluben pects ove envelope. Need O° SP arrver ravalvtien J 54 Io? bosee RP BL terre Jord oboe ave B30 = ne plowkony gen DD Bsmiliem cremk -cockor U-boat codd place one prece of Pope fer Zeck cevelutvan cP A crank. So @ 36 R?M Buu dew 5 OB ree/sec. Tt wold toke Aseconds we bO see to poce 4 envelope asace Asee 199 ie 2 7 CONCLUDED Prob 7.28 > Lor Wa | Ww Ne | From 0g. V27 + Oe Gh” NS =} Wa Wa =— Pluie), Ws = ~NEW #1 yuu. QE.D129 ‘PROB 7-29 (a) Yes, the nut turns in the same direction as the input. (b) Since the pitch diameters of input and output gears are equal, Weue/Win = 1. (c) Since all gears between input and output are idlers, Tout/Tan = 1. (d) The diameter of the Harrington rod (not its flat) is greater than the radius of the smallest gears. (e) This is a student project. Consider 45° double envelopint spiral gears on an 8.8 cm long rod, at one side of the output and input_gears (see sketch). PROB 7.30 a rataz is the hypotenuse of the right triangle 02AC; O2A = ree = racosé; therefore, |/(r2taz)=-(racos )*| = AC, and|rasind} = @P; similarly, rstas is the hypotenuse of the right triangle QsDB; OsD = ros = rgcosd; therefore, |/irstas)=—(rscosd)=| = DB, and {rssiné! = DP. Referring to Fig. 7.6 we can visually verify the correctness of Eq. (7.5), which is equivalent to Eq. (7.5a). _Q.E.D. BT w ye2x-x osXxs2 ned any = (4) 4X Ct- Gos (0 2j-1)/2nd) 5 XG = Xot 4Xj Jt 2 cen 4X = Xn -X = Z-o= 2 For j=t, 4X, = 3(2)01- Cos (E) J = 0.076 X= 0.08 J=2,. 0 aXz= 2(2)C1- Gs (3) I = 0.617 X= 0.62 Je3, 6X32 4302 fet, shee h92d X22 28 Mel92 200

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