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Jhona May V.


Air and Human

*What is Air?
 Air is all around us, but we cannot see, felt, taste or smell it. We cannot see when it is
clean, but we can feel the air when it moves. Like when the wind blows, we can even
hear it when it moves vey fast.
 Air can give shape to things as it occupies space. Air has weight, like us.
All living things need air to breathe.
 Air also contains dust particles and smoke.
 Burning rubbish
 Wood
 Leaves
 Burning plastic
 Fumes of vehicles – create smoke in the air and lead to air pollution.
 Air also contains a lot of very tiny living organism called “germs”. These germs are
dangerous, they can infect us and make us ill. Smoke, dust and germs are harmful to us,
and we must try to keep the air free from these.

These are the examples of air:

 Wind
- like kite and windmill are possible with the help of moving air. This
moving air is called wind.
- Wind blowing strongly, with a lot of force called storm.
 Storm
- can sometimes cause of damage, and it is not good for crops.
Clean Air - the best way to have clean air is to:

 plant more trees

 stop burning garbage
 check vehicles for pollution regularly
 garbage should be kept in covered dustbins
 whenever we cough, we should cover our mouth with handkerchief.

This will prevent the germs from spreading in the air.

 The human nature has a lot to do with reason. Human being is conscious being, we have
feelings, emotions and reactions. The difference between us and all other living
creatures on planet earth is that our mind is develop in a way that we can relate with
each other through our ability of understanding all aspects of life, for instance, weather,
health, culture and religion.
 The effects of air in human being, air pollution can affect human health and wealth.
Air pollution is more serious than water pollution.
Nowadays, every individual is facing problem. Air pollution occurs when gases, smoke,
dust or odor get into the air and make it dirty. It’s very harmful of human, plants and
 The effect of air to human are:
 Headache
 Dizziness
 Nasal Irritation
 Lung disease

Smog - Some effects of smog to us:

 Low production of Vitamin D

 Lung Cancer
 Eye Irritation
 Asthma Attack
 Coughing
 Throat Infection
 Heart Attack

Air is one of the main things in our daily life, we will not be able to do anything without it. We
need it not only for breathing and life support. It helps us to live to the comfortable
environment and stable temperature. In addition, it also contains gasses such as hydrogen,
carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. It is naturally clear and safe for humans and animals.
We can live without food and water for many days, but we cannot live for more than a few
minutes without air, as it is necessary for breathing. Oxygen is also particularly important part
of our immune system.
Air is very important of the existence of life without it, plants and animals cannot live. We
should learn more about pollution and how to control it, this will help us to save our

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