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How can China build a 1,000 bed hospital in 10 days (BBC News) whereas

in the UK it takes years?

After living in China continuously for about 3 years since 2017, I am not surprised to see the
rapid construction of the two new hospitals in Wuhan after the coronavirus outbreak. In fact,
there are millions in China watching the Chinese hospital construction live.

This is possible because of the hard work and dedication of the Chinese people. Let's also
thank the political leadership and their will power to serve the nation. Related: Learn
Chinese Culture
Not to mention, construction workers have become celebrities as their race to build two
brand new hospitals in a week for victims of the coronavirus is live-streamed on Chinese TV.
Related: Why I love China?
China's Central Television (CCTV) reported that 40% of the construction work on one of the
two hospitals, Leishenshan Hospital, has been completed and will be finished on 5 February,
as planned.

Another hospital, Huoshenshan Hospital will be completed on 2 February, according to

As such, it isn't the first time China has built a hospital in a week. In 2003, the Xiaotangshan
Hospital in Beijing was constructed in just seven days to treat victims of the SARS virus,
which swept the country. That facility is still in existence.

Let's appreciate China and Chinese government.

Let's join hands and fight this coronavirus together.

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