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1) John is an ICCRC member, he was retained by Sarah to help her with her application to

immigrant to Saskatchewan through the Provincial Nomination Program. Sarah is an IT specialist

specialized in programing. She has a job offer from an employer in Saskatchewan and meets all
the requirements under the SINP program. after concluding the immigration services, John is
now ready to withdraw the money from the Client Account. He withdraws the earned fees from
the ATM close to his office.

a. Did he act according to the Client Account regulation?

b. Can he withdraw from the Client Account by issuing a cheque? If so, can the cheque be
made payable to “cash” or “bearer“?
c. How should John withdraw the money?
d. During the service, John obtained permission from Sarah to bring in another
experienced consultant to work on a complicated matter for a fee of $500. Can this
money come out of the Client Account?
e. At the termination of the retainer, John put a note in the file “closed” and moved it to
his locked filing cabinet in his secure, locked storage unit. Did he follow the proper
process for close the file?
f. How long does John need to keep the client records from the date of termination of the
retainer agreement? Who is responsibility for maintaining client records? John, his
agent, employee?
g. Where must John store closed files? Please explain.
h. What are Client Records?
i. What is client property? How long does John have to account for client property and
deliver it to Sarah?
j. What’s the difference between Client File and Client Records? Please explain.
k. What’s required to ensure confidentiality? Please refer to the Client File Management
Regulation and RCIC CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS and explain it.
l. John operates his immigration business from home, and converts a room in his
apartment into an office. The office is locked, with a hone line, a computer and an open
closet where he plans to store the clients’ files and documents on a bookshelf. Is John
incurring any violation of his obligations as an immigration consultant?

2) John based in Israel and has just started his new career as an immigration consultant. He has 20
years’ of experience working in the public sector but he does not have experience working as a
immigration consultant before.

a. He wants to work with an organization as a full-time volunteer to help UN refugees

without charging fees. He would receive small amount of monthly stipend from the UN
to cover his living costs. Does John need to open a client account?
b. Instead of working with UN refugees for free, If John decides to run his own immigration
but donate all the profit to a charity, does he need to open a client account?
c. John also makes money by teaching skilling lessons in Israel; should John put the money
he receives for skiing teaching into his Client Account?

d. Can he open only one Client Account?

e. Upon opening the Client Account, how long does he have to inform ICCRC?

f. When is the deadline for he to reconcile his Client Account monthly balance?

g. How often does John have to reconcile all the Client Accounts under his name? What
type of proof is used to make sure he reconciles these accounts accurately?

3) John’s 2nd case is representing Sarah on her spousal sponsorship application. However Sarah
provided false and misleading information to John. In this case,
a. Are John’s obligation under the Retainer Agreement are null and void since Sarah
knowingly provided misleading and false info?
b. If John withdraws his representation, how long does he have to notify immigration
c. Sarah was unhappy with John’s advice to provide true information and decides to
discharge John’s representation. In this case, can John charge an administrative fee
since Sarah initiated discharge of representation?
d. Upon discharge or withdrawal, what must John do? Explain the steps involved.
e. Upon a discharge or withdrawal, show must John return client property?
f. According to the Retainer Agreement Regulation, when is it required for John to
g. When may John close a file? Please explain.

4) John’s 3rd case is representing a client to hiring a live-in caregiver. When providing the retainer
agreement, does John have to specify? i.e., client info, scope of services, and category under
which the client is seeking representation.

5) When giving the initial consultation for about 2 hours the client, John only charged her for 1
hour’s fee and did not advise her of that. Later John realized that he missed to provide an Initial
Consultation Agreement to the client and also forgot to specify the LMIA application fee of
$1000 in the retainer agreement. John changed the retainer agreement from his end to reflect
the application fee, and then asked the client to pay the application fee. The client refused to
pay on top of what listed in the retainer agreement. John was really mad after taking so much
time and energy working on this case and then he told the client that he would not submit her
application without payment. As a result the client made a compliant against John to ICCRC.

a. Please outline the facts and issues with the case.

b. Did John violate any regulations of ICCRC? If so, which ones? Please explain?
c. What would you have done differently if you were John? Describe the steps you would
have taken in order to avoid those issues. Please ensure your steps go along with the
ICCRC regulations.

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